3 Reasons Why You Are Struggling To Get Organized #lifeorganization

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so in today's video we are going to be diving into three reasons why you might be struggling to get organized so whether you are trying to organize your money your life your business your home you have to have some type of structure or system that you're going to put in place to achieve your goal and many times we can run into roadblocks that actually stop us from getting organized so today's video I'm going to dive into three big reasons why this usually happens and how you could fix it the first reason you are struggling to get organized is your goal is too broad and it lacks depth you write down your big goal of getting organized but you actually haven't broken down the steps of how you're going to achieve that goal the goal of organizing your life is way entirely too broad you can start off there but then I want you to think about every single section of your life that you would like to organize so for instance I like to break mine down into five parts my family my home my business my time and my money having these five sections of my life these are the main areas that I am trying to get organized on a consistent basis helps me to further break it down and think about the individual areas within each one of these five sections that I would like to conquer after I do that process then I will will decide what I want to conquer first usually I will dedicate an entire month to that particular area of my life so if it's my money then the entire month of June I'm going to be thinking about what area of my money I want to organize first second third fourth so it could be my budget first and then I want to come up with a saving strategy then I want to think of an investing strategy and a debt payoff strategy and all of these will work together in order to help me to organize my money after you have divided up all of the areas of your life that you would like to organize and prioritize them the next step is to figure out how you're going to organize them what method paper or digital are you going to use in order to help you to stay on top of this organization process so on my channel I talk all the time about my Tom 90 planner because my Tom 990 planner is my customizable planner that I use in order to organize all of these areas this planner has six different sections and in each one of these sections I have a dedicated area of my life that I can flip to and see where I am in my organization process for each one of these areas I will think of an overall goal that I would like to complete for the month I will add it to my monthly overview page and then on a weekly pages I am breaking down my monthly goal by the weeks this way I can constantly see where I'm making progress and make adjustments as I go but if your goal is too broad then many times you will get overwhelmed by the process and it will be very hard for you to stick with the system and actually organize your life side note here paper does work for me that doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone so to figure out what works best for you you may need to experiment try different things try apps try Excel try paper and see which one works best for you before you commit to actually using it to help you to organize your life the second reason you are struggling to get organized is that you are not planning thoroughly so sticking with my previous example of organizing your money that is your overall goal if you put as your plan that I'm just going to start spending less and saving more and paying off my debt that's a great start because it kind of lists out the overall things that you want to get done but the plan is not thought out enough in order to plan this out thoroughly you have to think of the daily weekly monthly steps that you need to take in order to spend less in order to save more so that could possibly look like creating a budget the day before payday and when you create that budget you decide how much you're going to spend on shopping on entertainment on eating out and buying groceries once you decide those numbers that gives you a goal of what you're exactly going to stick to to reach your overall goal of spending less and the overarching goal of organizing your money the same goes for getting out of debt yes your goal can be to get out of debt however how are you going to do that are you going to use the debt snowball method are you going to use the debt Avalanche method paying off the card with the highest interest rate paying off the one that's going to help out your budget the most deciding how you're going to pay it off is your very first step so that you can put within your budget the amount that you need in order to start to pay down that credit card that debt and start to get organized in that area and when you plan thoroughly you're also going to think about when you're going to check in with that plan to make sure that you are on track and how you're going to check in to make sure that you're on track so I usually will do this every single morning with my money routine I am going to check in and see where I am with my budget how much money I have spent and how much money I have left before my next payday and when I do this every single morning it helps me to make sure that I'm staying on track and it also helps me to make adjustments if I am not on track but deciding when you're going to check in on your plan and the steps that are needed in order to make sure you are staying on track is definitely a part of your planning process there have been plenty of times where I've set up a plan set up a budget but I didn't have an additional timeline of when I'm going to check in and actually make sure that I am sticking to what I have decided I was going to do so that extra step of checking in and setting aside time on your schedule to check in consistently on your plan is a part of this and will make it to where you are way more consistent and the third reason why you are struggling to get organized is because you have not worked on your mindset usually mindset issues can come from our history our past maybe we have always told ourselves that we can't get organized that we can't save and constantly telling ourselves this is causing us to actually live out an unorganized life or we just have a fear of starting so since we have this fear of starting we will just basically decide that we cannot do something but whether it's fear or a lack of ability either way it is causing you to freeze instead of to act actually start to take action and let me tell you once you get into freeze mode you automatically feel defeated before you even get started and it makes this process 10 times harder so before you start to look at any numbers before you opened up a planner or even buy a planner you got to start working on your mindset so how do we work on our mindset the very first thing that you have to do is change your language every single time you find yourself saying something negative about yourself or this journey I want you to stop you have to start paying attention to your words and start to correct those words and one of my favorite books Atomic habits I talk about this book all the time if you haven't read it you definitely should but James Clear talks about how you have to change your identity in order to become the person that you ultimately want to be so for years before I officially even started my organization journey I would call myself organized because there had been years before that where I just wasn't organized I didn't feel organized I felt all over the place and so I started to internalize those thoughts until one day I said you know what I am no longer going to do that and I am going to constantly call myself organized I am organized Elena I can do this I can keep myself on a schedule I can organize my family I can organize my money I can keep my home together I started to say these things to myself constantly over and over and over until they became my reality now I'm not saying that I am always organized I am far from it however whenever my home is disorganized I look at that as something that is out of the ordinary and I always approach it like that is just something that's going to happen every now and then but that is not the current state of my life my life is currently organized and that also helps me to get back into the mindset that I need to get everything back in order so the first thing that you need to do is change the way that you're talking about yourself and your situation secondly you need to start learning watching YouTube videos like this one that's going to help you on your journey that's going to help you to change your mindset that's going to help you to see that it's not as challenging as you may have thought it out to be listening to podcast watching YouTube videos reading books will all help you to change your mindset into a positive one and and start to actually organize your life now this reason is number three but it's actually number one because this is one of the most important things that you can do on this journey this journey is a lifelong journey I don't think I will ever wake up and just feel organized all the time I think I will constantly be working on my organization tweaking things changing things but the biggest thing about this is that I will never give up I will never stop trying I will always continuously be looking for ways to improve my life and be organized so finding content that helps you to stay encouraged is going to be a big part of staying on track on this journey and as you're finding your organization content I hope that you will subscribe hit that notification Bell and join me back here so guys those are the three reasons why you are probably struggling to get organized but if you have additional comments questions or reasons why you feel like you are struggling please leave them in the comments ments below I would love to talk to you about it and I will see you all in my next video Until then keep organizing your life so that you can achieve your dreams bye guys
Channel: The Organized Money
Views: 5,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the organized money, organized money, get organized, organize your life, organize your mind, organize your business, how to get organized, organizing tips, productivity tips, organization tips, get your life together, how to be more productive, plan with me, how to get your life together, how to get organized in life, how to organize, how to get organized at home, how to get organized at work and be more productive, how to get organized when you are overwhelmed
Id: Z0_tXFP8mFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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