5 of the BEST Kalos Pokémon Theories of All Time

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what's up everybody I'm hoops and hip-hop and it is time for some more Pokemon theories we have been going through every region of the Pokemon world covering the best theories that originated from each one of those regions and today we are going to be covering the sixth region ever introduced into the Pokemon series the Kalos region now the Kalos region and the sixth generation of Pokemon in particular introduced a lot of really good lore based things that really change what we know about Pokemon like mega evolution for instance that really make for a lot of great potential fan theories and that is exactly what happened with Kalos and that is exactly what I've got to share with you today we have got a bunch of really cool cows based theories that originate from a variety of different sources and honestly I cannot wait to share them with you guys so without further ado why don't we go ahead and just get started okay so this first one is actually a very very recent one that was made by none other than my very good friend bird keeper Toby in the last month or so bird keeper Toby uploaded a video onto his channel that detailed a theory that stated that Mel metal could have actually been the result of the Kalos war that we learned about in Pokemon X&Y now just to give you a fair warning this theory is fairly detailed and goes over a lot of different points so in this video I'm going to give you the super summarized version and then I highly recommend you go check out Toby's video for the full story but basically in a nutshell the theory starts with Mel metals pokedex entries where it states that Mel metal hasn't been seen in 3,000 years 3,000 years is also the same amount of time in which a Z fired the ultimate weapon during the Kalos war so the fact that these two particular events have the same amount of time referenced between them is very interesting and one of many similarities in this theory and believe it or not the univer also factors into this theory as well because there are a bunch of things in Unova be it the abyssal ruins be it the relic castle or be it all of the art of facts within the abyssal ruins that you can find that also have an age of around 3,000 years so it just adds even more weight to the theory that we have all of these things that are basically the same age and a very random age at that and this is the part of the theory that I'm going to super summarize so once again I highly recommend checking out Toby's video for all the details but basically it goes that with all of these things being the same age it's possible that when a Z fired the ultimate weapon during the kalos war 3,000 years ago it could have possibly landed in Unova because of course we saw it go all the way up into space so it could travel a great distance and when it hit Unova it actually hit reversal mountain and in turn caused the mountain to explode which caused the demise of all of those different ruins that we see in Unova that date back to around the same time and it is from here that mel metal originates because once the laser beam of the ultimate weapon struck reversal mountain the idea is that the laser beam itself kind of mutated some of the molten metal in the volcano which resulted in melton and subsequently mel metal as well we know the ultimate weapon has caused different things like mega evolution to occur and we also know it's caused mutations such as carbink into diancie so this definitely isn't out of the realm of possibility it's also worth noting that Melton and Mel Mel are made out of mercury which comes from the stone Cinnabar on earth and obviously we've got Cinnabar Island in the Pokemon world which is also home to a volcano so it kind of just fits together very well and finally as far as the reason as to why Mel metal is reappearing for the first time in over 3,000 years we look to the map descriptions of reversal mountain itself one of which depending on the game you're playing says that the mountain erupted in a huge explosion a long time ago whereas the other games map description says that the mountain is recently been erupting with a lot of smaller eruptions and going along with the theory these map descriptions could actually kind of map out what we're talking about here where the first map description talking about the big eruption a long time ago could have been the eruption that was the result of the ultimate weapon and the Kalos war whereas the other map description that talks about the little more recent eruptions could be the eruptions that caused Melton and Mel meadow to resurface once again after 3,000 years now I will admit that this theory is an entirely kalos based but the fact that it kind of all originates from the Kalos war obviously based in Kalos I felt like qualified it for this list and it's definitely a great theory as well so once again I definitely recommend checking out the full theory on Toby's channel because it definitely deserves all of the support in the world ok so this next one is one that I actually came up with a few years ago and it was one of the very first Pokemon theories I ever did now I do want to say that I'm not really trying to pad my own back here putting one of my own theories on a best theory list as a matter of fact there weren't really that many crazy just insane theories from the Kalos region like I was expecting so I looked back in my own catalog and this is definitely one of the better more favorite ones of my own that I've ever made and even though it actually ended up being not true I still think it was really fascinating especially at the time this theory explored the idea that the player-character from Sun and Moon is actually from Kalos and is also the Sun and or daughter of calum from X&Y the mail player character and Shauna and an older version of Shauna is actually your mother in Pokemon Sun and Moon as well now I know that this theory sounds like a classic example of a terrible fanfiction but it actually does make a lot of sense first off if you look at kala and you look at the mail or even the female player character in Sun and Moon they have very similar visual similarities and just by comparing what they look like it definitely could be the case that the Sun and Moon player characters were the children of calum given how similar that they actually look then there was the fact that we knew for certain that the player character had just moved to a Lola from another region making Kalos just as likely as any other region at the time and at the time there was also very much thought that Kalos and generation six as a whole was very much unfinished so it seemed like we had to have something to kind of resolve that storyline which made this whole idea a distinct possibility when we first saw the Aloha region back in 2016 and then the final couple of points that really make this even more convincing is that your mother and Sun and Moon really does look like she could be an older version of Shauna as they have the same hair color the same skin tone and the same signature smile we also know that Shauna in Pokemon X&Y had somewhat of a romantic or pseudo romantic relationship with the player character and then towards the end of the game she actually drops a quote on you where she says that she's going to go to some faraway region which a llola perfectly fits the description of obviously though this ended up being completely untrue and we just got the much more simple storyline that the player character is originally from Kanto but if I honestly had to choose I would have much preferred my idea that had the player character being from Kalos and having them be the son of the player character and Shauna from X&Y because that obviously would have tied up or at least incorporated generation six a little bit more and featured it a little bit more instead of making it feel unfinished and it would have provided a very cool storyline that we have never seen in Pokemon before and because it made so much sense even though it wasn't true I felt like it was worthy of talking about in this video now third up on the list is a rather brief one but it's also a classic theory that has some kalos ties and that would be the idea that fan Tina the gym leader from the sinnoh region is actually originally from Kalos the reason why this has been suggested over the years is because one we know for sure that fan Tina isn't from Sinnoh because she often talks about her home country and on top of that she speaks with a noticeable French accent and of course Kalos is based on France so it just seems like a natural no-brainer type of fit however there are some naysayers of this theory that will point fact that in the Japanese or as they like to call it the original version of the game she actually speaks English rather than French but it definitely is worth noting that in English as well as Danish German Italian Portuguese and the Spanish versions of the game she has a French accent and it's only in the Japanese and the French version of the game where she speaks English in addition to that though if you simply take a look at her design and appearance she much more so looks like she comes from some sort of European based country such as France as opposed to an english-speaking country like Unova for instance since that's really the only one along with the Lola that we have an equivalent of in the Pokemon world so yeah even though this theory is pretty simple and to the point and doesn't really have much to it I personally feel like it's really convincing and cool as well because I always think it's really awesome when we see characters from one region actually being from another so that's why I believe it is one of the best kalos related theories of all time coming up next is yet another theory from our guy bird keeper Toby because as we all probably know if you are familiar with his channel he is one of the guys to go to on YouTube for Pokemon theories so major shout out to you my friend this theory though actually has to do with another character that originates from another region who is supposedly actually from Kalos and this time around it would be the trial captain from the Aloha region Mina the idea here is that Mina is actually originally from Kalos and it was none other than a Lima who actually convinced her to come to a Lola to be a trial captain first off if we take a look at Nina she definitely fits the bill of someone who could be from the Kalos region very easily number one she has a very lighter skin tone compared to the locals of the Aloha region indicating that she is not originally from there on top of that she has the whole painter aesthetic which obviously would fit very very well in the Kalos region given its European ties and we even see a bunch of painters and artists in Kalos region itself in Pokemon X&Y as well and adding on to the evidence there's also the fact that Mena uses fairy-type pokémon which is a pretty brand new type that was first introduced in the Kalos region in Pokemon X&Y and if we take a look at the resident ferry type city of Kalos laverre city there is also a female artist NPC who lives in the city who maybe possibly could be Mina but then there's the whole Alima site to this theory like how exactly does he fit into this whole idea well if you do a little bit of snooping around you can actually go to a Leamas house in how lowly city and through talking to his parents and kind of just investigating his house you can actually find out that he once went to Kalos to study abroad and amongst all of the other things that Ty Lee missed the Kalos region in his house there's also a painting of the Kalos region right next to his bedroom door and it could be suffice to say given Mina's painting background that she could have given it to Alima as sort of a gift for welcoming her to the Aloha region and last but not least one more possible connection between the two characters is that in Pokemon Sun and Moon Alima actually uses a smeargle on his team which is obviously a very iconic painter Pokemon not only that but it's also the signature Pokemon of all of the artists in the Kalos region which we previously speculated that Mina could have been one of and given the abundance of normal type Pokemon it seems kind of odd especially in the early game that a lima would have a normal pokémon like this of all the other ones that are available so I think it stands to reason that this could be evidence of a further connection between the two characters and maybe just maybe this theory is correct and Mina is in fact originally from the Kalos region and finally our last theory of the video is from Pokemon insider and that would be the idea that the Kalos pokémon league is actually supportive of team Flair now this might seem kind of crazy at first but it's not nearly as crazy as you might think the biggest piece of evidence in favor of this is the elite form member malva not only is she a member of the Kalos pokémon league but she was once also a member of team Flair so there definitely is a bit of an inside man type of thing going on here even though she supposedly is no longer a member of the evil organization the other important thing to note here is that the Pokemon League whether it be Gym Leaders or elite 4 members or whatever does not really attempt to stop team Flair in any way shape or form despite the fact that in most other Pokemon regions we see at least one member of the Pokemon League doing something to try and stop the evil team of that region even diantha who is the champion of the Kalos League and as such is not only the strongest trainer in all of Kalos but also kind of has a responsibility as such to look over the region and protect it whenever need be has a friendly relationship with the leader of team Flair Lysander as we see at early points in the game but even though she has this relationship that she could take advantage of in terms of stopping team Flair or at least negotiating with them she does not attempt to do so in any way shape or form and the fact that the two are chummy in and of itself is also a bit suspicious in terms of thinking that they might actually be supporting team Flair from behind the scenes usually when we see members of the Pokemon League in the region's evil team interacting with one another it's because they are fighting and the Pokemon League is trying to stop the evil team but in this instance we definitely see a lot of different interactions than what we're used to in terms of the Kalos League and team Flair it definitely seems like they're much more closely related than other evil teams and pokemon leagues have been and not in the good way it definitely kind of at least feels like something more sinister is going on and that's why I believe this is one of the best Kalos pokémon theories of all time and there we have it everybody those were in my opinion five of the best Kalos pokémon theories of all time now in case you didn't know Kalos is one of my favorite Pokemon regions ever I love everything from the story to the region itself so covering theories from this region specifically was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoyed it as well if you guys enjoyed the video though be sure to give it a like and let me know down in the comments below what you think of these theories or if you have another kalos based theory that you would like to share if you are new to the channel be sure to subscribe for more Pokemon content every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and if you're on Spotify be sure to follow me there as well because any support there supports me here and it's greatly appreciated with all of that being said though I will be back on Saturday for another video so be sure to hit that notification bell so you can be notified as soon as it goes live and with all of that being said I love you guys and I will smell you guys later [Music]
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 163,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, theory, kalos, meltan, melmetal, malva, az, eternal flower floette, xerneas, yveltal, zygarde, mina, pokemon x, pokemon y, mega evolution, gen 8, rumor, leak, reveal, news, gameplay, trailer, region, starters, lets go, pikachu, eevee, shiny, hoopsandhiphop
Id: SovlaTuYkSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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