41 of SpongeBob's Shapeshifting Moments! πŸ‘€ | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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[Music] oh that's it i can't stand that perfect impression of me anymore welcome hey shapes and noises i love it hey patrick what am i now oh stupid no i'm texas what's the difference this stop is coral boulevard thank you for riding with your merry bus driver and have a beautiful day ahead [Music] thanks for the pants hans but could you help me with another problem i'm always here to help you spongebob high five i get it to catch a huge glove you need a huge hand oh yeah oh okay now everybody settle down don't eat your patties wow that's just like me [Laughter] i should need your pennies we're saved we're saved we're saved [Music] we need hey finger face your grandma was a combat boat all that's left is to set the vcr to record so i can relive the magic over and over forever but which tape to use now now none of this would be happy if i only fed that snail meow [Music] and no more you know who killing the casual vibe hey guys hurry up spongebob i need two double orders of crappy crust start no problem squirter i'll get those orders as soon as possible or never whichever comes first that imitation stuff really works look out world i'm gonna flatter your socks off [Music] hi squidward wanna play no and leave me alone okay squidward see you later if he thinks i'm out he'll go away i'm so glad you're home got a magic trick to show y'all neptune's network which one of you is the real spongebob [Music] i'll have to use all the computation power i have to figure this out eeedy meeny mighty moe [Music] oh no i think i destroyed the wrong spongebob [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey there patrick buddy oh hi patrick what's shaking i'm gonna eat ice cream and go jelly fishing with my good buddy spongebob sounds good to me me ah it's just me patrick you can't fool me me that's the worst spongebob impression i've ever seen hey patrick hey spongebob you know patrick this is a dream you can do anything you want nope i mean anything watch i can turn into a skyscraper going up i can make a million of [Music] okay bye spongebob hey now you're moving [Music] okay [Music] okay mrs pop good to go thanks again spongebob oh no problem i still have time to get home before my show if i pick up the pace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you are the fuzziest nut eating scientists i've ever seen i like to use science for good really i always use science rainbow that is me to a texas tea spongebob we nailed you too plankton it was okay he got my face right but that voice is terrible those impressions are making everyone so happy i can't stop doing them i can't i won't yeah i have something even better another me [Music] oh the cute cumulus i always wanted to have a pet clown formation i'm gonna name you [Music] rizzo hey good visibility [Music] and gusty winds from the southeast he cut off his own hand by mistake you mean like this or like this or this or this but what about this or this or this or so so it didn't grow back [Applause] to train a puppy one must think like a puppy [Music] [Music] uh can i have some extra napkins please oh you want some extra napkins please stop it stop irritating me oh boy an extinct willy mollusk oh this little guy looks like my gary too bad we aren't allowed to touch anything spongebob the rules don't apply to us we're security thanks fellas i love the new beard well i'm off on my date don't wait up i don't get it stop munching on those memories you monster great you are sandy spongebob has lost touch with reality i've seen it before they call it the muckin mimicry madness the mocking mimicry madness [Music] please spongebob no tricks trust me squidward spongebob why have you stopped playing that wonderful [Music] music [Music] my tears might stain my petticoat thank you thank you thank you good night gary oh boy someone's at the door i can't wait to imitate him oh hello patrick uh aunt sandy and squidward and mr krabs plankton two five at once huh okay here goes nothing great hi spongebob we need to talk well sure i love to about what who cares what what is going on boy oh why ain't jenkins vacating the oh mr krabs i couldn't ask old man jenkins to leave after hearing his story his feet hurt and his grandson never calls and he has to take a pill that helps him to remember to take his other pills why he takes so many pills he's more fail than man okay time to step it up [Music] it'll be all for now sponge matey oh can i just have one more handshake captain as you're born [Music] are you all right spongebob how many fingers am i holding up good spongebob i had the same answer i know you're in there somewhere squarepants we're sorry the person you are calling spongebob squarepants has been disconnected or is no longer in service [Music] in the name of neptune's nostrils is going on in here spongebob you're acting like you're the pet and that darn snail is the owner oh bad snail down boys [Music] mr krabs i'm ready i'm ready i am the great sponge genie now watch closely the hand is quicker than the eye huh pick a card any card [Music] [Music] [Music] um
Channel: Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe
Views: 9,952,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob's shape, spongebob shapeshift, spongebob shapes, spongebob shaped as texas, spongebob shapeshifting moments, 41 of spongebob's shapeshifting moments, spongebob's shapes, spongebob shaped as, spongebob episodes, spongebob ncu, spongebob nick toons, spongebob shapeshift moments
Id: tJy6PtrwXJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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