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[Music] hi friends welcome back to my channel and welcome back to one of my all-time favorite videos to produce for you guys this is another five nights of dinners all of these recipes are amazing all of these recipes are WW friendly and all of these recipes are honestly easy to make easy to make on a busy work night busy weekend busy after school these recipes are absolutely easy breezy to make and they taste phenomenal so if you want to see what five dinners I have planned for you then all you have to do is stay tuned for dinner tonight I am going to be making pizza bagels these are going to be homemade ww friendly but indulgent pizza bagels and then we're also going to have a side salad so let me show you what is in tonight's dinner this is the skinny ish dish zero-point crock-pot marinara it is aaww staple for spaghetti pizza as these little pizza bagels you name it this marinara is so delicious and a zero point no matter how much you have we're also going to be using some of the Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles some mini pepperonis they didn't have any turkey ones so I'm gonna go ahead and just use regular will just account for the points you can use turkey pepperoni but honestly the point value isn't much different and these turkey want Turkey already I'm sorry these mini pepperonis are really good on these little pizza bagels also some Trader Joe's Lite shredded mozzarella and some minced onion and we are going to top all of that onto one of these western bagel alternative big let's these are the smaller bagels so you can have one bagel for one smart point or two for three smart points so basically you can have four bagel haves for three smart points just for the actual bagel these come from western bagel these are the wheat bagel X you can also purchase full size bagels in a variety of flavors same with the big lets they come in several flavors I do have a discount code for western bagel that will save you ten percent you also can purchase they're special they have running right now which is six bags of bagels bags of bagels for 37 dollars and you choose the bagels you want so you can do the bake lets you can do the full size you can do a mix and you will also save an additional 10% off of that price with my discount code so I will put that on the screen as well as link all of that information down in the description box below but the full-size bagels are only three smart points and these big lets are only one so we are gonna use these bad boys to make some pizza bagels and then we are going to have a side salad I'm going to mix some of this spinach and these protein greens together we're gonna top our salad with a little bit of mushrooms some chopped up yellow pepper some croutons and this is the skinny kitchen ranch love this ranch you can have two tablespoons of this ranch for only one smart point I have shown this in a couple of my meal prep videos but I will link the recipe as well down in the description box below so let's get these pizza bagels started we're going to pop these into our airfryer and then we will assemble our salad so I've went ahead and opened up all of my bagels I'm gonna go ahead and prepare my for first and show you kind of the amount that I'm going to be putting on those in the points value and then I will do my husband separately so what I've measured out here is half of a serving of the mini turkey pepperonis this is a total of three smart points this in my opinion is way too many for for bagel halves so I'm actually going to use one smart point total worth of the turkey pepperoni this is one smart point of the Jimmy Dean sausage crumbles so I don't even know that I would use all of that either and then I have also measured out one ounce of the Trader Joe's Lite shredded mozzarella I don't know that I'll use all of this but if I did use one point for the cheese one for the sausage and one for the pepperoni that's three and then three for the bagel halves zero for the marinara that's a total of six points so that is my ultimate goal so I'm going to go ahead and do these four here as my bagels so the first thing that want to do is we want to go ahead and add a little bit of marinara sauce you don't want to add too much just because it will make your bagels moist and soft and icky so you want to add just enough to hold all of your toppings on there and then I am going to set my four aside so that I know exactly which four of these bagels are mine so that I can just liberally add the ingredients to the rest for my husband but you can't beat four bagel halves for only six more points with real pepperoni real mozzarella cheese and some turkey sausage so yummy all right so there are my four bagel halves with the marinara now I am gonna go ahead and only use a few pieces of this mini turkey pepperoni or gosh I want to I want it to be Turkey this mini pepperoni so you can see here that I just need a few pieces and again this mini pepperoni really truly is perfect for these pizza bagels only because it fits nicely on the actual bagel half where the full-size pepperoni slices they're just a little cumbersome you have to bite through them in order to get through all of them on your little pizza bagels so there is that so that should be about one point worth of the pepperonis and then I'm also going to add on some Jimmy Dean sausage crumbles and again I'm not going to be using all of this so that will help if I did use a little over one point worth of the turkey or of the pepperoni pieces this will help compensate for that by not even using this whole thing of the sausage crumbles which again this is one smart point so I'm going to get all this sausage on my pizza bagels here and then we will top it with some mozzarella cheese so here is what I have left of the turkey sausage crumble so I did not use all of them and then lastly I'm just going to sprinkle on my mozzarella cheese and then I'm gonna get these ready to go into my airfryer now if you do not have an air fryer you can just go ahead and cook these in the oven but I'm gonna go ahead and use up my air fryer so there is my shredded cheese so I'm going to set my four aside and then we'll go ahead and prepare the rest of the bagels in here my four [Music] [Music] [Music] once you have your bagels topped with all of your ingredients I am gonna go ahead and sprinkle just a little bit of Italian seasoning on each of my bagels and these right here are mine so I will make sure I strategically place those ones in my airfryer and then lastly I'm just gonna add a little bit of minced onion just right on to the top of them it will Brown a little bit should make it really really delicious you can also add your minced onion if you'd rather on top of your sauce before you add on your pepperoni and your pieces of turkey sausage or whatever toppings that you're going to use and then let's get these into the airfryer alright in the pizza bagels are officially into the airfryer go ahead and shut that door we want to get this at about 375 380 and we're gonna go ahead and do this for about most of 15 minutes and I'll check them part way through but then our pizza bagels will be done and here is our completed dinner so here is my salad with some of the spinach and the greens as well as a little bit of mushrooms yellow pepper one point worth of croutons and one point worth of the skinny kitchen ranch so my salad is a total of two SmartPoint and then here I have my western bagel Pizza bagel so you can see here that I have four halves that is going to be a total of six smart points so my entire dinner is eight smart points what a delicious satisfying indulgent dinner for only eight smart points so tonight's dinner is going to be crock pot chicken and gravy so for those nights that you just don't have time after work or after school to prepare a whole meal this one is super easy and absolutely delicious this recipe comes courtesy of Felicia fitness health so what you're going to need is you're going to need about two pounds of chicken breast so that is about four breasts here I measured it out in the is about two and a half pounds of chicken you're going to need one can of 98% fat-free cream of chicken soup two cups of water some pepper to season and two packets of McCormick chicken gravy mix all of that is gonna go here into my crock pot and I'm going to pair my meal with some corn as well as some of these Trader Joe's frozen mashed potatoes I love these they are just little cubes you pop them in your microwave and they literally come out to be absolutely perfect mashed potatoes so let's get started on our chicken crock pot gravy so the first thing we're gonna do is make our gravy and add it to our crock pot so I have my two little packets of chicken gravy mix I am just going to add them to my cup of water here versus in my crock pot because I already have a liner in there and I think it'll be a little bit easier to mix in here and then to my gravy packets I'm going to add my can of chicken soup and then I am just going to season that with just a little bit of pepper and then we're gonna go ahead and just give it this a quick whisk until everything is combined and then I will put it into my crock pot from there now you can mix this directly in your crock pot again I just didn't want to do that because I already have a liner and I didn't know if it would be as effective in mixing because of the crock pot liner so I'll get this all mixed up we'll get this in our crock pot and then I'll show you the next step once we have our gravy fully whist and combined that is going to go here in the bottom of our crock pot and then we are going to actually add our chicken on top of our gravy mixture so I have my chicken tip on this is make sure your chicken is fully defrosted or your gravy will become a little bit too big can you see this right here there's chicken so he's right here with me so there's two of them I have two more chicken breasts here and we're just going to shove them in do the gravy mixture make sure that they get immersed in there and then you can cook this on high for five to six hours or this is a great weeknight meal you can cook this on low for about 10 hours so I am literally going to just pop on my lid and get this started and I'll show you the completed meal I just walked in the door and here's what our chicken and gravy looks like it looks absolutely delicious so I'm just basically going to shred up this chicken and mix that in with the gravy whoo nice and steamy and then I will plate up our dinner with the mashed potatoes and the corn and I'll tell you exactly what I have is a serving size and show you the completed meal but this smells and looks delicious here's what the chicken and gravy looks like all shredded up I have my mashed potatoes in the microwave and then I am ready to eat this amazing dinner and here is the completed dinner so I have 9 pieces of the Trader Joe's mashed potatoes and 2/3 cup of the chicken in gravy and then I just have some corn here and I'm just going to mix it all together for dinner tonight we are going to have two ingredient dough bagel dogs this dinner is definitely one for the entire family super easy super low points but you definitely feel like you have an adult indulgence and we are going to pair our bagel dogs with just a vegetable so to make your dogs you need four ingredients easy-peasy you need some self-rising flour some nonfat Greek yogurt everything but the bagel seasoning or whatever seasoning you choose to use and then some 97% fat-free or low-fat hot dog of your choice so let's make some bagel dogs so the first thing we need to do is make our two ingredient dough I want to make eight bagel dogs so we need 1/4 cup of dough per dog so I have 2 cups total of the self-rising flour which would make that quarter cup per bagel dog and then to that I'm going to go ahead and add in my Greek yogurt now I am not going to my yogurt I never do I basically just add yogurt until I feel like my dough is the consistency that I want I don't want to have to add additional flour if at all possible so I try to just kind of add my Greek yogurt in basically little by little until I have the consistency of dough that I'm looking for it and then I'll usually roll it out on my countertop so that I can combine it a little bit more but you basically want to stir in Greek yogurt until your dough is crumbly and then we'll transfer that on to our countertop but we want it nice and crumbly so this is the chunkiness that you want your dough before you actually transfer that to your countertop or your working surface once you transfer your dough to your surface I usually just use my hands and I mix it together until it forms a ball and then we'll roll it out and divide that into eight even pieces again we're looking for about a quarter of a cup of the self-rising flour per hotdog and then that way we know exactly what points to count it as so if you use a different hotdog than the Hebrew national your points to this particular recipe is going to vary based on the hotdog that you use the Hebrew national tastes really really good and they are only one SmartPoint each so you can add you know a second hot dog and it's still only one SmartPoint each so it would be two or three depending on the number of hotdogs so that's what I like about the Hebrew national is the points don't go up just because you add an additional hotdog to the mix so love that about them plus they taste really really good so you're just gonna take your dough and you're gonna knead it until it is a ball and then we will roll it out but you want that nice kind of smooth dough shape once you've formed a ball with your dough I always spray my rolling pin with some nonstick cooking spray you can even spray your working surface and that just avoids everything kind of sticking so we're gonna rule this out we want this somewhat flat so that we can into eight strips because we want to be able to roll our dog dogs uh with um strips so we want to kind of roll this out into a somewhat flat like you would if you were gonna make a pizza crust and we want to try to make it as even thickness as we can as well but telling you this dough is so good for absolutely positively everything so I'm going to get this all rolled out and then we'll cut it into our eight even strips so from here we're going to cut this into eight sections we want to get our sections as close to the same size as possible so I'm going to go ahead and slice it down the middle and then slice it horizontally and then I'm going to cut each one of those into two as even as possible sections and that's what we're gonna use to actually roll up our hotdogs so each section will be used for a hotdog so I'm just gonna kind of re ball it up set these aside and we'll basically roll one hotdog at a time and then that way we make sure that it's the right shape that we're looking for for our hotdog so we're gonna kind of reroll that out a second time just a little bit thinner so that we can roll that directly on to our dogs and then from here we're gonna roll up our dogs so I have my dough here and I've put my hotdog horizontally and I'm literally just going to roll it around my hotdog until it forms similar to a bagel dog I'm going to set these aside because I want to season them before they go into my air fryer [Music] [Music] [Music] so here's my airfryer I have the power of n' elite so basically I'm gonna try take my tray here of my dogs and I'm just going to put them into my airfryer and we'll turn it on here - lets go three let's go 375 for the 15 minutes that automatically sets it - and that should be perfect my airfryer also has a light so you can kinda see how your hot dogs are coming along so I will be back when these are all cooked up alright our bagel dogs are out of the airfryer look at how delicious these look now you can also cook these in your oven if you don't have an air fryer but I'll get all of this plate it up I'm just gonna have it with some green beans and I'll show you my completed meal along with the smart points so here is my completed dinner tonight I have two of my everything but the bagel hotdogs each of these hotdogs are one smart point and I have about 1/2 of a cup of self-rising flour which is 5 smart points so this is a total of 7 smart points and then I'm pairing that with some green beans that I just sprayed with some I can't believe it's not butter spray and some salt and pepper and then I will dip that in some no sugar added ketchup and I'm having a diet root beer so this entire dinner is only 7 smart points for tonight's dinner we are going to make a one-pot chicken parmesan pasta this recipe sounds so good it's definitely a family-friendly recipe sounds super good the points are extremely low for being a pasta dish so let me show you what is in our one pot chicken parmesan pasta you're going to need 2 cups of water some sort of pasta whatever your choice marinara always use the skinny dish 0 marinara if you do use a jarred marinara you will need to adjust the points but if you use the skinniest dish or any other zero point marinara then the points will be what I list on the final screen we have some peppers some Italian seasoning some salt some minced garlic some light mozzarella cheese some Parmesan cheese and 1 pound of ground chicken so let's get started on tonight's dinner so our first step is we need to cook our chicken so I have my 1 pound of chicken ground chicken and then to that we are just going to add some spices well they really layer this up there we go and to this we are going to add some salts and we're just basically going to season the chicken while it cooks and then we're gonna add a little bit of ground pepper and then we are gonna add approximately 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning and we're gonna mix this up and we are gonna get our our chicken completely browned and then we'll remove it from the pan and add in our garlic once your ground chicken is pretty much cooked through it's okay if it is a little bit pink because we are gonna read this to our pot at a later time and I didn't mention you wanted to use a fairly thick pot because this is a one pot meal so everything will be cooked in this one pot which is really nice so we're gonna remove our chicken and I'm just gonna put mine here on a paper plate and let it kind of cool while we add the rest of the ingredients to the pot once you've removed the chicken I went ahead and drain the liquid from the plate it is just going to be set aside and back to our pan we are gonna go ahead and add some nonstick cooking spray to our pan just so our garlic doesn't stick and then from there we are going to add a pretty good sized spoon of minced garlic to the bottom of our pan we're gonna let this Brown just a bit once your garlic Browns just a little bit and becomes fragrant we are going to add our two cups of water to our pan and then we're also going to add in our two cups of zero point marinara and we going to allow this to come to a boil before we add in our pasta once your sauce starts to come to a boil we are going to go ahead and add in a little bit more Italian seasoning and my marinara is pretty seasoned as well but Italian seasoning you can't go wrong and then to this we are also going to add in our pasta so you can see here that I have several types of pasta I usually do this I will just use up what's in my pantry so we want a total of three cups of pasta so that was about two cups and then I'm going to use up the last little bit of this Barilla protein club that I have as well which is pretty darn close to three cups of pasta and we're going to mix that in oh and this white pasta right here this stuff is fiber gourmet this is a low carb low-calorie pasta love this stuff I purchased it off of net trician comm and I did have just a little bit left in the box so I thought that I would just mix that in as well and then the last thing that we're gonna add to this is we're gonna add back in our ground chicken and then we're just going to let this simmer for about 20 minutes I am gonna turn this down a little bit here and we're just gonna go ahead and let this simmer for about 20 minutes let that pasta cook through you do want it to remain at a low boil so that it does cook through your pasta and then we'll be ready to add in our cheese and really you guys our meal will be done at that point super fast super easy my pasta is coming along nicely I did have to add a little bit more water about half of an additional cup and then I did add a little bit more of my zero point marinara only because I had to add that additional water but now my pasta is cooked through and we're going to add in some cheese so we're going to add 1/3 cup of grated Parmesan and then I have 1/2 of a cup of Trader Joe's light mozzarella we are only going to add half of that though because we want to reserve the other half to put on top of our pasta when we are finished right on top of the pan here so we'll get our cheese all mixed in I am gonna let my pasta just cook just a couple more minutes just to make sure that my noodles are cooked through we'll add the last little bit of cheese and we will be good to go this looks delicious all right I'm ready to add that last half of my shredded mozzarella to the top of my pan I just want to try to get it pretty even on the top and then we'll let that kind of cook through melt a little bit and our pasta will be good to go and our one pot chicken parm pasta is done this looks so delicious you have six servings per pan and a serving is approximately one cup so I'm going to go ahead and put one serving on my plate and I will show you my completed dinner for tonight but this smells and looks so good and here is my completed dinner so this is one cup of the chicken parmesan pasta for only five smart points that is phenomenal for pasta and then I just paired it with a little bit of corn with some spray butter some salt and some pepper so this is going to be my five SmartPoint one pot chicken parmesan pasta YUM for tonight's dinner I'm going to be making a copycat Panera Bread turkey chili the turkey chili is my all-time favorite thing at Panera and they only have it in the winter months so I wanted to come up with a recipe that would allow me to have turkey chili whenever my little heart desires so this is a recipe that I found online I will be linking it down in the description box below the original recipe comes from three cooking sisters dot-com I did do some modifications which I will let you know what those were as we go through what is in the turkey chili you're going to need some salt some ground turkey I am only going to use two pounds of this three pound pack but I did want to go ahead and defrost the whole thing and then I'll measure it out on my food scale because the recipe does call for two pounds you can also use 99% fat-free if you want to make this a zero point chili but I'm gonna go ahead and use the 93 seven I really like the flavor better and I'm okay accounting for the point so I will be linking the points including this turkey in my recipe below you're going to need 32 ounces of vegetable broth you can use a 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes I do not have that so I'm going to substitute with some Italian diced tomatoes and some tomato sauce to basically create my own crushed version of tomatoes you're going to need some kidney beans some garbanzo beans some minced garlic some tomato paste some red chili pepper flakes black pepper chili powder cumin Italian seasoning I am substituting minced onion for dicing up a regular fresh onion I really enjoy minced onion in soups I think it's a lot easier and I enjoy the flavor a little bit better than big chunks of actual cut-up onion you're going to need some celery four stalks two carrots and then I am going to substitute this Soyka Tash this is leftovers from another dinner that I had in my fridge the recipe calls for some corn and some edamame which is exactly what is in this soy Kitaj along with just a little bit of red pepper so I'm just going to substitute this but if you didn't want to go with the soy Kitaj you would just grab a can of corn and some edamame so let's get started on our Panera turkey chili the first thing I did here is measure out my two pounds of ground turkey and then that way we are not over indulging in the one thing in this recipe that has points once we've measured out our turkey we're gonna go ahead and get our veggies chopped up we need to dice up four stalks of celery I did go ahead and peel my carrots already but we need to go ahead and dice those up into chunks as well we'll put them here in a bowl and then we can start cooking our chili in a big stockpot on pastels [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once our vegetables are chopped up we need to go ahead and get our ground turkey cooked down so here is my two pounds of ground turkey I have added just a little bit of cooking spray to my pan I'm gonna go ahead and get this brown and dream'd and then from there we will be adding in our vegetables and everything is cooked in one pot so make sure that you get yourself a nice big pot I did go ahead and add a little bit of salt and pepper to my turkey it is now cooked I went ahead and drained it from here I am going to go ahead and add in a good heaping spoon of minced garlic and then we are also going to add in our veggies so what I have here is the carrots the celery and the minced onion so we're gonna add all of that we are going to allow this to cook down until our vegetables have begun to soften before we add in there's some other of the ingredients of our Panera turkey chili but this is already smelling so delicious once your vegetables start to soften just a little bit you are going to cook them a lot longer so you want to keep them in somewhat of an al dente State we are gonna go ahead and add in our box of vegetable broth that's also going to help saute our vegetables a little bit better and then at this point we are also going to add in all of our seasoning and make sure that we get a little bit of flavor going in here as far as the seasoning goes it does recommend that you start with a smaller amount and add to taste so I am gonna start with some Italian seasoning I love my food extremely flavorful those of you that follow my channel know that so I always add quite a bit of spices to most of my dishes I'm also going to add some cumin and again this is what's actually gonna give it that nice rich chili flavor I will test it and then I can always go back and add more if it's not quite enough I'm also going to add some red chili pepper this one I don't want to go as crazy with because it has quite a bit of heat and I am NOT a spicy food eater so I'm not gonna go to Korea with that we are also going to add in chili powder so again that's gonna bring a little bit of heat as well so I don't want to go crazy with the red pepper flakes I'd rather have that smokiness of the chili powder and then we're gonna go ahead and add a little bit of ground pepper and then I will go ahead and add some pink Himalayan sea salt to the dish as well and we're gonna let this come to a boil and saute until those vegetables are softened once your meat and veggies have come to a boil in that broth it is time to add in the tomatoes so I'm gonna add my can of the snw diced tomatoes and again I am substituting these diced tomatoes and also my tomato sauce for the big can of crushed tomatoes I did not do very well shopping I ended up using my crushed Tomatoes for something else not realizing I should have bought another can so this should work just fine should serve the same purpose I'm gonna go ahead and get that all mixed in and then lastly we are gonna add in a little bit of tomato paste and I really really like this Trader Joe's tomato paste I love that it's in the tube because it lasts a lot longer than it does if you buy it in a can because the can just goes bad really quickly and you end up having to throw a lot of the can away so I definitely prefer the tube we'll mix that in we are gonna let this come to a boil I do want to let this simmer on the stove for about 20 minutes before we add in our beans and our vegetables and then it will be done but this looks absolutely delicious I am so excited once your chili has simmered data boil on the stove we want to make sure our vegetables are fully softened we are going to go ahead and add in we are steamy what a Monday we are gonna go ahead and add in our beans so what I have here is some garbanzo beans that I have rinsed and drained and I also have my red kidney beans that I have also rent and drained and then this is the stage where we're going to add in our veggies so if you are using corn and edamame or if you do go ahead and go the shortcut route and use the Soyka Tash this is where you will add all of that in and then you do want to go ahead and let your chili simmer on the stove for about another 15 minutes and that just really infuses all of the flavors thickens up your chili a little bit more and this my friends looks absolutely amazing reminiscent of Panera I love it alright our turkey chili is done YUM I am so excited this is such a huge pot I am going to divvy this out into eight equal servings you can do more or you can do less I am going to do eight servings because that would be essentially four ounces of ground turkey per serving which is a total of three smart points so if I do eight servings it's three smart points per serving so let me divvy up my bowl and I will show you exactly what I'm gonna have for dinner so here is my chili this is quite a large bowl of chili for only three smart points I did decide to go ahead and have four saltine crackers for one and I weighed out over here one ounce of the Trader Joe's light mozzarella cheese and I do want to go ahead and put that on top of my chili because this is such a low point dinner I decided to go ahead and have that cheese so this plate here the chili the cheese and the crackers is only five smart points now if you use a ninety nine percent lean turkey this would only be too smart points yum yum thank you for joining me on another five nights of dinners I hope that you enjoyed the five recipes that I shared with you they were all absolutely delicious and big home runs in my family if you're new to my channel I'd like to give you a nice big warm welcome make sure that you subscribe and make sure you hit that notification bell that way YouTube notifies you every time I upload a new video I do upload pretty regularly almost every day of the week so you don't want to miss out and again if you love my video please give me a thumbs up comment below let me know what your favorite one of the five recipes are and I'll see you all in my next video bye
Channel: Jenn's WW Journey
Views: 50,864
Rating: 4.9318733 out of 5
Keywords: #ww, #weightwatchers, #wwfreestyle, #wwsmartpoints, #wwpointsplus, #wwclassic, #wwclassicpoints, #wwjourney, #wwrecipes, #ww5nightsofdinners, #wwfivenightsofdinners, #wwlife, #wwlifestyle, #wellnessthatworks, #jennswwjourney, #drizzlemeskinny, #healthymeals, #healthyrecipes, #bageldogs, #pizzabagels, #crockpotchickenandgravy, #feliciafitnesshealth, #chickenparm, #dinner
Id: 4pZ0hlueJWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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