How to Get a Clean & Tidy Home (6 Habits that Changed my Life)

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I've discovered six incredible life-changing home habits that keep my house clean and tidy all the time habit number one is a nightly non-negotiable and this is hands down the most life-changing habit that I've ever implemented it is the secret to my transition from Messy slob to a house that's always tidy it's this one thing because I'm very much an All or Nothing person so if I allow myself to procrastinate like I'll just do it tomorrow I'll do it later I will always procrastinate and never do the thing I need to have a hard Rule and a nightly non-negotiable means that no matter what I do these two things and the first is I always do the dishes after dinner and clean the kitchen no matter what we are not allowed to go watch a show or leave the kitchen or go upstairs until we've done the dishes non-negotiable doesn't matter if I'm sick doesn't matter if I'm busy I have to clean the kitchen and stop and the second non-negotiable is 10 to 15 minute quick tidy right before bed I can't go to bed unless I've run around the house just for a few minutes and put things away things that we naturally leave out maybe it's bills that need to be paid I tuck them away or stuff that's just laying on the counter I straighten the pillows so I can wake up to a tidy home so I'm not kicking the Cann for tomorrow's cast so the mess doesn't become overwhelming these two things it doesn't seem like a big deal but making them non-negotiables parenting myself telling that inner teenager she has no choice but to do this means my entire house has changed my entire house is tidier and cleaner and I wake up every morning happier because I did myself a favor the night before have't number two is never leave a room empty-handed I know this seems really obvious but I didn't do this and I feel like most people who struggle with a messy home this isn't a habit that they do on a regular basis every time I leave a room I have to remind myself what can I take with me so in the morning I'm taking down the dishes or whatever is on my bedside table and if I'm downstairs it's like can I bring up a load of laundry is there extra toilet paper that I can like bring up to restock anytime leave a room I look around and if I don't see anything before I go downstairs I'll go in my kids room and just grab dishes or whatever they have that has to be brought down this is a habit that has made my home so much tidier it takes work to remember I have to repeat this Mantra over and over again maybe we even want to print it out and put it around the house but as soon as this becomes second nature it's pretty Amaze balls how much tidier your entire house will be habit number three clear kitchen counter ERS this is freaking magical but it's also really hard work at first you take a look at your kitchen and you try to find homes for the things that are currently out like your toaster and your air fryer is it a pain in the butt to take things off the counter and put it back yes do you have to declutter stuff to make room for this stuff absolutely yes but here is the truth clutter attracts clutter so when you have a bunch of stuff out on your kitchen counter it's signaling to your brain that it's okay to keep piling so you're putting down mail and your kids are dropping the stuff when they come home from school but when your kitchen counters are clear and empty it signals to your brain that you can't put anything down I promise you this is incredible look at your kitchen differently and find homes for the things that are out take the clear counter challenge this is a habit that will make your house so much tidier and then take it to the next level once you've made managed the kitchen counters try it for your bathroom counters try it for the floor or any other flat surface seriously magical habit number four is one product wonder and I know I talk about this all the time but this will change your life because instead of waiting and doing one big cleaning job like on the weekend for hours if you have one product that's good for every surface it means you can just pick it up whenever you notice a spill or dust and just wander around your house it's perfect for ADHD because maybe you'll do a little light fixture here and then maybe just wipe the table you can put it down you can come back to it hours later doing a little bit like this every day means my house is always cleaner than it would be if I cleaned all at once on a weekend this is why I love the one product W so much like as I go around my home there's no pressure I'm just randomly wiping stuff and I always notice things I wouldn't notice not doing this so light switches and smudges on walls and my house is overall cleaner because of it so fresh and so clean clean okay habit number five is the 21 item toss I do this every single month and it keeps my house really under control basically you just grab a bag and you hunt for 20 one things that can go it's like on your Market set go and you're looking in drawers there's wrappers there's little scrap pieces of paper maybe it's socks that don't have a match or random Tupperware Lids that don't have a bottom it's like we're not pulling things out we're not making piles we're just looking for things to leave your house and if you do this every single month you'll kind of maintain your clutter threshold so it isn't going to help you do a big declutter but it will help you not accumulate more more clutter look in your shower for those empty shampoo bottles like don't overthink this 21 things is the perfect number because it's big enough to push you out of your comfort zone but small enough that you can do this in 5 minutes habit number six that I started doing is being the hero of your own home and basically what I mean by this is changing your mindset and the way you talk to yourself about housework when I was really messy and everything was everywhere I was also Al telling myself how much I hated housework and how it wasn't fair and how it was like I would procrastinate because I dreaded it so much I'm like a little teenager in an old lady's body and then when I had a family I was so resentful that no one was helping and I had to pick up after everyone and it wasn't until I saw a therapist to be honest that I started changing my mindset and lying to myself faking it till I made it with things like I deserve a clean kitchen like no one's coming to say save me and rescue me and do it for me and I can't make my family care as much as I do but I can do this as a gift to tomorrow me like I can put on a cape and save myself I'm the hero of the story here and I love when my house is clean so why wouldn't I do that for myself as a gift to myself and I didn't believe it at first but I said it to myself and I felt so good waking up to a clean kitchen that it did it became like a self-fulfilling prophecy right it was a positive experience and I'm not a clean freak that cleans all the time but I now see it as self-care and self-love I now see the act of vacuuming or cleaning or doing these little things as a real cherished gift to my best friend which is myself you know what I'm saying and that mindset shift means that I no longer procrastinate and dread it because it's like medicine for my soul and you're going to have to fake till you make it but repeating mantras like this I deserve a clean kitchen doing this for me that will change everything I wanted to give you a little bonus tip too know yourself that has changed so much for me not only knowing your organizing style knowing if you're a bee or a Cricut or a butterfly or a ladybug it helps you stay tidy because you're working with your natural tendencies so your home can kind of catch your clutter and keep it tidy effortlessly but I also think you should know yourself and know your cleaning style because we don't all clean the same way you might be like a weekend warrior where you do it all in one day or a daily Speed Cleaner maybe you're a Zone cleaner or a Taskmaster knowing the difference is really helpful because you can find a cleaning routine that works with your natural cleaning style I'm going to put a link to an awesome ebook how to clean like a boss down below not only is it really going to break this down for you give you some cleaning shortcuts but also give you a ton of different routines try them if they don't work try a different one this is about making cleaning your house and having a tidy home really feel like it isn't much work at all thank you guys so much for watching do me a solid if you haven't already like this video And subscribe for more organizing cleaning and even some decorating videos each and every week I'll see you guys next time hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end I'm curious what you did on New Year's I'm going to tell you a little something about me I am very boring I don't drink I don't do drugs I don't I do nothing I am so boring except almost every New Year's I go to Las Vegas with my husband and my brother and sister-in-law and for four days I get wrecked okay I get wrecked now when I say wrecked it's like a half a glass of wine and I feel wrecked but it's because I never ever drink but I I allow myself to just do that on New Year's Eve this year my husband didn't want to go because we do go every year so instead I volunteered for St John Ambulance watching other people have fun and skate while I stood there in my uniform diligently waiting for someone to get hurt and guess what nobody did it was so boring and then I came home and I was like in bed before the Bell the ball dropped just like a normal day I'm a little bit sad I feel like now I need an outlet I didn't get my four days in Vegas to feel sick and horrible and need a week to recover but also it's a little bit of freedom I let my wild out one time a year you know what I'm saying I feel like I need this so I'm curious what do you do to let your wild out or maybe you're like me and you need to let your wild out what are some ideas maybe I'm going to go to like a Thunder Down Under show you know maybe I need a little bit of that some magic mic I don't know but I need something I got to be a little crazy if only for an hour ideas welcome keep them PG friends in the comments below and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 414,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, cleaning motivation, habits that will change your life, life changing habits, habits to change your life, cleaning habits, daily habits that will change your life, habits of clean people, tidy home hacks, how to keep your house clean, habits for a clean home, tidy home habits, habits that will change your life ted talk, daily cleaning habits, messy home, why is my house messy, how to stop being messy, messy to clean, clean home, how to keep a clean home
Id: cY2G3dhW8qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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