50 Things We've ALL DONE in Geometry Dash!

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you as a geometry player have probably done some peculiar things in the game possibly punching a hole through your screen when dying to a level or not blinking when trying to beat a level here however are 50 things to ever geometric player has done at least once in their lives so check how much you've done from this list enjoy number one trying to request being a moderator of the game with your request button just for the very very tiny challenge that rooftop might have given it to you without your knowledge 2. playing a level before this song is downloaded because you don't have any patience when trying to play a level number three playing stereo Madness and straight flying as straight as you possibly can in the ship game modes to feel very cool numero 4 checking out the history of levels you've worked on and seeing all names zero everywhere the standard level name you get after not naming your level 5. the peak of being bored clicking the icons on the geometry home screen sends you have nothing better to do number six a funny number is incoming something frgd player has done is trying to find obscure ideas like 10 million or 69696969 to see if they exist 7. back where you still wear a beginner GD player you have no experience with building levels and you of course wanted to get this beautiful icon you'd get if your level received 50 likes since your building skills were pretty crappy however you messaged hundreds of people if they could like your level number eight randomly scrolling through the main levels without any reason number nine opening the recent app to play shitty levels before playing actual good levels in the game number 10 trying to get your level into the magic tab by spamming and copying as many objects as you possibly can into the editor then realizing is not going to work since the magic tab somehow only has good levels in it besides this one then number 11 checking if your latest post has gotten a single like it hasn't 12. trying to beat the hardest levels in the game in practice mode to feel like a pro even though you probably aren't 13. staring aimlessly at your screen for who knows how long to rethink your life decision numero 14 typing random numbers search bar to see if any level pops up number 15 disliking every comments on the level after adding your comment to it to get the most liked comments use sneaky bastards 16. searching all the fault codes on Google since there is no way to guess them without it 17. trying to befriend famous drone thrash creators and YouTubers how I know people do this well on to number 18 thinking the top 100 people in the geometer's leader awards are the best players to exist in the game this however is not true when looking at some people with way more statistics doing this 19. thinking your crappy level can get a feature and sending it to as many mods as you possibly know only to discover none of them liked it number 20 doing swag rails on easy level since otherwise they are just too boring and too easy 21. every jump Rush player once felt the need to exercise in their lives during GD that's why number 21 is doing a normal push-up while playing GD since you can't ever stop playing your favorite game Geometry Dash of course 22 playing levels at faster speeds to feel like you're way cooler and way better at the game 23. joking at a hard level because your heart rate is going nuts this happens to way too many players and led to some devastating feels 24. something apparently a lot of players do is passing at a level to take a break and immediately dying after unboxing the level not sure why it would do this but if you do it explain to me in the comments why we are almost halfway with number 25 which is a pretty sad one I'm warning you checking out if you got a message from someone on your profile was realizing you are still truly alone in 20 6. manually restarting a level to respawn quicker so no valuable time is lost I don't really do this because I'm lazy but I get why you guys will do it 27 beating a level going right to the commons and flexing your victory in the comment section waiting for someone to congratulate you even though that never happens number 28 holding at the start of the level to see how far you can get number 29 at a certain point in our geometry's career we experienced a terrible film Game so terrible that we deleted the game since the rage was just too bad one hour later however the game had been installed on our device again it was just too addictive 30 making the awareness faces while playing Geometry Dash yeah 31 when you are far into a level always having the urge to check the percentage bar and when you take a millisecond to check out the percentage bar to see how far you are into the level you die immediately numero 32 let's open the editor and start building the greatest level I've ever made five minutes later 33. one thing to play a two player level but realizing you don't have any friends to play with number 34 opening the daily chat to make a nice conversation with someone only to realize there are hundreds of children spending random words in it making it impossible to do so 35 using a top geometry player there are icon sets because you think it will also make you better at the game another thing you might have done to feel like a pro is number 36 beating noclip versions of famous really hard levels to see how well we will do in them and still ending up dying 37. something we've all done is searching levels with our name in it always the Curiosity to check if the 0.01 Challenger level dedicated to you was made and uploaded to the servers number 38 having your quest on claims for basically your entire jump thrash career 39 peacefully building on a level nothing going wrong for hours upon hours until your game randomly crashes and all your progress has been lost 40 percent scratching my uh what 41 in the main level geometrical Dominator trying to jump as often as you can in this specific robot section of the level always pressing the low detail mode button on the bottom left corner of the screen no matter how many objects the level has 43. never completing a single level just playing a level for a few times after you get bored and move on to the next level we are nearing the antboys but we aren't done yet since we are now on number 44. trying to do the polar guys 4th bike jump for no reason whatsoever five inverter beating a level just because that's good music even if the gameplay is terrible the beat is just too good to skip 46. leaving your fingers from the hands you don't play the game with are specific keys on your keyboards because otherwise it just feels very uncomfortable 47. excessively saving your accounts do not lose any progress number 48 seeing an incredibly cool level on a YouTube video then trying to play it and realizing your potato computer meti level way way too laggy to play 49 searching for not safer work levels in the geometry shorts bar and don't lie to me even the purest jump rash show has done this last but not least 50. subscribing to webu goodbye
Channel: Waboo
Views: 130,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5fLfVuosgdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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