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hi there my name is richard mcmahon from the interview training website and in this tutorial i will teach you how to answer behavioral interview questions so if you have a job interview coming up for any role or any organization make sure you stay tuned because i will help you to pass it and just very quickly if you are new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button i'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to pass their interviews and i can only do that if you are subscribed and please make sure you hit the like button because that tells me you find these videos useful and it motivates me to create more content for you so let's jump straight into the tutorial and i will teach you how to answer difficult behavioral interview questions so within this presentation i am going to cover four things to help you pass your interview first of all i will explain what behavioral interview questions are so within your job interview you will need to answer some of these questions and they are not easy to answer so i will explain what these types of questions are i will then give you some really important tips for answering behavioral interview questions correctly i will also tell you how to answer behavioral interview questions if you have no work experience or if you are refresher and finally i'm going to give you some brilliant example answers to common behavioural interview questions so what are behavioral interview questions well behavioral interview questions assess how you have previously performed in given specific situations and if you can provide the interviewer with details of how you have acted in given previous situations you are far more likely to get hired so behavioral interview questions often start off with tell me about a time when you give me an example of a situation you were in where you had to or describe a time when you so they always start off in that manner and some examples of behavioral interview questions include tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team describe a time when you provided excellent customer service explain the situation when you faced conflict with a co-worker or describe a situation when you worked under pressure so those are just some examples of behavioral interview questions so let's now jump in and i will teach you exactly how to structure your answers to those difficult behavioral interview questions so how do you answer difficult behavioural interview questions well my advice is to always use the star technique star stands for situation task action and result so whenever you are asked a behavioral interview question start off and briefly outline the situation you were in then move on and explain to the interviewer the task that needed doing you will then give specific details about the action you took before finishing off and giving the interviewer the results of your actions and it's really important to make sure that the results are always positive so whenever you answer difficult behavioral interview questions make sure you focus on using the star technique situation task action and result so let me now give you a number of brilliant example answers to difficult behavioral interview questions so the first question is tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team here's my example answer i was working in a large retail store in a previous role two members of staff called in sick that morning which meant just four of us had to manage the day and fulfill all customer orders it was a very busy period for the company because we had a sale on now it was our task to provide excellent service despite being short of staff and to make sure all customers orders were fulfilled correctly now to achieve our goal we got together at the start of the day and we allocated tasks based on each other's strengths my job was to welcome customers into the store to answer any questions they had before guiding them to the available checkouts when they were ready to pay now my colleagues then fulfilled the orders and they took the payments during the day we supported each other we communicated effectively to make sure all tasks were being completed and we stayed motivated as a team despite being under pressure now the end result was that we managed to take care of all customers orders and provide a first-class service throughout the day so that's a brilliant example answer to that behavioral interview question tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team and it utilizes to great effect the star technique the second behavioral interview question that i want to give you an answer to is explain a situation when you faced conflict with a co-worker now this question comes up time and time again during job interviews here's a really good answer that uses a star technique when i started work in a previous role i noticed a senior member of the team was constantly being dismissive of my suggestions during team meetings being someone who feels conflict is counter productive to a team's performance i decided to tackle the conflict with a view to gaining a positive outcome now during a tea break i spoke to my work colleague in private to ask him why he was being dismissive of my ideas i gave him some examples of what he had said during several team meetings and i explained how this made me feel in a calm and professional manner he said that he was not aware he'd been doing this and he apologized for acting the way that he had done now from that day forward our working relationship improved significantly and we ended up working together on numerous company projects now that's a brilliant answer that shows that you are not afraid to deal with conflict in a professional manner and it's another great example of how to answer behavioural interview questions using the star technique now the next behavioral interview question that i want to give you an answer to is describe a time when you provided excellent customer service this is a common behavioral interview question so it's important that you have an answer already prepared here's my example one day a customer called our company to ask about the availability of a product now unfortunately we did not have the product available but i felt it was my duty to go above and beyond what was normally required to try and find the product for the lady because she really needed it for her upcoming grandson's birthday so i informed the customer that i would spend some time trying to locate the product and that i would call her back with an update within 24 hours i then spent 30 minutes trying to source the product and i eventually came across one of our suppliers that had it available for a next day delivery i immediately called the customer back with the good news before taking the payment for the product the customer was so pleased with the service she had received from our company that she went on to leave a glowing five-star review online so that's a great example of where somebody has gone above and beyond what is required to provide excellent customer service and it's the perfect example of how to answer that difficult behavioral interview question now the next behavioral interview question i want to cover is tell me about a time when you went above and beyond what was required this is a difficult one to answer correctly but here's my example answer to help you my supervisor came into the office one morning to ask for a volunteer to help cover the workload of a co-worker who was going to be off sick for some time i immediately volunteered as i saw this as a way to help the company and to learn some new workplace skills it was my responsibility to make sure i completed both my own work and my colleagues work on time and to the appropriate standard so i started off by obtaining a brief from my supervisor and what he needed me to do before putting a plan of action in place to ensure all tasks were completed i focused on the priority tasks first and when i was unsure of how to complete a particular task i spent time researching the correct way to tackle it now by remaining calm by prioritizing tasks and by focusing on my objectives i was able to complete my own work on my colleagues work as required by my supervisor that's another really good example of how to answer the difficult behavioral interview question tell me about the time when you went above and beyond what was required now all of the example answers that i have provided you with there are for somebody who has previous work experience but what if you are a fresher somebody who has no previous work experience or if you are a first-time job applicant how do you answer difficult behavioral interview questions then well i will now give you some tips and a brilliant example answer to help you so if the interviewer asks you a behavioral interview question but you've not been in that type of situation before make sure you tell the interviewer when you observed somebody else tackling that situation and explain what you learned from it so if the interviewer was to say to you tell me about a time when you provided excellent customer service and you've not been in that situation here's how to answer it now although i've not been in this type of situation before i have been on the receiving end of outstanding customer service and therefore i do know what to do for example i visited a store recently to purchase some goods and as soon as i entered the store the shop assistant welcomed me whilst i was browsing they asked me if i needed any assistance and they answered several questions i had when it was time to pay for my shopping they spoke to me in a friendly manner and they were positive they were efficient and they thanked me for visiting the store i left the store feeling really positive and i remember thinking that i would certainly go back there again in the future they were the perfect example of how to provide excellent customer service so that's a great example of how to answer a difficult behavioral interview question if you've not been in that specific situation before so i hope you found those example answers and the tips really useful to tackling difficult behavioral interview questions the next thing to do is make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head through to my website past my interview dot com and you can download my full set of 25 behavioral interview questions and top scoring answers including the ones i covered during this presentation finally don't forget to hit the subscribe button make sure you give the video a like because that motivates me to create more content for you and don't forget to connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you so much for watching and for supporting this channel and i wish you all the best for passing your interview
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 303,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO ANSWER BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, behavioural interview questions, star technique, star format interview, How do you ace a behavioral interview, How do you answer a behavioral question star, How do you answer a behavioral question with no experience, What is the STAR method in behavioral interviewing, situational interview questions and answers, competency based interview questions, Free sample behavioral interview questions and answers
Id: i8rAXjKROlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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