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hello there my name is richard mcmahon from the interview training website pastmyinterview.com and in this tutorial i am going to tell you 11 things you should never say in a job interview now those candidates who fail their job interviews do so because they have inadvertently said something that has put off the interviewer so if you want to pass your interview make sure you watch this presentation from start to finish because i will tell you the things you should avoid saying during your interview and just very quickly if you are new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button because i'm on a mission to help you to pass your interview and i can only do that if you are subscribed and please make sure you hit that like button because that tells me you find the content useful and it motivates me to create more videos for you thank you very much so let's get straight into the presentation and i will teach you those 11 things you should never say in a job interview so the first thing you should never say in a job interview is so what's the title of the job again now this shows that you've not carried out any research at all you are only interested in a paycheck in getting a job and it tells the interviewer that you are not serious about the position so before you go along to your interview it's really important that you research the job description this is your golden ticket to landing the job read the job description and have a look at the skills and qualities that are needed to perform in the role you should also have an understanding of what you're going to be required to do on a daily basis within the position remember you are being assessed against the skills and qualities and the experience required to perform highly in the role so make sure you know fully the title of the job you are applying for and what you're going to be expected to do on a daily basis so the second thing you should never say in a job interview is this position is going to be a great stepping stone for my next job if you do say that during your job interview you are not going to get hired remember it takes a lot of time energy and resources to find the right person for a job and then to train them up in the position and of course the interviewer is looking for somebody to stay in the position for a long period of time and if you indicate that you're going to move on at some point in the future you are less likely to get hired so never say during your job interview that this position is going to be a great stepping stone for your next job so the third thing you should never say in a job interview is oh my last boss was terrible if you are negative about your former employer or your work colleagues i can pretty much guarantee you will not get hired never be negative about a previous boss or your work colleagues now if they ask you the interview question why did you leave your last job or why do you want to leave your job you're going to have to give a brilliant answer to that question and if you want to learn how to give the perfect response click that link in the top right hand corner of the video when you're ready and i will teach you exactly what to say to that tough interview question so the trick is never say anything negative about your former boss your work colleagues or the organization you were a part of so the fourth thing you should never say in a job interview is i can't answer that question so if you come across a difficult question that you don't think you can answer during your interview you have three options but don't simply reply with i can't answer that question option number one is to say to them can i come back to that question later on in the interview now this is a clever thing to say because it buys you a little bit of time to think about an answer to the question the second option you have is to say to them i will get back to you with an answer that question later on today now if you do choose that option make sure when you get home post interview you do contact them by email and give them an answer to the question now the third option is based on answering difficult behavioral interview questions if they say to you can you give an example of when you have provided excellent customer service and you've never been in that situation before instead of saying i've not been in that situation so i can't give you an answer tell them about a time when you observed somebody else giving excellent customer service because that then tells the interviewer that you know how to perform in that specific situation so if you come across a difficult interview question you've got three options there to use when responding to it so the fifth thing you should never say during a job interview is so what does your company do here now this happens a lot during interviews and having personally interviewed hundreds of candidates for different jobs i have heard people say this time and time again if you say to me what does your company do you will not get hired because it tells me that number one you have not carried out any research whatsoever and number two it tells me that you don't really care about my organization and you are only interested in a paycheck so before you go along to your interview find out what the company does find out about their different products and services go on their social media platforms have a look at their latest news stories and make sure you go on their website and have a look at the about us page make sure you find out what the company does before you go along to your interview the sixth thing you should never say in a job interview is to ask questions about pay benefits or time off never ask questions about these things unless invited to do so so if the interviewer says to you what are your salary expectations in this role then of course you can tell them your expected salary and if you want to know how to answer that difficult interview question i have created a video right here on youtube that you're going to want to check out and you can access that video by clicking that link in the top right hand corner of this video it takes you through to a presentation on youtube where i teach you how to answer the question what are your salary expectations the seventh thing you should never say in a job interview is i don't think anyone else is going to be more qualified than me if you say this this demonstrates slight arrogance not confidence and you should never say because you are not the interviewer remember getting a job is not just about having the qualifications the skills and the experience it's also about having the right personality and if you say that during your job interview you might not be the right fit for their organization so never say i don't think anyone else is going to be more qualified than me because if you do you are unlikely to get hired number eight on our list of things you should never say in a job interview is oh it's on my resume never say that during a job interview because it demonstrates that you are slightly irritated about the fact that the interviewer has not studied your resume or your cv in detail but the truth is employers use resumes and cvs as a filter process to invite you along to a job interview they are unlikely to read it in detail and the simple fact is it's down to you to talk through your resume or your cv during the job interview so make sure you revisit your resume before you go along to the interview and be able to talk through the content in detail the ninth thing you should never say in your job interview is oh that's a great question because if you say that it tells the interviewer that you're trying to buy a little bit of time to answer the question it also communicates to the interviewer that you probably are not going to be able to answer that question so never say oh that's a great question number 10 on our list of things you should never say in a job interview is i don't have much experience but now if you tell the interviewer you don't have much experience you are basically communicating with them that you are not going to be able to do the job properly so never say i don't have much experience instead you should say something like although i am new to work i am very hungry to learn and being the type of person who learns things very quickly i am confident i will be able to gain the necessary experience quickly in this role so i can start contributing to the team so number 11 of our 11 things you should never say in a job interview is i don't have any questions now when you get to the end of the interview they're going to say to you that's the end of the interview do you have any questions for us and of course you should always ask some questions in fact i believe you should ask three smart questions that show that you care about their organization now if you would like to know the questions that i recommend you ask at the end of your interview make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video it takes you through to a brilliant presentation right here on youtube and i give you a number of brilliant questions smart questions that you can ask at the end of your interview if you ask any of those questions it puts you across as the standout candidate so make sure you check that out finally if you want to know how to pass your interview and answer 21 tough questions make sure you click that link in the top right hand corner of the video it takes you through to my website pastmyinterview.com and you can download my top 21 brilliant answers to difficult interview questions it's a great guide and it's guaranteed to put you head of the competition during your job interview i hope you've enjoyed that presentation don't forget to smash that subscribe button i appreciate your support on this channel and finally give the video a like because that tells me you find the content useful thank you so much for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your interview
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 642,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interview mistakes, things you should never say in an interview, what shouldn't you say in a job interview, job interview tips, how to pass a job interview, things you should never say in a job interview, What are 3 things you should never do at an interview, Worst thing to say in a job interview funny, common interview mistakes, job interview questions and answers, how do i prepare for a job interview, how to pass interviews
Id: JijnvwfmK5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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