5 Scary Shark Sightings That Might Just Be Megalodon!

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sharks are big but the legendary Megalodon is even bigger they are two sharks what horses are two ponies which is why it's good news that they went the way of the dodo a long long time ago but what if they didn't what if this still out there these are scary shark sizes that might just be Megalodon before we begin make sure to hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bill for more amazing videos every day with that being said let's begin number five the Indian Asian Colossus given the size of the shark in these 22 seconds of footage there's no denying that if it's real it could most definitely be a Megalodon but that's the question is it real this clip comes from an Indian Asian news network and frustratingly we can't find an english translation as a result we don't know the context of this short clip nor do we know how seriously was taken by the authorities or if it's possibly some kind of fake all we can do is trust our eyes if we can trust our eyes the footage seems to be filmed from a boat and shows a huge shark erupting out of the water there's something large in its mouth something that it's eating it's hard to get a good look at what is chomping down on but it looks like it could be some kind of large water bass animal or maybe even a boat in slow-mo we get a better look and it looks more likely to be about the shark is eaten which is terrifying it flops back down to the water disappearing to never be seen again but it's so huge it simply has to be a Megalodon right what do you think now it's time for the odd topic the reason why we selected this photo for our topic is because of all the photos and videos of possible Megalodon sightings that fans have sent to us over the years this is the one we are most dubious of the image was sent to us by a fan called Gabby Lomax and we're sorry to say miss Lomax we here at the office aren't totally sold this is a real Megalodon sighting but here's the thing certain other experts in the field of cryptid sightings truly think there is an argument to be had that this really happened the photo is claimed to have been taken in a small seaside town by a woman called Janet Phillips and one expert in all things big shocked a cryptozoologist by the name of Archibald Theakston says that he is met miss Phillips and believes she's telling the truth what do you think real Megalodon sighting or is miss Lomax story a lot of nonsense remember to comment down below with the hashtag hashtag or topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we two showed on screen and now to the next topic number four the google earth giant shark picture in November of 2017 researchers and scientists from the University of Columbia were going through Google Earth satellite images in the process they came across what appeared to be a giant shark that measured approximately 70 feet as one heck of a shark I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that that's pushing on Megalodon size but was it a Megalodon the rather curious image sparked fervent conversation many took it as hard evidence that Megalodon may be roaming the earth I mean I say roaming is not walking about or anything it's in the water but you get my point for those of you unfamiliar with the Megalodon as a species scientists say the sharp became extinct approximately 2.6 million years ago so they really shouldn't be swimming around despite this many people including a lot of our subscribers are very into the idea that Megalodon may still be saunter in their ways through the oceans of Earth sightings such as this one have been fanning the fires of those theories and these images in particular they've really convince people that the Megalodon may still be out there according to fossil analysis scientists believe that Megalodon measured between fifty and seventy feet the University of Columbia scientists are also taken to find seriously and from the moment they discovered the photo they started investigating if the giant shark could still be inhabiting a Persian Gulf exactly where Google satellites took the photo the Persian Gulf is an extension of the Indian Ocean and is the region that lies between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula as of 2019 the team of scientists is yet to publish their findings and the belief is that they're still investigated for a shark as big as a Megalodon to successfully hide it would need somewhere pretty big the Persian Gulf is the perfect size for a great big mother hugging shark to hide it so what do you think is this a Megalodon or just a regular shark who had too much to eat that day hit us up with your thoughts in the comment section below or can feel free to ring us number three baby we're done yeah that's right but I'm gonna talk about the possible sighting of a baby Megalodon and you're possibly thinking well if it's smaller how do we even know it's a Megalodon at all see just off the coast of Australia in January 2016 there was a sighting of a seven-meter shark it's too big to be a shark too small to be a Megalodon so what is it just a big shark or a baby Megalodon the jury's still out it's spotted by a helicopter patrol the shark was 100 meters offshore at the marina rocks the authorities issued the shark alert and evacuated swimmers and canceled all the events that were scheduled to happen that day to be fair if you saw a seven-meter shark wouldn't you cancel all your plans that day 7 meters is a whopping 22 feet that's a whole lot of shark according to a helicopter crew member it was the biggest shark he'd ever seen and don't forget these guys have seen a lot more sharks than you've had hot dinners or I've had to say the words let us know in the comments below so for them to notice the size is seriously saying something at the time shark expert Andrew Fox said that although some sharks can grow to great lengths the most likely explanation for the 7-meter shark was something that he called the exaggeration effect for those of you not in the know let me explain what that means by reading a very crude version of the Wikipedia article about it essentially the exaggeration effect is when a person's perception is altered because he or she has seen something bigger than they've ever expected he said that a 5 metre shark is already twice as big as a person so one can only imagine what a 6 meter shark would do to someone's perception but a lot of people felt Fox's arguments were totally invalid with the guys in the helicopter who like we said they're used to seeing sharks on a regular basis really fall victim to the exaggeration effect and everyday beach goer maybe but then we seriously doubt it and lots of others doubt it as well at the time people took to social media to express their feelings one person said that the reason it was so big was that it wasn't a shark at all but a baby Megalodon since then the opinion has spread skeptics are still quick to point out but they think it was probably more likely a big shark than a small Megalodon but the sentiment that it might have been the latter is growing growing but what do you think let us know in the hold you I say a lot comments below number two lurking in the Mariana Trench on the 4th of October 2016 the buzz channel Facebook page published a video that allegedly showed a 50-foot Megalodon at the bottom of the Mariana Trench as I'm sure almost everybody who watches our videos will know the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean according to the post a 50-foot shark that many initially thought was the Pacific sleeper had been found roughly one mile down the Mariana Trench however after greater analysis especially the knowledge that the Pacific sleeper shark grew only 220 feet the conclusion was that the discovery of a Megalodon because megalodons grew to fifty feet than above pretty scary stuff as I'm sure you could have guessed video peaked up enough steam to power a train within a mere week of it going live it had collected well over 700,000 views I mean hey we told you Internet users loved megalodons cats and megalodons that's what you guys are all about it seems but because it's impossible to see the entire length of the shark on the clip analysts approximated its size based on the dimensions of the cage however as soon as the video went viral many scientists disagree with the speculations why can't these scientists get along like seriously guys you're supposed to agree on stuff so that you can tell us simple folk what to think sort it out but researchers and scientists said that while they agree the footage featured a large deep-sea shark it was certainly not the Megalodon they based this argument on the fact that the Megalodon isn't adapted to survive in such depths moreover at such depths food supply is minimal because only finally amphipods can survive at that kind of pressure a tiny amphipod is barely a snack for a Megalodon megalodons a real big boys they wouldn't survive on such little snacks they would need to eat like a whale a day just to get by and we've all got that one friend who eats that much dog come well a Megalodon makes that friend look like nothing also many noted that the footage wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench but it was part of older footage uploaded to YouTube in 2008 filmed by a submersible in Suruga Bay Japan so surely case closed mystery solved well no a lot of pee refuted this older footage was filmed in Japan a lot of people think that's just nonsense to detract us from the fact that this is a very genuine Megalodon chilling out in the Mariana Trench and who are we to deny them their theories we'll just leave it up to you guys the subscribers of the Feist you can decide does this prove the Megalodon is still out there or is it all nonsense let us know in there here we go again comments below number one Michael Myers discovery in 2016 David enthusiast Michael Meyer released never-before-seen footage of one of the largest sharks in the world today dubbed deep blue the Sharks 22-foot sized shocked the world so naturally at a colossal 22 feet people had to wonder was this actually Megalodon filmed off the coast of Guadeloupe Mexico the footage shows the giant shark curiously circling the divers not to mention swallowing chunks of meat whole absolutely horrifying according to Michael after the team entered the water they had to wait because initially there was nothing to see but then things took a turn after a little while the colossal shark surfaced within seconds Meyer and his team noticed that this was no ordinary shark this was a serious beast of a shark the team decided to actually spend a decent amount of time with deep blue based on how she behaved and the footage they obtained the team determined that she that's right deep blue was female was around about 50 years of age now here's the thing technically speaking technically deep blue is very clearly not a Megalodon she's just a big shock but there's still a reason why we've included his footage on this list so you don't dare accuse us of clickbait the existence of the footage has triggered a lot of online speculation that megalodons might be out there and still exist normally female white sharks measure between 15 and 16 feet and males 11 to 13 feet therefore at 22 feet deep blue is quite large also keep in mind the scientists have long believed that the Megalodon shark evolved into the present-day great white so while deep blue may not be a Megalodon herself people believe she's a relative of one it's like finding Slenderman sister but not Slenderman himself what do you think let us know in the are you know or so which of these Megalodon sightings do you think is most likely to be the real deal or do you not think the Megalodon is still out there at all also check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen now and see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 1,185,755
Rating: 4.5997319 out of 5
Keywords: megalodon caught on camera, megalodon caught on tape, megalodons caught on camera, megalodons caught on tape, caught on camera, caught on tape, megalodon, megalodons, camera, tape, real, life, real life, viral, new, caught, megalodons caught, megalodon in real life, real life megalodon, real megalodon, megalodon caught, megalodon sightings, megalodon sighting, megalodon caught on video, caught on video, megalodon shark
Id: Kk_7It5-_Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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