Paris Travel Guide

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hello everybody and welcome to attache the show that gets you in out and around some of the world's greatest cities my name is Alex hunter and I'll be your Sherpa on this international adventure and we start season two and Britain's see sign jewel Blackpool Paris that girlfriend you never should have had that mind altering meal you really couldn't afford that after party you had no business attending that's my friends is Paris Paris has two major airports Orly primarily but not exclusively for European traffic and Charles de Gaulle the big dog and one of the most loathed airports in Europe why it's big cumbersome badly laid out lacks facilities and amenities and those which it does have are extremely expensive definitely not one of my favorite airports but since you could be coming into either of those airports we're going to issue our beloved cheapest fastest best segment and just tell you the best way to get into central Paris from each of those airports Orly there is an R er train service for Orly but it's a pain with changes shuttle buses and inconvenient stations in Paris the best option is the Orly bus which takes you to central Paris in just 30 minutes and cost 7 euros 50 charles de gaulle the RER trainer 35 minutes from the airport to garden or and just 10 euros the trains leave from terminal 3 and the ticket machine accepts notes coins and credit cards protip picked the RER be express service for a faster ride alternatively you can take the Wasi bus just 10 euros to the center of paris but it can take 60 to 90 minutes even on a good day and that's all good for my airborne friends but some of you may arrive in Paris by an altogether different method like we did no not jetpacks Greg although that is a really good idea the Eurostar if you're in London Lille Brussels or a host of other European cities you can jump on the Eurostar and be in Paris in no time I've been on the Eurostar dozens of times and I still giggle like an animated cosplayer and I realize I'm on a train from London to Paris doing a hundred and eighty miles an hour under the ocean science and once you've recovered from your nerdgasm the Eurostar will deposit you gracefully a garden or eliminating any and all Airport February before we immerse ourselves in the Paris experience I want to clear something up some people say that Brizzy ins can be Curt maybe even a little rude you know who says that people who have never been here seriously that stereotype pisses me off because quite frankly it's inaccurate like any other cosmopolitan city like London or New York Parisians are generally very busy people and again like their counterparts in New York and London probably don't have time for your touristy shenanigans like you and me all they want is a little common courtesy and a great way to avoid turning a sandwich order into a diplomatic incident is to at least start the conversation in French it's amazing how far a Bonjour Madame or a merci beaucoup will go in the city and if you want to arrive in Paris ready to talk and check out our friends over at itok e an online language learning service that connects you with the best language teachers in the world for one on one language lessons once you have finally shrugged off the collective musk of three hundred and twenty of your fellow passengers and are finally in the sweet sweet embrace of Mistress Paris you need to get around and I have good news this is a very easy City to navigate our own DS mo are named after their number and this is important because you might hear a hotel or landmark as being in the fifth or 11th for example and this can give you a pretty good idea of where it is in relation to the rest of the city the subway system known here is the metro spider webs the entire city it's clean safe efficient and shoots everything a metropolitan transit system should be you can find the metro by looking for this sign and speaking of which Paris being the fashion-conscious capital city that it is and easily the best looking station entrances I've ever seen there are 16 metro lines but the Paris metro map is a work of art that makes navigating it a breeze Google Maps and citymapper both do Metro directions as well as with any transit system the metro is a feeding ground for pickpockets especially on the tourist heavy line but if you take the same precautions you wait at any other major city you won't run into any problems the metro is great but it does have one anachronism that bothers me these paper tickets unlike San Francisco Singapore London Hong Kong or at any of its other peer cities Paris does not have a cohesive tapping tap house system they're getting there the Navigo system can get you a date week or month to past but it can't be topped up so for fleeting visits it's really not worth getting one you and I are stuck with two options paper tickets either a single or a discounted pack or kara of 10 or the Paris visit a which is a discounted passport unlimited travel on 1 2 3 or 5 consecutive days frankly I'd stick with the paper tickets they give you unlimited transfers on the metro and RER for up to two hours a pack of 10 will cost you 40 neros 80 and you can pick one up from a ticket booth or any of the ticket machines announcements on the language agnostic destination announcements on the more tourists heavy lines safety and security announcements are made in English French Japanese German and Klingon but for the most part all you really need to know is where you are and where you're going one final tip about the Metro and I've learned this the hard way on a few occasions on most of the lines the doors do not open automatically you either have to press a button or on some of the older trains actually unlatch a latch to free yourself despite the occasional car being set on fire uber is still operating in Paris there are plenty of cars out there and rides seem to almost always be cheaper than a taxi alternatively you can use local taxi app the cab to hail a normal more protesting taxi but you want to know my preferred method of getting around Paris walking this is one of the most beautiful cities in the world so just give yourself a little bit of extra time to get where you're going and walk but when I'm in Paris I like to get around in style so my preferred method of transport is my chrome Lamborghini if you haven't already booked your flights my weapon of choice is Hitler the fastest and easiest way to plan your travel check out our show notes below for a link to find and book flights to Paris entire books have been written about Paris food culture long pithy tomes that celebrate the gastronomic glory of this city so it would be impossible almost insulting for us to even attempt to distill the essence of Parisian dining into the poultry five or seven minutes we have for food in each of the shows but what I think I can do is give you a few tips and tricks and things to remember for when you're on the hunt for your next meal in Paris French bread french baking in general is transcendent it's not just a dietary staple here it's religion bread is so part of their culture so part of their identity that it is impossible to conceive of the French well without it they are the masters of it it's not even a contest but there is a contest every year to find the best baguette in Paris and for a nation of people who are totally okay with walking miles for a particular Boulogne juries bag yet this is a coveted crown this year's winner is Legrand aha here in La Mancha if you're after something a little sweeter for breakfast you cannot go wrong with a quest on either by itself or with some computer that's jam to you and me or pannotia Cola which is a quest all stuff would melt the chocolate I'm sure you've had one before but what Eric Keizer near flashbang dome and they have one of the best panel alkaline perhaps so when you were in that boulangerie or patisserie getting your breakfast you probably stared for an awkward almost creepy amount of time at the display of cakes and éclairs and macarons and tarts and thought actually no I really shouldn't I'm watching my figure this month or I'm not having gluten stop stop with that jettison the diet you're in Paris for God's sakes just take a moment to indulge and I promise you you won't regret it lunch is a great opportunity to experience Parisian dining without the dinner price hike in crowds most bistros and brasseries will offer a prix fixe menu which will get you at least a couple of courses and maybe even a glass of wine or some chocolate mousse if you've been a good boy intimidated by an unfamiliar language or the hustle and bustle of a cosmopolitan city it's easy to gravitate towards the tourist traps that chain diners or your hotel restaurant but don't you'll be disappointed and frankly you'll be doing this great city a disservice by not throwing yourself into it's fantastic food culture if you want to find a great place to eat in Paris especially dinner my advice wander when you leave your hotel want to awards the residential areas not away from them take some time to explore the back streets alleyways and courtyards that make Paris what it is and I promise you that you'll find a bistro or Brasserie that will change the way you look at food forever we're some on-the-ground knowledge we asked our friends over on the Paris subreddit of for that one food item that we should try while we're here and the number one item given with typical Parisian inflexion was bare zealand ice cream of course on the Ile San Louie in the middle of the cen you'll find this diminutive Parisian institution that's been serving ice cream what was God's on yo San Louie in the middle of the cen you'll find this diminutive Paris institution that's been serving ice cream flavored with natural ingredients since 1954 like most of Europe France uses the Europe there are a hundred cents in euro and coins range from one to five 10 20 and 50 cent pieces as well as one and two euro coins before notes take over and because of the recent economic shenanigans and goings-on the value of the euro has been all over the place so it's a great idea to check the exchange rate before you come because it can really affect the price of things when you're actually here and with the cost of things in mind let's do the rundown a cup of coffee it cost you around 2 euros pint of beer will cost you around 6 us and for the most reliable indicator of a nation's cost the good old Big Mac you're gonna pay just over 3 euros that's extremely hot unlike a lot of countries in Europe tipping is part of French dining culture or at least it was it seems to be on the decline with you Millennials or whatever the hell you call yourself these days believe us but here's the rub almost all restaurants and cafes will add a 15% service charge to your bill but that does not go to your server who's usually paid an hourly wage or salary that money goes to the restaurant owner so if you've had a particularly good experience and want to leave an extra five to ten percent on top of that 15 percent service charge that will go to your server let's talk about shopping for a second Paris is a maybe even V fashion capital of the world so it's positively bursting at the seams with high-end luxury boutiques fashion brands and all of that nonsense but despite a decades-long debate and several attempts to change it most shops are actually closed on Sundays apart from the ultra touristy fashion boutiques in places like the Sean's alizée however in July 2015 the French government passed legislation allowing shops in certain parts of Paris known as international tourist zones to stay open on Sundays now this legislation hasn't come fully into effect yet and God knows this isn't the first time they've tried to do this but hopefully by the time you're watching this video it will be fully in effect I know it sounds touristy I know it sounds cliched but one of my favorite things to do in Paris especially in the summer is climb up the steps for the sacre-coeur buy an overpriced bottle of convenience store Heineken from one of Paris's more entrepreneurial residents joining the rousing chorus of ocean's Alizee and just take in the view and that my friends is the atashi guide to Paris if you've been here before and feel like we've missed something or you live here and think there's something that every visitor to this great city needs to know then don't forget to leave it in the comments below and while you're there subscribe to our channel because we have some amazing cities coming up in season two but until next time good help [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Attaché
Views: 908,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, paris travel guide, paris travel, travel guide, paris france, France (Country), Paris (City/Town/Village), guide, city, Mandarin Oriental Paris, mandarin oriental, paris metro, trip, sightseeing, tourism, architecture, slideshow, Culture, Destination, paris, Berthillon, berthillon ice cream, paris food, paris baguette, grenier a pains, eric kayser, eurostar, Eurostar (Railway Operator), Eiffel Tower (Tourist Attraction), monmatre, paris paris, visit
Id: dqCcM2sgTQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2015
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