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five very strange things about Antarctica was Captain James Cook who's credited for discovering Antarctica when he crossed the Antarctic Ocean in 1773 since then various explorers have become fascinated by the large ice-covered landmass over the years it has become a place of fascination and mystery and these are five very strange things about Antarctica number five ancient civilizations live there in the present day Antarctica is still considered a vast desert home to strange animals and very few humans who are at best temporary residents but despite being desolate recent discoveries by NASA are pointing to the possibility Antarctica may have once been inhabited by ancient civilizations as more of the ice sheets melt experts believe it's slowly revealing many of the once buried secrets Antarctica holds for example NASA satellite images captured an unusual area some 1.5 miles beneath the surface showcasing what could be a possible human settlement the images showed strange markings that look man-made as if structures once stood there in the image you can make out squares and canals of some sort others are even saying it looks to be a pyramid shaped structure many archeologists believe if this is evidence of human settlement there could be much more hiding underneath thick sheet of ice under the region but how could such an inhospitable climate accommodate life well one theory suggests that Antarctica was once a flourishing and green land or at least not as cold or covered in snow as we see it now they're even theories saying that it could be where the mythical island of Atlantis was once located and if so other civilizations could have existed in the area as well one proof pointing to the possibility of Antarctica being once inhabited is that of the Peary Reis map which shows its coastline without credited to the Turkish Admiral Perry Reis the map is believed to be a copy of various ancient maps and assembled sometime in the 1500s on it it shows the landmass of Antarctica located more towards the east than it is now it shows less snow and ice coverage as well in the book maps of the ancient sea kings dr. Charles Hapgood published the Perry Reis map and it shocked many because of how it captured Antarctic his coastline without any ice when the map was first discovered a Turkish naval officer sent it to the US Navy hydrographic bureau in 1953 so it could be examined it was the chief engineer mi Walters who then sent the map to Arlington Mallory so he could see if it was accurate he stated the map was indeed correct and could have been copied from another one that was more than six thousand years old the ferry Reiss Maps coastline of Antarctica shows it's accurate just like what the coastline looks like underneath the ice today seismic sounding and sonar were used to create a coastline and mountain ranges of Antarctica underneath the ice and this accurately matched those showing on the Peary reefs as well considering how the ice cap in the same region now measures up to a mile thick it's a puzzle how anyone in the past or what technology was used to map the coastline of the region before even if there was proof of ancient civilizations found the question still remains what kind of people once thrived in such an area what happened to them if they were there then it's only a matter of time before we find out more about them number four flat earthers ice wall in the popular series Game of Thrones one of the primary stories revolved around the wall a huge man-made structure keeping the sinister White Walkers from getting into Westeros but a real-life flat earthers believe there is an actual ice wall surrounding the earth and that it's found and what we know is Antarctica and above all they want to prove it flat earthers believed that instead of a sphere the earth is actually flat they point to several reasons first they say images showing the curved horizon of Earth is fake and saw the photos of the round earth from space they believe these are part of a large conspiracy run by NASA and specialized government agencies as well as they'll lead for them the earth is flat and it's the Sun and Moon that Arbit the earth lighting it in certain parts and creating day and night perhaps one of the most unusual beliefs they have is the idea that there's an ice wall kept secret from the rest of the world by horrible government forces they believe Antarctica isn't a continent at all but instead the outer edge of Earth's wall they claim ordinary people are prevented from ever heading to Antarctica and finding out that it's there in 2020 though a group of flat earthers say they will take a cruise around Antarctica to help search for the ice wall improve their belief correct once and for all those in the Flat Earth Society say that this wall is several thousand feet thick and could tower up to 160 feet high and is said to surround the entire planet well the details for the 2020 trip are being kept under wraps many are expressing excitement some bafflement while others are voting to join the trip according to a YouGov survey about 52 percent of the people who believe the earth is flat thought of themselves as incredibly religious as a whole though the majority of Americans believe the earth is round with just about four percent believing the earth is flat the majority of them are between 18 and 24 years old so remains to be seen whether there is indeed an ice wall in Antarctica we will need to wait to see if flat earthers will be able prove they're believed correct or ultimately disprove it in the coming years number three pyramids in Antarctica being a land full of mysteries it's no surprise the idea of pyramids existing in Antarctica might not be too far-fetched sometime in 2016 the internet became inundated with an image of what looks to be a pyramid structure photographed emits the ice-covered location this structure is said to be located ten miles inland the story goes that a team of eight explorers found evidence that there are currently three man-made pyramid structures just peeking through the thick frozen Antarctic ice well the entire story about the pyramid or whatever findings the team discovered in the area haven't been disclosed it's in pieces including supposed pictures have been leaked these are indeed hm pyramids underneath all that ice it could change our perception of Antarctica and rewrite our human history a greatest example of pyramids are those found in Egypt although many of the modern Egyptologists suggest the Giza structures were built around two to three thousand years ago other Egyptologists believe the pyramids are actually much older than that this includes the Great Sphinx some estimate it could be as old as 10,000 years experts who have examined those pyramids state the climate and the area change from rainy and hot to an overwhelming desert over the course of several thousands of years and that signs of water erosion on the Sphinx prove that it had to have been there longer than two or three thousand years of course there are skeptics that don't believe the structures in Antarctica are pyramids at all but instead natural mountains that have eroded over time the pyramid shapes are located in a place known as ellsworth range the area is known for its rich fossilized remains including trilobite fossils creatures that lived about 500 million years ago according to geologists it's possible to have pyramid shaped mountains occur naturally they point to freeze thaw erosion as a possible culprit for creating such types of natural structures they also point to the Matterhorn and the Alpes there's one similar result of this process on top of that the area where the supposed pyramid is located as close to a popular mountain that climbers use all the time so skeptics argue that if it is indeed a pyramid others before would have noticed it already today the verdict is still out if whether the structures are true pyramids or not there's no update if there's an expedition happening to prove it once and for all either so it might be a while before we get true answers number two secret government bases perhaps one of the most unusual entries in this collection is the idea that secret Nazi bases and even a super fortress were built by the Nazis somewhere in Antarctica this idea was originally proposed by a Hungarian exile from Argentina named the de la Szabo in 1947 he suggested the German ships Wabun land had gone Antarctica in 1938 and have put up a base for the Nazis there according to him Hitler had survived the war another u-boats docked in Argentina during the time had taken the dictator to the secret base what makes this story unusual is that most of it is actually factual well it's unproven whether there is a secret base the events outlined by Szabo coincides with the Nazis actions of course there are several versions of the story one of the simplest is that the Germans created a hidden base in the cold region and during the defeat in World War two some hid there for years meanwhile more extreme version state that the Nazis encountered alien life or technology while in Antarctica and they have built their base around this many who believe that theory say that the base isn't just a refuge for escaping Nazis but that it contains super weapons as they prepare to fight back in the future conspiracy theorists further add that years after the war submarines brought in food clothing and fuel for the shelter the base remained nameless and in fact it's coordinates were even kept a secret as well Zev Oh points out that even though there are no images or photos eyewitness testimony like that from German naval commander Admiral donitz who served the president for a month in 1945 claimed to have told people in the Nuremberg trials that the Nazis were successful in creating an invulnerable fortress a paradise like oasis in the middle of eternal ice then the prolonged presence of both the American and British military in Antarctica around 1947 only added fuel to the story others claimed both the US and Britain tried to attack the secret base several times but failed in destroying it it was only after supposedly dropping three atom bombs over the base in 1958 that they finally succeeded as mentioned the rumor of a Nazi base in Antarctica has been around for decades articles and books have been published about it by many conspiracy theorists but the story resurfaced again in 2017 when US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Antarctica those who proposed the theory said he did so in order to examine the remains of the secret base over the years neo-nazi writers claimed the Nazis did survive the attacks done by the coalition forces and are biding their time to reemerge when the time is right from their Antarctic base so for now we'll just have to wait and see number one UFO crash when a popular YouTube conspiracy-theory channel secured team 10 published that they found a UFO crash in Antarctica the internet went wild gathering more than 760 thousand views the video claims an image captured on Google Earth is actual evidence of a UFO crash landing in the snowy Antarctic region the photo taken by satellite shows a mountainous area filled with snow just along the coast of Antarctica and the Atlantic Ocean off South George Island in the image it shows a large block of something appearing to have slid across the snow and disrupting the otherwise smooth landscape you can clearly see a trail behind the object as well although the amount of trail seems to be short if you zoom out you can clearly see a larger trail leading back up to the mountain peak if it was a UFO it seems as if it hit the mountain first then slid down the snow before coming to a halt the presenter of the video states the UFO is an elongated cigar shaped object that can be seen covered in ice and snow of course the channel has a less than stellar reputation and is even accused by conspiracy theorists for creating sensationalist poorly research videos but there are those who believe they could be onto something even though it's controversial news this isn't the first time a UFO crash is said to have been spotted in Antarctica another photo of a supposed crashed UFO showed something buried in the smooth snow measuring around 65 feet wide and 230 feet long there's a long trail behind the structure as well what's unusual is that there's an array of what looks to be tanks guarding it it is a UFO that maybe some forces out there could be hiding the truth from the rest of the world so there were five very strange things about Antarctica Antarctica may be covered with ice right now but as temperatures rise and it slowly melts away it's possible it could eventually reveal all its once hidden secrets to us please remember to subscribe to our channel if you enjoy watching this video we have new ones coming out every Wednesday and Saturday for you to enjoy thanks for watching and we'll see you soon
Channel: Scary Mysteries
Views: 804,815
Rating: 4.7190871 out of 5
Keywords: antarctica, antarctica secrets, strange, strange hum from antarctica, antarctica 2018, strange mysteries, antartica, facts about antarctica, antarctica for kids, antarctica conspiracy, antarctic circle, antarctica conspiracy theory, science, rest in peace antarctica, city under antarctica, mysterious, pyramid antarctica, mysterious antarctica, ice in antarctica, aliens in antarctica, resort on antarctica, mcmurdo station antarctica
Id: S5mmd5oob-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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