The 5 Powerful Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation

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year after I was confirmed the uh Church came out with this book called The catechism of the Catholic Church a year late but when I read it I thought oh this is so good because in the catechism of the Catholic church under the category of Sacrament of Confirmation it says what are the five effects of confirmation hi my name is father Mike Schmid and this is the cental present so here's the five effects of confirmation so number one it says it Roots us more deeply in Divine filiation which makes us cry out ABA father so big words divine filiation basically when you are baptized you're made into a true son or daughter of God you're adopted by God the father so what confirmation does it Roots you even more deeply in your sunship or daughterhood right you unite you even more deeply to God as your adoptive father you can cry out to God saying ABA father remember what St Paul said says only by the Holy Spirit can you cry out ABA father number two it says he unites us more firmly to Christ so you have a relationship with Jesus awesome confirmation unites you even more firmly to Christ so not only deep your relationship with God the Father United more firmly to Christ number three increases the gift of the Holy Spirit within us so I prayed for wisdom understanding counsel knowledge piety fear of the Lord Etc at baptism you're given those gifts in confirmation it increases those gifts let's Rec recap number one United more deeply in to God's fatherhood number two United more closely with Jesus Christ number three increased gifts of the holy spirit number four it renders our bond with the church more perfect I remember hear hearing as a kid people would say well well you're confirmed you're now you're now an adult in the church well no not really it's not like you now buy Church cigarettes or like church Lotto tabs you know what I'm saying just a joke but what it means is that's the final sacrament of initiation like there's no more initiation that you can go through um so your bond with the church you're initiated being initiated into the church that's complete at this point the pope is not more Catholic than you kind of a sense to say so again recap now more deeply United to God the Father more closely United to God the son more increased gift of the Holy Spirit completely United right fully United to the church more perfectly the first effects of confirmation they're awesome they're great first four the fifth effect of confirmation when I heard it I thought oh my gosh yes that's what I wanted and that's what I want here's the fifth effect of confirmation blows my mind it says this it says confirmation gives us a special strength in the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the Faith by word and deed to claim the name name of Jesus Christ boldly and to never be ashamed of the Cross when I read that I thought oh my gosh that's what I want here it is again confirmation gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the Faith by word and action as true Witnesses of Christ I forgot that line at first to Spread spread the Faith by word and action as true Witnesses of Christ remember what Jesus says to the apostles in Acts chapter 1 they say Lord are you going to restore the Kingdom of Israel now and he says no no no listen wait you'll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and then you will be my Witnesses here in Jerusalem throughout Judea and Samaria to the ends of the Earth that promised holy spirit that showed up at Pentecost Acts chapter 2 is given to every person who's open to the Sacrament of Confirmation like every person who's open to this Sacrament receives this special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the Faith by word and action by what you say and how you live as true Witnesses of Christ that you'll be my Witnesses that's what he said but you receive that special strength now in in Acts chapter one Jesus says that special strength is power and that word for power is the word dynamus right in Greek which is dynamite so here's the church saying you receive a special Dynamite of the Holy Spirit not to do whatever you want not to like get out there and live life but to spread and defend the Faith by word and action as true Witnesses of Jesus Christ so good number two to Proclaim the name of Jesus Christ boldly listen if when you were confirmed whether you were confirmed as an infant whether confirmed at high school later on beyond that whole thing you were given the special strength to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ boldly the apostles when they were confirmed right when they received the spir Holy Spirit of Pentecost that's exactly what they did Peter they all went out and Peter gave this incredible sermon where thousands of people were convicted they're cut to the Heart by the Holy Spirit through Peter's words why because he proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead boldly Jesus has given you that power as well and if you're not yet confirmed he wants to give you that power so you can Proclaim his name boldly and the third thing is to never be ashamed of the Cross imagine never being ashamed of the Cross this in the smallest way you're out you're out to you're out to eat what happens well it's time to pray before the meal I don't I don't really want maybe you're at your high school it's time to pray you're eating lunch okay do I make the sign of the cross or or do I just kind of scratch my nose or do I not even do anything obviously that's a small that's a that's a small example but even then I have to ask am I ashamed of the cross on a larger scale what is the cross that Jesus has entrusted to you what share in Christ's cross has he entrusted to you that maybe you're ashamed of but to be but never be ashamed of that even further even more clo uh clearly Jesus's cross sometimes even as Christians maybe we experience a a a hesitation an embarrassment of the fact that when our God became man when the god became man he humbled himself and came became obedient even to death death on a cross am I proud of him or am I ashamed of him in his cross do I look to that that image of Jesus on the cross and say that is the love of God for me and that's the love of God for you or do I hesitate see I I love I love this this these are the effects of confirmation this is what's supposed to happen in every one of our lives this is the gift that was given to you and here's the question has has that gift become manifest right has that gift revealed itself has that gift been lived out if not yet you've been confirmed already simply pray pray God please do all those things unite me me more firmly to you you as God my father and my adopted father unite me more closely to Jesus Christ your son give me that increase of the gift of the Holy Spirit render this Bond of my me with me in the church more perfect and also give me that special strength to spread and defend the Faith by word and deed as true Witnesses of Jesus Christ to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ boldly and to never be ashamed of the Cross you guys this is the gift God has for you just simply ask for it Jesus Promised the father would give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks so what are you waiting for ask and receive from all here to s present my name is father Mike God bless what superpower would you have I literally can't choose one like we'll flight but let me clarify I don't just want to hover I want to be able to fly fast but if you're going to fly with the speed of light then you also need to be invulnerable also go without oxygen and go into space you be able to be impervious to heat or cold but also need to have telescopic Vision because if you're going speed of light also you know you want to be super strong because you don't want to show up to like you know the burning building and not be able to help at all basically Superman
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 22,112
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Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, michael schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos
Id: -CjqBia4yRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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