How To Buy A House With No Money Or Job

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How to buy a house with no money or  job? I know, I know. Noelle sounds crazy   telling you that you can buy a house with no  money or a job. And that is absolutely true.   I've done it. Other students have done it and I'm  going to tell you how you can do it too. Let's go. I'm going to share with you a detailed  step-by-step process on how you can buy a home   with no money or job legally and ethically.  I'm going to share with you the biggest trap to   avoid so that you don't get messed up while you're  trying to do this. And I'm going to share with you   a sneaky little way to end up with a nice  house with no money or job. There are so   many benefits to owning a home and you want to  become a homeowner. I own dozens of properties   and I absolutely love it. It's changed my  life and is the business that I enjoy doing.   I'm literally inside of one of my Airbnbs right  now in Florida and I love doing this. But it all   started with buying properties. I started  from my parents' basement and now I am a   wealthy millionaire. I have lots of properties.  I have a great net worth. I'm able to pass these   properties down to my kids or my grandkids.  And I've been able to leverage my properties   to buy more properties and get income and cash  flow in the process. I could go on and on about   all of the benefits of owning real estate but  there are just too numerous. Real estate is   still the number one way to wealth. 89% of all  millionaires have been created so through real   estate and that was true 100 years ago and it's  still true today. So, you are definitely on the   right track getting into real estate. So, let's  talk about how you do it with no money or job.   So, the secret sauce to getting all of this done  is a concept in real estate we call subject to.   Subject to has been life-changing for me and  it was one of the things that has catapulted   my net worth. When I found out that I could buy  properties for pennies on the dollars, I was able   to get more houses than I could even keep. It has  been the funnest thing in the world and this is   how you can get it done. So, let me tell you.  "Subject to" is a concept where you are buying   a property from someone and you are leaving the  mortgage in place. Essentially, you buy the home   "subject to" the existing financing staying in  place. Meaning, I am buying this home subject to,   again, with the condition of you leaving the  current mortgage in place. Now, you usually have   to take over those payments and you and the seller  can write up a different agreement. But the deed   and the title and all of that is in your name.  I've closed on property subject to and it has been   life-changing for me. In fact, I was able to even  get properties for just a few thousand dollars and   I'm going to explain to you how you do that. Just  wanted to make sure you understood the concept.   So, like I said, buying a home subject to is very  simple. It's just like buying a home but you leave   the current mortgage in place. So, let me tell  you about the traditional home buying process.   When you usually buy a home, you usually have  to get financing. Meaning, you have to get your   own mortgage. You have to get qualified from  a mortgage lender. You have to show them your   income, your assets, your employment, your credit.  And they have to qualify that you can pay for   that mortgage. And many of you guys already know  getting qualified for a mortgage can be daunting.   And in some cases, most people get declined. It  really does depend on your situation. But if you   have a situation where you don't have a job and  you don't have very much money, most likely you're   not going to be able to buy a home the traditional  way unless you can buy it cash. Which is not   really a smart idea. Just being honest with you.  But anyway, the traditional home buying process is   very daunting. So, if you have a situation where  you don't have stellar credit or you don't have   income that's stable and continuing, you're  probably not going to get approved. However,   if you do subject to you don't have to worry about  that. So, let me give you all of the details now   that you understand what subject to is and why  you don't want to go through the traditional   home buying process. So now, that you understand  subject to, I know you're probably thinking,   "Noelle, why would anyone sell me their house and  leave the mortgage in place? That sounds super   risky for them. That sounds like they wouldn't  do it. Those are some of the comments that I get.   But let me give you the answer because it's a  very simple one. You need to find someone that   is having financial distress. Financial distress  opens people's minds just being honest with you.   If someone is past due on their mortgage or they  lost their job and so they lost their income and   they're not going to be able to pay for that home,  that creates a situation where they're going to be   looking for a solution. Most people do not want to  go through the foreclosure process. Most people do   not want to try to sell a home that needs repairs  and then fix the house up and then try to sell it.   Most people do not want to do this. So, if they're  having a situation where they are in some type   of financial distress such as foreclosure, job  relocation, divorce, bankruptcy, someone got sick.   You know, I can go on and on about all of the ways  that I've done subject to's. But the bottom line   is you need to market to people that are having  an issue with their mortgage. These are the people   that are going to be very open to you taking over  that mortgage payment for them. Especially if you   can write a contract like Noelle does where you  specify how long you will have that mortgage in   their name and you have a situation where you  know you are fixing your credit or you know you   have the money later or you even could refinance  it now. But you want to start making money on it.   This is the perfect opportunity for subject to.  There's millions of mortgages currently in default   right now in the United States. This is the  perfect opportunity to start marketing to those   people and get a property subject to where they're  not going to require you to have money or a job.   Well, they may need you to have some money  to catch those mortgage payments up. So,   let me tell you how you get the money because  I've already told you, you don't need a job.   You're not assuming the mortgage, you're not  going to call the mortgage company you're buying   the home subject to. So, the fact that you don't  have a job is not a big deal. But you're going to   need a little money if their payments are past  due. So, let me tell you how to get the money.   So, in a situation with subject-to, when you are  not involving a bank, you can borrow the money.   Essentially, you could have a line of credit,  you could have a credit card. You could have   your friend, your mom, your dad, whoever give you  the money in order to buy that home so long. As   you're able to take over those payments and move  into that home or turn it into a rental property,   you will be okay. You don't want to put the person  that is currently in a financial situation in   a worse financial situation. You need to be  someone that can take over that mortgage or   be connected to someone that's going to take  over that property and that can handle that   mortgage. Again, very easy to find. It depends  on what you want to do. But if you need the money   for to catch the mortgage payments up for example,  giving you an example of someone that's 3 months   behind on their payment. This is a super easy  way to start getting property subject to.   Targeting people that are behind on their  mortgage payment you send out some letters   or you put out signs that say "Behind  on your mortgage payments? We can help."   They will call you and then you're going to  need the money to catch that mortgage payment up   and to be able to continue on the mortgage. That's  really all you need. So, if they're just behind   3-4 months and you just need 5 or 6 thousand  dollars, I've been able to get properties just for   that amount and you can too. So, I have created  an entire book teaching you all of this and I am   going to give it to you absolutely free. I have  a book called real estate millionaire secrets.   I have poured my heart into this book teaching you  everything that I did to take me from my parents   basement to a multi-millionaire in real estate.  I found ways to buy houses with almost no money.   Ways that I'm teaching you and i have a whole  book where I break it down and I even give you   some checklists and worksheets and things like  that so you can implement it. And the best part,   it's absolutely free. Visit Noelle's free book.  That's Noelle (N-o-e-l-l-e-s),   and check it out. I want to make sure that you  have all of the resources, all of the knowledge   and all of the tools that you need to be  successful. This is Noelle. To your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 878,099
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Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, How To Buy A House With No Money Or Job
Id: tBtaFvqUeug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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