5 Of Our Favourite BCDs

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hey guys welcome to simply scuba so in today's video we're gonna be taking a closer look at five of our favorite B CDs so these are in no way in any particular order so let's take a closer look okay so first up we have the Aqualung Zoomer so the Zoomer is a incredibly lightweight travel wing so of course a lot more divers are traveling they're flying abroad to go to really nice and warm destinations and the Zoomer is the perfect accompaniment because it's nice and light is that wing style as well means it's not going to take up too much of your baggage allowance and because of the wing it just means it's gonna hold you in a really nice at a position and everything's like very soft and padded so it means that you can wear it without a thick chunky wetsuit because you got all that padding it's not going to rub in any way okay next up we have the Mara's bolts BCD so again this is a lightweight travel wing you're sensing a bit of a trend so wings just makes it really you got that sort of freedom of movement because you don't have big bulky pockets on the side that nobody really ever uses you've got more movement in the arms and even when it's fully inflated it's not going to inflate in front of you so it's not gonna crush you in any way but it still keeps you in that nice position in the water another nice feature about this BCD is in the the shoulder straps so these clips in particular they're hinged so instead of just a standard straight pinch clip these have a little hinge built into them that makes the whole shoulder strap much more ergonomic so when it's fully done up it's nice and comfortable when it adjusts of different body shapes you've got integrated weights as well on these so they're the new SLS system very very strong and reliable and just everything about the BCD just means that it's made for the travelling diver it's lighter you still have a backplate on this and like that Zoomer so you've got a bit more rigidity to it and that lumbar support as well just means that the weight of the cylinder isn't all on your shoulders it sort of spreads it down to you already as well okay now we have the first women's BCD on the list this is the Aqualung pearl BCD so specifically designed for women because let's face it women aren't the same shape as men so it's just economically shaped for women so it's much more comfortable but the main feature about this is the hybrid bladder so as you can see it's a jacket style BCD it so that inflates around you but this is what we call more of a hybrid bladder or a butterfly so it has the best of both worlds because it's not just a straight sort of bladder here they've actually changed the shape of the bladder so it actually sort of turns into a wing so when you're in the water it has the benefits of the trim of a wing style bladder so this section inflates and kind of wraps around the cylinder holds you nice and horizontal in the water but when you're fully inflated it's gonna inflate around you and that's gonna hold you in a nice upright position whilst you're on the surface so it's the best of both worlds you've got this elasticated bungee as well which is going to tuck it in so you're not you don't have this section flapping around freely in the water it's a good sort of hybrid between a jacket and a wing so I'll be seated okay now we have the school Pro equator BCD so this is very much a Goldilocks BCD it's kind of the best of both worlds it's it's light enough so it's a nice Travel BCD but with most travel be CDs they make the material much thinner so it's much more fragile this is kind of halfway in between so it's still fairly tough but it's still fairly lightweight so you can still travel with it but you can still dive at home with it it's jacket style so it's great for sort of all level of diver it's got little features all over it like sort of padding around the neck we've got these hinge buckles as well just all in that jacket style it's it's really that sort of best of both worlds jacket BCD okay and finally we have the scoop Pro hydrous Pro BCD so this is the first BCD that's sort of really switched it up in a long time so instead of just traditional webbing or all sort of nylon Cordura material they're using this mono preen which is it dries instantly it's basically the material that they make their fins out of so it's very strong it's very reliable it dries instantly so as soon as you get out the the harness system is completely dry and it's got kind of a sort of a grip to it as well so that means that so when you're in the water the BCD sort of won't kind of shimmy and move around it's gonna stay in position I'm really sort of hug to your body another handy feature that they fit into it it's just in the shoulder strap so these actually hold the shoulder straps up and open which makes getting in and out of it much much easier so kidding up you get your first shoulder in it's very easy but trying to get the second strap in is always a bit of a pain but with this it holds it open makes it much easier so you don't need your friend who won't undo that so that strap so all in all fantastic vtd that sort of wing style as well makes it great for traveling it's nice and tough you've got the integrated weights and everything but it's really switching it up with this monitoring material so that was a quick look at five of our favorite B CDs they were all available at our website simply scuba comm but let us know what your favorite BCD is thanks for watching and safe diving we are an online dive store serving the UK and the world for all your diving equipment needs so why not visit us at simply scuba comm or click the Box on your screen you
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 37,877
Rating: 4.8087649 out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Five, 5 Of, Our, Favourite, BCDs, 5 Of Our Favourite BCDs, top 5 BCDs, the best BCDs on the market, top 5, top 10, list video, list, Aqua Lung, Scubapro, XDeep, Mares, scuba diving, scuba diving (interest), scuba diving BCDs, scuba, diving, Mark Newman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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