5 Tips For Increasing Your Google Adwords Quality Score | Save Money on Your PPC Ads

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- Google's worth well over $500 or $600 billion. Why? It's because everyone is clicking on Google AdWords ads. When you do a Google search, what do you see at the top? It's a ad. You get in there by paying Google through their service called Google AdWords. Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today I'm gonna share with you how to improve your Google AdWords quality score. (bright music) The higher your Google AdWords quality score, the cheaper you're gonna be paying per click. The way Google AdWords works is every time someone clicks on your ads, you pay money. When they don't click on your ads, you don't pay Google money. So if you wanna improve your quality score, you have to do a few simple things. Number one, target very specific keywords. Don't do broad match. If you go after very specific keywords by doing exact match, what'll happen is your ads will only show up for that specific keyword or phrase. When you go to broad, you're gonna end up paying more per click 'cause Google's gonna be showing your ads to a lot of people who aren't clicking. The next tactic that you need to be following is negative keywords. For example, let's say you're selling computers. When someone types in Apple 'cause you're also a reseller of Apple computers, when someone types in Apple, you may wanna add in the negative keyword of food. Because if you show up for ads related to Apple and someone's looking for the food, you're gonna be wasting money per click, your quality score is gonna go down, and your ad costs are gonna go through the roof. So make sure you add in negative keywords. Third, group your keywords. What I mean by grouping is a lot of your keywords are similar to each other. Put those in one group. By grouping, you can create relevant ad text towards each group. The moment you put all of your keywords in one campaign and you have the same ad text for all of those keywords, what's gonna happen is your ad text isn't gonna be relevant towards each keyword, a lot of people won't be clicking on them, and this is gonna cause your click-through rate to go down and your cost per click to go up, 'cause the way Google works is they optimize for their own revenue. So the higher your click -hrough rate, the cheaper your ads will be. And the higher your click-through rate, the better your quality score is gonna be. The fourth tip I have for you is continue to optimize your ad text. If your ad texts get more click-through than the competitors, your cost per click is gonna go down and your quality score is gonna go up. By testing, you're gonna be able to figure out what works and what doesn't work. If you're unsure of this, go look at your competitors. Type in a keyword. You can see the ad texts that other people are using at the top. Usually the people at the top have really appealing ad text and which is getting a ton of clicks. If you can't find a ton of examples when you're searching a keyword, go to SEMrush, put in a keyword, and it'll show you the history of all the people who have been bidding on that keyword and what their ad copy was. Last but not least, optimize your landing page. If your landing page is amazing when people go click through on your ad, go to your landing page, and buy, your quality score is gonna go up. If your landing page sucks and people keep bouncing back off, well, Google's gonna ding your quality score. The way you can landing page is, A, put your keywords on that landing page. So if someone Googles the keyword marketing and your landing page also shows marketing, you're much more likely to keep the visitor on there and convert. B, continually run tests using Crazy Egg. Using Crazy Egg, you can see where people are getting stuck on your landing page, what they like, how far down they're scrolling, and what you can improve on that page to create a better user experience. That's it. Follow all those techniques and tactics and you're gonna be able to improve your Google AdWords quality score. (bright music)
Channel: Neil Patel
Views: 202,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital marketing, adwords, adwords campaign, google adwords, improve adwords campaign, increase quality score, pay per click, pay per click advertising, ppc campaign, seo marketing, what is google adwords, quality score, bing ads, click through rate, adwords management, ppc management, paid traffic, internet marketing secrets, ppc, google, seo, online advertising, adwords tutorial, google search, improve quality score, display advertising, negative keywords
Id: fy28vfE2V0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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