What If Megalodon Met the Biggest Snake Ever

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this is going to be a very unusual match but i bet it'll also be spectacular and intense in the left corner we have megalodon this species went extinct about 3 million years ago but there are good reasons why it's now a legendary animal it's the biggest shark that ever existed and it was a super powerful predator in its time and a round of applause for our contender in the right corner titana boa this one's way bigger than any other snake it lives in the swamps of colombia and it's the real boss of the area titanoboa can eat absolutely any animal it decides to hunt and it faces no competition it can swallow a giant turtle or even a crocodile it looks like a modern boa but behaves like an anaconda and that's a very scary mix but can it stop a giant shark let's start by looking at their sizes we still don't know about megalodon's exact size because the only remains of them that have survived are just fossilized backbones and teeth but scientists generally think this monster was about 50 feet long so it wasn't just the biggest shark that ever existed but also one of the biggest fish of its time its closest rival is the modern whale shark but they're only about 40 feet the giant titanoboa got so big thanks to a lucky coincidence snakes are cold-blooded animals so they need a warm climate to live and grow in northeastern colombia is perfect it was about 90 degrees when titanoboa was alive this helped it grow to an incredible 42 feet in length titanoboa could easily swallow the longest snake registered in the guinness book of records which is only about 25 feet long and that's a big gulp so we have 50 feet versus 42 the first point goes to megalodon what about weight titanoboa is about 2500 pounds that's heavier than a small car including the passengers but it might be even heavier if you run into titan ebola after it's had lunch in that case you can add a few hundred pounds more from the turtle or the alligator that it just swallowed if you put titanoboa on some very large scales you'd need five giant anacondas on the other side to balance them out but megalodon is an incredible 50 times heavier than titanoboa the average adult female weighs between 27 and 59 times that's as much as an empty boeing 737 airplane and that's without carry-on luggage either luckily enough megalodon can't fly so obviously megalodon wins in the weight category that's one more point to the ancient shark although having such a large weight makes it difficult for the shark to move and also means it's a little clumsy which leads us to our next category speed and agility megalodon can swim at about 16 feet per second that's enough to make it the ultimate predator but it's still slower than plenty of other species if megalodon was swimming in a pool and usain bolt was running along next to it he would be twice as fast his top speed is almost 40 feet per second now a sailfish which is the fastest sea creature can reach about 100 feet per second megalodon's size and weight make it turn really slowly just the same as a large truck so when it attacks the shark has only one chance to strike if it misses it has to go around for a second attempt this gives its prey more than enough time to run away titanoboa isn't that fast either especially on land but when the giant snake is in the water it can swim at a speed of up to 12 miles per hour not much but enough for it to escape from megalodon if it needs to it's learned to swim so well because water is its main hunting ground and because titanoboa is a snake duh it also has incredible mobility it can wriggle around and change direction very quickly so it can easily dodge megalodon's bite so here's the first point for titanoboa the score is two to one in favor of megalodon next section fighting skills megalodon is incredibly smart it can change tactics depending on what kind of prey it's hunting scientists have found teeth markings from megalodon on some whale fossils these show that the giant sharks aim their bites at their prey's vital body parts to take them out quickly other remains of megalodon's victims have multiple fractures this is because megalodon performs a super powerful ram attack that can knock almost anything out in fact this 50-ton beast can easily smash through concrete walls so megalodon's opponents don't really stand a chance some of them prefer to first damage the tails and fins of the whale they're hunting this stops it from escaping letting the huge predator finish off its defenseless victim now what can titanoboa do in response the giant snake isn't poisonous but this doesn't stop it from hunting prey up to four meters long its bite has a very special design the structure of its teeth and jaws lets titanoboa really clamp down on the body of its prey so there is no escape when hunting titanoboa uses similar tactics to an anaconda or a boa by that i mean it uses its powerful muscles and weight to stop its prey from moving it deploys all of its strength to take away the animal's energy making it helpless so titanoboa is not only really speedy and agile it can also fight its corner pretty well it's definitely earned a point in the fighting skills section the score is now two to two that's a tie going into the final round we've got one more section before we find out which of these ancient monsters will win up now is fighting tools apart from its ramming power megalodon has something else up its sleeve even though it really doesn't have arms or wears a coat let's take a look at its jaw its teeth are about seven inches long that's an absolute record for all known shark species in the world megalodon has about 250 of these deadly pointy things arranged in five rows they're also really sharp which help to penetrate the thick skin of big animals like whales megalodon's jaws are six and a half feet wide and it has one of the strongest bites of any animal on the planet not only are they super dangerous megalodon's teeth are also really valuable one of these ancient incisors was once found in western australia the location where it was dug up was kept secret but this didn't stop intruders from stealing it it's probably in someone's private collection by now and sadly scientists miss the chance to learn something new about megalodon titanoboa also has a mean set of teeth they're thin and pointed like needles they bend inwards in the snake's jaw like fishing hooks this little feature helps titaniboa get a grip on its prey and prevent the slightest chance of it running or swimming away if the animal tries to pull itself free it will only hurt itself even more and remember that titanoboa is incredibly agile so it can strike with that bite at an incredible speed now it's time for the fight itself titanoboa never swims in the open sea but here megalodon has gotten lost and ended up in a shallow swampy area off the coast of colombia in water like this meg ladon finds it even harder to move around it could bite titanopola just once and the fight would be over but because the shark moves so much slower than the snake for now he doesn't get the chance to snap those enormous jaws titanoboa starts attacking megalodon but it can't do much damage to that thick skin with its sharp but very short teeth eventually meg ladon gets its chance and ends the fight with a single bite it turns out that those huge teeth were what really mattered in this competition chew on that for a while that's three to two and a victory to the giant shark
Views: 7,424,323
Rating: 4.8003778 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, biggest sharks, facts about sharks, megalodon shark, megalodon teeth, megalodon attack, is megalodon the biggest animal, can megalodon eat blue whale, what does megalodon look like, what does megalodon eat, facts about sharks videos, megalodon vs titanoboa, snakes, extinct creatures, prehistoric animals, the biggest animals, titanoboa, the biggest serpent, the biggest snake, largest animals, largest creatures, biggest snake ever, titanoboa snake
Id: r8I_LFsEXbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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