Why are sharks afraid of dolphins?

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it's a long known fact that sharks prefer to avoid dolphins they swim away quickly when they see them especially Grampus dolphins simultaneously in the stomach's of some sharks we found parts of dolphins how can it be that such fearless predators are afraid of cute and playful dolphins let's take a look at this why are sharks afraid of dolphins dolphins are mammals that live in pods and are quite clever it's well known that dolphins are not as harmless as they seem and know how to protect themselves when they see an aggressive shark they immediately attack it with the whole pod not giving the shark any chances of survival this is why sharks tend to avoid pods with many dolphins dolphins have some advantages over sharks due to the way their body is built their upper fin makes them very flexible the combination of soft skin and a flexible skeleton structure allows them to be efficient in a fight the vertical tail of the shark is flat and limits their up-and-down mobility while dolphins have horizontal tails that allow them to have great mobility and a quick way to change directions in a fast attack [Music] the heads of dolphins have very thick and very strong skin and act as a biological battering ram dolphins can be several meters under the shark and then quickly swim upwards and slam their snout into the Sharks soft stomach this will lead to serious internal traumas when they have to defend themselves they will protect each other from the sharks attack with their massive snouts that they use to hit the gills of the shark a well-placed head can cause enough damage to kill the shark therefore they can surround a shark and hit her gills first before the actual attack on the stomach in a way they just frightened the shark until it swims away itself sharks are predators who swim alone while dolphins travel in groups so-called pods every time a member of the group is in danger the rest will come to help them there are even known cases where dolphin saved humans from sharks there just needs to be two or three dolphins and the shark will prefer to stay away instead of clashing with them sharks like to attack targets that are smaller than them for example small dolphin babies when they decide to attack a baby dolphin they usually can't escape an attack by a pod full of angry dolphins the biggest advantage of the Dolphins however is their intelligence by using echolocation they can move fast in the water in order to avoid or to attack sharks a Sharks biggest chance of killing a dolphin is when the shark is hidden away from their sight since they are silent predators but when the first try is unsuccessful the dolphin can easily swim away or regroup to fight together with the rest of his pod additionally dolphins are incredibly fast they can swim faster than the majority of sharks making them an elusive food that's not worth the effort according to the data provided by organizations supporting whales and dolphins one-third of dolphins living in the waters off Sarasota Florida have scars from incidents with sharks that's why in some parts of the world sharks are considered to be the biggest threat to dolphins however there is one more dolphin species that scared white sharks it's the killer whale the biggest representative of dolphins and they hunt for white sharks when they don't have enough food they use their massive and strong tails to flip the Sharks over and make them immobile this is why white sharks prefer to flee from killer whales immediately as they are especially interested in eating their liver [Music] with extreme precision they take out the shark's liver and throw away the rest of the body no wonder sharks are afraid of them what do you think which sharks to be afraid of dolphins if they wouldn't swim in pods if you liked the video give it a like and subscribe to our channel so you won't miss anything interesting we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Wonders of the World
Views: 11,249,336
Rating: 4.8970575 out of 5
Keywords: Wonders of the World, why sharks are afraid of dolphins, why sharks are afraid of killer whales, shark against killer whale, shark against dolphin, dolphins save people from sharks, shark is afraid of dolphins, shark, dolphins, sharks, dolphins kill sharks, dolphins saved a person from a shark, white shark, animals
Id: CCr6RP68OpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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