Fastest Player From Every Club

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I'm building a team using the fastest player from every Club using this wheel and I need to spin the clubs with the fastest players Because by the end of this video if the average pace of this team isn't at least 90 I'll be discarding one player for every one away that I am and you know this team's going to be expensive I've got 35 million coins to spend and our first Club is Manchester United surely they've got a fast player so they've actually got two players both with 94 Pace Marcus rashford and garnacho but I'm going to buy gacho's card for over half a million coins because I just prefer the card design it's really that simple that's an amazing start but before we spin our next Club I've got a chance to earn myself a respin I've just got to name five other players that play for that club easy lissandro Martinez Bruno Fernand holand Diego dallot Harry MaGuire done I had to think about so that means that we have got the respin if we need it oh Bournemouth it's not all bad CU their fastest player is Justus in clber with 93 Pace that will take my right wing spot once the spot's been filled it's gone and I think we can get more Pace when we get a right winger so I'm going to remove them from the wheel and spin again Mar surely they've got some Speedy players I can't think of right now they've got some really fast cars did you know who the fastest is well this is Marley SAR and I thought I was add this his Trailblazer card but it must have been an SBC cuz it's not on the market but even his base card is still the fastest and he is taking our right wing slot now you might be thinking 90 average pace is going to be easy but it won't guys because the attackers are always the fastest players and goalkeeper General speed is around the 50 Mark which is going to ruin my average ooh ooh oh I can do this I've just got to name one club that SAR has played for before Mars and luckily I know that he used to play for Watford come on respin acquired there are some really bad clubs on this wheel with slow players so this respin is going to help more than you oh my God that is so good cuz if you didn't recognize it that is the icon Club badge and that means I get to add the fastest icon in the game into the squad so I thought it's was going to be adding Team of the Year icon Ronaldo or ultimate birthday Pelle there's one icon who's faster tierry on Goat ultimate birthday 94 rated 4.2 million coins but he's got five star skill moves and most importantly he's got 97 Pace absolute Speed Demon the only downside is if I don't make the 90 rated we now have nearly 5 million coins on the line I don't care because he's a great signing and talking of new signings huge breaking news and amidst the deadline day drama it looks like chuffer has officially joined AR up it's air up for [Applause] me what inspired the move across to air up now that's an easy one it's a dedication to rehydrating Gamers and they make water just taste so good what are you looking to get out of the next season I want to win I think the two of us together anything is possible any key pods you're looking forward to playing with now that's a tough one because it's such a diverse and flavorful team but I think for me it's got to be wild berry and Cherry Cola where do you think this partnership will take your football well I play better when I'm hydrated so the only way is up air up how did you use to stay hydrated whilst gaming I'll be really honest I didn't think about hydration as much as I should what was it like the first time you tasted water through an air up bottle my mind was blown I just couldn't believe all that flavor was coming through scent now as H's most famous time was when he was at Arsenal we're going to treat him as an Arsenal player so we're going to remove Arsenal from the wheel and there're the club that I'm can be trying to earn my respin on now I'm an Arsenal fan so if I don't get this right or no I'm in real big trouble name five players easy zenchenko Ard Gabby isus Martinelli Declan rice and and Gabrielle there you go oh Name six hey do I get two respins no fair enough I'll tell you what one respin is enough for me fair oh guys I am in a world of pain here Fair nord's fastest player is min who plays left wing or right wing which I don't need but he has 99 Pace the next fastest is Udo with 90 Pace who plays Striker I think we can get faster so I'm going to respin this is where I get worried because I can't change this like I am stuck with this like stuck they still got Moses Simon cuz he's fast they do still have Simon and his Centurion card is their fastest player and as he plays Striker I have to buy him and put him up top next to enry average pace is at 94.3 on My worry is that this is where that pace just starts going off a cliff now we've got seven players left to fill and then there is a speed round how good is my knowledge about NES or Moses Simon oh oh this one is actually perfect cuz I know nothing about them this one's based on luck I've got to open a pack in fc24 and if I get a NES player in that pack I get a respin if I don't I don't get a respin it's that simple to be fair I wasn't expecting to get one as the main card it's all about what is behind show me that little yellow badge I need the respin I need it where is it please please please oh n very close but not the one we need please please please [Music] oh am I double cheing yeah I am because I really want a rein I'm just hoping I messed up I didn't do I have to take whatever Club this lands on for no reason this oh please be Madrid please be ooh Villa Royale I don't know why pjo just came into my head he is literally the slowest player at Villa Royale so as I predicted this is where it gets problematic cuz their fastest players like sirlo are Strikers the fastest player that fits into our open spots is left back pader and he's only got 80 pace and that brings my average down to 91 yay am I going to be able to earn myself a respin I hope so home socks color yeah socks color because shirt's too easy I can see that on the card I know their shirt is yellow but what color socks do they wear I'm thinking it's got to be yellow or black I don't know I am going to say that Villa Royale wear yellow socks with their home kit uh I can't find a picture that you can't buy the socks anywhere wao whoo whoo wait that shows yellow uh look look at these images Vale yellow yellow yellow I didn't know the kit was full yellow but I do now so I've got myself the all important respin it is going to be the only thing that can save me Nottingham Forest and once again their fastest player is a Winger and their fastest player that actually fit into my team is sangara who's actually not bad Pace he was an SBC that I don't have so for both of those Reasons I'm going to respin come on in will big Club please cuz I think big Club equals fast players yeah that's my theory anyway o as Roma that's a big Club but have they got any fast players they actually have three cards all with 92 Pace but Lukaku doesn't fit in left back spinola doesn't fit in but luckily his fire card is a right back card and we need a right back so I'm going to buy him for 16,000 coins and Chuck him in the squad what do I need to know about Roma or about spinner oh one previous Club I am going to say that spinola played it's going to be an Italian Club I'm going to say that spinazola was once a player at UD he's literally played for every other Italian Club Venza Atlanta peruja Juventus I might have already said them empo but he has not played for whatever team I said I can't even remember it's that bad a guess so once again no respin for me which means I've just got to take whichever Club I am given I don't know if any of their players are that fast though once again they've got a couple of really pacy players I don't have space in the team for any one of them but it's not all bad news because the fastest player that fits into our team is actually a center back and they've got 86 pace which isn't terrible for a center back it's Nicholas sule with his 91 rated road to the final card I think it's just been upgraded graded because at the time we recording they've just progressed to the semi-finals 86 what a car that is by the way it's a worldy I'm going to buy him 200,000 coins welcome into the team that leaves me hanging on to the 90 rated but we still got a goalie which is going to have like 50 speed so I'm probably going to need to speed round at the end now I'm pretty sure that Dortmund I should be right to answer anything on this I'll open a pack no the highest card in fc24 is sule their highest card oh no no Royce is got a birthday card but I don't know what rating is I am going to say that their highest rated card in FC 24 is in fact this sule that we've gotten our team Ron Dortmund we're going to sort it by rating please please hey here is the joint highest rated with Marco Roy that means I've eared myself a respin things are spicing up now guys oh my word they are spicing up just hit me Real Madrid they've got pacy players all over the place wolves this is annoying cuz they're two fastest players Netto and Kun are not going to fit in this team aun plays cam but I need a CM so I'm going to respin get off my wheel wolves bit of a tongue twisted that isn't it will wolves wolves will wolves try and say wolves will wolves will about 50 times see what happens and whilst you're at it drop a like And subscribe to the channel yeah and if you do it I'm going to get an amazing Club on my respin wa I can't get Ronaldo in the bleming team and he's not even that fast San mané is their fastest card he doesn't fit in the team Cristiano Ronaldo is their second fastest he doesn't fit in the team but Alex Tes is their third fastest with 90 Pace and he does fit in the team no no no it's not a left back card it's a center mid card as he's got a versus Ice card which changed his position to this Center mid unbelievable he's cheap as well he's not a bad card and I'm going to need him to perform in the speed round because although I'm still at 90 average pace that's going to drop quite a bit now I'm pretty sure I got everything on this wheel covered I can name players I know where they finished last season I know the highest card in FC 24 I don't know their nickname and I know a club that TS used to play for so I'm pretty golden I know their or do I know their rivalry name five players oh wait can I actually do this alaza I've got man and Ronaldo cuz we just said them I'm not allowed Tes telisa didn't lorte go there as well who went else went to El naaza I can't name the fifth could have had off tavio I could have had off spena no respin for me come on Wheel you know you want to dish out a big Club to me please please please please please please now we all know their fastest player is frong but unfortunately we've got spinola but you'll see I've got a smile on my face and you know why cuz EA have just dropped team of the season life and in team of the season life is this very nice 90 rated 90 Pace Hing Cappy and he is actually the fastest player for the positions that we've got l so I'm going to buy him for 140,000 coins what do you think about that new car design I like it it just looks a bit more like team of the year instead of team of the season but anyway it's cool that means we're hanging on to the 90 average come on now we know for the next team it's going to be a center mid cuz the goalie definitely isn't going to be as quick so the goalie is going to be our final position before the speed rank I know nothing about lusen I know they're top of the lead last season finished now here I've got to decide whether they finished in the top third mid third or bottom third of the table and I'm going to say that Leverkusen finished in the top third of the table last year oh no no no no the top they're not in the top five please please be six or seven oh few levu finish which bang is literally the last spot of the top third cuz there's 18 positions oh my God that was a close one but it doesn't matter because I've still got my re spin look can we please spin some of the clubs like Barcelona probably got some speed Real Madrid are going to have some speed in the Midfield like surely we got to get one of these big clubs surely please wheel please it's about time Napoli no that's not Napoli that is sporting do you know what's really depressing is that they have got Jeremy sjust he is gold card has got 93 Pace he would have been perfect in those spots now this leaves me in quite the predicament the fastest player they have that fits him team is Pedro gones he's got 83 Pace don't risk the respin I'm going to have to breathing in that big club that we are about to get oh keep going keep going PSG big Club acquired but I they got any fast midfielders cuz we all know mbapp is their fastest player and dembele but neither of them fit in the squads they do have a pacy midfielder in future star zire Emory I don't know if I pronounce his name right but he's got 90 Pace and that is all I care about so 280,000 coins well spent and to be fair to him the card is actually crazy good pulet gang and five star skill moves so at the moment I'm hitting the 90 average and we're not discarding anyone but as I said most keepers are at 50 and that will destroy it meaning I'm discarding a few of these players I'm going to need the speed rank but before we get our goalie let me see if I can get a respin on it PSG last season finish they didn't win the league then my name is not chers League winners oh actually hang on minut it I don't oh I've done it all that to do was say top third mid third or bottom third but I've taken it one step further and said winners so if they're not winners then I don't get rest but of course they were winners they only won it by one point ahead of lenzo that's a close call so we' have got that all important rein and this could be the time that matters the most tach their fastest goalie is liovic with 56 speed which for goalies isn't too bad but I'm sorry let's risk it get off my wheel re spin me please isn't like Liverpool Allison I'm pretty sure he's got like 75 pce what they spun here Olympic leonise oh my God they have got this guy Skelly Alo 80 wind the wild car goal he was 64 speed and he's 6 for8 and you know what the crazy thing is he's actually not a goalie in real life he's a CDM but this winter Wild Card changed him to goal him y I can't speak but if it wasn't for that's why he's got such good speed oh my God getting my team but the question is what has that done to our average pace of the Team 88 so I am discarding two of these players unless the magical happens in the speed round I've got one game of FC 24 and the earlier that I can score my first goal the more re spins I get so if I score in the first 10 minutes I get three respins to try and replace some of these players on the team no pressure tiar on re but everything is on you it's a pretty good team but I have got tiar on re and he he's got five star skills no way no way no way T re straight no way he scores it straight does he no way no way TI tiar that would have been poetic hey there's still time though tiar re oh tiar bury it left foot thank you very much come on it only took me 3 minutes yes so I can spin the club wheel three more times and for every club we land on I am allowed to swap their fastest player for whoever they replace in my team what are the odds we at three rubbish clubs and it's not even worth it Liverpool but the fastest player they've got is 99 Pace Lou Diaz he's going to cost me 1.2 million coins and replace Garo at left wing but annoyingly I'm still at an 88 all I'm going to say wheel is we need more of that it's going to give me another super fast left Winger isn't it that's the problem if it gives me another fast oh my God it's G me another massive Club what is with this whe I could have done with this earlier amazing news they've got two players with 97 pace and both of them fit in our team but I want to replace Pedraza cuz he's got 80 Pace I'm we going to buy that Future Stars bow what card that is by the way oh I love it now surely that's got to get me to the night we didn't even need our final spin I am safe from discards now drop a like subscribe to the channel and do you want to see me build a team using the most expensive player from every nation well click right here my friend
Channel: Chuffsters
Views: 1,395,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fastest Player From Every Club, fastest players in football, fastest players, mbappe, vinicius junior, pace, football, soccer, ea fc 24, fifa 24, chuffsters, chuff, fc 24, fc 24 pack opening, fc 24 squad builder, fc 24 packing opening, fc 24 packs, fifa 24 squad builder, fifa 24 packs, fifa 24 pack opening, fifa 24 team builder, fc24, ultimate team ea fc 24, ultimate team, fc 24 ultimate team, fc 24 ultimate team guide, fifa ultimate team, fut, fut 24, ea sports fc 24, fifa 23
Id: M56WWR0oWBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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