50 Things You Might Not Have Known in Shadows Of Doubt

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hey how's it going everyone it's your boy Wags here and today I'm going to be going over 50 different things that you might not have known about in Shadows about now these are going to range from helpful tips to gameplay features and also just some fun stuff that I decided to throw in there if you watch a lot of my videos chances are you're going to know a good chunk of these all I ask though is that if you learn One Thing by the end of the video or you just find the content entertaining and engaging feel free to drop me a like or even better hit that subscribe button I make a lot of Shadow endowed content on my channel so if that's something you're interested in I'd love it if you check it out but for now 50 things let's go number one did you know that you can track down a phone call or even a phone number yourself just place the call yourself and remember what apartment you're calling from after the call has been placed head down to the basement of that apartment building and find this off limits area Dodge the laser camera and lock pick the telephone box from here you can see every call placed between NPCs and the one we displaced ourselves giving us the address for the phone number we just called number two if you prefer to keep quiet about your break-ins you might want to try checking under the doormats for spare keys which can be used instead of trying to lock pick your way in [Music] number three finding a building's blueprints which are normally located in the security room of the building will give your Maps the entire layout of the ventilation system allowing you to accurately plan out your routes while venting number four if you're running low unlock picks and you don't have the cash at the beginning of a game to buy them the best place to find a decent stash is behind the counters or restaurants and on top of the washers and dryers inside the laundry mat both places should reward you with a hefty supply of lock picks at least until you can afford some more number five not only can the fingerprint scanner be used to scan fingerprints but it also doubles as a shoe size scanner as well you can use this information and then compare it with your suspect's actual Footwear to bring you one clue closer to solving your investigation number six there are cameras all over the place inside buildings but it took me a while to discover these surveillance cameras that hover above the streets and like other camera footage it too can be checked just carefully pick open the box and begin searching for Suspects and this one brings me to number seven which is if you didn't know you only have a limited time of 24 hours to check camera footage meaning if your murder happened at noon on Tuesday you have until noon on Wednesday to check the recordings where they'll be gone permanently number eight to easily find a certain employee's fingerprint all you have to do is scan the key code to their specific work Locker either that or their fingerprints will also appear over their individual employee photo number nine you can unscrew light bulbs in hallways and in random Apartments so that other NPCs have no ability to turn the lights on allowing you to sneak around in the dark at your desire number 10 a trash can to the face will knock out any NPC instantly I mean there's a bunch of other objects that will too but I mean come on the trash cans are the most fun and the best part is they're everywhere number 11 you can create custom color strings to attach between your evidence so you don't have to stick with the same boring red color you then also have the option to name it as well and number 12 for a cleaner look to even bring your evidence board to life a little more you can minimize evidence or even cross it out to bring attention to dead ends number 13 some civilians in the city actually don't appear in the city directory because they're homeless they're normally the ones crowding around the fires late at night and you can even catch them sleeping in small Huts or sheds like this because they don't have homes they can be very difficult to track down sometimes number 14 by walking up to a door and clicking at the bottom of it you can peek underneath it to see if there's possibly a leg on or if somebody's walking around inside number 15 you can play pool at the bar although people don't seem to like it very much number 16 if you're not fond of the current jobs you're receiving on your job boards maybe they don't pay enough or maybe you're trying to make room for some apartment notices all you have to do is accept the cases and then just close them out it doesn't cost you anything and it clears up the board and sooner or later the missions will pop back up for you to choose again you're not missing out on anything [Music] number 17 at City Hall there's a side room with a computer inside nearby there will always be a password for this computer and on this computer you'll have access to the entire government database allowing you to type in any Citizen's name and print their entire file giving you most of their information number 18 adding to this actually most people familiar with this understand you have to type two letters for names to begin popping up but if you wanted to cheat the system even more you can type one letter followed by a space to search citizens by the last letter in their name it's a much more efficient way to print files and search up unknown Suspects number 19 in the tutorial Mission which begins in the starter City Charlotte Heights our character first Begins by waking up talking about not being able to sleep ever since Sam left there's a little more story to the tutorial but it's a wonder if we'll ever receive more info about ourselves our past or even a further storyline who's salmon what happened to them number 20 you can pass time pretty much wherever you can sit there might be times when you need to wait for something or someone so take a seat look at your watch set a timer and you can exit whenever you like number 21 if you're having trouble getting someone to tell you their name a funny work around is actually take their picture and then if you ask them if they know who it is half the time they'll be like that's me and you'll have their name number 22 you can drop items in decorate areas however you like by the way I just want to say I was not expecting to do this much but I just kept going and going and here I just made up a straight buffet for the workers I guess also five minutes later they turned off all the lights on me and walked out May I remind you this is a 24-hour diner number 23 you can hide inside cupboards [Music] number 24 if you don't have any lock picks you can run and bash your way into the door to knock it open just make sure no one's around to hear or see you and paired with this this brings us to our halfway point number 25 which tends to be everyone's favorite speaking of bashing doors an easy way to break into someone's house is to just bash the door while they're on the other side just watch number 26 you can talk to receptionists or managers and ask them about a tour you can then purchase a guest pass for the property in all areas where you'd normally be trespassing are free to be wandered number 27 a bloodhound tracker can be purchased at City Hall and can be placed on other citizens with this on they are now visible as a marker on your map anytime you check you can also use multiple of these at the same time to track a bunch of different Suspects number 28 if you find yourself playing around in people's garbage or just swimming around in the depths of a basement you might get a little smelly but you can easily wash this away by you guessed it breaking into a random person's house and using their shower number 29 you can ask The Enforcer at the front desk for some helpful detective advice okay maybe it's not that helpful but I mean he tried number 30 you might have noticed these spray painted words around your city with symbols like these it's not just normal graffiti art these are actually passwords to Black Market dealers and if you find them they'll ask you if you know the password if you can type it incorrectly you'll be allowed to browse through supplies number 31 while you're at that black market dealer ask yourself has there been a murder committed lately because if there was you might want to check out the sales Ledger kept which will tell you of any civilians who have purchased weapons ammo or any other illegal stuff in the past few days 32. if you smash a window and come back later it'll be boarded up with plywood 33. similar to guest passes occasionally you can bribe an employee into sharing the door codes with you 34. sure you could just walk around the block to get to your destination but you could also stack a bunch of boxes in order to make a staircase for yourself just try not to get mugged in the process 35. bodies have to actually be reported by a separate NPC before the radio broadcasts the announcement to you so if you find yourself wandering aimlessly around the city waiting for a murder notification totally possible the murder has already happened but no one's been around to report the body yet 36 you can throw coins or other random objects in front of NPCs to distract them or make them go put it back where it came from 37. picking open an electrical box will give you a range of options from shutting off the surveillance cameras powering off the lights and even closing the large security doors 38 on certain computers normally in the management rooms of businesses you can change the security settings to Target everyone but just watch out it might turn into a bloodbath [Laughter] 39. occasionally when you take a side job for investigations or arresting you might not get the amount of information you'd like sometimes if you're lucky though you can actually turn your investigation to the person who posted or offered you the job a lot of the time the two people are connected somehow like living in the same building or working at the same job [Music] 40. if you're interested in the timeline and the history behind Shadows of Doubt according to the wiki the current year is 1979 and such previous events have altered history you can pause it if you want to read but it altered history to the point where the anglo-french Empire underneath Louis XVI is torn apart during a mustard War which explains the radioactive fallout that we experience in game this leads to the birth of the United Atlantic states in 1902 and in the current year starch Cola a leading Mega Corporation is actually the president with enforcers replacing local police forces it's all a really interesting read and an eerie Twist on History 41. if you happen to be running low on clues for your murder case a good place to look a couple hours after the announcement is the newspaper a lot of times the news will elaborate on things you missed out on such as Witnesses neighbors statements writings and more 42 a fire will actually warm you up when you're freezing cold 43. you've probably seen these memory card looking things and these syringes around these are actually sync discs which are essentially added perks for your character and the syringes act as boosters for those perks just take them to a sink clinic and install them there's all sorts of funny things like height differences mining softwares and one of my favorites the ability to just run around and advertise Cola products for money 44. have you ever wanted to rename a random business maybe a diner you didn't like the name of well actually you can but you gotta know where to look searching your PC files for these folders app data local low co-powered games and then Shadows of Dao cities open this CIT file which might look ridiculously overwhelming at first and I understand it doesn't even look like words but they're in there so depending on what you're using I'm on windows so Ctrl H brings up the find and replace menu and all I'm going to do is replace every variation of the business that I'm trying to replace so I'm going to replace this with your boys and once I go through and there are no more variations of the old business we save the document control s or hit save up here and we load the game back up [Music] and just like that voila you have a diner or a business named whatever you want 45. you might find yourself needing to transfer certain evidence items between different case boards all you have to do is unpin whatever evidence you're trying to move and then re-pin it on the new board foreign Shadows of Doubt does have a small variety of mods already that can help Define your gaming experience I use a couple of these like the density mod which gives you more choices in customizing your cities and a couple configuration mods as well that make the game a little harder for me if you're interested in any of these I have a further in-depth video on how to install mods to Shadows of Doubt on my Channel or Linked In the description below 47 a door wedge can also be purchased at City Hall and with these well you'd assume you could wedge the door shut from anyone else trying to enter like enforcers and such and that's what I was trying to show and except when I went to record it I was waiting for the enforgeous to show up and this happened so I'm not sure if door wedges don't work the way they're supposed to considering enforcers that citizens can just phase right through walls hopefully we'll see a fix for this in the future 48. not only can you drink a coffee when you're tired to give you energy and wake you up but it'll also warm you up and remove your cold debuff 49 you're probably aware of the code breaker which can also be bought at City Hall the code breaker can be used to hack into computers and open lock doors and lockers but did you know that if you remove the code breaker before it unlocks whatever you're hacking into you can keep the code breaker to use again and you'll still acquire the password you are attempting to access so again just place the code breaker on and take it right off you'll keep the code breaker and still receive the password once it reaches the right sequence and finally this brings us to number 50 which after playing for almost 90 hours I just found this out the other night but like the black market dealers and weapons dealers there's also a third Shady business it's a loan shark you can find these in basements just like the others and you can agree to borrow two thousand dollars with an added 250 for interest and what happens if you don't pay a little back every single day well don't send a Hitman after you thank you and that is 50 different things that you may not have known about in Shadows of Doubt hopefully you learned something throughout the video but even if you didn't maybe you're an expert I don't know I appreciate you watching this far into the video and just supporting the channel if you haven't seen my other Shadow of Doubt videos it'd be awesome if you went and checked them out if you have any other random tips info features bugs honestly whatever you want drop it down in the comments below I'll do my best to respond to everyone once again thank you so much for watching remember that liking commenting and subscribing helps me out immensely and I will see you all on the next one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ThatBoyWags
Views: 140,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that, boy, wags, thatboywags, shadowsofdoubt, shadows of doubt, shadows, of, doubt, tips, tricks, gameplay, trailer, review, detective, sim, detective sim, police sim, solving murders, funny moments, walkthrough, playthrough, ColePowered Games, Cole Powered Games, case closed, 80s noir detective game, noir detective game, indie game, action game, 2023, new, april, brand new, hints, shadow of doubt, shadow of doubt game, game, pc, ps5, steam, steam deck, solve crimes, procedurally generated, double, 50
Id: YxXju0iY3mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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