5 Unbelievably Easy MODELS FOR BEGINNERS. Make Your First One with SLIME SAM

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[Music] hi guys looks like I'll be by myself today because our slime has wandered off some Sam are you alright where have you been all morning I have no time for these idle talks you won't understand anyway try me hmm deeply interested in setting the inner world at frogs huh frogs Sam they don't even live anywhere near us what frog [Music] what is it Sammy Oh Oh Susan this is a real physical model of a frog and its inner world hmm people rightly say that it's one thing to study something in the book and do a completely different thing to study it physically that is to watch how it works in 3d yeah there's no arguing with that hmm so you mean that we'll be assembling a frog My dear Susan I will talk to you through the process don't worry I've already start so first you should assemble the legs here we can see this in it flag it consists of these some flag part leg parts yes take them and let's see I think I should put these parts together hmm yeah this is actually an arm not a leg yes a lower arm now the second are kings you assistants ooh you are doing very well and me to refresh my memory I have two frog arms now I'll just set them aside hmm I think now I should assemble that body oh yes yes fine I was just about to actually yeah this is a cavity for inner organs I'll insert it here [Music] [Music] oh thank you for the information it's very valuable oh did you know that a frog has more parts inside it's just plastic a model oh here we go again he starts something and then tries to avoid all the work no matter how many times you call him a professor it won't work uh all right look let's keep going this is the stomach do you see how it looks and it goes right here beside the lungs and the heart and now this skeleton I'll place it right on top huh looks interesting you know why frogs are so happy why oh why are you scared of the model you bought yourself I simply haven't covered it with the top part yet here look nice and easy done look very covered but you wanted a visual model didn't you Sammy this has a frog's Anatomy it can't be completely covered otherwise what's the point hey guys did you know that a frog's pupils can be different shapes ellipse II round triangular and even star-shaped and here we can see the frogs muscles [Music] yes but they're completely transparent see we need to put them in the right places that way we can still see what's inside one why that's professor Sam frightened by his own experiment hey guys did you like this model give a thumbs up if you do and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to follow new adventures of Mad Professor Sam bye ah this is just so beautiful oh what a technique creativity Wow Wow you enjoying the art Sammy funny lady Oh Sam it's a Mona Lisa portrait by a great artist Leonardo da Vinci Wow I browse ah it's a self-portrait of Frida Kahlo Mexican artist of the 20th century I didn't know they had selfies back then Oh Sam you are such a know nothing whatever no one cares not those old pictures hey where are you going [Music] here welcome to the 21st century uh what is it it's a doodling robot and it's much better than that of Leonardo da vida well what should I do with it okay hey guys today I'll be assembling a doodling robot for Sam let's start with this small motor I'll connect these things together first I wonder what this is for ah there and screw these little guys right in can you make it look like a terminator or not really and I doubt this robot will be as good as the billy artist you're wrong you wanna back why not if I win you buy chocolate you can fine and if you lose guys who do you think is gonna win this bet leave a comment below and watch the video till the end to find out the answer there next let's put together these grippers yeah yeah yeah hmm strange okay well it probably goes here and this one there oh I would never be able to get it done without the manual everything should be just in the right place or it won't work [Music] all right well that flat part should probably go here yeah Oh such small parts you need a toy screwdriver or something let's fix it in place like this ah perfect now I'll insert this marker to make sure it's the right size and twist it in twist twist twist there fix it up here a little more are you okay okay Sam inator it's time to go I am gone but I'll be back subscribe to my channel know a little bit more and there ok now I'll put together another gripper huh you know it gets easier with each one I know what goes where and in what order ha ha I could make it with my eyes closed all right let's screw it in right here there and put the marker in ah there Hooten nice now we'll put it all together hmm should we paint it give a thumbs up if you agree all right the robot is almost ready I just need to insert a battery right in here there remove the caps and it's ready to create a masterpiece Sam Sammy I'm here I got a piece of paper good job shall we oh yeah all right and [Music] let's compare hmm looks like somebody just lost a bet okay you may buy me nothing this time guys did you like our doodling robot give a thumbs up and subscribe to Sam's channel and he will definitely come up with a million new things to keep you busy bye hey guys our slime is glued to the TV so today I'll be making a video without him one of his friends just gave him a really cool thing as a gift it's a kit for making your own Eiffel Tower and today I'll show you how to do it away this week Sam what are you doing with you you're right so what's the prize says they provide tickets hotel and even a city tour looks like you got really lucky I need to prepare hmm that sounds too good to be true I'd agree with you but then we both be wrong okay we'll let Sam go crazy and I'll get to making a tower no doubt doesn't it scare you that France is a cheese motherland they have a lot of it there I made my peace with it okay let's get to it first I need to assemble a tower the instructions look pretty easy I don't even need glue just need to detach these pieces from the base keep going yep just like this where is a French phrase book no idea Sam okay almost there now I need to get these pieces together [Applause] [Music] okay now this one uh-huh and connect this to the top right here now the base oh and there now we snap them in place put these together and wow the tower is done it looks gorgeous guys do you know why the tower is painted blue white and red press the pause button and leave a comment below alright now we need to change the texture of the tower so I have these buttons here and my hot glue gun we'll just put the glue on the buttons like this and stick them on be really really careful with the hot glue gun now we have these cute flowers sticks in there and here and another one there [Music] all right full Tower definitely doesn't look ordinary but it's okay our slime is anything but ordinary as well you see flying and French should be a word oh you wanna save on the dumb du Palais some say I don't parlor Sam and you were born French honey right now I have nothing to say to you okay guys now it's time for the funnest part I need to thoroughly spray paint this whole Eiffel Tower so let's move it aside put some scrap paper so we don't make a mess and [Music] oh man this is so fun spray spray spray spray Oh Sam would love to do this and a little bit well I forgot what's candy sorry sorry you did not forget pinkie here Frenchman our spectacular tower is almost ready we just need the finishing touches I'll use dry sponge and white acrylic paint here just like this I'll apply it here and here and a little bit here don't forget the flowers and all the buttons blue looks so good with white oh man I feel like a real artiste and pretty okay will you send me a postcard if I have the time you know how these trips go oh by the way there are a minute let's see here Sam I have bad news right and I don't know a window seat but the ticket is not to Freya [Music] I'm sorry Sam maybe another time French hmm looks like Sam's not going anywhere I'm sure he'll get over it though guys if you liked this video give us a thumbs up and subscribe to Sam's Channel that's it for today I'm off to console Sam Sam your speaking Italian now I need to go to Italy especially after I failed to go to France Italy well alright they do have really delicious desserts they also have this tower iron no not tired it's leaning hey why don't I make you a model and show you [Music] hi guys today I'll be making a model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa from these parts what alright I'll start making the model first I'll press out the details hey Sam will you help me don't really know it was your idea what things huh I wonder what Sam could have ordered well I'll just have to wait I'll work on the model in the meantime I'll press out these parts just like this and these round ones too and another one and [Music] whoa this is really fun all right now I'm gonna attach this to the base snap it in place and the other one here we go snap bear tell me you're going to take this with you you think there aren't any bathtubs in Italy Wow could it be Oh Sammy let's keep going with our model oh you guys I really love these colors it's red white and green just like the flag of Italy would have been quicker with your help oh yeah you know it's not an easy thing to do guys what do you think does it take a long time to pack for a trip write in the comments okay only a few parts left one for you oh thank you so much I'll attach them here and here okay all right ready oh don't worry it won't fall no what's this a pizza but why is it so small I don't like pizza it has melted cheese all over it it's written here that it was made in Italy by mr. Broun II what it says right here mr. brownies [Music] mr. brownie and I we have some unresolved issue is he a slime to questions well looks like Sam will have to enjoy miniature Italian use instead guys do you like this model of a tower give a thumbs up if you do and let's get it to 2000 thumbs up to cheer Sammy up see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is all this noise hmm inside their writings are there candies inside do you want to become an archaeologist I don't want to become some archaeologists I just want to break this what break it no Sammy it doesn't work that way here let me show you fern doesn't work as well mhm I'll put it here and take out some special tools well you broke it yourself I'll take this and start removing the layers slowly and carefully just like this be very very careful you don't want to hurt what's in there yeah listen who is this archaeologists and radiologists not our colleges it's a specialist who studies historical findings usually historical findings have great value no wonder if I found a historical candy it would be of incredible value especially for me alright a little bit more oh look there's something here hmm I need to take the brush and carefully remove the dust hmm it's not clear yet but do you continue and I will age as the violent I wonder what will find in here guys have you ever seen an archaeological dig site give a thumbs up if you have I'll continue digging Sam is missing as usual thank you but it's very delicate work and that kind of pebble can really damage it Wow Wow I actually wanted to bring the trail it will be just wonderful if you really help me okay why do I need to do here take this brush and start removing a magical power hey busy bee I think we found some dinosaur bones what do you mean this is a historical binding let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a skeleton we've dug out oh I think it's so cool hmm doesn't look like an ancient message from the tip addabbo monks but oh well dinosaur is it it's hard to tell from the skeleton well I have these cards let's take a look how about this one this one here hmm not that one either what about this guy's do you know what kind of dinosaur this is write in the comments if you do we're really curious oh I need a candy for a long time I'm not sure maybe if you leave it for a few hundred years it will let's go and have a talk candy just you and me guys give a thumbs up if you liked our archaeological dig and let's get it to 2000 thumbs up to see Sam's new adventures as soon as possible bye [Music]
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 2,910,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, easy crafts, fun crafts, diy, crafts, diy projects, tutorial, jelly, hot glue, candy, toy, compilation, video collection, models, dinosaurs, archaeology, paleontology, dinosaur skeleton, eiffel tower, lottery, frog, frog anatomy, anatomy model, science, biology, lab, 3d puzzle, educational videos, toad, doodling robot, robot, drawing, how to draw, fun art, leaning tower of pisa, pisa tower, room decor, learn french
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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