How to Avoid Being Flagged When Using AI | How To Get a Low Turnitin Similarity Score

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so I speak a lot of my channnel about Ai and how to use AI ethically within your education within academic writing and the most common question that I get is how can I avoid being flagged by turntin or by my lecturer for using Ai and I would say that there are a few ways that you can do this and this is not cheating it's using it ethically this is not going around a system this is not trying to find ways to uh do wrong when it comes to academic writing all the tips that I give you on this channel are tips that actually align with quite I mean some universities haven't caught up yet they will but it does align with what universities that are a bit more Progressive are saying in terms of how to use AI within your work so in today's video I'm going to be speaking about a few ways that you can incorporate AI with in your academic writing but also whilst avoiding uh getting flagged and getting in trouble for plagiarism um by turn in the first thing is to always write originally and I I mean I don't think I've ever not said this in a video the work should always be yours you should never be generating text copying and pasting asking chat gbt to write you a 2000w essay and submitting that I mean that will just be naive and I I've never said to do that the first thing you want to do is always make sure your text is yours always make sure that you've written the information you might have generated parts of it and use that as inspiration or use that to look at what a good structure could look like but do not ever copy and paste if you never copy and paste there's no way you can be flagged because the work is actually yours you've just used assistive um kind of technology to help you with finding the latest research paper or giving you a link or analyzing your data and that's completely okay um so the first thing make sure the text is always yours the second thing is to use citations as much as possible and obviously when needed so if you don't site you're saying this work is mine and that's always a problem this is always this is even before AI you need to make sure that your citations are visible are correct are appropriate are from research papers that you've actually read and have taken a look at and youve referenced it as a source referencing is a key key aspect one of the fundamental parts of academic writing being a researcher being a student taking a research paper reading it taking information from it adding it in your work and referencing it that's all part of the cycle of being in research so make sure you do that if anything did happen and you were to be flagged up you have your references there you have your citations to show this is what I've read this is what I'm presenting and I have cited it so you know you you've got a bit more support and a little bit more of a backbone when you do that so I've said to you don't copy um of course but what are the ways around that so you can understand and synthesize so my third tip is to understand what you're reading and then synthesize that information so let's say you even were to ask a chat gbt or Jenny or payer palal to generate some information for you or not necessarily generate but like rewrite some text for you or write it in a more Academic Way make sure you understand that and then synthesize that in your own words this is the key thing we're not I'm not saying to copy and paste rather look at what's been written look at what's been presented to you as a good example and write it in a way that is original it's just the same as if you were reading a research paper and you wanted to write it in your own essay you wouldn't copy and paste it into your essay you'd paraphrase it you'd make it sound different you'd write it in a way that's shows how you've understood it that's the same as how you can use AI here too the next tip is to use AI as a tool not a source it shouldn't be the source of your information you shouldn't be going to chat GPT and asking it what is the gap in literature in X topic and using that as your information it should rather be used as a tool to help you improve your academic writing what you've already written to help you summarize something to help you come up with some good titles to help you outline something so this isn't saying that it hasn't generated the knowledge for you it hasn't done the critical thinking for you so you're not using it as a source of information but instead you're using it as a tool to help you improve uh or or make some parts of the research process just a little bit more more efficient the next tip is to be transparent where and when you can if you're using something like paper pal or Jenny or or um sites for example to find research papers to improve prove your work you I personally wouldn't say to reference that you're not it's your work you've just enhanced it slightly um that's there's not a problem with that at all it's still your work originally but if you have't used AI for something more than that to actually uh as a complimentary like as an author to actually go beyond what is the basic like what a basic proof reader would do then in that case you should really be citing it and University guidelines these days the recent ones I've seen have asked students to site AI when they when it has been used so this could be maybe you've done some analysis and you've used like an AI tool to help you in that case you can say that you've used it and that just means that if you were to be pulled up by a plagiarism Checker or or you to be um kind of called out on that you can say well look I did reference it and I did make it obvious and I'm not cheating and I wasn't trying to hide it basically being really transparent about your methods shows academic Integrity so that is um something that I think uh a panel would take quite kindly if you were to do that another thing that you could do is use a plagiarism or an AI Checker I don't necessarily want to recommend one right now just because I haven't used them like for my academic work and I don't know what would happen if you were to use it and submit it so I don't want to be that person but I know that payer pal have just recently released and collaborated with turntin so if you want to get your work checked by turntin through payer palal you actually can and that's turntin and it's legitimate so that's one way that you can and you know turntin wouldn't collaborate with an AI company if it was against it do you understand so I think it's we're moving we're moving towards very different times and I think academics universities need to catch up with it it will be very much Norm normalized and it still needs to be used ethically but it will definitely be allowed if turntin is collaborating with an AI company then you know it's definitely happening we're moving in that direction another thing you can do is to thoroughly review and edit your work so of course I'm sure that you don't just submit your work when you're finished but when you finished writing take a look at your work go go through it from the beginning just to make sure it's sounds like you just to make sure you haven't accidentally copied something but you yet to rewrite it just to make sure that everything is actually yours and there is an you know references are there it's clear it's easy to to to read and it actually sounds like you I'd also recommend sending it in for proof reading to the page doctor which is um a company that I've set up to help students with um things like editing and feedback that their tutor should have given them but usually doesn't so you can send it to us at the page doctor we will take a look at it for you we can proof read it we can rewrite some sections that you think might be a little bit weak and kind of help you academically overall and give you feedback on there's been actually quite a few times where I've read some work that has come through and from the first paragraph I know it's AI generated like it's so obvious so maybe just giving it to somebody else um can help with identifying whether it does sound a bit off or if it's if it's all good another tip that I would give you is to make sure that you keep all records of your process um when it comes to writing this is just in case in case you were to be flagged up in case something were to happen and you know they were to say your work is AI generated you can show them look on the 21st of December I wrote a plan here's the plan on the 28th of December I began to write my introduction here is the part that I kind of messed up and I wrote on the 2nd of Jan I wrote my introduction here is the update of how I wrote it and what this does is it really supports you it's evidence in court if you were to end up you know in trouble hopefully you don't if you to end up in trouble for whatever reason because by the way there have been cases where there has been a false positive so um it's work has been flagged up as being AI generated when it actually hasn't not very many cases few cases but it has happened so if you have to support yourself or give evidence in front of like a panel or something then you can show them look I started this day my outline is here my plan is here draft number one is here draft number two is here and you can show them that actually it didn't come from asking chat GPT to write it for you it actually you wrote it through a process that you normally would write as so that's a top tip for me and last but not least is to stay informed with AI policies of your University like I said some universities are really kind of keeping ahead and keeping on top of things and saying you can use for example you can use grammarly you can use PayPal but you can't use chat gbt or whatever they they've got different regulations and they're constantly changing every few months these are changing so I would highly recommend take a look at what the AI um policy is for your University so you know like how strict they're being um and you're not you know surprised by anything when you submit and you you know you weren't meant to use anything at all so yeah just a bit of um advice for me I hope this video was helpful and I hope this reiterates what I've been saying in all my other videos about AI never to copy and paste use it as a tool not a source and use it to help you be more efficient and work smarter not harder more productively which is what we're looking to to do um and what I'm trying to kind of get through to all of you on this channel if you enjoy this video then don't forget to give me a huge Thumbs Up And subscribe I might have hit 300K by the time this comes out I'm not far um so keep it going on to half a million when to get to a million that would be absolutely insane if an academic Channel could do that so yeah make my Dre come true um subscribe and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 19,931
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Id: 744CmSwRnPI
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Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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