5 Things You Can Do in Paris in August - What to do in Paris in August?

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hey chief today's log and a 1010 110 when oh you were so close to all ones [Music] good morning and welcome to a Wednesday in Paris today it's the last day of July by the time this video post it'll be the first day of August so figured why not talk about five things you can still do in Paris in August even though you probably heard the rumors which are true that Paris is pretty much dead in August because it's vacation time for those of you that didn't know this the French take vacations by department so different regions of the country just vacate all at once there are some people here though it's not totally empty but your experience between May and August are gonna be dramatically different so here are five things you can do assuming you don't get run into by some random person here so here even the roads are closed today that's great anyways here five things you can still do in Paris have a great time in August [Music] first off and probably most obviously museums huge museums some of the best museums in the world Paris is home to lots and lots and lots museums most of which whoa will be open some of which will probably be closed because there's always something that's closed when you think it's gonna be open however the Louvre not gonna screw with you it is the largest building and all of France I even made a video on how to visit it quickly and efficiently in case you're low on time but if you've got time you could stroll through here for weeks and still not run out of new things to see so come enjoy yourself wander about season things you've never seen before don't try to take a photo with the Mona Lisa well maybe you if you really want to and bonus get out of the heat it happens to be super hot day but either way there's something for everyone here and even if you're not huge into art the building itself is gorgeous inside and out well worth the wander so first things first museums not just the Louvre Palais de Tokyo the Rodin Museum tons and I have some videos on all of that if you want to check those out and bonus there are some space invaders around here if you want to look for space invaders there are a few of them in these tunnels that I'm going through right now see if I can find you one and summer is a great time to wander around outside and see if you can't find some space invaders [Music] they're like four of them right in here now you want to find them [Music] second monuments and churches unlike museums which you know you're going to spend your time walking through the museum enjoying what the museum has to offer learning monuments and churches have the added benefit of walking between them now this is kind of an easy example because we have sent attendant the church and the Pantheon right next to each other which makes for an easy one but if you're gonna go between them you're gonna get the experience of walking exploring finding fun new angles to take photos they may not have as much going on inside of them as a museum but they're usually gonna be a lot more beautiful to look at than a museum and you have the additional benefit of discovering them and getting to be outside a little bit more and monuments don't close I mean why on earth would a monument where a church ever closed okay not all the monuments right now but this is actually a good example this is the most famous example right now and hopefully it's only last for a few years might be longer but there's always a monument that's gonna be closed down have scaffolding on it's just not going to be as pretty as you're hoping expecting so always good that in mind and you know remember they're just tons them around and go find one of the ones that isn't under scaffolding but most of the monuments should be over [Music] quick plug it we'll return to at some point here but the peloton is open all August which is miserable for this guy no vacation for him but if you need coffee and you don't know where to get it they'll be open so that's one hot tip for August it's not enough the five things but it is a hot tip move number three always have three options and mines look at all this stuff that's closed it's ridiculous it can be really hard to know for sure if a place is gonna be open or not check their Instagram if you're brave enough you can even call them ahead of time no guarantees there's gonna be information on the internet though that's just the way things are all around here so if you're gonna go to a spot you have a hotspot you really want to hit go there but do a little bit of research ahead of time to see are there one or two other places nearby that I might want as a backup because you might end up walking for a while looking for a spot especially if you're not prepared and you don't know which side street you should be taking so keep that in mind have three options in mind up front ready to roll wherever you go and if you're looking for a lot of really delicious amazing tasty options you should check out my guide I read an entire guide to the city with over 200 recommendations fantastic places all places that I actually like have been to enjoy and so if you want you know to increase your odds go download that right now this is just my little plug moment but it's got essays on how to get around how to avoid scams it's loaded it's like a real thing it's not just a short list of things that I like so give that a go [Music] number four the river the river the river the sin is amazing and it has multiple options you can go to predestined places like this predestined you know what I mean predetermined City locations that have far as the restaurants attached to them boats there the Peniche you can hop on a boat grab a drink grab something to eat or right now you've got the perry pledge which is where all these people are sitting under their delightful blue umbrellas with city-owned lounging chairs look there's so many of them that are open and are free even if these aren't here when you're here during the summer which is possible you can always sit on the edge have a picnic honestly having a picnic on the river it should be mandatory for any trip to Paris anytime it's warm enough to sit outside grab a bottle of wine grab some cheese some bread some fruit set out have a drink you're allowed to have a drink on the river so take advantage of it especially if you're an American you can't drink outside where you're from might as well drink outside where you are anyways as you can see past those again more bars on this side and then some grass over here that you can sit on and have a nice little picnic with your friends watch the boats go by watch the sunset just enjoy life and then at home after that it's a fantastic low-cost really great way to enjoy an evening in Paris and it's I think just mandatory one way or the other even if it's not August [Music] also don't forget all these random outdoor places that you can go and have a sandwich not to over plug my guide but there's some fantastic places in my guide that will hook you up with a delicious sandwich or something to eat and you'll be well set for a tasty easy and often inexpensive picnic in my master as well there's some really good ones in there too and it's not just the Sun for picnics you have the canal and you have parks there are so many amazing parks in Paris that do not take advantage of them is a crime and you don't just have to stroll through them you can stop and enjoy a picnic on a benches in some chairs this is the journey to Luxembourg for example one of my favorites it's big it's beautiful full of flowers home to the Senate just a gorgeous location come get some photos have a picnic super worth it just make sure you get your outdoor picnic on at least once if not you know like 10 times while you're here [Music] this is a bonus but of course teressa's or patios tresses in the game they're just outside the garden the Luxembourg Gardens and when you're done having your picnic you're done wandering around if you need a place to stop and have a drink their drinks are amazing and they'll actually be a free Prosecco with your meal if you let them rather you're playing the game shameless plug but come sit have a drink take advantage of the open terraces because not all of them are gonna be open right now there are gonna people that are on vacation as expected but when you find one just sitting and watching people go by one of the most Parisians things you can do so sit have a drink and enjoy the world as it continues to drive around you they also let me park my wheel here while I wandered around inside the garden so you know of course I gotta give my plug because that's just generally helpful and delightful just like they always are anyhow let's move on and finally number five told you that I'd be back here bike tours or photo tours the summer is a great time to go for a bike tour I mean you can do them pretty much year-round anyways but right when you hit the ground running here it's a good way to get oriented keep jet lag at bay get a little bit of sunlight it's a really good way to see the city there are also the photo tours I'll link to some videos on the bike tours and the photo tours but with LNM they're a partner in the game as well that I organize if you want to come do a stroll get some nice photos they'll introduce you some great photo locations as well as do private photo shoots if you'd like to get your photo taken for your engagement or your family for whatever it is you're looking for those are two really great options that are definitely open throughout all of August and really fun activities that keep you outside and enjoying the city [Music] and there you have it five plus things that you can do with your time here in Paris and August if you're coming just be aware it's gonna be chilled it's not gonna be the usual hustle and bustle of the city just nice if that's what you're into I mean that can be really nice just might not be the best time if you're super into like the gastronomy of the city like the new waves of food and coffee it'll be a little bit rougher but aside from that still plenty you can do and I would highly recommend that you take advantage of all the outdoor activities that there are to do here in Paris whether that's bikes picnics boat tours you can go on a cruise on the river and have dinner a lot of great ways you can spend your time here in Paris in August while I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as my preferred time to be here personally I still think it's a great time there's no there's no bad time to be in Paris let's be honest in August it's still pretty killer so give it a go hope you enjoy it if you're interested in seeing more about the city maybe this is the first time you've ever seen one of my videos I did a whole series called the 20 and 20 which gives you a little bit of a peek into every arrondissement every district in Paris individually over time I did like 20 videos in 20 days it was kind of nuts highly recommended and it's a great way to see more of those parks that I'm talking about we're those outdoor activities locations you can go places you can get photos all of that and of course again my guide if you want to buy that there's a link below has tons of recommendations where to go what to do what to eat should give you plenty of options to fall back on just in case you're running low and yeah I also make a video every day from Paris at least for one more month so feel free to keep watching subscribe if you haven't already like the video leave a comment do all those you to be things that you should be doing anyways and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for yet more joyful times here in the City of Lights see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Jay Swanson
Views: 15,703
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Keywords: 5 things you can do in paris in august, what to do in paris in august, paris in august 2019, paris in late august, august in paris, recommendations for paris in august, best things to do in paris in august, does paris shut down in august, should I go to paris in august, should you go to paris in august, why you should go to paris, 5 things to do in paris, things to do in paris in summer, 5 things to do in paris in august, jay swanson paris august, jay swanson vlog, paris, vlog
Id: yfsziXYTCro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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