5 Things Only Japanese People Do (Part2)

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hello guys i'm george so today i'm gonna be talking about five things only japanese people do this is part two if you haven't watched part one please watch that one too i hope you enjoyed this video so let's get started [Music] so in japan if you want to date japanese people you need offshore permission what i mean is before dating you have to say i love you and ask would you be my girlfriend or would you be my boyfriend then you must get yes or no answer if you get yes then you can be girlfriend or boyfriend actually if you can know then obviously you can't it's like the answer of will you marry me if you date japanese girl or japanese guy the thing will absolutely happen i understand that western people don't do the things except teenagers and when they want a date they just ask will you go out with me or something then they start dating naturally but most japanese people do not know about that we are commonly thinking that you know confessing your love to your crush before you start dating it's just natural in japan because japanese people want to know whether it's official relationship or not so dating without confidence in your love makes them really confused if you don't do that we go like what are we or something so once again japanese people want to know whether it's offshore relationship or not so if you wanna date japanese people please keep in mind about that i'll show you this is how japanese people confess their love to their crush [Music] [Music] japanese people tend to nod so much i'll show you how we do that in various stations hi hi hi [Music] hi [Music] not everyone but some japanese people might ask you like what's your bullet type because asking your bullet type means that we want to get to know you better the reason is that japanese people believe that bullet type has its own personality and is the quickest way to determine a person's temperament there are four types of bullets a b a b and o blue type of a is people are honest and perfectionist and people pay much attention to the details and people are sensitive as they are known to be fragile-hearted blue type of o is people are passionate and easy-going outgoing and confident but they are sometimes viewed as arrogant blue type of a b is people are cool talented and rational critical and eccentric and lastly bullet type of b is people are easygoing honest and optimistic and selfish i have bullet type of b and that's not true but this is absolutely not everything that determines person's personality this is just one of the indicators to know them better and it's kind of just basically asking for fun asking and knowing your blood type is fairly common in japan that if an anime character's blood type is written on the website for example naruto it says naruto has bullet type of b so same as mine that well but please be careful it also can be bad question depending on the person because apparently there are some japanese people who don't like being asked what their blood type is me personally i don't mind though and if you don't mind please tell me what your bullet type is on the comment section so that i get to know you better japanese people rarely say no directly when we are turning down the offers for example hey george let's go with sushi together this sunday i want to go but this sunday is a bit the most important part is which implies that he's turning that over every japanese understands that is a rejection but he's rejecting you politely japanese people try not to hurt your feeling with a direct rejection i know it's such a unique culture of japan and this ambiguity of japanese language might confuse you when you talk with japanese people but japanese people consider ambiguity as the virtue of japanese language so thank you for your understanding and let me talk about one more thing related to japanese yes or no when i studied abroad in u.s one day someone asked me like would you mind taking a picture of us then i answered yes of course and then she was like a bit confused right i didn't understand why she looked confused at the time because what i meant was no problem i'll take a picture so basically in japanese when we accept the requests we say yes so like can you take a picture and do you mind taking a picture we feel like there are some requests for us but in english practically do you mind or would you mind blah blah blah type of questions when you accept that you say no not at all right but for japanese people that's really difficult to decide which we should use yes or no even though i learned that from my mistakes every time i receive do you mind blah blah blah and my head literally gets punished do you mind taking a picture yes yes yes yes do you mind no no no no alright guys thank you so much for watching my video and i hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you in the next video have a good day bye thank you ah
Channel: George Japan
Views: 104,128
Rating: 4.987226 out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, 5things
Id: h9wXhBE5nvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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