50 Myths Minecraft is Hiding From You...

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today I'm going to be testing 50 misss that Minecraft has been hiding from you starting with if you're holding a mace you don't take fall damage I don't know if I believe this one to be completely honest with you but I hope it works we expected that that's been busted Trident don't affect breezes oh look at this little guy I mean like this would make sense right he's like hey yo he like the wind God all right Breeze what do you think about my Trident oh okay well I think this is uh this has been busted ladies and gentlemen oh oh wait a second okay it's like some of the times it doesn't actually hit him okay let's see it time it oh wait you can hit the wind Chargers back but that's crazy you can't actually hit him with a trident there is a new item which drops from the breeze mob you look like that's a weird looking Breeze all right Mr Breeze come on there're so honestly they're so freaking hard to catch like look at these guys freaking springing in action dog this is the world's most ABN a breeze Rod wait is this hold on rewind the video was this the hand of the mace so previously they only dropped wind charges but now you can turn the breeze rods into wind charges and then you can do this or this that's fun okay so if you find an aelia tree you can dig straight down and next to it there will be a lush cave okay we've got aelia tree which I didn't know that they were called this until today and then you dig straight down now what we find a lush cave Lush cave okay so far nothing Lush about this it's oh wait a second hold on like this could have been just a fluke I got to find another tree okay here we go we got a second one there's no way like I feel like that was just dumb luck which could be a thing that is freaking crazy this is true but like it shouldn't be okay so the way to do it is you need an elytra you got to have soul speed three in your boots and you need speed two and jump boost too so you need quite a lot of things this is a four block wall cuz I just want to see if it works first oh wow I might have gone six blocks there like all you do is you just Spam space bar look straight up when you land and you freaking like that might have been six blocks like I wonder if we can make it to six but let's try five first all right five this should be a big moment here and land it boom Oh cleared the five I'm telling you I think we can jump six all right now this is the big moment six block jump would be actually insane come on oh oh wait can we go for seven now dude there's no way we can get this high right like there's no freaking Way Seven blocks would be insane and we can freaking clear it so can you go to eight and oh no didn't get it again oh all right for now seven is the highest if you can make it to eight please let me know if you log out after throwing a loyalty Trident it will freeze midair and it won't be able to be picked up by anyone all right loyalty tree huh throw that bad boy disconnect log back in oh it came back 2% chance to get a secret item from The Trial vaults the secret item is called the heavy core this is three come on there's got to be a heavy core in here somewhere wait I think I just saw it ladies and gentlemen the heavy core 61 Keys which is by the way less than a 2% chance now the question is what does this do oh that's right you'll find out about that later in this video oh when you fall from higher up you do more damage with the mace so like it's like a super crit oh cow's alive okay three hearts of damage now we go up here and oh that was like five hearts of damage that was two more okay regular zombie three I think it was three hearts again now oh dude that was like eight hearts okay ravager this is a big one big crit right here ladies and gentlemen come on lad it's okay that was like 30 Hearts like that's an incredible amount of damage the further we go up the more damage we crit with the maze so can we one shot the warden that would be insane all right we are now Max hype ladies and gentlemen one shot one opportunity dog I can't even see the warden oh my gosh wait we are going so much deeper than I realized boom that is crazy and you don't even take fall damage like how is this legal oh if you give a snowman fire resistance it won't burn now I'm curious ladies and gentlemen ah come on I love these snowman too I mean obviously they oh my wow instant death snow no man you've got one chance here buddy all right now don't move stay right there uh oh he's got particle effects this is a good sign hey it does work he is so confused right now the pitcher plant is the only flower which gives two dye when crafted uh okay red tulip one dye cornflour one dye pitcher plant to freaking die eh enjoy this useless information if you damage your wolf armor you can repair it with armadillo Scouts all right wolfy get that armor on oh I got to tame you first don't I yeah get over here you look like a sausage I don't know why but I kind of want to eat him oh I didn't know that it broke like that oh I'm cracking that D shell Brothers okay this is freaking crazy now let me see if I can repair you with this armadillo scoot oh it's like an iron golem it does work all right now scoot on out of here partner oh you can duplicate armor Tri with a secret crafting recipe uh okay so the question is what is the secret recipe what why would you spend 8 diamonds to duplicate this let me know in the comments is this worth it I don't think so like this is freaking crazy but it does work bonus Smith can you trim your Wolf's armor if you breed color cheap you can get new colors okay so red and blue we should get a purple sheep right come on show me the purple baby hey look at the purple baby and then we [Applause] go well this is awkward I don't know who the father is so if I breed a white sheep and a red sheep will we get a pink sheep we do look at them boy can you just dye them with pink though too like technically can you just do this well next myth there are new variants of wolf which spawn in only certain biomes so what does this guy look like whoa he looks so much better than a regular wolf oh and they're always the exact same color pattern oh dude okay now I want to try the Old Pine tiger all right this one's probably going to like have like a it's going to be like white right oh yo the Dark Wolf yo these guys look actually freaking sick okay jungle like green or camo maybe you are ugly oh sorry but the jungle wolves are not pretty looking okay we're going to go on to Forest this one's got to be like normal colored right a little better kind of looks like a Chewbacca little okay snowy TAA okay this has got to be the regular white wolf it's gray look at this guy dude all right but honestly though best looking one by far is Savannah if there's any biomes that we missed please let us know in the comments and we'll test it in our next myth video oh you can walk on campfires without taking damage with frost Walker boots so if I put down a bunch of campfires get some Frost Walker going on over here so obviously we take damage without them on but if we put them on do we now what okay this where is the logic here I don't understand but it does work I'm literally cooking if you spawn a frog in the jungle it will be a poisonous frog oh he's decrepit looking but is he poisonous how do I know I touch you he is not poisonous he's a beautifully ugly creature he's a danger to himself if you hit a mob just before you die when holding a mace you will take no fall damage what is these weird mace myths I I don't know why this this thing is freaking massive I just want to say by the way like this does this look like a mace to you anyways let's test this I don't even think I hit him somehow yeah boy oh is that what that achievement's about this is wicked ah this is freaking sick we've got a new clutch in house ladies and gentlemen Axel kill tropical fish if you put them in the same fish tank no axelos you're supposed to be so cute no the f chain you know what's crazy they don't even eat the fish they just kill them you think they're cute but they're like freaking Hunters oh baby villagers will play around and jump on beds all right baby villager you're not a baby leave okay baby villagers yeah now jump no don't leave come on yeah yeah come on they're not watching you can do it now yeah yeah look at him go freaking Tyrant huh that's a battle in I told you no Jumping on the Bed wait if you land on a baby slime you will bounce on It come on man oh hello baby sorry adults all right I think the chances of this working are one in 100 but I'm willing to do it for the content and die we knew that was going to happen we knew it but we didn't want to believe it Hing dirt allows you to open chests when dirt is placed above it are we saying like this okay okay yeah we can't open the chest so if I hoe it so what the haircut just allows you to open the chest to be fair you can do a little bit of a secret chest like this and then you can open it from beneath do we hide our diamonds here is this the best place to hide diamonds you tell me two new armor trims in Minecraft okay what what armor trims are we thinking about here dude flow armor wait this sounds sick bolt armor oh wait a second who let moang cook okay wait I'm thinking I'm thinking for this one maybe Diamond let's see let's see how the diamond looks oh oh wait that is sick wait that is sick okay what about this one let's see what it looks like with the diamonds first wa wait this one's better honestly I think the bolt looks better but what about with the amethyst oh wait Deep Purple again this is the flow okay pretty clean I'm not going to lie but what about the bolt dude oh oh this is dude this is hard which one looks better flow or bolt let me know in the comments I'm leaning towards the flow Enderman will stand in water without being damaged if it's in a cauldron the bucket the Enderman oh look at him he he likes it he's definitely in the water but then if you put them in regular water you do not like it why do they like The Cauldron water I think Endermen Are secretly just cats I'm going to be honest baby piglins can use a totem of undying as if we needed another reason for baby piglins to be more terrifying and annoying all right are you ready to be even more annoying than you typically are okay you're cold this is just like the Axel you're very cold oh now you're warmer warmer warmer warmer but can he use it oh no you know what we got to do here we're going mace W do yeah buddy this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you boom oh now that is freaking terrifying like he actually gets all of the look at this guy he's a freaking speed demon now I can't let you live you're a danger to society don't ever give a baby piglin a totem of undying there's a secret hidden tab in the creative menu so the only thing I'm seeing right now is there's a weird looking Gap right here okay now either the creative menu lost a tooth or there's a way to enable this tab like okay not no controls oh operator items tab what is an operator items tab is this it wa light dude what are these and the Lord said let there be light oh you can make snow Le if you use powdered snow oh my freaking gosh dude I freaking hate snow okay this is this is a j I'm literally freaking dying can you not thank you okay so you just got to water logum uh well that didn't work cuz you can put water in the leaves you cannot do this this is Cap ladies and gentlemen but you know what's crazy is like you can actually like there's snowy leaves in Bedrock but in Java you can't do it like I don't understand why is bedrock so much better than Java oh wait you can make an infinite water source with one bucket of water interesting okay but to do this I've got kelp okay so kelp is weird can I do I can't even place the kelp down kelp okay well that is definitely not oh that is oh cuz it retains the water wait a second wait can you just do this would you get infinite water source like this oh aha you only need one C to do it throwing an XP bottle up gives you more XP all right let's start with 10 down what are we going to get oh okay about 5 and a half almost on the dot okay but if this works that's going to be crazy uh oh I got six maybe it was a fluke let me try it again there we go and's try this again oh see we we almost got six there and that was down okay we're going to go up again a I don't know man I this is a tossup I feel like this one is Cap it's all RNG baby wo cold blocks last longer than nine colon a furnace you know this would make sense but the thing is it's a block it's compacted into one you know oh wow the coal is already dying meanwhile the coal block is freaking Trucking we haven't lost a singular flame also can we just talk about how Mojang took the fire logo that is my logo why you taking fire merch you can't take fire merch.com logo Mojang all right dude it last significantly longer like this is almost this is this is 25 this is like half gone meanwhile the cold block hasn't even lost a singular FL for spring we've released the largest fire merch collection ever with over seven new designs only available at firem merge.com Link in the description I'm going to let these cook and we'll check back later to see if the cob block wins ooh there's a new villager variant in the deep dark what is this like the deep dark villager or you look normal do maybe um okay buddy I wouldn't be going that direction you um you're going to summon the the the big guy you know like the big guy I wonder if I'm just in the wrong area maybe we spawn him uh on the skull no uh okay what about the portal area maybe no freaking bust like I want a new villager variant Mojang all right this is going to be crazy if this works so activate a rails down here boom Minecart with TNT know we like we like a couple more yeah okay then lightning okay well we got to do a weather freaking Thunder dude get it thundery put the Trident in place freaking back up buddy oh it's sparking look at it look it's sparking look at it look at it let's put it right on the tip right that that oh my God now that is freaking crazy like do you realize what could be done with this like you do realize the like the chaos like what if I'm freaking over here right and I just go for a freaking schnip freaking the pig why you get in front of my way the pig get in my way dude serves you right pork chop that is nuts that is like that is freaking crazy cool the dinner bone name tag does not work on the breeze mob which honestly fair I could I could see this I could see the dinner bone not working on this bad boy all right Mr I mean cuz what would a breeze look like upside down come here oh wait wait it does work why does the breeze look better upside down than he does right side up can somebody tell me this like he looked way better like this is him normally he actually looks better being upside down okay now you guys are just bullying me really freaking air Benders sunflowers don't actually face the sun are you telling me right now you're not even a sun why why would you be why are you like this why server set the time tonight they're Moon flowers ladies and gentlemen sunflowers are actually Moon flowers you can't 360 no scope epic gamer moment MLG water buet clutch on leaves sorry I got carried away on this one sign the server yes you did server so you're telling me right now I cannot water bucket log this this bad boy that's kind of sad honestly I want to see if we could what if we Crouch while doing it maybe it won't put the water in the leaves maybe maybe maybe come on SC oh you can't so don't land where there's leaves oh if you smelt a wet sponge with a lava bucket you get a water bucket back I get a what back I'm going to get a water bucket back why would we get a I mean I guess I I don't know but why you could sheer goats horns off to get the horn all right boys it's trimming time let me see them horns um well I don't think you can W you wait he's missing one ew oh I don't like one horn goats but you cannot trim their you can't trim their horns off you are not no there's no way to do that ladies and gentlemen is there any way to get a goat horn other than killing goats do you know please let me know you get a wither skeleton skull every time you kill a Wither with a mace let's see about that I'm that was the no no all right check it out dude we have three coal left in the furnace now what about the coal block not a single flame has dwindled this is confirmed ooh there's a secret wolf variant in the end tell me it's real tell me it's real he's normal I wanted it to be real oh you don't need to defeat the Ender Dragon to go to the elytra end Island you can Bridge there could you IM like can you really just Bridge there do you know how much Bridge you would need need you would need a lot of bridge I the speed bridging is not terrible right now I'm actually kind of cooking but honestly I'm looking at the camera and I haven't failed the speed bridge yet that hey hey tell me that's not impressive all right gentlemen we have gone quite the distance oh wait there is wait so can I fly here you can wow you can actually make it to the end Islands I mean no guarantee you're going to find yourself an end City but you can get to the islands by just building there well I'll be darn well thank you for watching us bust some Miss ladies and gentlemen if you want to see more please click either one of these videos and have a great day and if you don't have a great day that's cuz you didn't click one of these videos
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 901,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: cZ4bzWtFpB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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