5 Reasons Why Jesus Must Return | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans

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on today's show i'm talking about the five reasons why jesus must return i'm also going to be interviewing best-selling author rabbi jonathan kahn on his new book the harbinger 2. i'm talking about the very troubling news that the biden administration has frozen settlements in the west bank and also in east jerusalem ben and jerry's is also boycotting israel with their ice cream in the settlement area i'm also going to be answering questions such as can you lose your salvation and can i be raptured if i don't go to church welcome to tipping point i'm jimmy evans [Music] welcome to today's show you know i want to talk to you again today about the end times the times that we're living in and i want to remind you right up front that we have a website called endtimes.com that has all kinds of articles my weekly podcast that comes out on endtimes.com is the tipping point prophecy update is seven dollars a month 77 a year but in addition to this show talking about the end times we have articles interviews a wealth of information and on this program today i'll be teaching on the five reasons why jesus must return i'm also interviewing best-selling author rabbi jonathan khan on his new book the harbinger too that's coming up here in just a little bit but let me start out by talking about why jesus must return i've been teaching on the end times for 40 years and during that time i've kind of been surprised i guess at the way people respond to teaching on the end times well first of all there's a group of people that just get very excited i hope you're one of those people when they hear end times teaching it encourages them it excites them they love it they tell others about it i'm one of those people hope you're one of those people but there are other people that get frightened by news about the end times in other words it bothers them it's not a blessing to them it bothers them young people i think this is pretty typical now a lot of young people read my book tipping point a lot of young people or subscribers on endtimes.com and so i know a lot of young people are very interested in the times we're living in and believe what the bible says about the end times but you know it's common for young people to say well you know i don't want jesus to come because i want to get married i want to have kids i want to do this i think that's very typical and you know i i completely understand that but even preachers many preachers will not preach on the end times because they think it's controversial or cause problems or something like that well you know something jesus is controversial in fact i can't think of one subject in the bible that isn't controversial but this is something that a third of the bible basically is prophecy and most of it is endtime prophecy why would god give us so much information about the times that we're living in right now if he didn't want us reading about it and talking about it and preachers preaching on it and so i'm just saying this is very very important that we understand this entire concept of the end times and let me give you an example now of how important this is in the bible okay uh the return of jesus is mentioned 320 times in the bible and it is the second most frequently mentioned doctrine in all of scripture i hope you heard that mentioned 329 times in the bible second most frequently mentioned doctrine in the scriptures in 216 chapters in the new testament it's mentioned 318 times in the new testament 23 out of 27 books in the new testament refer to the return of jesus one out of 30 verses in the new testament refers to the return of jesus after salvation by grace it is it was the second most popular doctrine preached by the early church and so you the for 300 years this is a very very critical doctrine for us to understand it's mentioned all through the scripture old testament new testament and the new testament's full of it and so i want to talk about five reasons why jesus must return it's a major subject in the bible something that believers need to understand and focus on that's why it's mentioned so often is because the authors of the bible and the holy spirit who authored the bible want us to know that this is coming and to be aware of it and look forward to it okay so let me tell you five reasons why jesus must return and number one he promised he would return that's the number one reason if jesus promises something and doesn't keep his promise that makes him a liar and the universe crumbles especially the christian universe crumbles if jesus lies so here's what jesus said in john 14. he said let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again i will come again there's the promise and receive you to myself that where i am there you may be also and where i go you know and the way that you know now for the western mind okay by the way i want you to remember the little phrase he said i will return and receive you to myself i want you to remember that because there's a very important word in there that i want to tell you about and so this is jewish wedding language for the western mind this just doesn't mean much to us when a jewish groom was going to marry a jewish bride he left his father's house with a bride price and he went to the bride's home and paid the price for the bride to her parents and he sat there with her parents and they drank a glass of wine and they drank that glass of wine that legally bound their betrothal they were then legally betrothed at that point and the groom would then say to the bride i will not drink of this cup again until i drink it with you in my father's house does that sound familiar that's what jesus said to the disciples at the last summer that this is jewish wedding language that jesus is talking about and by the way when they were betrothed the groom then left the bride's house typically for about a year he went back to his father's house and built a place for his bride called a hoopa and when the room was finished or the house was finished the father his father would then inspect it and he could not go back and get his bride until his father told him he could that's why jesus said i don't know the day and they are only the father knows okay this is all about a wedding and so jesus promised that he was going to go away and that he was going to return and by the way after about a year the father would tell the son typically at midnight in the middle of the night he told his son to go get his bride and the son and all of his party would come and they would get the bride in her attendance and go back and have a wedding for seven days all symbolic of a seven year wedding that we're going to have with jesus when the rapture happens and so this is all so jesus said i'm going to go away but i'm going to come back and i'm going to receive you unto myself so that where i am you can be also this is why jesus is returning it's a big reason why jesus is returning is he's coming back to mary as bride okay and so he said receive you that's the word paralympano the word receive in the greek language is the word para lumbano okay so think about that so let's talk about the rapture for this minute this is luke 17 and jesus is talking about his return and he's going to talk about the rapture okay he's going to graphically describe the rapture for us okay so this is luke 17. as it was in the days of noah so it will be also in the days of the son of man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all by the way that's why we know that the rapture happens before the tribulation because bearing buying marrying buying selling marrying giving to marriage it's not going to happen at the end of the tribulation this is a pre-judgment scripture jesus is saying before the judgment came just like knowing his family when they got on the ark before the judgment that's going to be the way it comes it is when i come because i'm going to come take my bride and then judgment's going to hit likewise this is verse 28 there as it was in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they built they planted they built but on the day that lot went out the day that lot went out he's talking about one day in history when lot went out of sodom and gomorrah before the judgment the angel said we can't judge this place till you're out of here until you've safely arrived at your destination okay and so uh the day that lot went out of sodom and gomorrah sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so it will be in the day that the son of man is revealed in that day he was on the housetop and his goods are in the house let him not come down to take them away and likewise the one who is in the field let him not turn back remember lot's wife whoever seeks to save his life will lose it whoever loses his life will preserve it i tell you in that night now this is the rapture jesus is describing the rapture here i tell you in that night there will be two people in one bed the one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding together the one will be taken and the other left two men will be in the field the one taken and the other left okay so that's the rapture a selective rapture jesus is going to come when there's buying selling marrying given in marriage planting building business as usual right before judgment falls just like noah just like a lot and he's going to come and selectively take those who are his two people sleeping together in bed he's going to take one and leave the other two people standing together in the field he's going to take one and leave the other but here's the interesting thing the word taken there is the word para lumbano in john 14 where jesus says i'm going to go away and i'm going to come back and receive you paralon bono you to myself wedding i'm leaving i'm coming back as your groom and i'm going to paralympano you that's the same word he uses in luke 17. i'm going one paralombano he's the rapture is when jesus comes from the father's house in heaven when the father gives him permission and he comes down to the earth and he receives his bride unto himself he paralyzes us okay so i want to say a couple of things that to comfort you okay because we're living in terrible times and trying times jesus christ is coming very very soon i want to say that to you if you're a christian you need to look up and lift up your head your redemption is drawing near the second thing i want to say to you is we are not going through the tribulation absolutely we're not going to go through the tribulation buying selling marrying given in marriage planting building all of those things talk about hope for the future regarding the tribulation jesus said in matthew 24 those days will be so bad they're the worst days in human history and unless they were cut short no flesh would have survived basically three-fourths of the world's population is dead by the end of the tribulation and there is a rapture now at the end of the tribulation that's for the people who get saved during the the tribulation uh and i'll talk about that later but i want you to know that as believers we have the blessed hope of knowing that jesus christ is returning for us any day now any moment now in the twinkling of eye and he's going to come and take us then the judgment will hit the earth and so the things that are happening right now are bad in the earth but i'm telling you the worst are coming we won't be here we're going to be in the presence of jesus at the most glorious wedding you've ever seen in your life and here's what i tell people like young people that say well i want to get married well i want to build a house well i want to graduate whatever can i tell you something when you see the face of jesus you will never look back ever you will never in your life say i wish i could go back and do this or that when you see the glory of god in the glory of jesus christ you will never you'll never look back again jesus is coming very soon he must return here's another reason that jesus must return the dead are resurrected at christ's return if jesus doesn't come back the dead aren't resurrected and i'm talking about believers who have died now the unbelievers who are dead all of those will be resurrected at the end of the millennium okay that's revelation chapter 20. there the great white throne judgment happens they're all later on but believers my dad has an example of this my dad died about 12 years ago uh he had cancer he died at 80 years old and he was a believer very strong believer now his body is in the ground but his spirit is in the presence of jesus that's what happens when believers pass their spirit goes to be with jesus their body is in the ground but that body is important because one day it's going to come out of the ground and be resurrected if they're cremated whatever happened god is going to take the spirit of those who are asleep in jesus that's the scripture we're going to read in just a minute those who sleep in jesus those who have passed he's going to take their spirits in his presence and reunite them with glorified bodies this is first thessalonians 4 for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep those who have passed in jesus for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words the dead in christ will rise first my dad is going to be resurrected before i am those of us who are alive and remain will still be caught up by the way that's where we get a word rapture it's the greek word harpod so it's the latin word rapturo that's where we get our word rapture some people say it's not in the bible what's in the latin bible okay but that's where we get our word rapture first corinthians 15. now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does corruption inherit incorruption behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed now again i want to say this is believers these are all the believers that have died since you know jesus was resurrected and those who are asleep in jesus and they're going to come out of their graves with a their spirits with a a glorious immortal body we will be changed into that same thing that by the way there's going to be a generation of people who never die that's kind of interesting i would like to be in that generation i believe i am in that generation that i believe that we're in the days just prior to the return of jesus and some of us won't die those of us who are alive and remain until the coming of jesus we're going to be caught up in that rapture to meet the lord in the air and so the resurrection of the dead happens at the return of jesus so jesus has to return so the dead are resurrected the people who died in christ number three reason why jesus must return satan is finally and forever defeated at the return of jesus okay so we want satan to be defeated we all know that this is revelation 19. now i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself and he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies in heaven clothed and fined linen white and clean followed him on white horses now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he has on his robe and in his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords now let's go to revelation 20. that was revelation 19. now when the thousand years have expired satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle whose number is is the sand of the sea they went up on the breath of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city and fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured them the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever that's the devil's end that's that's what's going to happen to the devil that jesus is going to defeat him he's put into a prison for a thousand years during the millennial rule of jesus christ on the earth but at the end of the thousand years he's let out and he goes and deceives the nations and then jesus puts him in the lake of fire forever and ever and so the return of jesus has to happen so satan can be judged and here's another very important reason jesus must return the deity of jesus is proven at his return you know jesus jesus claimed many times to be god and remember on revelation 19 16 he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords jesus right now you would say to people maybe your friends maybe your family members you know i believe that jesus christ is is the lord of my life i believe he created everything i believe he's the lord of all and people will stop at you they won't stop anymore every eye will see him and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord right now they mock him they use his name as a curse word they scoff about him they scoff about his return but when he returns he will put to rest all doubt that he is the king of kings and lord of lords he must return to validate his deity number five the return of jesus establishes the authority of scripture the return of jesus is mentioned 329 times in the bible and if he does not return the it completely invalidates the word of god but the word of god is true in every man a liar the word of god is true jesus said heaven and earth will pass away my words will never pass away but let me tell you some other things those are the five reasons why jesus must return let me tell you the importance of the understanding of the return of jesus it motivates us to live for jesus if you believe that jesus is coming back at any time you live a better life you live for jesus you make better decisions first john 3 3 says and everyone who has this hope within him purifies himself the hope there is the hope of jesus returning when you have that hope within you you live a purer life it also motivates us to evangelize the early church was constantly talking about the return of jesus the maranatha the term maranatha ever heard that means you know come lord jesus and so they were constantly greeting each other with maranatha come lord jesus why because they understood the urgency of telling other people about jesus christ i i believe that the rapture is going to happen soon and after the rapture happens comes the tribulation where there will be suffering beyond any level that the earth has ever experienced it will be unbelievable you don't want your family here for that you don't want your friends here for that and i can say you need to be praying for them but you need to open up and just share your witness you know you don't have to shove jesus on anybody's throat all you have to do is just tell him what he did for you that's what witnessing is witnessing isn't what i do it's who i am i'm just witnessing that jesus christ saved my life jesus christ is everything for me the other thing that the teaching of jesus return does is it motivates us to endure mark chapter 8 says whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulteress and sinful generation of him the son of man also will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his father with his holy angels we need to stand by jesus christ jesus is coming any day we need to keep our eyes on heaven and we need to live a pure life evangelize and we need to endure in this evil day understanding that when we're not ashamed of jesus he's not going to be ashamed of us jesus is coming it's what the bible says cover to cover new testament is filled with the message of the return of jesus christ i hope that's a blessing to you you know right now we're going to go to an interview with rabbi jonathan khan where i sat down with him now the next portion of the tipping point show is for subscribers only you know we want you to become a subscriber seven dollars a month 77 a year and if you sign up for the monthly your first month is free so you can check us out we want you to become a subscriber thank you for joining us today if your subscribers stay tuned [Music] you
Channel: Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans
Views: 153,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Evans, Christian, marriage, Daystar, MarriageToday, Gateway church, preaching, christian
Id: r83-Qunc0OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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