Boys VS Girls At School || Sammy Is Studying

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foreign let's hope you'll be well and get new friends it could be these girls it might be harder with the boys though they don't like school a lot just look at them of course this one just throws his nose at least it didn't miss oh check this out seems like he thinks highly of himself and the classes packed only Sammy is missing hmm um where should I sit oh this spot is great I'll stay here oh that's nice let's look around everyone seems to be absorbed in their stuff getting ready for class isn't a joke you know [Music] anyway first things first the morning would go to a waste without a new selfie [Music] aha seems like the girls are happy to meet our slime this is a good sign okay the class will start any minute now I have to show them who's the Bossier boys don't pay attention to Sami that much studying is not their piece of cake either this guy decided to take a nap oh he might have forgotten to eat hunger chases him even in his dreams hmm oh this is the teacher he's very punctual and seems to be so smart not all of the students are ready to begin though hmm never mind the teacher will shake them off star of the class did well everything in her bag looks like a piece of art [Music] whatever simple pens and notebooks are good too I can't fail on my first day my notes look awesome too [Music] all right class attention please hey we've already started oh this guy wasn't prepared he should have paid more attention his friend has overslept you might have a bad sleep at home and somebody still have their minor troubles easy peasy just ask the girls for a pan they devil bro despair ah which one to choose one way or another but she helped him uh whoops he doesn't look too happy about this one this fan isn't helping to gain Authority among his buddies pay attention to the class or you'll March to the head office on the first day no way the girls are behaving they don't want any trouble I don't want to get detention let's check your basic knowledge first now who can get the right answer it's a piece of cake for our smarty girl oh the glass star can manage too what about Sam two times two equals I know I know hmm tough choice I see the girls know it but the guys uh oh the guys are in trouble and pretend losing their hearing hiding also isn't the best option it'll be you so unfortunate answering in front of the class on the very first day oh he should have better used a calculator it's four four aha gotcha and it's no the teacher didn't expect that um they don't know the answer guys did you get it do you have a thumbs up then the girls are giggling at least they have some fun oh this friend tries to help [Applause] foreign ER would have been his chance this year is going to be pretty long sit down I failed only this time don't give up your friends will support you it makes life so much easier yay time for some snacks uh where should I sit yeah pick your seat wisely maybe you should stay with the girls you could start eating healthy snacks then um you better not be so picky though measuring food is too much hmm it's so tasty give a thumbs up if you like veggies too or maybe you prefer Fruit then check out this salad the portion is Tiny But yum I'd like to have a bite just find the best healthy snack for you and don't forget to share of course all things oh yeah and tap your mouth with a tissue after you're done perfect or your eating habits similar to these boys they seem to be having that time of their life [Music] check this out surely they don't care about calories and other stuff right burgers and Coke are the top snacks in this cool cafeteria uh oh at least one of them brought something healthy what I think he didn't expect that they certainly have no willpower for studying right now oh girls don't approve I will follow the guy's lead good job Sammy you've earned their support oh my stomach is full we should repeat this sometimes hey this might be interesting are those the pop quiz results they're very important for our Smartie she certainly got an A plus again whoops she's got less than she expected oh don't be sad it's not the end of the world oh her friend wants to know what happened here and now she knows she wants to cheer smarty up and this is great oh oh no that Tears Could Be So infectious but her looks should stay Flawless one way or another the boys don't have concerns like that at all now what's this I think I should put away here oh this guy came back to check his results ouch d-minus it's the worst result of all but he doesn't care and just embrace it these two don't get bothered by their grades I'll go to the next class [Applause] just tolerate it for five more minutes check out the team he's actually dozed off oh someone still keeps the fighting um I mean the studying Spirit oh seems like she's inventing something I wish we could take a peek oh can I see what you're writing there no it's a secret uh oh the teacher seems to have noticed that ah false alarm let's not bother him and check out the star she's likely to have a date after classes [Music] hmm and what is Smarty riding ah looks like homework and our beauty queen is having big plans for today she's been texting with her boyfriend just a few more minutes the boys are sleeping they might not have any plans at all or they're just too tired oh the teacher has finally woken up well kids the class is over you're dismissed and I'm leaving ah this teacher is the best ah check out our Smartie she looks sad that the school is over for today [Music] while this girl can take her eyes off the phone she has her head in the clouds hey the lesson is over get up ah tight sleepers well it's time to say goodbye girls have so many rituals finger touching she kissing huh what's happening nobody had a clue tomorrow a new star of the class will rise ah finally open your eyes sleepy head it's bad they've slept through hurry up the school bus is right about to leave huh oh the guys have a goodbye routine too cool oh this is cute the girls wave goodbye to Sammy they liked him the boys seemed to have noticed him too it's a success
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 641,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boys vs girls, sam at school, sammy, school hacks, school pranks, slick slime sam, slime sam
Id: Tk9O29ZI7wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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