The 3 Best Side Hustles To Start ASAP

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The 3 best side hustles to start asap. Are you  ready to start making an extra 1,000 a month?   Maybe 5,000 or even 10,000 dollars a month on  your side hustle? Well, Noelle started her side   hustle from her parents' basement and I'm going to  show you exactly how you can do it too let's go. I'm going to share with you the 3 highest paying  side hustles and that's why they are the best   side hustles. I'm going to share with you how  to legally and ethically steal customers from   your competitors so that you can get started  right away. And I'm going to share with you my   biggest secret on how to make double what others  are making with their side hustles. So, there   are so many benefits to side hustles and the main  thing is that you can become an entrepreneur with   your side hustle. As an entrepreneur and someone  that started with a side hustle and then turned it   into a real business, I can tell you for certain  that it will allow you to increase your income.   There is no limit on how much money you can make  with your side hustle. There's no one giving you   a salary or telling you how much they'll pay you  per hour. Generally speaking, the more you do it   or the more customers that you have the more money  you can make and the income is unlimited with a   side hustle/your own business. Additionally,  it's your business. It's your side hustle. So,   you can work it when you want to. If you want  to start working at 2 o'clock in the morning or   3 o'clock in the morning. Or if you want to work  on your business at 9 o'clock at night, you know,   when other businesses are not open, you have that  option. When it's your business, you get to decide   your schedule when you're open, what you're going  to do, how many clients you take. And in some   cases like me, you get to decide which clients you  will work with and which ones that you won't. This   way you can create a business or a side hustle  that you absolutely love and enjoy. You don't   want to create a business or side hustle where you  get to work with people that you absolutely hate.   That is the worst thing. Noelle has done that.  You want to create a business and a side hustle   where you work with people you love and they  pay you enough money to support your life.   You don't want to struggle, you don't want to  strive, and you surely don't want to work with   people you don't want to work with. So, let's  talk about how you can start doing that. So,   my number one side hustle that I absolutely  love which got me out of my parents' basement   is wholesaling. Wholesaling is when you find a  property off-market that is not for sale at a   discount. You get that property under contract and  you flip that contract to an investor for a fee.   Now, I've made an entire video series teaching  you on wholesaling but that is the definition   and it is really easy. Let me break it down to  you. So, I started in my parents' basement broke,   bankrupt, multiple foreclosures. It was terrible.  I was an absolute disaster. However, when I was   in my parents' basement. I started going to  real estate investor association meetings.   And I learned about this thing called wholesaling.  My coach taught me how to start finding properties   absolutely free, okay? Absolutely free. Get those  people under contract and then charge a fee.   And here's the fun part: He told me that the  fee should be about $5,000 per deal. Yeah,   you heard that right. So, when I got my first  deal, I got $5,000 because that's what I charge   for my service because that's what my coach had  taught me. Now, again, I'm teaching this to you   absolutely free. And so, let me give you some  tips on how you'll do wholesaling. Again,   I've made an entire video series make  sure you watch that entire playlist.   I'll put links to it on the side and below and  watch that entire list because I teach this to you   on YouTube absolutely free. But let me tell you  a little bit about wholesaling and how you can   get these deals for free and why it is the best  number one side hustle. Because I still have two   more to share with you. But let me tell you how to  do wholesaling so you can actually get your first   $5,000. So, when it comes to wholesaling, what  he taught me was to put out flyers, letters,   bandit signs and things that said, "Are you behind  on your mortgage payments?" Call us. We help   people avoid foreclosure. Now, these are the type  of properties and property problems that I went   after because that's what he taught me. But just  know you do not have to go after just people in   foreclosure. You can go after people in divorce,  bankruptcy, relocations, probate. So many options.   Again, I have an entire playlist on YouTube  teaching you how to do this and breaking this   down step by step. But I wanted to make sure that  you completely understood that you can find these   people absolutely free with some really low-cost  marketing. Once you find the people that are in   distress and they have a property that they no  longer want, it's really easy to call them up, say   the script. Again, I have the whole script that  I teach you in those videos. You say that script,   you get them under contract and you put them out  and market those properties absolutely free. I   give you all the websites and you can start making  money. Now, I started getting a deal every single   month and that's basically how I got out of my  parents' basement. I was able to do at least one   deal. In some cases, I did 2 or 3 deals a month.  All month you can easily get one deal. It's an   awesome side hustle. And it's a great way to  start investing in real estate. Like I said, you   can have bad credit and hardly any money and get  started. It's an amazing side hustle. I was able   to do 13 deals my first year and made over $60,000  with this side hustle of wholesaling. Number 2,   Airbnb. In other words short-term rentals.  This is an amazing side hustle. You do not   have to own properties or have a property right  now in order to start making money with Airbnb.   Let me tell you. So, Airbnb allows you to rent out  your home, your room or even space in your home to   people that want space in your home. So, in other  words, instead of going to a hotel or a motel,   people will stay at people's homes, okay? You  can rent out the entire home, you can rent out an   apartment, a condo or you can even rent out rooms  inside of your home. In fact, Airbnb, the company the website, the app, if you go to  it, it was founded by someone who was doing air   mattresses. They literally lived in San Francisco.  Rents were very high and people wanted to stay   there so they started renting out an air mattress  in their living room for a few dollars a night to   start making money. Again, light bulbs should  be going off because you can do the exact same   thing too. You do not have to own the property  that you are in in order to put it on airbnb   and you do not have to rent the entire apartment  or house. You can rent if you have a 2 bedroom,   you can rent out 1 of the bedrooms if you have  a 3 bedroom. You can rent out 2 of the bedrooms.   It's your choice. You do not have to do the entire  house to start making money. Now, let me give you   another way to make money with Airbnb because my  company does tons of Airbnb. And we're looking   for property. So, an amazing side hustle that we  help with people is Airbnb where we are looking   for you to submit properties to our company.  My company Nuurez Incorporated. That's Nuurez, (n-u-u-r-e-z) Nuurez Incorporated. And you can go  to ( and you can submit us   properties. We are in heavy property acquisition  mode and we are looking for properties.   Whether we lease them own them or control them.  If you refer a property to us and we accept it,   we will pay you up to $500 for a property. In  some cases, even more if we buy it. But even if   we just lease a property, we have to have people  get 2-3 thousand dollars a month from us just by   submitting properties for us that we leased and  then put on Airbnb and started making money. So,   if you're not in the position to start your own  Airbnb business which is absolutely amazing i   have a whole video series teaching you this on  YouTube absolutely free, how to start your own   airbnb business without even owning properties.  I teach you that for free. But even if you don't   want to keep the properties and manage and have  your own Airbnb business, you can submit those   properties directly to Nuurez and we will pay a  fee if we accept those properties. And this is a   great side hustle. We literally have people making  thousands of dollars per month just by submitting   properties to us and then we start cash flowing  those properties. Again, we're also looking for   properties to fix and flip. And properties like  multi-units that we will keep and buy and hold.   So, if you are in real estate at any level and  you want to get started even if you have time to   start looking at properties, please submit those  properties to us it could be a great side hustle   for you to start making money with Noelle. Number  3. And this is my absolute favorite right now. And   it is Turo. Turo is like the Airbnb for  cars. Tuor is a website/app that you can use when   you put your own vehicle on the site and you  rent your car out very similar to Airbnb where   you would rent out a property a house, a condo,  an apartment, or whatever. You can do the same   thing with your car or your SUV or even a van or a  small bus a mini camper things like that. Anything   that someone could drive like a motor vehicle  is what Turo is for. And again, that's   And I literally have been on Turo doing this for  over a year and we've made some incredible money.   So, let me tell you exactly how you can get  started and make this entire side hustle and then   turn this into a 6-figure business. So, because  cars are actually a little bit easier to get than   houses, it's a very easy thing to do where you can  start using your credit if you have good credit   and start getting cars, a fleet of cars and  have you a fleet in an entire business on Turo.   Literally, you can buy a car with zero percent  interest do that 2 or 3 times and have a fleet   of 3 or 4 cars going in less than a month. I've  seen it done. I have students doing it and we've   even done it, okay? So, this is not just a  Noelle thing like you have to have a whole   bunch of money and great credit. I literally have  students, young people coming in getting them a   fleet of cars and making this into an entire  business. So, let me tell you how you do it   really quickly and get it to a 6-figure business.  So, the first step that you probably should do   is buy cars using your credit. Even if you have  bad credit because you can start fixing your   credit with those car loans, making money off of  those cars and then turn it into a real business.   So, you'll get some cars. If you have good  credit, this is really easy. You can get two   three cars with really low interest rates, okay?  Three percent, 2%. Even zero percent interest.   You get those cars going and then you make some  money and then you buy some cash cars. You buy   some Hyundai's and some Civics and some Kias  and some smaller cars that people rent for 25,   30 dollars a day. You can easily do that. So, let  me give you a quick example. You get a nice car,   maybe a jeep grand cherokee. This is one of the  cars that we started with. That car makes us about   a thousand dollars per month on Turo, okay? So,  after about 3 or 4 months, we've made and profit   3, 4 thousand dollars. You then take that money  and you buy some cash cars. Again, no financing   now you're making money off of those cars with  your profit. Plus those cars that you have   are still making money and then you move into  the higher end cars. Your Teslas, your Porsches,   your Lamborghinis and things like that. You can  even start getting into exotic cars where you make   cars that go for a thousand and 2 thousand dollars  a day. And again, the financing on exotic cars are   way different than they are on Hondas and Nissans  and things like that. So, it's easy to have those   payments not be so high. But you don't want to  start there. This is a side hustle that you turn   into a 6-figure business. Start with a couple  of cars. Some normal mid-sized nice cars that   people like. Maybe just a couple of years old. You  don't need anything brand new. You want somebody   else to pay for the depreciation. Maybe get some  cars that just came off lease. You know, just a   couple of years old, 2 or 3 years old. Buy those  at a low interest rate, get those going. Then buy   some cash cards then move to your high-end luxury  cars or your exotic cars. And this is how you   easily in one year can turn just a side hustle  into a six-figure business. I've seen it done.   We've done it and you can do it too. It's super  easy and it is one of the best side hustles that   no one is talking about. And as a bonus, one of  the things that you want to do with your side   hustle to make double and triple what other people  are making is start building your business credit.   It is very easy to build a business credit  profile that will allow you to get hundreds   of thousands of dollars in your business's name.  And in many cases, in less than a year. I have   students getting hundreds of thousands of dollars  in just a matter of months, okay? It's very easy   to build business credit and you can even do it if  you have bad personal credit. And the reason why   you want to build business credit is because it  would allow you to get lots of funds so you don't   have to put things in your own name. And if the  business falls apart in many cases, your personal   assets and your personal credit is protected.  So, this is something you definitely want to do.   Building business credit is very easy. I show you  ways to do it with good credit, with bad credit,   with no money with just a few dollars. Check  out my entire playlist on YouTube teaching you   business credit. You can get it started really  quickly at a low cost. And again, it will allow   you to grow your business from a side hustle into  an actual business really quickly and take you to   that next level. I have written an incredible book  that I am going to give to you absolutely free.   My new book, Real Estate Millionaire Secrets  is a book that I have poured my heart into.   I teach you exactly how I went from broke in  my parents' basement, bad credit with multiple   foreclosures to the multi-millionaire that you see  today. I was able to quickly learn real estate and   get out of my parents' basement and then take  that to the next level. I teach you in this book   how I did that. I give you checklists, scripts,  all different things to make sure that you can   implement on what I did. And most importantly, I'm  giving it to you absolutely free. You just cover   the shipping and the handling. I want to make  sure that you have all of the resources, all of   the tools, and all of the knowledge that you need  to be successful. This is Noelle. To your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 186,587
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Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, The 3 Best Side Hustle To Start ASAP
Id: 9SXt-DOJh2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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