5 Simple Ways to Improve AdWords Click-Through Rate - Improve Google Ads CTR for Search Campaigns

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC youtube channel today I'm gonna be going over five simple ways to improve your click-through rate specifically for google search ads so if you're not if you're kind of a beginner with Google AdWords if you're just getting started with everything or even if you've been running a campaign for a little bit these are just five really simple tasks if you're you know if your experience with AdWords you probably know all of these so I'm gonna have a follow up video with some more advanced tax and techniques to improve your click-through rate but the main reason you want to improve your click-through rate is because it has a huge impact on your quality score higher quality score means you can bid at less than your competitors because your ad rank is a combination of your quality score and your bid so if you have a 10 out of 10 quality score and your competitors are lower than you then Google is gonna actually prefer your advertisement in the auction because it's showing that your campaign is relevant organized you have a strong click-through rate your bids are strong enough and you have a good landing page experience so all those things together can really help with the health of your campaign and these are just five really simple tasks so to get started I have a couple different campaigns here so dynamic beats doormats is just a dynamic campaign I just targeted one URL on my beachfront Decorah website it's a page that that's all beach doormats coastal doormats things like that newsletter and free ebook this is just a campaign I run basically just as an example for these types of videos so I'm gonna go through you can see the interaction right over here so interaction rate is how often people interact with your ad interaction rate click-through rate to me I use them interchangeably when it comes to search campaigns because the only interaction for me is when someone actually clicks on my ad so what we're gonna do first is I'm gonna open this dynamic beach doormats campaign you can see the click-through rate is really bad here so I'm gonna open click on keywords come to your search terms report so come over here make sure you set your dates to a good time period so you have enough data down here and what we want to do is just rank by impressions our search terms and we're gonna look for search terms that have a really bad cook the rate so the key for me I usually shoot for a three percent or above click-through rate the average on Google search is one point nine one percent so you want to be above the average you really want to keep improving that click there right as you go one of the best ways to do that is adding negative keywords for really broad keywords that show up in your search for report so if I scroll down a little bit I can see these beach themed outdoor entry map coastal welcome ATS ocean doormat coastal front doormat those are really relevant keywords for the page that I'm advertising because it's all geared towards beach themes doormats so you can see here you know three impressions one click three impressions one clicks that's a really strong click-through rate so what I want to do is look at the keywords and say I want to make sure every keyword has something to do with the beach something to do with the coast because if it doesn't you know it's just way too broad for people who are looking for something for their home if you live in the middle you know if you live in Oklahoma you're not gonna be looking for beach doormats and I have this set up to target everybody in the United States so I want to make sure I'm targeting people who are actively looking for a beach themed doormat so get rid of these really broad keywords that are driving down here click-through rate Adam has a negative keyword in this case I'm gonna add them as exact match keywords to the campaign and that's it so I've already added them so you know I could just click Save here but you know you want to use exact match keywords because if I start using a phrase match for doormat then this is gonna start cutting off you know other keywords like or other search queries like Beach doormat coastal doormat so I want everything to be exact match negative keyword here and doing that will improve my click-through rate drastically for this campaign because it's really being dragged down by these broad keywords so make sure you add those these negative keywords that are dragging down your click-through rate so the next thing we want to do is we're gonna go into our auction insights so from the search terms report you could just click on this drop down arrow click on auction insights and it's gonna pull up this page it really is gonna show you how you compared to your competitors for the keywords or dynamic add targets that you're targeting and when you guys are all entering the auction at the same time so these are my competitors for beach doormats specifically just for that keyword and it's showing over this period of time my impression share is less than 10% my average position in search results or my ad results is 3.6 and my top of page rate is only 26% so those are ways that you can kind of see okay if I'm at 3.6 in my average position but Wayfair is at 2.4 their type of page rate is sixty seven point five they probably have a much stronger click-through rate than me you know position above rate this means that about 75 percent of the time Wayfarers above me and I only outrank them eight percent of the time so if I go to the top here you can see American formats calm really strong here so impression chair 51% average position one point eight that's really great I try to get into the twos at least you know two point two two point six is good if I was at three point three I would try to improve it slightly whether it's bidding a little bit higher maybe improving my landing page is something like that just kind of trying to keep improving my overall quality score but position above rate is important to me because it shows how often these competitors are ranked above me so if there's a competitor I'm trying to outsell then I want to make sure I'm above them more often top of page rate so the more you're at the top of the page the higher your click-through rates gonna be people are more likely to click the ad in the first position then the second position they're more likely to click the ad in the second position in the third position it's the same with organic search if you're in those first few spots you have the best chance of getting clicked as you start dropping down it's not as good so using the auction insights report you can see hey my average positions not good enough and my top of page rate isn't that strong so I really need to improve maybe the organization of my campaign I really need to you know do some of these things that I'm gonna show you in the next few steps but you know step number two for improving your click-through rate is just looking at the auction inside support and understanding you know maybe you're not being competitive in the auction maybe your user experience from your keyword to your advertisement to your landing page isn't as good as some of these other competitors so just different ways you can see that you can you have to improve your campaigns to improve that click-through rate number three this is a really important one because a lot of people are kind of opposed to this sometimes when you set up your campaign if you're using manual bidding like I am here so it's showing you know how to promote your business this keyword I'm bidding 77 cents below first page bid so what that means is Google saying you're not bidding high enough based on your quality score your ad rank is not good enough to be on the first page so if you're not in the first page you're not gonna get that many impressions unless it's a really really popular keyword so if you scroll over here you can see okay Google is saying that they're not showing my ad probably because my bid is a little bit too small too low because my quality score is seven out of ten which is pretty strong if you look at different quality scores here so for the most part they're not terrible you kind of want to be in the 7 8 9 10 range that's really where the best quality scores are so you could see if I have a 7 out of 10 quality score it's saying it isn't performing well because it's bid is too low to show ads in the first page of search results so you need to bid high enough to be able to actually enter the auction if you're in a competitive industry you're gonna have to have strong bid so if you're not bidding strong enough to get on that first page bid then your ad is not gonna show so what I'll do is just come here click on all these keywords click Edit click change max CPC bids and raise bids to first page CPC if you want to set a max bid limit you can so maybe I say you know I don't want to bid more than three dollars because if I'm driving clicks to my website for three dollars that it you know three dollars a piece it's not gonna be alpha more for my campaign but I'm willing to bid you know at least up to you know you can see 250 248 I'm willing to bid at least that high so just click apply and that alone will really help with your ad rank because your ad rank is your quality score and your bid if your bid isn't high enough it really doesn't matter what your quality score is so you really need to have those bids high enough and then once you get those your bids high enough to be on that first page of search results that's when you really want to keep continuing to improve those quality scores one of the best ways to do that it's gonna be step number four making sure you have optimized ads so there's a lot of different ad types now they've expanded text ads I don't have it in my account yet but they have responsive search ads I did a video recently about them if you want to learn a little bit more but you're able to add you know way more headlines way more descriptions and you're able to test just a lot more with Google so what I'll do here is I'll come make sure you have at least three ads in every ad group and make sure they're very relevant to your keywords make sure it's very relevant to your landing page and what I'll do is I'll look at what the worst performing ad is so right here this free online marketing ebook how to promote your business I'm just gonna pause it all together okay so what we're gonna do is click add a new text ad it's gonna automatically fill in some of these things so you know I'm just gonna keep testing different ways to get people to drive you know more traffic to your website with the impressions you're currently getting display path if you're not seeing your manage of that you know use some keywords here so my my ad group here is how to promote your business that's the main keywords and your business ways to promote your business so you want to add a few different descriptions make sure they're a little bit unique so you know easy step by step methods to promote your business with online marketing so making sure you have these three headlines for all your expanded text ads using display paths using you know two different descriptions that's it we're gonna click save and create extensions we're gonna skip for now so you can see here we have three different ads and I want to go back and kind of edit these because you can see I only have two headlines here I only have one description so going back to your expanded text ads making sure that you have three different headlines making sure you have two different descriptions making sure you're taking advantage of display paths will all help with your click-through rate because it just improves your ad it makes it more relevant to what people are searching so that's gonna be step number four is make sure you have very relevant advertisements making sure you're taking advantage of the newest ad formats like responsive search ads if you can otherwise making sure your expanded text ads are completely filled out you have different you know variations with your ads it's so important because you know the more google contests with your impressions and serve different advertisements to people the more data they're gonna get and the more they can improve your campaign so it's just a way to kind of test and you don't have to do anything except to create the ads here at google do the rest for you so step number five is to make sure you have ad extensions I usually say at least four sitelink extensions per ad group you can use campaign site like extensions but the more targeted you could get them the better your ad rank is gonna be because your quality score is going to improve call-out extensions so you know free shipping maybe you have a limited time offer maybe you have I always say for your a flower company you could put something like guarantee delivery so if it's you know someone's trying to order flowers for Mother's Day it's just all these different things that you can do to really show more about your products and services structured snippet extensions you can if you're a hotel you can list your amenities if your marketing service company you can list all your marketing services call extensions pretty self-explanatory you add a phone number get more people to call your business message extensions you get people to send you text messages directly from your ad location so obviously if you could put your location your store hours different things like that so affiliate locations if you have any other you know affiliate locations where you sell your products you can put those in there as well price extensions let's say you're a mechanic and you offer three different levels of oil change level one is $35 level two is $60 level three is $85 you can put those price extensions there so people can understand before they even show up how much it's gonna cost them app extension so you know TripAdvisor for example if I start searching for hotels in a certain area a TripAdvisor is gonna promote to me and one of the things if I'm using my mobile device is they're gonna say you know why don't you just download our app and just use our app to plan your vacation so a great way to encourage that download apps or apps of your downloads of your app can we talk today and just get more people to click on your ad promotion extension so any limited time offer you have a black friday sale coming up maybe a cyber monday sale you can put that promotion extension up there and it's really gonna improve because people can see hey if i'm if I shop here the next few days I actually get free shipping I get 10% off my order whatever it is so these are five really simple ways to improve your click-through rate while making sure you have ad extensions that are enabled and optimized making sure you have text ads that you know you use responsive search ads if they're available to you they're not available in my account yet making sure you're expanded text ads are completely filled out so I have to make sure I add more headlines here and add another description to each advertisement so making sure your bids are strong enough to enter the auction think about it this way if you're entering an eBay auction for example and you're against ten other competitors and your bidding five dollars and your competitors are all bidding way more than you you're never gonna even get into that auction so one of the really important parts is your bid if you're a lawyer in New York City you're probably gonna have to bid you know twenty dollars for a single click because you have so much competition and other lawyers other law firms are bidding so high that you have to bid that high as well because they probably all have really strong quality scores at this point because being able to run those types of ads bid that high it takes a lot of work it takes a lot of effort it takes a lot of optimization so increasing those bids so you can actually be competitive in the auction is important and over time if your quality scores improve you can actually those bids down while keeping your cookie rate steady so just the biggest benefit to you is to keep your ad rank as high as possible so auctioning sites here you can see basically where you're lagging behind some of your competitors if your average positions not strong enough for top of page rate isn't strong enough compared to your competitors if you're not out ranking them at all it means that their ad rank is stronger than yours or your bid is just you know not high enough really and last but not least negative keywords so you're gonna have irrelevant keywords in here you're gonna have maybe keywords are a little bit too broad so just get rid of them altogether from your campaign it's really gonna help with your click-through rate it's really gonna help with your overall campaign health all right so that's our video today these are five really simple tasks you can probably do maybe once a week once every two weeks just go through check your search terms report making sure you're getting rid of those negative keywords just doing all these little things here is really going to improve this interaction rate over time and you know a good click-through rate leads to a better quality score leads to a better ad rank over time you can lower costs and you know drive more conversions within your budget that's really what our goal is to drive more conversions with the budget we're using so thanks for watching our video today make sure you subscribe to our Channel and if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 44,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ctr, click-through rate, google ctr, google click-through rate, google ads ctr, google ads click-through rate, click through rate, google adwords ctr, google adwords click through rate, how to increase click through rate, how to improve ctr, how to increase ctr, Improve Your AdWords CTR, improve your adwords click through rate, how to increase ad clicks, ctr optimization, improve adwords ctr, improve adwords click through rate, high ctr
Id: b7qefF6o3-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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