5 Reasons Why the 2024 iPad Pro Will Be Worth The Wait!

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well all right everyone we are now Midway through April and we still don't have any iPad Pros or any new iPad Airs that we've been talking about but Mark Gman did mention that Apple should be at least announcing this new wave of iPads which is going to be new iPad Pros as well as new iPad Airs starting May 6 which may be by May 13th we should be getting new iPads in our hands and here's everything we know because we actually learned a few new things that are really going to make this iPad launch one of Apple's biggest iPad launches of all time because it's been over 18 months since we had a new iPad Pro let's get into [Music] it so let's very quickly talk about the iPad Air because the iPad Air is going to be the one that's going to be changed the least amount at least from a visual standpoint so the only big thing that we're going to be seeing is yes Apple's probably going to put the M2 Chip into their iPad Airs but we're still going to keep the same 10.9 variant it's still going to have Touch ID it's still going to come in these same kind of colorful playful colors that aren't really that colorful at the end of the day but apple is rumored to be announcing a 12.9 in iPad Air that's going to just be BAS basically a larger version of the current iPad Air so again Apple's going to need to cut cost on here to make sure that it still does not cannibalize the sales of the iPad Pro but just like most people wanted a larger MacBook Air a lot of people just want a larger display on their iPad Air and they don't want to spend the premium of getting maybe the latest M chip or the latest screen Tech or promotion or you know face ID and things like that so Apple will be releasing a 12.9 in iPad air that is all basically but confirmed so if you are somebody that doesn't care about promotion somebody that doesn't mind using Touch ID somebody doesn't mind having the latest and greatest when it comes to Apple hardware and iPad Hardware then the larger 12.9 in iPad Air is going to be a great solution for you and I think that's going to be Apple's best selling iPad because it's going to be the largest that you can get at this cheapest price point it's probably going to be the battery life King because the optimization on the M2 Chip plus only having a 60 HZ display is going to kind of match up to give us probably the longest lasting battery life of any iPad that we've seen that's pretty much all we're going to get with the iPad Air and then of course it'll still support things like the magic keyboard and the apple pencil too but now pivoting over to the iPad Pro which is what I'm most excited about so our very own Jeff Benjamin released a video last week going over the iOS 17.5 beta 1 features and everything new that came with it but inside of that feature set he was able to find that there's new code names for new iPad products that should be releasing with iPad OS 17.5 and that gives us another kind of almost confirmation that we know that the new iPads will be releasing will be shipped with iPad OS 17.5 but some of the main things to take into consideration is that we will still be holding on to the 11in and the 12.9in form factor there is a rumor that Apple's going to extend the screen a little bit more making the bezels even smaller giving us a true 13-in display on the larger iPad Pro model and then to go along with those displays we are now moving away from the mini LED that we had with the 12.9in iPad Pro and we were going full OLED and what's amazing about this is that we are no longer getting a segregation of the actual screen Tech compared to the 11-in iPad Pro because currently if you want to buy an 11-in iPad Pro it still has a great promotion display but it is an LCD panel versus if you get a 12.9 in iPad Pro right now now it is that promotion display at 120 HZ but we are getting mini LED Tech but now with the new 2024 iPad Pros both the 11-in iPad Pro as well as a 12.9 in or 13in iPad Pro will have this brand new ol display which is going to be Apple's greatest display yet on any iPad and that's going to be amazing for a multitude of reasons yes it's going to be better for deeper blacks and better picture quality better brightness and things like that but it's also going to help with battery life because now with these Ola displays going in being able to kind of blank out every singular pixel is going to save us battery in the long run so hon dark mode on the 12.9in iPad Pro or 13-in iPad Pro is going to be amazing for the iPad Pros Apple will of course be putting the new M3 chip in there and I'm hoping that Apple's going to give us a few things when it comes to the M3 chips and the hardware internally firstly I hope Apple gives us an option to maybe get the M3 Pro chip in the iPad Pro and I know a lot of people especially myself will pay a premium for that fact but then also I do believe Apple's going to give us at least the ability to now customize the internals of the iPad Pro as it stands right now if you pick up an M2 iPad Pro you need to get at least the 1 TB version to get 16 gigs of RAM and there is no kind of parody to that so you can't get a 256 gig iPad Pro with let's say 16 gigs of RAM you are stuck with just 8 gigs of RAM so hopefully Apple allows us to maybe get a 512 iPad Pro with 16 or 32 gigs of RAM to be able to kind of feature proof yourself a little bit and kind of use this as a Workhorse that it's meant to be used as but let's see how Apple ends up selling these iPad Pros but it will have the M3 chip and I could see it maybe supporting up to 24 gigs of RAM maybe not the full 32 but 24 gigs of RAM does not sound absurd to me and then also from the hardware standpoint Apple should be making some changes visually and kind of physically to the actual iPad Pro chassis very similar to the changes we saw going from the 14 pro Max to the 15 Pro Max on the iPhone side wordss kind of the same design language overall and it looks very similar at face value but when you hold it it's going to have nice curved edges the bezels are a little bit Slimmer it's going to feel a little bit different compared to the older iPad Pros which again I'm all for because we've had the same form factor since 2018 but at the same time it's one of the prettiest Apple devices of all time it's the best tablet on the market so if it ain't broke don't fix it so I'm kind of in between here but let's see exactly what Apple does with the actual design itself and lastly in terms of a visual change I do believe Apple will finally give us the face ID camera in landscape orientation as it sits right now the only iPad that has that landscape orientation is the iPad 10 Generation all other iPads have it in that portrait mode orientation which is a little bit weird it doesn't really work well when it comes to zoom calls and facetimes software fixes like Center Stage tried to kind of make it a little bit better where it tries to Center you into the screen but it still kind of looks like you're looking off to the left hand side and looking down because that's where the camera is and that's where you want to be seen so at the end of the day I do think bringing over to landscape is going to be a great win when it comes to professional use and actual productivity use because as of right now I don't really use my face ID camera aside from you know using it to unlock my iPad but that begs a question of what they're going to do with the apple pencil is the apple pencil still going to have enough room to be magnetically attached and magnetically charged where it currently sits or we have to actually move the apple pencil charger again those are things that we're going to have to see exactly what happens with the apple pencil 2 but that is a perfect segue into the accessories that this iPad is going to bring because outside of the new M3 chip maybe some new hardware changes and everything just internally changing getting a little bit nicer and Tighter iPad Pro is still going to have the same design language it's still going to have the same kind of footprint it's still going to feel like an iPad at the end of the day so it's just going to be a little bit faster a little bit more powerful just a little bit different looking but at the end of the day it's still going to be iPad OS on this iPad but when it comes to the accessories this is where we're going to see a little bit of a change there is a rumor of the apple pencil 3 releasing alongside the new iPad Pro at first we believed the apple pencil 3 was only just going to add fine my support but it's going to keep the same form factor and things like that but now again Jeff Benjamin discovered with the 17.5 beta 1 update that we are getting a new gesture control called Squeeze so there should be some sort of gesture control update or maybe some new sensor inside of the apple pencil it's going to be able to recognize a squeeze gesture for maybe another shortcut or whatever the case may be I'm sure Apple's going to give it its own name you know squeeze Pro or whatever Apple's going to Market this like crazy and let us know that hey we absolutely need this in order to really kind of up our productivity game with the iPad Pro but it probably end up being a little bit of a gimmick or maybe just a cool to have a shortcut added onto it but that is going to be coming with the apple pencil 3 and then lastly when it comes to the magic keyboard it looks like apple might actually be going away from that double hinged design that we've grown to love with the current magic keyboard so the current magic keyboard it's an amazing keyboard yes it's very expensive at $350 but it is the best way to use your iPad Pro the touchpad is Flawless you know the keyboard is great I've used mine for over 3 four years now at this point and I've had zero issues with it it does add a good amount of heft to it in totality but the weight does make it feel premium at the end of the day but the rumor with the new magic keyboard is that it's going to be adopting kind of the same form factor in design language to make the iPad Pro look more like a Macbook supposedly we will be adding some sort of aluminum on there the trackpad is going to be a little bit bigger it could be a single hinge design maybe something similar to what the bridge keyboard was back in the day if you guys know you know Bridge keyboard has so much promise and I love the look and the aesthetic and everything about it except you know the touchpad just wasn't amazing and had a lot of issues and the software wasn't kept up to date so Apple might step in and create a kind of pro level magic keyboard that does have aluminum that does give you the magic keyboard that does give you the magic Trackpad built into it and works the way it's intended to work we might get some function row Keys we might get some additional built-in speakers and also there is a rumor that it will add more pin connectors allowing this to be used with more data transfer capabilities because as of right now if you want to transfer data from your iPad to let's say an external SSD or anything like that you only have one port the other port on the magic keyboard is purely for pass through charging versus maybe Apple can add a couple Thunderbolt ports because now we have more pin connectors more room for data pass through so let's see exactly what Apple does with this magic keyboard but again when it comes to pricing I think pricing is going to increase on across all the devices because the iPad Air is going to have to fit somewhere you know cheaper than the 11-in iPad Pro so the 11in iPad Pro I can see going maybe to $900 at a starting price with the 12.9in iPad Pro maybe starting at ,200 or, 1300 I believe the magic keyboard is going to go to maybe $449 instead of $349 the apple pencil Apple can probably charge $149 for it so I can see this package getting extremely expensive and that begs the question who is this iPad Pro going going to be for obviously I'm an iPad Pro fanatic and it's my main device and I love it I'm a specific use case that not everybody's going to be niching down to for most people the MacBook Air even in the 15inch variant at $1,200 is an absolute game change from a price to Performance ratio versus the iPad Pro probably at a minimum if you get the whole package let's say 1300 450 plus another 150 you're almost at $2,000 and that's before you spec up any storage or spec up any Ram or get a screen protector or maybe get any auxiliary hubs and things like that so iPad Pro is going to be an expensive device it's just matter of how you're going to use it who this is for and what where it fits in the Apple ecosystem overall but that is everything that we know so kind of put on the calendar May 6 is the date to really look forward to because that's going to be the date of maybe an announcement or a press release or a video that's going to come out and then from then on it's just a matter of pre-ordering it figuring out which one you want and then receiving it about a week to 10 days later but let me know with the comment down below what you think is the iPad Pro going to live up to the expectations that you have I have a very high hopes for this iPad Pro it's been a long time coming Apple should give us something that we really want especially for somebody like me who loves her iPad Pro and finds reasons to kind of really push it forward and finds reasons to enjoy the actual experience of the iPad Pro but let me know in the comment down below what you expect what you want out of the iPad Pro will you be picking one up are you somebody that is going more towards the iPad Air do you want the fully loaded iPad Pro let's discuss down below but if you guys made it to the end leave little dolphin in the comments down below so I know you made it to the end of this video and if you guys want to watch more videos like this one click on one of these right here and until next time I'm Fernando and I'm out everybody peace iPads for the win 3 weeks mark calendar
Channel: 9to5Mac
Views: 58,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9to5Mac, apple, new apple pencil 3, new ipad magic keyboard, new apple pencil squeeze gesture, new 2024 iPad pro, oled ipad pro, macos on ipad Pro, Should you get the 2024 iPad Pro?, why the 2024 iPad Pro will be worth it, 2024 iPad Pro, iPad Pro 2024, new iPad Pro, Apple iPad Pro 2024, latest iPad Pro, iPad Pro features, iPad Pro review, iPad Pro rumors, iPad Pro updates, iPad Pro release date, iPad Pro design, iPad Pro display, iPad Pro performance, iPad Pro announcements
Id: 7_znDb3BnN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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