5 Prayers to Say in the Car (but Most People Forget to) (feat. Kendra Tierney)

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maybe you really want to prioritize prayer and devotions and Catholic practices in your family but you struggle to find the time what if I could help you find some today let's talk about five different ways to pray in the car I'm Kendra Tierney and this is Ascension presents I'm the founder and CEO of Catholic o year an apostolate dedicated to lurgical living in the home and keeping Catholicism weird with 10 kids in school and activities and all of the driving that that requires quite a bit of our liturgical living in the home home these days actually happens in the car the first type of prayer I like in the car is time of day based prayers a big part of a Catholic prayer life historically has been based on the time of day priests deacons and religious have official set prayers called the Liturgy of the Hours that are recited at particular times of day Lake Catholics often develop what's called a plan of Life incorporating different prayers and Pious practices that happen each day ideally at a particular time we know our day should start with prayer and ideally prayer together but mornings in a busy home can feel a little chaotic we have to get out that door and we're in the car on the way to school or work and we have that time as soon as we're all buckled in my kids and I see the morning offering and the guardian angel prayer together then we all say good morning to our Guardian Angels which is just the polite thing to do since we believe that they are real I also have an Angelus alarm set on my phone to go off at noon each day if we're in the car conversation stops the radio gets Switched Off off and I say the angelist with whomever is in the car with me 300 p.m. is traditionally known as the hour of Divine Mercy since that's the time that Jesus died on the cross you can also set an alarm to do a Divine Mercy Chaplet each day at 3 p.m. or just say a quick Jesus I trust in you second the car is good for feast day based prayers one thing I love about using the liturgical calender as the framework for our family's prayer life is that it gives us a chance to try different types of prayers and otions that are associated with different lurgical seasons and different Saints days and other feast days I like it when we can do those prayers together around the dinner table but sometimes as my grandfather used to say better is the enemy of good enough if I know we're going to be having dinner at a high school basketball game I can make sure to have our Book of Prayers with us in the car and we can do our prayers for the day together on the way third is the rosary we all know that we should be staying a daily Rosary Saints have told us popes have told us the Bishops have told us Mary herself keeps having to come all the way down here and tell us to St the Rosary every day but we get really busy right the car is so good for a family Rosary especially with little kids who might otherwise be inclined to wander if a drive is going to be longer than 15 minutes it's the perfect opportunity to say the rosary it works best to just establish that as an expectation with the kids we don't turn on music or start an audio book until we've set our Rosary so no one is surprised and it doesn't do any good to complain about about it it's just a thing that's going to happen there are great audio versions of the Rosary available on various streaming platforms or if we have the luxury of time we do it ourselves and the kids get to take turns leading decades fourth is my favorite in the car prayer type location-based prayers while in the car we are always on the lookout for two types of locations cemeteries and Catholic churches anytime we pass the cemetery I turn off the radio and or interrupt whatever conversation is happening and we do a call and response version of the Eternal rest prayer we do that for any Cemetery we pass regardless of denomination because certainly there are folks in there who need our prayers and it's a chance to model charity and ecumenicalism we are also on the lookout for Catholic churches and anytime we pass a Catholic church we take a moment to acknowledge that the real Jesus is really in there by Crossing ourselves and making a short Act of spiritual communion what we're doing there makes a really powerful statement to the people in the car about what we Catholics believe about the true presence Jesus is really in there so we wouldn't just drive by ignoring that fact if we have time to stop in for a quick visit even better but when we don't it's a really beautiful thing to recognize that Jesus is in the Tabernacle in there as we go past the fifth and final of our in the car prayer types are prayers of opportunity we say a Hail Mary when we hear the siren of an ambulance fire truck or police car or if we see an accident I say a St Michael prayer if if we drive past an establishment that encourages or facilitates sin if we see someone driving recklessly or seems to be agitated instead of getting upset with that driver we s Our Father for him and then make up funny excuses for why he was driving so crazily like that his grandma just called to say that her giant python got out so he has to get there quickly to help her I hope these ideas will help your family like they've helped mine I was a homeschooler for 15 years and loved it but this year nine out of the 10 of my kids are at Brick and Mortar schools and wow do we spend a lot of time in the car now it's a whole lifestyle I never meant to sign up for but here we are so better make the best of it right for me it's another example of how customizable and flexible lurgical calendar-based devotions are no matter how much things have changed in our family lurgical living has always worked for us if you want to know more about lurgical living in the home check out my book the Catholic allar compendium my show Catholic all year at home on formed or find me at Catholic all year.com or on social media be sure to subscribe if you found this video helpful and comment below with any inthar prayers or devotions that you've found helpful in your life
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 19,187
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Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, kendra tierney, catholic all year, liturgical living, catholic traditions, Daily prayer, Quick prayers, Prayers, Short Catholic prayers, Praying the Rosary, Praying in the car, Kendra, Catholic All Year
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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