NAS vs DAS: What's the Difference

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Nas versus Das what's the difference and which is the better choice for you let's dive into it hey welcome to the official YouTube channel of recover it's a professional data recovery solution my name is Michael and as usual we're back with more practical Data Solutions and tutorials and today we're going to talk about Das and Nas and we want to find out which are the differences which are their unique features how they operate how they differ from each other and hopefully by the end of the video you would know easily how to make the difference between each one of these Technologies and probably make the choice which is the better match for your particular needs starting with does direct attached storage it means there's a storage device directly attached to your system or computer meaning that your PC is going to be the host providing access to that particular storage meaning that there are certain limitations Nas which means network attached storage would be a box containing some storage devices inside which is exposed to the network therefore every everybody who is authorized to access this box would be able to do that as long as there's proper network connectivity and yes the network attached storage solutions usually have their own operating system now let's go into depth and figure out how both Technologies work thus the direct attached storage connects directly to the host computer or server without the need for a network personal computers and servers have internal storage that can be accessed through various interfaces external hard drives and disk enclosures are examples of external Dash which are linked to workstations and servers through different connection types for example direct USB connection on the other hand network attached storage is a very unique solution which integrates hardware and software in order to allow Network file sharing users can access Nas through a browser and it appears as a shared network drive now students are managed and configured from a PC and users can access them via Wi-Fi Lan or the internet so what about the differences between those two technologies in real world use cases we want to drill down to the details as a starter in terms of storage capacity thus provides more localized storage and is limited in terms of sharing and remote of dating compared to NAS servers Nas outperforms Das in terms of storage capacity because you can easily add another portable Nas storage device to the network as storage requirements grow in terms of data transfer methods Nas is Distributing the data through a high-speed Network while thus connects directly to service and connectivity and expandability are limited by the number of expansion assaults available on the server or on the computer so far we made it clear that in terms of capacity and possibilities to grow Nas would be the winner but how about data transfer speeds well here's a major difference direct attached storage appears to be faster than most NASA devices due to the connections being used like USB and Thunderbolt which allow massively better transfer speeds and here we can talk about gigabits per second on the other hand Nas devices are usually operating over the network so if they are connected to your home Lan and most home lands these days are operating at one gigabit per second that would convert into somewhere between 100 and 110 megabytes per second when you do some data transfers and I can confirm that in my particular case using a Nas device at home I get exactly the very same range of speeds additionally through very reasonable expansion cars and adapters your network interface can be upgraded from one gig to two and a half gigs or 10 gigs and higher which would allow the nas device to execute several gigabits per second and support concurrents used by numerous users but in most cases this is still a bit slower than most thus the devices pricing and that's such an important component and here we need to underline the prices vary from device to device so you can find very affordable Nas Solutions or very expensive Nas Solutions you can find very uploadable Das devices and much more expensive task devices but since usually a Nas box would require a processor Sim Ram operating system software development and so on typically you would pay a bit more for a good solution in terms of Nas as opposed to a good working direct attached storage in terms of user experience and ease of use we have a situation which is very similar to the pricing it really depends theoretically thus devices since most of them are Plug and Play are so easy to operate and you rely on your operating system meaning that you're going to feel into a safe Zone because you know well how your operating system performs in works on the other hand Nas devices could need some learning curve and you might need to spend some hours in order to figure out how the operating system there works you need to spend some time in order to set them up but once you get to do this it could be your ultimate server staying 24 7 at home absolutely independent from your home computer and that certainly is an important factor to consider before we wrap up I need to ask you my dear friends which of both Technologies do you prefer direct attached storage or network attached storage and I'll be honest about my personal bias I have two NAS devices using it home since years and I'm so happy with them therefore I'll be very curious to see success stories about Das implementation what is it that you like the most and let me know what kind of setup do you have comments are down below and this is the right place where you can also ask some follow-up questions thank you very much for watching this episode I'm Michael with recover it and I'm gonna be back with more practical data recovery Solutions very very soon so enjoy your day and see you soon bye go
Channel: Wondershare Recoverit Data Recovery
Views: 8,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nas storage, nas drive, das storage, what is a nas, what is a das, what is the difference between nas and das, nas vs das, network attached storage, direct attached storage, storage solutions, storage management, data storage security, storage capacity, NAS vs DAS security features, NAS vs DAS performance, NAS vs DAS data transfer rates, Pros and cons of NAS and DAS
Id: iprfbsVHrT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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