5 small HABITS that will change YOUR life forever

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when you hear the phrase change your life kind of conjures up images of Rocky doing the motivational Montage where he's in a hoodie running up the stairs pounding the raw egg smoothie and transforming himself through sheer tenacity willpower and intensity I said enough and I turned everything around overnight it's very extreme and I think that that can be a good approach for some people but when you look at the numbers how 80 percent of people starting New Year's resolutions are offed by the second week of February because they're going from that intensity Camp what's better is sustainability and if you want to change your life in some way big or small look no further than implementing some small habits into your daily routines here's five of my personal favorites [Music] think of your brain like a giant computer that has Ram or operating power if I have my computer right here and it has like 20 tabs open or five applications running in the background the whole thing slows down doesn't even though we're not using them they're still there your brain works the same way all these tasks on your to-do list and do it later and all I have to reply to that person and wait did I send that message back did I pay that bill that's tabs in the background eating up so much of your head space this habit really helped me and I know it'll help you as well it's called one touching very simple if a task takes less than two minutes for you to do do it now the dirty dish that you could wash real quick do it now replying to someone real quick do it now taking out the trash paying bills putting something on your calendar One Touch One touching has a cool benefit that you're only doing something once and most of us do things two three four times getting an email opening it and reading it marking it is on red opening it again reply lying that's like five different touches on one task that if you just opened it and replied that's one you'll be amazed at how much more energy and time you actually get back just doing things once instead of five different times if you have moments in your day where you feel lethargic tired and it doesn't matter how much sleep you got six seven eight hours you're eating right but you're still just like tired maybe you have brain fog coffee doesn't hit the same this next point will definitely help and it's very easy it's free it's something you can do anytime anyway was listening to a podcast the other day by Dr Andrew hoberman who's talking about a pattern of breathing that kids do when they're crying and they're trying to calm themselves down dogs will do this when they're in deep Sleep it's sort of a breathing Cadence double inhales followed by an exhale looks something like so you breathe in you sneak a little more air in at the top and then release when they study this in his lab he says that just two three of those breaths makes people more alert and decreases their stress level they're more present also says it offloads CO2 rapidly that double inhale is flooding your system with oxygen makes you more alert snap out of the brain fog maybe maybe you have a phone call or a zoom meeting you're dreading just take a few deep breaths watch yourself start to calm down a bit be more engaged and perform better you can also use breath work as a form of meditation in fact we have a few start to finish guides on this channel I'll link down below people seem to like them some of these have millions of views it's pretty cool and in that way you can get high on your own Supply [Music] last year my dad and I took a road trip and we didn't just want to use a normal car I was like Dad I've never been in a Tesla I've never driven one let's see what these electric things are all about I hear they got some get up and go so we did we rented a Tesla great experience awesome one thing I didn't expect it's called range anxiety you ever heard that term on the dashboard there's a giant display and the battery life of your car how much do you have before you need to find a charge station as it gets to like 40 30 20 10 you start to kind of like we gotta find somewhere to charge it fast because you don't want to run out you don't want to be strand I think we all have sort of a range anxiety in our brains and our emotions and ourselves whether it shows up as anxiety or you hear terms like I burnt out I was exhausted it was draining pay attention to the language one thing that I really find contributes to the draining of your mental battery throughout the day is over stimulation you know how crazy it is that we live in a world where you can go on your phone for an hour and see minimum 60 pieces of different content and different styles people telling you what to do and you're just scrolling the hypnotic trance-like state it pulls Us in there's a great quote that's always stuck with me all of Humanity's problems stems from man's inability to sit alone in a room quietly and just like that Tesla battery eventually you need to pull over and recharge and even on our off days where we're like we're trying to recharge or vacation people are still just plugged in just so stimulating no judgment here it's something we all can get better at but what I've found here for this next habit that's really helped me I call it boredom hours intentionally being bored we think of boredom as a negative thing like oh I'm so bored it's so negative but flipping the vibe of boredom to actually being a recharge and a positive trying to not cram every dull hour of the day with just another piece of entertainment content stimulation I found a lot of peace from it I believe that anxiety is moving very fast and frantically it's your mind racing a mile a minute people wonder why they have a new sense of anxiety and it's like literally your screen time says six hours of tick tock you're slamming 800 milligrams of caffeine you barely sleep and every single moment of the day you don't even take a breather you're eating a meal watching like 20 different tick tocks push notifications from every single app even when you watch Netflix you have something on your phone pulled up at the same time let's be real boredom hours give you a time to spend with you and I think that a lot of people are just consuming other people's thoughts all day and and they wonder why they feel lost or maybe like they don't know themselves or they don't love themselves and I think it's deeper than just oh I'm over stimulated with tick tocks or short content but it's that you don't spend any time with yourself alone you're always with someone else virtually right even if you're alone you're spending time with other people in a one-way conversation where you're the Observer these boredom hours take time for you and that might be uncomfortable at first that might feel awkward but there's a get to know yourself type of process that has to occur for you to be comfortable being more bored try it out [Music] you're probably aware that if you take two groups one with goals and one without the group that sets goals in general gets more stuff done chances are if you're watching this you probably do that already there's a major flaw with how most people set goals and if you make this mistake goals can have a tendency to work against you and demotivate you instead of what they're supposed to be for motivating the problem with how most people set goals is that it's all or not it's either a hundred percent you hit it or it's zero percent you did and also the process of moving towards your goal you're just always not there not there not there this habit is on chunking and this is a much better thing to incorporate with your goals instead of the target being far away and you moving towards it you set many targets along the way when you think about losing 20 pounds it's not that you lose 20 pounds overnight you'll lose 5 then 10 then 15 eventually 20. in the case of a YouTube channel when I was building this I didn't just say I wanted to hit a hundred thousand subscribers I literally drew it out on a chart okay when I hit 1000 and then five and then 10 25 75 so all along the way I got things to check off and it made it fun and exciting felt like I was leveling up Progressive how can you take your big thing that you want and chunk it down into like three four smaller goals that if done correctly will stair step you towards your big because if things seem too far away You're Gonna procrastinate way more 10 out of 10 would recommend chunking down your big tasks into a few more manageable small ones [Music] you ever heard that famous phrase that I believe came out on a TED Talk sitting is the new smoke every time I see the numbers it literally makes me want to stand up out of my seat in 2019 the Mayo Clinic did a study they found that people who sit for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity have the same risk of death and disease as people who smoke and are obese so for our next habit so that you don't die movements move it or lose it baby now movement doesn't have to be some massive hour and a half long bodybuilding workout where you go into the gym and you blast hard style lifting Max deadlifts incorporating just a few minutes of activity throughout the day can have huge benefits in your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being one of the habits that I've done and kept up for a long time is taking a long walk on my green belt I live on a golf course here got some beautiful ones in Arizona I'll take an audiobook and I'll just walk up and down the green belts and get your 10 000 steps another way I Incorporated movement is getting a standing desk I'll have to stand all day but even just a couple hours I also got a mini trampoline I've always wanted I think it was like way too much money I think it was 1200 bucks but I got the best mini trampoline money could buy if you have neighbors they will probably hate you for it 10 minutes on that thing gets the blood flowing and you feel on fire working out for the sake of energy and mental Clarity has been really useful and getting up and moving I've found a massive increase in my mood my mental Clarity and just my energy throughout the day definitely worth not skipping this habits and do with it what you will
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 416,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life changing habits, habits that will change your life, clark kegley, metamorphic, habits to change your life, habits that changed my life, how to change your life
Id: lzQRUZHc5eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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