Top 5 Dive Computers | Safe Diving

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hi everyone and welcome to safe diving so most of you will probably know me from my simply scuba days where I talked a lot about scuba diving equipment and I kind of miss talking to people about dive equipments so I wanted to make a top 5 list of my own personal favorite dive computers based on all of the ones that are on the market at the moment now the first thing that I need to let you guys know is that I actually took commercial availability into account when picking this list because whilst there are some amazing dive computers out there like some of these guys they're not the easiest to get your hands on in all countries so I might do a separate video on underappreciated dursa to dive gear to cover these first now this isn't going to be in any particular order to avoid favoritism and because that's pretty hard but it might help some of you notice a dive computer that you might not have considered because there are some truly underrated dive computers out there on the market today that have some great features that are definitely worth looking at if you're thinking about investing in a new dive computer now I know that my audience is pretty varied in skill level and feature awareness so I've kind of hand-picked a bit of a range of dive computers as far as price and features but I would 100% recommend any of these dive computers to anybody at any level and I would be more than happy to use any of these myself on a dive so let's take a look at five of my favorite dive computer [Music] the scoober og to dive computer doesn't look particularly flash or exciting but so the while it might just look like any other dive computer it has something very special inside it what the g2 and a bunch of other scoop rode our computers have is human factor diving which means that it can connect to a heart rate monitor that you wear kind of across your chest and this is more important than just another line graph on your dive log to download to show your heart rate during the dive but it can also change your dive profile based on how hard your body is working most dive computers have their algorithm inside them that tells you roughly how long you can stay at a certain depth and when it's safe to ascend but they're pretty generic and they don't know how warm or how cold you are or even how hard you're working if the chest rack registers that you're nice and warm and not working very hard you're on a nice easy dive then it'll let you stay down longer but if you're cold and you're swimming against a current for the whole dive then the dial computer will be more conservative and send your earlier so that you don't hurt yourself human factor diver Taylor's your dive profile to you and your dive so you're just safer and that's one of the best features it has many others the computer itself is very kind of good-looking with all the features that you could possibly need as well as a color screen different mounting options and a rechargeable battery so you don't have to carry spare batteries or worry about seals flooding but this is definitely the future of dive computers by using your personal biometrics to give you a more accurate decompression profile because so far none of my dive computers have known how warm or cold I was or how hard my dive actually was they would just kind of guess a lot of dive computers on my list are pretty advanced and therefore expensive so that's basically because expensive ones tend to have the best features but I like the Aqualung I 300c dive computer that I 300 C is a great dive computer for what you pay so it's very much a recreational dive computer but it has everything that you need for most dive really now what does computers in this price range usually fall down over is their user interface how to use it a lot of these entry-level kind of large green dive computers with one or two buttons can just be so hard to navigate them they're just a pain in the butt to use but Aqualung and shinto are actually in my opinion some of the easiest to navigate so if you're looking for your first dive computer or one that's just for recreational diving then definitely look at the eye 300c the sea in its name stands for connection and means that it has built-in bluetooth which is grateful downloading your dives so you can just connect to an app on your phone to download them but more importantly you can change your diet computer settings from your phone from the app so changing on nitrox is really easy just connect to the app hit update and it's done you don't have to navigate on the computer itself to a certain mode and then cycle through the gas is just it's all on your smartphone and it's so much easy sticking with the kind of recreational range of computers but upgrading at which is the EON core so the core itself is the younger brother to the Aeon steel and it's very much the light version of the steel but it's still a great dive computer what you get with the core is a lightweight color screen dive computer with a pretty easy user interface now it's not CentOS best user interface in my opinion I prefer the UI of the four button range of dive computers but it is worlds better than some other dive computers out there there are a few out there where I'd literally have to sit down with it for an hour at a time just to even attempt a look like I knew how to navigate it but eons are pretty easy to model around with straight out of the box why I chose the core over the steel though is that the core is just more accessible it's cheaper and whilst it's made from softer materials that's about the only thing that you're losing out on the core has pretty much everything of the steel hairs but for the metal casing really everything else on the inside is very much the same but smaller and lighter and it comes with a few different colors admittedly two of them are black and white but most dye computers don't even give you that choice the guy in descent Mach 1 is a smartwatch sized dive computer and watch Garmin isn't really known for their scuba diving computers it isn't actually their first they've made of computers before but they're not a big hitter when it comes to dive computers and it kind of shows when you talk to Garmin themselves about scuba diving now that being said it's been a very long time since I've actually spoken directly to Garmin so they may have have some better team members who know what they're talking about now but whoever built the descent actually knew what they were doing the descent has plenty of modes countless modes and it is very easy to use it's definitely had plenty of input from the rest of the gungun range though because navigation is super easy it has a ton of additional modes including like GPS so you can use the descent as an all-around watch computer because it has a heart rate monitor built into it it's got GPS so it's very much one of their hiking computers just with scoober and free dive modes kind of crammed in it as well the downside is is that because it has all of that hiking stuff it's a pricey computer and it's price points you usually get more premium diving specs like air integration as many dive computers or sorry as many divers pointed out for the price range you can get a separate GPS a dive computer heart rate monitor for less money but as a complete unit it's a smart machine I just think that Garmin needs to spend a little more time and love with their diving range there's obviously gonna be a marked who in the works but and they need to spend some time in the industry because right now it just feels kind of like a side project for Garmin that they don't really care about too much if they want to make their brand big in the scuba diving industry then they need to spend a bit more time with divers and with dive centers [Music] this is the dive computer that I ultimately went for and there are a few reasons why so the biggest reason was that almost everybody on scuba diving forums ultimately recommended these Shearwater verdicts which is one of the biggest badges of excellence because it's rare that the whole dive community actually agrees on one thing and if everybody recommends one computer in particular then it's got to be pretty good so the per DEQ's is basically the younger brother to the petrel and the bigger cousin to the tarik so the Petra in our soy products is a large-screen dive computer made in Canada and yeah it's the dark imputed that I dive with it is very flexible both inside and out on the outside you can choose how to attach your dive computer and on the inside you can change the mode from a simpler dive screen for when you're just starting out you can color code everything you want so they said that the color scheme that you want but then when you reach another level of your diving you can switch up the mode for more control and information on the screen the / DX just kind of ticks all the boxes for me but if you don't want a large screen you just want a what size dive computer very a bit more of an active scuba diver but you still like the / DEQ's then go for the tarik actually this is fairly common in some of the dive computers that I've spoken about if you want a small version of the the G to look at the end food if you want a watch sized by 300 you've got that eye 200 the core has the d5 and the descent the descent doesn't really have an alternative because it's the only darkish to the Garmin make although the way they deny that they're not going to sort of make a mark - they're definitely working on a mark - but what do you guys think what is your favorite dial computer and what's your least favorite I've got a nice list of died computers that I personally hate and if this video gets enough likes then you never know I might even make you guys know because there are some diabolical dive computers out there but yes what is important to you guys when you're looking for a dive computer is it the screen is that the user interface the algorithm on the inside or is it just the price because whilst price should be important it really shouldn't be your primary focus okay so thank you very much for watching this video on my channel I upload videos on Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays all about how to be a better scuba diver now I've been working in and around the diving industry for quite a long time now and I have a lot of advice that I can help you out with so if you need any help or advice with your diving just let me know in the comments below and subscribe to my channel and I'll probably make a video about it to help you out so if you want to you can click here to check out one of my latest videos on how to upgrade your equipment and your diving as well and then click here to check one of my scuba diving advice videos thank you for watching and of course safe diving [Music] [Music]
Channel: Safe Diving
Views: 13,190
Rating: 4.9716311 out of 5
Keywords: scuba, diving, advice, dive, equipment, gear, technical, top 5
Id: IwXYX5pDqpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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