2024 iPad Pro M4 - 25+ Settings You Need To Know

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hi everyone Aaron here for Zotac and if you just picked up a new M4 iPad Pro or even maybe an iPad Air I wanted to go over some settings that you should know now during the initial setup it will ask you to update your software but if you decided to skip that part make sure that you do that first go into your settings go to General and then software update and update your software to the latest version that makes sure that you have all of the features we'll talk about now the first thing that Apple added specifically to the M4 I IP Ad Pro and the new iPad Air is within settings under battery under battery we now have battery health you'll see it here just like you do on your iPhone and if we go into battery health you'll see that it gives you the maximum capacity and cycle count you also now have the option for an 80% limit if you're someone that likes to manage your battery and really doesn't need the full battery but wants to make sure that you extend the battery as long as possible go ahead and turn that on and it will never charge above 80% unless it actually needs to balance the battery or occasionally charge it to 100% so you can enable that if you want to if you don't care about that of course just leave it off but that is something that I would recommend if you want to extend the overall battery life on your device now with the iPad one thing I do right when I pick one up is I go into my settings and then I go to display and brightness under display and brightness we have a bunch of different options and the first thing I recommend turning off if maybe you want the most accurate colors on your display is true tone make sure that's off if you're trying to draw and see the exact same colors because what this does is make background white colors sort of paper white so sometimes it changes the overall color of the display and if you want the most accurate colors whether you're editing a video in Final Cut Pro or maybe you're just creating something in a document and you want to see what white actually looks like and the different colors make sure that's off the same is true with night shift while this can help at night make sure that while you're maybe creating art or editing a video or something else that you have that disabled as it will change things to a slightly more yellow tone and get rid of that blue light so make sure that you do that if you're actually creating also within our display settings if we scroll down you'll see display Zoom this is something you can change to give yourself more space or just use larger text if you need it for example here's the default if we go back within here if we want more space go back everything will sort of shrink a little bit if you want larger text again go back and things will get a little bit bigger as far as the overall text size I typically just leave it on default but that gives you an idea of what things will look like so adjust that according to what you want most another thing you may want to consider is under the same settings display and brightness here we have autolock now I always put this on never when I'm recording a video so it doesn't shut off the display but this is something I would adjust based on how often you use it if maybe you're editing a video or you're have not touching the display for a little while and you don't want it to turn off adjust this maybe to never if you don't want it to turn off and then you can just lock it like a normal computer if you're using it that way otherwise you can leave it alone but typically it's something that maybe you're exporting a video it will sort of lock the screen maybe through an export you don't want that to happen so while you're using that you may want to disable it however I leave it on for security reasons now of course if you just picked up your first iPad or maybe you've had one for a while there's some settings you should know about under settings and then multitasking and gestures there's a few different things we can do here and you have the option to control the overall iPad's experience just by using different gestures Now by default just pinch and you'll go home so just pinch your fingers together again and you'll go home you may have noticed how I swiped back and went right into the settings app again pinch and go home then if we go into maybe applications swipe back we'll go right back into it swipe the other way and we'll go back to what we were just in so that's something I use all the time now there's another gesture you can do though and enable from the corner so you'll see here where it says swipe finger from corner if you enable this you now have the option to customize which corner does what the bottom left corner will screenshot and the bottom right corner will give you a quick note you can customize this to a screenshot or off but if we swipe from the bottom left we just took a screenshot so we'll go ahead and get rid of that if we swipe from the right we get a quick note so that's something that you can turn on if you'd like to it's really helpful if you want to take a quick screenshot another gesture has to do with the keyboard this is something that isn't really necessarily a setting but if you go into Safari and maybe you're not using a magic keyboard you go to type but maybe you want to type on it one-handed swipe in from the keyboard and you can shrink it down so you can just swipe back out and it will expand the keyboard swipe in and you can shrink the keyboard and then move it wherever you want by pressing and holding on this little line here just move it wherever you'd like and there you go place it wherever you'd like to get it out of the way and then you can still type things like apple and then go so it's a really nice way to get into the keyboard and it will stay shrunk until you expand it back so it's just something that you may not be familiar with now another thing that you may be familiar with is when you press and hold on an icon you get some settings for it now these settings are great but it doesn't very much feel like what we used to have with 3D touch you can make this animation a little bit faster so it feels like 3D touch in order to do that go into your settings go to accessibility then go to touch then haptic touch and under haptic touch we can change this to fast press and hold on this image and it feels much more like we have 3D touch like we used to on iPhones so now it's just sensing your finger sort of pressing and holding before it actually sensed when you were pushing on the screen as it had pressure sensors they've since removed that with all the iPhones but if you turn it to fast it's much faster so if we go back into camera it feels much more responsive and you have all of your different options in all of the different apps and speaking of keyboard if we use the magic keyboard let me bring that in the magic keyboard to me is a must for any iPad Pro if you're regularly going to be typing and sort of navigating the display not only is it adjustable but it's a really nice experience despite its expensive price one thing you need to know about is some of the gestures for it if we press and hold command on any screen that we're at it will give us a list of shortcuts available for that specific screen so I'll press and hold command and you'll see it says things such as go to home screen or search or switch app show Doc so if we want to show the dock here we can hold the little globe and press a and it will show us the dock or if we want to go home press the globe and hit H and we'll go home if we go into the App Store press and hold command you'll see that the actual menu has shrunk down to give us the specific things for this application that we have shortcuts for on the magic keyboard so try this out if you haven't already it's great just to be able to quickly navigate through different things using keyboard shortcuts something I also use all the time in the different demonstrations that I do is the cursor you can see the cursor here and if we move around or scroll around you'll see that it has a blue outline on it that's not by default that's something I do so that you can see it a little bit better if you want to change that go into your settings go back to accessibility then towards the bottom here on the first page go to pointer control and under pointer control you'll see that we have different options such as increase contrast we can adjust the size and we can adjust the color so if we have a different color typically it has none adjust this to blue or red or whatever you want and then you can change the Border width so you'll see here if I want to change the width now the width of the border is much larger so if we bring it down it shrinks down again we can bring that up change it to Red if we'd like change it to Blue and it's just a little bit easier to see if you want to enable that now if you have one of the latest iPads there's a feature called stage manager to help you manage your multitask a little bit better you can enable this by swiping down from the top right and then tapping this icon here that's the stage manager icon and once we open an application it will now be in a window we have the option to resize it using the little handle in the corner we can press on the three dots and hold and move it around tap on the three dots and it gives you different options to add another window minimize or you can even tap and switch between different applications on the left so depending on the application it may open in the full screen or if you go into maybe apps here it will open up windowed and you can resize it as needed you you can also add additional applications so if I want to just drag something in press and hold drag it in now it's in the same window with this tap to bring the other window forward so this is something that's really nice and there's a couple settings you should know about it go into your settings go to multitasking and gestur tap on stage manager and you'll see all of the different options here one thing you may want to turn off is recent apps and even your dock to save some room so if we go into Safari the dock is gone the side panel is gone and it gives you a little bit more room you can still swipe in and get that side panel but when you're using it regularly you may want the full screen so you may want to disable those things just to make it a little bit nicer to multitask just swipe up from the bottom get your settings and if you want to keep those on just reenable them so it just makes it a little nicer to use stage manager now with the latest iPad Apple has updated the camera a little bit now they' removed the ultra wide camera but they've updated it with a sensor to help scanning documents and remove things such as Shadows or maybe smudges so if we bring in a little document this is just the warranty card from the iPad Pro and maybe we go to notes we can do this directly from notes or just press and hold on notes and then we can scan a document tap on scan document and if we bring this in we can scan it it recognizes it and if you had any Shadows it will snap The Flash and then we can go directly into that document and it looks perfect so it no longer has any Shadows on it it may have to redo it you could do it a couple different times but it almost looks like you photocopied this as it's faded down here but it looks much better than it did before and you'll no longer see Shadows from different lights and things like that so give that a try if you haven't already and it's just an easy way to access it by pressing and holding on notes now there is a setting I would recommend that has to do with the camera as well if we go into settings and then we scroll down continue to scroll down until you get to camera go into camera and you'll see the option to record video If you ever use your camera to record video I would highly recommend going into this and enabling 4K 30 or 4K 60 you can choose whatever you'd like but either way this will give you a higher quality as it defaults to 1080p so you may want to enable that and you can also change this within the camera itself another feature I would enable is lock white balance this then locks the white balance in the background so that if you're ever taking maybe a video or sort of seeing the background shift while you're taking that video changing the white color on the background this will fix that and it will lock to whatever you see first so if we go into the camera within the camera we'll just pick this up here I'll bring in an iPhone just so we have something in the background and when I start recording video we can then just keep it this white color in the background staying the same color we see now so when you bring a display in front of it sometimes it changes color we also can change those settings from earlier just by tapping on the 4K or HD if we want to do that from there so I would definitely recommend enabling those things if you want to use the camera regularly for video now with the latest iPads we have support for the latest apple pencil Pro the pencil pro has some new features with it that I thought we'd go over as far as settings and more if we go into notes the first thing is we can now double tap on the side of the pencil that will change the current tool to the Eraser so double tap the side and it changes between the tool you'll see it down here on the iPad so as it switches it also confirms that by shaking the pencil a little bit another thing we can do is squeeze squeeze the pencil and it will bring up our different tool palette so squeeze it again it's confirmed with haptics and then we have our different tools just swipe along the tool palette and we can see all of the different pencils or pens that we have and you'll see this one where I have a fountain pen one attention to detail that you just don't see from other companies is right here on the shadow on the screen if you notice that shadow it actually represents what tool I'm using so if I switch to the Eraser it represents the Eraser just with the shadow so it lets you see what you're using and what you're near so that you can erase something like this so it's incredible attention to detail you just don't see elsewhere there's also a new feature barrel roll so you can see the line here as I spin the pencil it spins this little icon here to let us know the orientation so if I want to write of course I can write like this but if I want to turn it you'll see that I turn the pencil and it changes the overall orientation of the line so that's something that's really great that they've updated one other thing you can do here is if go to shapes maybe we'll go to this shape and we'll go to Triangle we can draw a triangle like this but if we want a perfect triangle we can actually draw a triangle and then hold and it creates that triangle however we want it so again we can do the same with a square or rectangle press and hold at the end or just stop at the end and it will draw that again a circle there we go and it creates a circle so that's a nice little feature that's built in now there there's some settings for this as well if we go into our settings and then we go down to our pencil or back up to our pencil in this case so we've got apple pencil and we have different options here so we can try scribble and use that if we want to or we could use pencil gestures like I showed you before from the bottom left or right so from the left corner screenshot from the right corner we have the other one we can disable this specifically for the pencil if we want to so if you don't like it for the pencil you can turn that off there's also customization specifically for for the apple pencil Pro with the new squeeze gesture and double tap if we go into squeeze gesture you'll see all of the different things you can change it to such as switch between current tool and eraser or show the color palette so if you want to switch this and change the sensitivity of it you can do that there's also some options for the double tap option to change that and customize that similarly so double tapping the side will actually change tools or between the current tool and eraser but if you want to turn that off you can do that you also can turn off the haptics of the pencil if you want to do that that would extend the life of the battery in the pencil typically but I don't think it's enough that it would make that much of a difference but if you don't like it and you want to turn it off you can do that and I wanted to make you aware of those settings something else you can do with Siri is when you use Siri you can have it automatically send a message if you're using voice dictation to reply to messages that's something that you can do on an iPhone and you can enable on the iPad also if we go into our settings go to Siri and search and then we go to messaging with Siri under that we have automatically send messages this could help with accessibility users or just make your life a little bit easier in general and it says to send a message quickly without Siri asking you to confirm before sending turn on automatically send a message and then you can also have that same thing happen when connected to headphones or if you're using an iPad with carplay also if you are using iMessage one tip I have for you has to do with iPhone if we go into our iPhone within settings on our iPhone if we scroll down keep scrolling down until you get to messages under messages scroll down a little bit further you'll see text message forwarding you want to make sure this is enabled for your device so you'll see I have a bunch of different devices here and I want it enabled for the specific devices I'm using and what that means is if iMessage isn't available it will actually forward through your phone using text messaging so maybe you're speaking to someone using an Android phone or maybe they just don't have iMessage available or they don't use it you can actually send directly through that so depending on your device just turn that on and it will work seamlessly with it I've had a lot of people tell me they can't send SMS messages through their iPad this will fix that problem so just find your device and then enable it for that specific device as you can see I have here one thing I use all the time on my iPad if I'm using a magic keyboard or you can just use it by activating it is Spotlight search pull down from the middle or you can quickly get into this just by holding command and pressing the space bar once you're in that you can search or open any application so maybe you want to open settings just type settings hit enter or return and you go right into settings if you want to look for maybe a photo or something else you can do that so maybe you want to look for podcasts you can open podcast and then it will open the application you can use this to search for different photos or different information such as 45 C2 or you can change it like that to 113 Fahrenheit you can do that with speed 40 kph you'll see is 24.8 5 mph it's super helpful and something I use all the time throughout the entire OS so those are some settings to help you get a little bit better use out of the latest iPad Pro and many of those will carry across to the new iPad Air or many of the other more recent iPads with the latest version if you have any other tips or different settings you think other people should know about I'd love to hear from you in the comments below and of course I'll link this wallpaper in the description like I normally do if you haven't subscribed already though please subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching this is Aaron I'll see you next time
Channel: zollotech
Views: 104,434
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Id: _G9pR8dg9HU
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Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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