5 Things You Have To Know Before Renting Your Car On Turo

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Welcome back. We are going to be teaching you  on TURO about this video but if you need an   entire course on how to put your car on TURO,  exactly how to do it, exactly what to put in your   description and exactly how to make the most  money, I have an entire course that I created   just for you and you can get it absolutely  at a great price, just go to c, like car, r   like rental, fortunes. f-o-r t-u-n-e-s.com.  Again, an entire course on TURO just for you. Now, let's get into this video. So, the first thing  that you need to know before ever putting your   car on TURO is what is TURO? What is the purpose of  TURO? How do they make money? How do you make money? So let me break that down for you. First of all,  TURO, spelled t-u-r-o.com is a site that is very   similar has the same purpose that airbnb.com does  for properties. So, you can put your personal car   on turo.com using the app. You can be someone  that puts your car on TURO and people will rent   your car from you and pay you a fee. Very similar  to a rental car company. So, in fact, if you have a   car that you're not driving or you only drive  your car to work and on the weekends, you want   to rent it out to other people, you literally  can do that and charge them a fee. Additionally, you can make an entire business out of this and  you can start with just one car and you can grow   it and have multiple cars on TURO and make  lots of money per car on TURO. So essentially, TURO is a place where hosts can put their  car on TURO, on the website and they will find   people that want to rent the car for a nightly,  daily rate. Additionally, if you want to rent a   car and you don't want to go to enterprise or  Hertz or Avis or traditional rental car company, guess what? You can go to this app, turo.com,  the TURO app and you can rent people's cars   and in many cases, it's a lot cheaper than it would  be than renting from a rental car company and you   get different types of cars. So, instead of just  getting a Chevy Malibu you know or a Lincoln town   car which most rental car companies, have you can  get cool cars like this one. You can get a Tesla. You can get a Porsche. This  is a 2020 Porsche Cayenne. They don't even make that many of these and I put  cars like this on TURO and I make tons of money. Not only people just drive the car you know for  their own personal use, I have people that rent my   cars for music videos. I have people that rent  my cars for modeling shoots and for different   things that they're doing in their business. If  they want to rent a beautiful car because they   have this great business meeting that they're  going to and they want to drive a Tesla or a   Porsche or a Cadillac Escalade or an Audi, we have  all of these beautiful cars and then we even have plain cars like Honda accords and Altima's and Jeep  Grand Cherokees that we put on this website and we   make money with. So, you can put different types  of cars on TURO, that is what TURO is for so   that explains TURO now let me get to the second  point. Number 2, how does TURO work? Let me tell   you and explain to you how TURO works. So the way  that TURO works is. If you are a host again someone   that is putting their car on TURO, someone that  is an entrepreneur using TURO, someone that is   making money with TURO, this is how it works for  you because that is what we are talking about. The first thing that you will do of course is you  need a car and you have to have a car that is a   certain year and a certain mileage. They will not  let you put cars on TURO that have more than 130   thousand miles at the time of this recording and it has  to be newer than I believe it is a 2013. I'm going   to actually put TURO's current guidelines for what  they want for their cars. So, most cars do fit into   this. Now, let's talk about making a business, how it  works as doing this as a business. So once you get   your first car on TURO, you just list the car, it  helps you take the pictures, it tells you to put   the mileage, it helps you along the way as you are  putting that car up there. It's going to tell you   tell me how many miles it has, tell me what year  it is, tell me what the color is, tell me the vin   number. Actually when you put the vin number  in, it actually pulls in a lot of the data   and then you just take some professional pictures  and even some videos and if you take a picture   of your license plate, it will block that license  plate out. TURO is designed to help normal regular   people put their cars on TURO so that they can  have millions of cars on TURO and what they do   is they will take a portion of the money that you  get. So let's give you an example. I have this great   2021 Range Rover. Land Rover Range Rover and it rents for $299 dollars   a day on tourists, that's 300 dollars  per day approximately plus gas fees, we'll talk   about some of those things, washing the car. If  people don't pay, I get to charge more things   and the thing about it is even if I have this car  rented just 10 days a month, just think about that. I've made over 3,000 dollars, okay,   and the cardinal on this car is very high. It   is a 2021 Range Rover so it's like a $1,500 a month  car note but it's still profitable so that's how   it works and every time I get a booking, TURO  takes a small portion. So if I'm charging $299 a day, TURO may take 5 or 10 dollars per day  from the booking and they take that directly from the person. I don't see anything and they actually  charge a fee and again you can eat that fee or you   can charge that to your customer or the person  that runs it and it's your decision. So, the great   thing about TURO, how it works is you get to really  be in control. They have a few rules, again we put   them here, but you get to be an entrepreneur and  you can put multiple cars on TURO. So, let me tell   you some more things that you should know because  it is an excellent business but I want you to be   careful in this thing so let's get to the next one.  Number 3, insurance. When it comes to renting your car on TURO, insurance is very important. This  is one of the things you definitely need to know   before you get your car on TURO. Make sure that  you understand and know this so the great thing   about TURO, this is an amazing benefit.  TURO actually has their own blanket policy   that they cover the cars with so if you have an  accident or something like that or someone driving   your car and they have an accident, they will  actually file a claim with the insurance policy   through TURO. Currently it's liberty mutual, again  it's a real insurance company, again it could be   state farm or farmers by the time you're watching  this but it is with a real insurance company and   that is who they would file the claim with first,  okay? And most people are encouraged to take the   insurance with the TURO, okay, just like with any  rental car company. Have you been enterprise or   hurtz or Avis they ask you hey, do you want this  insurance? Well the great thing with TURO is they   automatically put that in for people and they  actually have to take it out when they're booking   your car that they don't want the insurance  through TURO. So 99% of your bookings, mind you, they   have the person has accepted the insurance through  TURO. Now if they don't, okay, and this is a risk, you   can actually say you don't want people that don't  take the insurance, that's an option, okay, but if   you do accept which I do then you would still,  if they crashed the car, they would be supplying   you their insurance company information which you  have and they have to have full coverage that   gets verified before they take your car. You would  call their insurance company and you will file the   claim with their insurance company before you ever  actually filed it with your insurance company. Now,  disclaimer. Noelle is not an insurance advisor.  I am not an attorney. Please check with your   own person before putting your car on TURO  and your risk. I assume no liability or risk for   you putting your car on TURO but hand to the sky, I  have 11 cars and we have had no major accidents.   Yes, little fender bender, little knicks and stuff  here, not even a fender bender not even where they damage the bumper but just like scratches  and things like that. We get a lot... we have gotten   some wheels scratches and things like that but  we literally make more money when this happens   so let me get into the next thing because this is  important. Again, your car needs to be insured, TURO has insurance for you, the person driving the car  has insurance so there are actual insurances that   would ever get called on and a claim filed on  before they hit your insurance policy. So, it's   an amazing thing that they've set up, very similar  to how properties work with Airbnb and things like  that so let's get to this next thing. It's exciting.  Number 4, types of cars. One of the things that   you need to know before putting your car on TURO  is the types of cars that do well on TURO and   it is amazing. Okay, so depending on the type  of car that you have, you can actually put   all different types of cars. You can put small  cars like Honda Civics and Nissan Sentras and some   of those cars actually do very well. In fact, we  have some cheap little cars you know like Nissan   Sentras and Versas and things like that and they  actually stay rented. Now, they do not rent for a   lot per day. I know I gave an example of a Porsche  and Range Rovers and things like that. No, you are   not going to get $300 a day for your Nissan Versa.  okay, that's a small little car that's going to get   you about $25 per day but know that those cars stay  rented most of the month if you do it properly. Now your higher-end cars, let's go to the  mid level so any kind of car works first of all. You can go from low level so let's you got your  small compacts and things like that. Now let's go   the best cars. The best cars are like Jeep Grand  Cherokees, Jeep Wranglers, SUV's. They really do well. Ford Expeditions and things like that. A lot of the  SUV's in those mid-size and larger SUV's actually do   really, really well on TURO. That is because those  cars are not as abundant with rental car companies   and so if you have the supply of those cars, you  really do well. Escalades and things like that are   higher-end SUV's that also do well. So, now  let's get into luxury. Okay, straight up luxury cars, that is going to be a non-starter. You should not  start with a luxury car, okay? This is Noelle giving   you the game. This is Noelle telling you a secret. I  did not start with a Range Rover or a Porsche or   a Lexus or anything like that and i don't suggest  that you do as well unless you already have some   reserves. If you're like this professional person,  you make 100,000 dollars a year and   you have a little bit of reserves, you could  probably be okay but if you are saying I am   strapping for money, I'm an entrepreneur, I'm gonna  put these cars up here and I'm gonna make some   money, start with a smaller or a mid-level car  like a Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Jeep, a Wrangler, you know Explorer, something in that family, okay,  or a smaller car that's inexpensive that you   can just go back and forth or you can even have  someone drive Uber in it, okay? That's another whole   video I'll teach you with that. So if you have cars,  you can actually give them to other people and   they can go drive Uber, Uber eats and you can make  money on it so that's a whole nother thing but   that is an option. So, you want to get cars that  you can do multiple things with and you could sell   off if you needed to, okay? Now let's talk high-end  cars. Porsches Lexuses, Mercedes-Benzes, Range Rovers. Those are something you graduate to. So once I got  some cars going and we started making some money,   we did put those cars up there and they do very  well. They charge a lot per day they're used   for multiple things like music videos and and  people show up to business events in them, people   literally have rented our cars for weddings. We're  actually getting a Rolls Royce Cullinan and it's   going to be used for weddings. People are paying a  thousand dollars per day to rent Rolls Royces so,   these are cars that you can start making a lot of  money in but I suggest that you progress to it, you   don't start with that. Those are the types of cars  so let me get to the last juicy thing about TURO because this is amazing. I love you so much, you're  gonna make a ton of money. I want you to do this   business. Let me tell you number 5. Number 5,  how much money you expect to make? Before you ever   put your car on TURO, you need to know how much  money you expect to make. So, our smaller cars, you know they're making on average 8, 900  dollars a month in profit. Our Tesla makes a   lot of money and then sometimes it doesn't make  any money because sometimes I'm driving it and I actually need a car to drive and I want to drive  it. You'll see the Range Rover does really well. Our core cars are the Jeeps, you know our core cars are those mid-sized cars.  So, these are the types of cars that you really   want to do. They're going to make you between  500 and 1,5000 dollars a   month per car, that is about what you can expect.  500 to 1,500 dollars per month   per car. Now, I know that's a 1,000 dollar a  month gap but you really shouldn't be making less   than $500 per month in your car. I really have some  really lazy people that don't rent their car all   the time and they still make about $500 a month  profit. You know what I mean? Just renting their   car out 2 to 3 weekends per month, okay,  and if you do that solidly, you price your car   correctly, you should make this, you know? Don't  give away your car. I literally have an example. I'm going to show you right quick of someone that  did a Range Rover 2020 for a hundred   dollars a day, that is ridiculous, that is 1/3  of the cost. You're not going to make profit, you're   going to have to rent that luxury car out way too  much. There people are going to put way too many   miles on it and they're going to be depreciating  your car down. So, charge what you're supposed to   be charging, look at what other people are charging  and stay competitive. Do not give your car away, do   not just make it cheap so you can keep it booked,  that is not the point. This is a business and you   are looking to make money. So, that is how much  money you can make and I have a one last special   gift for you. Okay so I have a special surprise  for you. Like I said, one of my students has done so   well with TURO and he is now coaching on it and  he and I have created a full course on TURO. We've   been on TURO for more than a year, we've really  mastered this thing, we're really making money   with it and we really want to teach you at a  really inexpensive price because there is so much opportunity and such a great business  for people. Go to crfortunes.com and   check out my new course and get it at a very  affordable price and get a full training   on TURO, how to start your business, how to  launch this business, how to get the credit.  We even teach you how to get business credit so  you don't even have to put cars in your name. You  literally can put cars in your business name, the  same way that Noelle does. Yes, Porsches, Range Rovers,  Tesla's, all of that in your business's name, we  will teach you that. Go to crfortunes.com.  This is an amazing course. I just want to make  sure that you have all of the resources, all of   the tools and all of the knowledge that you need  to be successful. This is Noelle, to your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 61,175
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Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, 5 Things You Have To Know Before Renting Your Car On Turo
Id: 6IBu4jAypHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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