5 Ways to Improve Your Attitude as an Intrapreneur

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i've made a lot of mistakes in my career one of the biggest ones is not protect my attitude we're going to talk about how you can protect your attitude that protects the company that protects the entrepreneur that protects everything around you as an entrepreneur today [Music] i've never met a perfect entrepreneur i've never met somebody who works in a company for a long time stays there is loyal they see a leader they like their heart their intentions their actions and they don't make any mistakes entrepreneurs are not perfect people i've made a lot of mistakes in my career i know that the mario you see today is not the mario i was just a few years ago you wouldn't recognize me you know i want the team to put up a picture this is me before this is me now what happened what's the difference in these two pictures what the difference in this guy you know what is it about this environment and patrick that maybe he's been patient with me and and how have i developed into an entrepreneur that loves what he does that loves a company and loves a mission well it's attitude and effort i had to make sure my attitude was in the right spot and then i had to make sure that i put in the effort to change and the effort to lead and the effort to really work on my mindset as much as possible and you're going to have to as well because if you follow vitamin for years if you follow patrick online you know that we love to ask people one question the one question that opens up this entire conversation on attitude is how you doing how you doing how are you how you doing today even before watching this video how did you come into it why are you watching it how did you walk into work today how did people see you today when you walked around when you walked to the coffee shop when you walked to the bank when you walked to the store when you talked to your mom when you talked to your kids how you doing that's such an important question because that question opens up your vulnerabilities and it opens up the opportunity for someone to call you out if you have a great attitude they're going to tell to tell you great things if you have a bad attitude you're gonna hear why are you mad today so checking your attitude is a very important conversation in any work environment but successful entrepreneurs know how to check that mindset let's talk about how we can do that the first point is the desperate need for recognition i find too many people are working on projects they're working on things that are going from a to z and they really want the recognition for everything i worked on it my idea this is me i did it i finished it i did this share recognition with people share the recognition with your team and it doesn't matter who came up with the idea was it executed properly you know was it completed was it done it's a team victory you know if we try to really pinpoint who did what on what project and who came this and you know who planted the seed who found the script who man the desperate need for recognition can pollute someone's attitude because you're constantly thinking i never get the recognition nobody gave me any credit nobody said it was me don't be desperate for recognition a real entrepreneur knows that eventually people start talking and they say hey we all know who came up with that one you're going to get your recognition so don't let your attitude be polluted by not getting it in the moment remember your success and your victory comes if the team is winning and if people are leading and if they're getting recognition they're creating you're creating the right kind of culture don't be desperate for recognition point number two used to be one of my favorites not anymore because i'm checking my attitude okay but the avoidance of conflict man stop avoiding conflict i still do it sometimes but i've stopped doing it because sometimes the avoidance of conflict makes you linger imagine walking around with a 50 pound dumbbell on your back like literally right now go get a backpack put a bunch of stuff put a bunch of books in it and go put it on your back and go walk around with it that's what avoiding conflict is like you walk by you ever done this you walk by someone's cubicle and they look at you and you look away because you're afraid they're gonna look at you and you're gonna have to talk about that one issue yesterday or you had a problem with them two weeks ago or three weeks ago or maybe a month ago they said something in a staff meeting and you still think about it every night you go home and when you go out with your friends or when you're talking to your spouse or your partner you talk about that one person and the one thing they told you and then you come up with what 20 or 30 there well i'm going to say this and i'm going to say that next time i see them i'm going to you say nothing you wake up you go throughout your day you go to sleep you think about it on weekend you pray about it at church stop avoiding it okay the conversation is very simple john do you have a minute can i talk to you yeah sure in private or right here now let's go in private you know hey john can we take a walk uh mary can i go over and you know can we just talk about something real quick by the way if you're ever going to have a direct conversation with a young lady with a lady keep the door open have somebody else there with you make sure you do it in public you want to make sure that those conversations are are just exposing out there you don't want any misunderstanding protect the women protect yourself but at the same time hey john can i talk to you hey man i just want to say something i didn't like this i've been holding on to blank you know i had somebody call me just two three days ago and they said hey man can i talk to you recently at an event i said something to you in front of my team and all four of my new team members were sitting right there and i said something to you and i don't know why i said it i woke up mad that morning i was having a bad day i just wasn't myself and i took it out on you he didn't even know that i had been thinking about that for over a month and i thought why would he say that why did he say that to me i don't understand why what did i do to deserve that someone else they say hurting people hurt people whatever was bugging him that day he took it out on me but it lived with him and he brought it up to me but guess what i said hey man all good water under the bridge he said i feel so much better i said me too misunderstanding now we're both he avoided it for a little while but he eventually brought it up i feel better about it he feels better about it but it's the avoidance of conflict that creates this animosity in a toxic environment sucks guys don't create toxic environments deal with conflict and you realize that sometimes the conflict was simply a misunderstanding a miscommunication and it improves communication in the entire organization when things come up you deal with it faster don't avoid conflict this next one makes me crack up because i've done this for so many years it's probably one of my biggest weaknesses that i've had to overcome don't ask for help man if you want a bad attitude if you really want to see how your attitude changes real quick try doing everything yourself okay a lot of people want to be like atlas they want to carry the world on their shoulders and they want to be like this nancy nancy can you photoshop me on atlas just like there okay i'm back but i want sometimes you wonder i want to do it i can do it can you do this yes i can can you help me with this sure hey can you work on this yeah hey can i can i have you do this yeah and you take on so much and then you just start holding this world on your shoulder and it gets so heavy and then it gets to the point you said yes we said yes but then when somebody comes up to you say hey how you doing can you leave me alone can you not talk to me i have so much going on hold up you asked for everything you have going on so why are you so upset if you haven't asked for help it's not my fault you know one of my favorite things for people to ask people is can i read your mind no then how do i know that you have all of this going on patrick asked me one time said mario am i a mind reader i said no he's like do you think i know everything that you have going on right now no can you make a list and show me everything you got going on yes boom i show him the list he's like no wonder you're mad no wonder you're stressed out no wonder you respond very quick you look at all the things you're doing that you shouldn't be working on let me help you let me do this let me do this let me do that let me do that ask for help when you don't ask for help you become atlas and remember the reason i use atlas is a lot of people take a lot of pride look how much weight i can carry look how strong i am i can do all of this by myself being atlas is a punishment go back to some greek mythology atlas was burdened to carry the world on his shoulders his eyes were gouged is not an honor badge to be atlas so stop go ask for help do me a favor today make a list of everything you're working on right now at your company literally pause the video make a list i'm working on this and break it down into personal category family go into business go into finances go into spiritual you've seen the one page business plan that's all i'm reading to you if we don't have the one page business plan go in the description click the link in there to get the one page business plan but make a list of everything you got going on then look at what am i working on what should i be working on and what can i give to somebody else to help me with and now let's build some leadership and go up to mary and john and say hey mary john i notice you're good with this do you mind if i ask you for help can you help me with the following area and do some research on this and make some notes here and give that to me by the end of the day maybe yes maybe no the point is ask for help when you don't ask for help you don't even know how it affects your attitude okay so make sure you're asking for help number four is being reactive not proactive i can't tell you how many times patrick has asked me mario could you have been more proactive yes i remember we were launching the vault 2020 and we were supposed to go live and i came in on a weekend to set up our sling studio and i tested the laptop i sent a text to my whole team i sent a slack message i told everybody we're ready to go for tomorrow pat gives me one of those little emojis you know the little fist a good job coming in on a sunday prepare it we're ready to i'm fired up some of you might remember this moment the next day i didn't know that when you close a laptop and you open up the software it resets all the defaults so i thought i preset everything but the next day when we opened it everything was wiped out here i am so you guys ready you guys ready lights camera action we hit live nothing goes live we hit live again and we go from if you're familiar with the live stream we go rtmp we go youtube direct we good man we struggled so bad that morning and we ended up going live for five minutes it went down we went live on youtube and live on the phone and then i remember being live and everybody's texting me saying mario pat's kicking your butt we can hear him and you know and uh he was he was in his right i messed up i was reacting in the moment my team was reacting in the moment i wasn't proactive here's what happened what we just talked about i didn't ask for help nobody i thought i could do it by myself i came in my whole team reacted in the moment and guess what i did i yelled at my whole team i got mad at the whole team and then when patrick asked me what happened i said well nobody helped me you know i came in and you know the team came in and they you know they're experts and they do video they should know better they they're better with cameras you said mario are you being reactive or proactive did you bring in a sling studio expert no did you ask for your team to come in and the videos and the videographers and the shooters to come in and help you set up this morning no did you show up an hour early today to test the laptop no i didn't so you came in and you reacted to everything being ready but you weren't proactive with the setup that's just one example and i can think of so many other examples but the point is when you react to something you get raw emotion and if you're not proactive every day if you're not thinking ahead two three days to next week to next month who do we have next what are we doing next what do we anticipate being proactive is about anticipation okay to be proactive you got to anticipate what's next okay you just launched a new product with your company what's next well we're gonna need a flyer a pdf brochure social media graphics guess what while you're preparing that you bring in the right people and you start proactively preparing the launch of that segment that product that project and you can do it that way it works the same on the personal side but being reactive makes you upset if you react it changes your attitude and sometimes reacting is a little bit of a fluster it gets stressful and we know what all that leads into a lot of other things that we don't want to come out in the workplace so be proactive not reactive my final point for this episode is repeating the same mistakes i remember going to california with patrick one time and it's patrick paul and myself we're about to go visit one of his local offices every time we travel patrick always gets away a little bit before visiting the actual location or before getting there on time we go to a coffee shop we sit down we catch up on projects he asks about certain things and we just talk life a little bit and i remember we're eating sandwiches in tarzana and uh we're on ventura and like rosita encino somewhere around there and he looks at us he says you know what kind of people bugged me the most and i said what kind of people pat he said people who've been around me the longest and do the same things that i don't like i've never forgot that for years he basically told me the people who annoy me are the people who don't get to know me have you gotten to know your boss have you gotten to know your team have you gotten to know your company do you know the brand and the strategy and the things do you know the way things are supposed to run and if you do know the way things are supposed to run or maybe you as the entrepreneur have established the way things are supposed to run are we repeating the same mistakes or are they new ones our philosophy of valuetainment here with patrick is new mistakes are okay but repeating the same mistake over and over and over is not okay everybody knows that quote by albert einstein you're probably already saying it what is insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results even though we know the quote we do it all the time we still do it we still do the same things stop repeating the same mistakes if you take a look and you really nitpick and examine some of the points that i've given you in this video they're not your typical workout in the morning or work half a day you know do something fun every day make sure that you eat something sweet this isn't that kind of video these are real things that we're experiencing but when you repeat the same mistakes here's what it does you ready for it repeating the same mistakes makes you question who you are it lowers your identity when you repeat something that you know better it changes your psyche because you start thinking why do i do the same things or it lowers your value because it's why doesn't that person get it so if you are repeating some of those same mistakes somebody either in your office needs to bring it up to you or you need to kind of be honest with yourself and say you know what why do i keep doing that sometimes looking inside is a little bit better to start making you know some pivots and changes so again making new mistakes is okay somebody on your team drops a ball on something was it a new mistake or did they repeat it if they repeated it get a little bit more serious about it if it's a new mistake don't worry about the petty stuff but from there i hope that in all of these points in all this entire message if we start doing those things we start maybe feeling better doing better and start maybe showing a little bit of a different attitude because remember every successful entrepreneur has a before and after story and the before and after doesn't need to take 90 minutes doesn't need to take an entire career or weeks or days or months your before and after can be in a second the way you start processing things a little bit different so right now today after watching this video i want you to ask somebody you really trust and respect a lot say hey how do you feel about my attitude how are you doing how do you think i'm doing and why don't we improve as entrepreneurs and start caring a little bit more about our people and their attitude but give them some solutions so that we can change the entire dynamic the entire culture and we can start scaling growing seeing better results but ultimately being happier as individuals with all of that being said i hope that your attitude has changed a little bit today and you can take this attitude topic bring it to your office maybe take it a little personal but if you haven't watched my other two episodes it'd be awesome if you did i love to hear your feedback leave some ideas on topics to cover in the comments subscribe to the channel i'll see you online [Music] you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 32,961
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, valuetainment, patrick bet david, 7 Signs You'll Be A Successful INtrapreneur, Intrapreneur advice, advice to intrapreneurs, Mario Aguilar, Mario Aguilar with Patrick Bet-David, 7 signs you found the right company, finding the right company, am i at the right company?, should i quit my job?, How do I know i'm at the right company?, 5 Ways to Improve Your Attitude as an Intrapreneur, 7 Signs You Found The Right Company As An INtrapreneur
Id: Bw15PYP_6hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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