5 Things You Need to Know About Paris (From Pick Pockets to Snobs)

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hi my name is Roman Lily and I am currently traveling around Paris and I want to say about some of the things you really should know if you're thinking about coming to Paris I want to come to Paris or just intrigued by the city we are going to talk about some of the really cool things about Paris France and also some of the negative stereotypes like about snobbish kind of stuff snobbery is that the right way to say it I don't know anyway we're gonna talk about Parisian sobs if that's really a thing or not so make sure you subscribe by the way if you haven't done so already there's lots more videos coming up from here in Paris France but also from other countries I'm in Europe now on going to the u.s. at some point traveling around Italy let's see I don't even know of a place I'm gonna go next but when it comes to Paris there are definitely some things that you should know now people kind of say that Parisians can be snobby so let's talk about that for a minute because it's kind of true it's definitely true like when I was first I'm here in Paris day one I went like into a sorbet shop I'm gonna take my sunglasses off even though it's sunny because I want to show you what happened to me and like you kind of need to be able to see my face so at one point I walked into a sorbet shop and like I asked if I could have a taste of sorbet the guy was like if you like didn't move by the way didn't go to get the sorbet or do anything he was just like looking at me and I was like yeah yeah I would I would like to try some sir if that's okay you know like and here's the thing that I've noticed politeness is very important in France especially here in Paris is so different what that means in the US versus what that means in France is different so politeness means when you walk into any restaurant or establishment you have to say like Bonjour Madame Bonjour Monsieur but the thing is is like I think man consumer in the US and even in many places of Asia it's sort of like an underlying feeling that the customer is right that the customer is doing someone a favor by kind of showing up and by supporting the establishment that's not true here in Paris it's not true here in France they are doing you a favor by allowing you into the store to try their phenomenal French delicacies even if it delicacy is a survey a piece of cheese a coffee it doesn't matter so that's kind of the mindset so it's very important for customers to be polite also French people generally don't like it when people speak English to them just like right away it's better to speak a really terrible French and then let a French person transition the conversation to English I learned that lesson the hard way I would walk into places like hello Bonjour I would say Bonjour but like I might say parlez-vous anglais which means like I know do you speak English but they didn't I think I didn't really get a good reaction to that because although I was speaking in French I was asking people to speak in English it's better to just speak really terrible friends so like if you have Google Translate just kind of google translate what you want to say say it poorly and then let them speak to you in English it's weird but it just sort of works out better in that way for everybody [Music] I think my favorite thing about parents there's a lot to like I think a lot of people might say the food food is fine here but my favorite thing about Paris is the street music there are so many different street musicians anywhere from one person with saxophone I saw like a kid [Music] - like that band playing all sorts of music [Music] there's classical music [Music] [Music] Paris is actually the second most expensive city in the world so if you're planning to come visit here make sure you're aware of it and plan appropriately before I got to Paris I was in India Thailand Vietnam definitely some sticker shock with coming here to Paris versus the places I'm accustomed to in Asia well that said Kevin video coming up soon that I'm gonna post that's about like what I spend in a day going through expenses here so you can see kind of like what's typical there are always ways to kind of cut corners I don't like to I'm not like the cheapest traveler but I like to be kind of balanced and moderate so you can take a look at that [Music] another thing you must be aware of if you are traveling to Paris is that pickpocketing is huge here it's big I'm a member of different Facebook groups of like expense who are here in Paris and even expensive live here for a while with friends traveling or just themselves people are getting pickpocketed on a regular basis so if you come to Paris please do not keep anything in your pockets one woman by the way hopes it in the Facebook group saying that on the metro was just a subway here she and her friend both had their laptops stolen out of their backpacks now wow how sophisticated of a thief how professionals you'd have to be to pull that off without anyone noticing these people are serious they're real they know what they are doing so if you come to Paris be very mindful of your things do not keep anything important in your pockets be careful with your backpack some of that laptop stolen out of it you know honestly the other day I was on the subway I put my backpack in front of me like right now I'm wearing it like this I'm not in the crowded area but I had it like it was a baby on my chest it looked ridiculous and I felt a little bit silly but guess what I knew I was gonna have all my things because Melvin is going to steal on my backpack when it's right in front of me like that like I'm gonna feel it I'm gonna see it I can monitor it better so I would grab it and look silly and have all of my belongings with me rather than to look cool and look cute and like be robbed so don't want to make anyone paranoid you know it's never my goal but really pickpocketing is a serious serious thing that happens to a lot of people here so if you are coming to Paris be really careful about that another thing about France there are so many bakeries here I have never seen so many bakeries in a small area like where I'm standing right now there's a bakery here I know where there's two down the street like they're just bakeries everywhere bread pastries I really don't know why French people aren't like obese because before I came to France I thought everyone ate these really tiny portions but it's not true from what I'm seeing like this whole one bite to my thing this these portions are big around here I've seen a lot of large portions people here eat a lot of bread a lot of cheese and that's just one or two bites of it and it's impressive they're bakeries everywhere have a look at some of these beautiful looking trees [Music] and something else that I found surprising at a lot of these bake races is that a lot of them do have Asian options and gluten-free options sometimes actually a lot of the times they don't call out what's vegan because it's not really important I think for a lot of people here but I have found that a lot of things are surprisingly vegan so I found crepes that were I found breads that were all sorts of things they're not label to have to ask about ingredients but once I ask I find out and it's really good there is also a really huge cafe culture here in Paris so even you see people sitting behind me it is very common for people to sit outside have coffee eat lunch whatever and just people watch and what I love this is that it's so unashamed people watching like they have a lot of the tables and chairs set up oh they have the chairs and tables set up just so that people can look out you know there's no like even behind me but I'm still early it's almost like it's it's early right now it's almost lunchtime but you see the chairs are set up some people even just sit and look out at the street Paris is a major city here in Europe and it actually reminds me a lot of New York I lived in New York for a number of years Paris is a similar vibe to me but with one really big difference actually it's a small difference and that small difference is the height of the buildings so when I walk around Paris it feels a lot like New York to me at times except none of the buildings are very tall there's actually a long saying how tall the buildings can be here apparently they allowed one skyscraper to be built here in Paris or like a you know kind of a high-rise building everyone thought it looked ugly so after that they change the rules and they no longer allowed high-rises so all of the buildings here are just like four or five storeys not very tall at all kind of like it it makes everything look really kind of charming and quaint Paris is a very Western you know modern city but it is very different than any place I've visited in the u.s. it reminds me of New York but I mean let's be honest everyone here speaking French so it's certainly different and language is certainly a barrier if you don't speak the language like I don't I don't speak French I know a few phrases and sentences but like that's it so if you're coming to Paris and you don't speak French it's busy just google translate a few phrases before you get here because there is a stereotype which i think is accurate which is that the French don't really like it when people assume they speak English even though a lot of them do but um they want you to try to speak French so getting some phrases ready before you come the number one phrase you must know is Bonjour Bonjour Madame Bonjour Monsieur that could take you really far all right so that has been our look at Paris some of the things you must know make sure you subscribe to my channel if you have not done so already there's a lot more coming up from here in Paris from other places in Europe at some point of them go back to the States for a brief visit gonna be all over the world as usual so make sure you subscribe and see what's coming up see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roman Around The World
Views: 27,806
Rating: 4.828877 out of 5
Keywords: roman around the world, solo travel, travel vlog, quit job to travel, blackpacker, black travel vlog, female solo traveler, roman lillie, quit to travel, black traveler vlog, travel noire, philly girl in paris, black in paris, black in france, black travel france, travel noire france, travel noire paris, american tourist paris travel vlog, paris travel vlog, france tourist travel vlog
Id: 0WrncAAScTE
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Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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