5 Signs God is Talking To You | Are You Listening?

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in life we hear many voices the voices of others our voice god's voice and that of the enemy with these many voices it is very easy to get confused in today's video we will talk about 5 signs that god is talking to you the question is are you listening but before we go ahead please like this video share with others who might need it and subscribe to this channel for more content like this in today's busy world we get crowded with too many voices we are unable to hear what god is saying to us the first thing we need to know is that god is always speaking to us we just don't listen and some of us do want to listen but for some reason we just can't hear him speak god is a god of signs just like he gave the rainbow as a sign that he wouldn't destroy the earth again with water he will always show his signs now before we go into the science that indicates that god is talking to us there are some things that we need to know about god number one god hears our prayers 65 verses 2 says o thou that hear his prayer unto thee shall all flesh come the psalmist acknowledges that we have a god who is able to hear our prayer so don't wonder if god hears your prayers he does number two god is always speaking to us this point was made earlier on but sometimes repetition is needed to drive the point home jesus says in revelations chapter 3 verses 20 look i stand at the door and knock if you hear my voice and open the door i will come in i will come in and we will share a meal together as friends now this verse isn't for specific people jesus didn't say he's only talking to a group of people he said if you hear my voice he's talking to all of us and god is speaking and anyone who hear him and invite him in will be a happy person number three god always answers prayers john chapter 16 verses 24 says until now you have not asked for anything in my name ask and you shall receive and your joy will be complete you may be thinking does god only answer some of our prayers and ignore the rest the answer is no god answers all our prayers the issue is with our expectations god might be saying yes but what you want is a no because you're looking for a no you may not hear god's voice no matter what we think or feel god always answers prayers but it might not be what we want but he surely answers prayers number four we cannot bully force or in whatever way make god answer our prayers the way we want him to as we have said earlier god always answers prayers so there's a popular saying that goes as long as there's a man to pray there is a god to answer but god is sovereign he can choose to answer in a miraculous way he can choose to answer otherwise but just expect an answer and don't think you can force god to answer you the way you want number five we don't hear god because we don't listen now many people do not know what prayer is prayer is not just talking to god it is communicating with him so this means that we ought to both talk to him and listen to him now most people just pray and leave without hearing from god then they begin to wonder why god does not speak to them so let's make it a point of duty to listen to god after we speak to him number six we cannot make god speak to us the way we want him to god cannot be limited to our ideas and our desires he is our creator and what he wants the most is a relationship with us god wants intimacy and he wants us to be able to hear him every moment but most people are looking for grand experiences they want god to speak to them through an angel or through dreams imagine this you're at a conference and you need god to quickly remind you of something you've forgotten because you're about to make a speech or he wants to tell you to meet someone that will help you in your career then you suddenly fall asleep and god shows you a dream and by the time you wake up what do you think people will say maybe you were standing and you just dropped down and the people surrounding you will call an ambulance so you can be treated can you see how sometimes you allow god speak to you because most of the time it doesn't make sense the way we want him to speak so now that we've settled this here are 5 signs to show that god is talking to you please don't forget to like this channel share this video and subscribe right now number one through the inward witness quick question have you ever felt a knowing about something even when you're asked how do you know you sometimes can't explain it but you're just so sure that this thing is right or wrong and then after a while you see you're correct this is called the inward witness as a true believer the holy spirit resides in you and he is the one that gives you this type of knowing god communicates with us by his spirit to our spirit then our spirit will pass it to our minds and this will then be impressed in us to form this knowing now the more time you spend in god's presence learning his voice the easier it will be for you to hear him speak number two through dreams and visions this is another way that god can speak to us god can give you a dream or a vision about yourself like he did for joseph in genesis chapter 37 verses 9. it says then he had another dream and he told it to his brothers listen he said i had another dream and this time the sun and the moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me so god can be showing you dreams or visions and this is a sign that he is talking to you number three through the audible voice of god now this isn't very common but god can speak to you loud and clear you will hear an audible voice and you will immediately know that it's god and just like saul who later became paul in the bible you may hear god speaking to you number four through other people and other means god can also speak to you through other people it can be your pastor a little child or even a signpost god is able to speak to you however he wants and some people became christians by reading tracts some made decisions through a billboard as they were driving somewhere yet the most important thing is to be attentive to god speaking number five through his word this is the primary way that god speaks to us god always speaks to his word and he will never say anything that doesn't correlate with his word so god cannot contradict himself he cannot bring up any new thing that isn't in his word because he already knows all things and this should be our primary guide so we don't get misled by the other signs that you think that god is giving to us for example god might be telling you through the inward witness that you should love more does this correlate with scriptures yes it does or you keep hearing that you should lie against someone that hurts you you may even dream about it and see the clear steps to take still ask yourself does this correlate with scriptures then if it doesn't then whatever you heard or saw is not from god if you enjoyed this video please like it share it and subscribe to our youtube channel thank you and god bless you [Music]
Channel: Trailblazer
Views: 217,755
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Id: z9X--XDd8nI
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Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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