5 McDonald's Gadgets put to the Test!

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That window tray thing seems pretty fucking useful though. I would have got one if I knew.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hell2pay 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I don't think that's a ketchup holder...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/charliegv 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

How does this guy have 10 million subscribers? Nothing against him, it's just... there's not much content here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YOUR_LS_SWAP 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
What's up everybody welcome back to my labolatory well more like my car Where safety is still number one priority and today? We're going to put to the test? McDonald's gadgets some of them pretty vintage some of them a lot newer But still they were limited-edition that they don't make them anymore so I got most of them from eBay And they all finally here, so let's see what I got for the first gadget This is a pretty new one this straw. This is a straw for the milkshake You know when you drink out of a regular straw like this usually they get clogged up And it's really hard to drink a frozen milkshakes. I bought my milkshake about 10 minutes ago Whoa sorry about that, but it's pretty frozen, and probably will be a lot easier to drink it But sometimes when you just buy it it is clogs up because it's like frozen ice cream mm-hmm [sucking sound] It's really still after ten minutes even though it's melted a lot emm It's really hard to suck it in you see how thick that is it just gets so clogged up it's just like eating ice cream through a straw Probably don't have to tell you all how? Frustrating it can be This is why Mcdonalds Invented this limited edition this straw you see what it looks like it has this U-shape and two holes on the top, so let's see if it's actually works, actually there is three holes Let's open this up. I saw commercials of it, and I wish I got it a long time ago Put it to the test, but it's okay now. We have a list of whole bunch of different McDonald's gadgets, so they go it's opens like that. I'm gonna save the packaging because it's pretty clip collectible boom very cool packaging For just one store, don't you think it's made from plastic. I wish it was made from metal or something like stainless steel That'd be much more durable and would last a lot longer Check this out We actually have a lot more holes 1 2 3 4 these 2 holes bigger And 5 ooh look at that. There is a 5th hole right here I mean 6 hole right here so that supposed to make drink your milkshake or Smoothie or like whole bunch of different stuff a lot easier look you kind of have to push it to like that. Let's see You know what I don't see much difference if anything they straw a lot thicker Although it's pretty cool design, and you think it should work well Actually, it's a lot easier to use the regular straw because it's a little bit thicker But one big advantage this straw has is they has like multiple holes different sizes So if there is a color clog like a little bowl of ice cream that hasn't been Melted it will clog up the regular store But this one will not but at the end of the day this straw is thicker So a lot more milkshake going through this regular straw. For the next McDonald's gadget this side. Here is pretty vintage Car tray, and I wish they would still make them because this is genius look how cool This is you put your Big Mac or whatever in here this looks like for your fries And right here for the drink and then you would ask how do you hang it? Where do you put it in your car? well This is genius part most of you probably like me and everybody are eating your McDonald's inside of a car Maybe you're on a road trip, you want to get some fast food so you don't have to stop at the restaurant for a long time you just Want a quick little snack. So this is would be perfect to have it in your car especially in the passenger seats, anywhere Honestly, but this is how it works out here it goes into the window like this And you push it in boom check this out This is probably going to be a thumbnail because this is mind blowing. Now, let's see if the drink still fits Yep, the drink still fits This is a medium drink smaller probably even easier, and the bigger probably will just stick up a lot higher But that's awesome, then we got our sandwich or whatever you got burger Oh, it's a little thicker, the box a little bigger than it used to be it doesn't necessarily fit the best way So you could probably take it out from your box and put it in there That's fine, too, and of course we got here the fries Let's see, oh man I got the large. Large don't really fit as well. So as you can see the large McDonald fries don't fit exactly, but this could fit I don't think it will fall out so next time maybe get yourself medium fries with this tray Or the small ones would probably fit easily. It's almost fits It's like so close just few millimeters not enough I don't want to destroy the box, but boom this is how it's going to look like how cool Is that? Isn't it so you can grab yourself a drink drink it and stick it back in and it's not in the way Then now you can go up yourself a sandwich put it back in easily don't have to worry about your sandwich Probably should use this gadget when you sitting around so that way you're not Distracting and driving quick test of this little tray. Gonna put a straw in it Look I don't even have to take it out. Let's make a little bite Very comfortable and my hands are free and I don't have to hold all this food in my lap and drop it and spill it all I Like it a lot and of course my fries For the next gadget we got here french fries holder There's a McDonald's logo on it, french fries isn't cool I just opened it, and it was original seal package, but the camera wasn't recording Oh well well first of all there is the cup holder for your fries this one is huge So it's probably will actually fit our large fries. Let's try it out Yep, it fit even the large McDonald's fries perfect, okay, what else we got here we got here instruction how to use it obviously boom you just stick it into your Cup holder on your car. This is a little ketchup holder, or any kind of sauce that you like this is genius Let's see what it looks like when we put it together, so looks like How did we do this? So you put it right here on the bottom you slide it in Boom oops too much. By the way guys this video is not sponsored by McDonald's They owe me money for this shoutout for this video But there we go, we got some ketchup. We're gonna put it in the kitchen holder whoa Perfect it's actually holds perfectly One packet of ketchup in this little thing so now let's try to put it in into the cup holder Boom, also this works like adjustment you can make it bigger or smaller My cup holders are huge in my SUV This kind of makes it a little bit wobbly because my cup holders are so big But as you can see it works boom check this out now. We're going to put our french fries in Perfect look at that now. I can just go up a french fries Dip it into my ketchup. Don't spill it. I don't know maybe you're not supposed to put ketchup in here, maybe just The lifehack, I just did Anyway they go and for the next McDonald's gadget card here this is FRORK is that how it's spelled F R O R K FRORK Uselessly useful. This is funny. I think they made this gadget for fun To get some exposure make it viral video out of it, so this is pretty much what we're doing for them anyways they go this is the The FRORK I don't know how to pronounce it But it's a French fries fork as you can see there is McDonald's logos all over it There is a little card how to use it french fries into here And then you dip it in the ketchup and eat it got here my french fries of course you got push this like this boom one Two and three Boom, and we got ourself McDonald's fork. How cool is that so? Then you'll need ketchup probably put ketchup on this tray real quick Just to test it out. We got ourselves a fork I guess french fries fork that way you can dip all your french fries without messing up your hands. I guess Make a bite Dip it again Pretty cool, man. This is the funnest video. I have done in a while And one more thing that they have made is probably cool for the collectors I know some people collecting McDonald stuff, but check this out. This is you know this coffee stirrers? It's a mini spoon And they made it like a McDonald's Just wanted to put it in into the list maybe some people will like it or bring in some nostalgia for this gadget I have to include it because look at the McDonald's logo I never seen anything like that And I thought it probably will bring some nostalgia to some people boom you got here McDonald's logo There is a cool McDonald's cheeseburger officer or something and then a glass right here, I guess you put your drink into here Just like that and then put your sandwich like this and that way you can hold it, and they said here is perfect Place for your glass you can also put a plastic glass, and it works as well. I like it a lot I wish they were still making taste like that not those big trays. This is much more comfortable to carry with one hand I'm probably gonna use it around in my house. Well guys. That's pretty much it. This is all the McDonald's gadgets I could find on eBay I'm sure there is a lot more, but this is what I found and that what was available so hopefully enjoyed this video Don't forget thumbs up and also let me know in comments below of each McDonald's gadget was your favorite Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 5,139,667
Rating: 4.7395835 out of 5
Keywords: Mcdonalds Gadgets, Gadgets put to the Test, Mcdonalds, McDonald's, McDonald's Gadgets, Gadgets, gadgets review, unboxing, vintage mcdonalds gadgets, car gadgets, french fries car holder
Id: Ev9rOA2Yjs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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