5 Most Economical Turbine Powered Airplanes

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[Applause] Hello everybody welcome back to moag grip Mike here have you ever wanteded to fly your own jet well that makes two of us here's the thing flying a jet is not cheap as a matter of fact owning and operating a jet is far more expensive than most people think that's partly because there are certain requirements for the pilot and for the aircraft in order to operate a jet and whether that be a light jet or a midsize jet in this video we're going to check out alternatives to a jet these are turbine powered airplanes that can fly just as fast as some light Jets and you get more practicality out of them also that I mention it will cost you half the price to operate these things than a jet since we've covered a list of turbo props on the channel before some new players have entered the market and we're going to add those players now to the list this without further Ado the first airplane we're checking out today is the jmbb evolution the lanter evolution is getting a new Awakening from jmbb this is one of the fastest experimental airplanes that you can build and no it is no ordinary airplane as a matter of fact this plane is faster than most single engine airplanes ever the evolution turbine will use a pratton Whitney 750 horsepower engine and at that you are climbing at 4,000 ft a minute this airplane is a legitimate 300 knots air plane you get it up to 25,000 or 28,000 ft and you're cruising at a respectable 300 knots but that's not the best part of the evolution This Plane will carry more and you're sipping less Fuel per hour unlike all the other turo props in the market the evolution will only burn 36 gall of field per hour this is the lowest of all turbine powered airplanes on the list a full tank airplane will still leave you with over 800 lb of useful load that means you can carry four grown adults in this airplane and you can travel over 1,000 miles did I mention the evolution also comes with a parachute standard so whether you've been dreaming of flying your own jet or you're actually in the market to buy one I would take a hard look at the lanter evolution this is a complete package with a pressurized cabin and a brand new one will cost you roughly 1.7 to $1.8 million next we have the piper m700 Fury the newest line of product from Piper aircraft the new m700 is a remix between the Meridian and the lines from M series what Piper did with this new bird though is they made it faster and a lot more expensive but before we get to the price let's talk talk about the capabilities of the new m700 compared to its predecessor the m600 the m700 will go 300 knots that's right Piper now officially has a turboprop airplane that will cross the 300 knots mark this new plane will climb at 3,400 ft a minute and you can fly up to 30,000 ft what's really new about the m700 is the power plant you now have a pratton Whitney PT 6- 52 engine this gives you 100 more horsepower but you can go 50 knots faster but as I said the new engine also makes the airplane more heavy so unfortunately you do lose some useful loads about 200 lb with the m700 the m700 can carry up to six people with baggage and you can travel up to 1,800 nautical miles like many other GA airplanes you do have to play tetras between Fuel and load because once the tanks are all filled up in this plane you would only have about 450 50 lbs of people and baggage to put in the aircraft but really what's the fuss research have actually shown that these planes are generally flown by Just One Pilot so if you're going to be jetting around in your own personal airplane perhaps the payload is not a factor while you can be very happy with the new m700 all these new increased performance will cost you roughly 4.2 million next we have the TBM 9960 from di a TBM has long been known as the fastest turbo prop ever built and for over a decade it's held onto that title until now the 960 is a plane that demands your respect because the performance in this plane is nothing to sneeze at first let's look at the capabilities This Plane will carry up to six people you have a maximum payload of 1,446 lbs that means even with full fuel you can still load of the TBM 960 the TBM 960 also uses a pratton Whitney turbo prop engine except you have 850 horsepower that will Propel this airplane to cruise at a nice 330 knots at altitude and you have a flight ceiling of 31,000 ft to make the maximum range of over 1,700 nautical miles you'd have to dial down that power to only travel about 250 knot in the TBM but what's most impressive about the TBM 960 is the short takeoff and land capabilities in this aircraft you've got a short Runway no problem with features like beta which practically reverses your Airplane the TBM 960 almost sits in its own class and for that you are going to spend a pretty penny because a brand new TBM 960 will run you about $5 million next we have the Epic E1000 the newest entrance into the market behind the M7 series epic aircraft has such a beautiful story because this is an airplane they started as an experimental aircraft and over the years they worked hard to get this beautiful bird certified and that it is the Epic E1000 is also a six-person airplane and you only need one pilot to fly it what it boasts more than its Rivals is the power plant also a pratton Whitney but a PT 68-67 a and this engine makes the Epic E1000 the fastest turo in its class at 333 knots you have a climb speed of 4,000 ft a minute and that would get you quickly to 34,000 ft which is the max ceiling for this airplane what's more impressive about the E1000 is the fuel burn even though you have a bigger engine at 300 knots or more you're only burning 50 gallons an hour that's 10 Gall an hour less than the TBM 960 with full tanks the E1000 still has a p payload of 1,00 lb that would carry four adults and some baggage comfortably and you also have a long range of 1,560 nautical miles whether you want one now or later the Epic E1000 will run you about 4.5 million and we've saved the best for last the last turo prop airplane we're checking out today is the patus PC2 n GX crowned as the best turo prop ever built the PC 12 still holds its weight in gold what sets the PC2 apart from the other turbo props is the fact that you can carry more this plane was built to carry more that's why you have the big giant door in the back and in the PC 12 you have seating up to 10 people consider it your own mini airliner but for that amount of weight you also pay for it in speed the pc12 is the slowest of its bunch and not by a long shot because this airplane will still cruise at 290 knots as the maximum Cruise speed and you have a range of 1,83 nautical miles in terms of capabilities the PC2 is second to none with amazing short takeoff and Landing capabilities this airplane will land at just about anywhere in the world and as fast as you're flying the PC2 you also have a nice stall speed at only 67 knots where the PC to fall short is in speed and also the climb rate because you're climbing at less than 2,000 feet a minute in this airplane whether it's the slowest or the more capable airplane the PC2 just happens to be a favorite among pilots and this airplane also holds its value more than any of the other aircraft listed to get your hands on one today first you'd have to look hard but you'd be spending between $5 and $7 million for a patus PC2 well I hope you've enjoyed today's video thanks so much for watching if this is this is your first time make sure you hit that subscribe button for me with the notification Bell on and also give this video a thumbs up guys a great way to support Mojo grip is by becoming a paid member you not only get a early start to all the videos that are dropping but you also get to see exclusive content and behind the scenes content check out our membership program here on YouTube on Facebook or just go to mojogrip domnet and sign up there again my name is Mike thanks so much for spending time with me and I will catch you on the next video
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 21,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evolution turbine, epic e1000, tbm 960, pilatus pc-12 ngx, piper m700, piper m600, piper m500, cirrus jet, honda jet, light jet very light jet, vlj
Id: 1K9BN7JV5k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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