5 Hottest FREE AI Tools for Research That Are ACTUALLY Useful!

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if you're an academic or you spend any amount of time in academic Twitter you'd have heard about how controversial AI academic apps are at the moment and there are so many different websites and platforms that use AI technology some with chat GPT some independent that allow you to do a number of different things from proofreading editing finding research papers writing outlines like so many different aspects of the research process can be done by AI platforms right now so I thought if you're someone who's starting your PhD or starting some research or just University this month in September you might find it useful to know about a few AI apps slash websites and these are five platforms that I'm absolutely loving right now for a number of different reasons and I want to give you a quick tutorial through all of them so let's go okay so the first one is called Unriddle and I found it only a few weeks ago and I really like it because it allows you to upload a research paper so for example here I've loaded this one already so you can see what this looks like and allows you to take a look at the paper and ask actual questions so initially as I uploaded this paper the first thing that it asked me was would you like to ask the document and these questions and having a look at those questions they are tailored to this particular research paper so the first one says explain this to me like I'm five so it's obviously saying explain this to me in the most basic way which you know what as researchers sometimes you just need someone to explain it to you like your five um and then the other questions are specific and let's say you hadn't read this yet or you didn't know kind of what you should know these are actually good starting points so it says what is a membrane and how do they and why do they wash it what does it mean when they say this what are tkis and why are they important in this experiment and what is this threshold concentration and why is it important so it not only asks the question but it also relates to why it's important and like the impact of it which as a new academic as someone that's reading this paper for the first time it's really important for me to know that so let's take a look so um what are tkis and why are they important in this experiment so it first goes on to explain what tkas are which gives you that background like general knowledge which you should obviously know and then it says in this experiment they are important because the researchers are studying their cardio toxicity by the way this is my research from my masters um and it says they also examine this this isn't this is crucial to understand Etc so like this is really important and I really like how much detail it goes into so it's not just giving you background but it's also relating it to a more independent thought where it's like giving um supporting information so I really like this you're also able to write notes at the same time so I can go here and I can say I'm going to write a lit review for this and or I can just like write my own stuff if I want to and then I can also ask AI some questions so I can say um summarize this or improve the writing make it sound better and then it'll improve it for you down there and of course with AI one thing to remember with AI and Academia you're not copying and pasting you're not saying okay let me take this copy and paste it and put it into my lit review that's not the ethical way of using AI what you are meant to do is you might see this and say okay I understand what it means now I understand like the topic better I can now write it in my own words and reference so it's never copying and pasting that's not what you're meant to do the second platform that I really enjoy is paper pal and I've spoken about it on this platform before so many times I really like it as a platform that allows you to improve your writing through not only the the website so this is actually on the web app but you can also install the word add-in as well so if you're writing on word you can install the word admin and get the same features there so I've got this bit of writing that I've done and I can then select language which will give me all the language issues so um redundancy there's words that there's a word here that doesn't need to be there um rephrasing capitalization which is yep that's true actually verb form punctuation things like that that's really important so you can accept all of those the second thing is it can give you synonyms so let's say I don't like implicate it I can select implicate it like that and then it will say it has been involved in has been indicated in and the nice thing about this actually I realize it's not too long ago is when you when you do this that the percentage that it gives you on the side here is relating to how often that word is used in research in other published literature so you could say implicated is the best word to use here because it's most widely used but the next one it could be involved and that would also be fine um okay the next one is rewrite so let's say I want to write this bit again you have to select at least 10 words and then it allows you to well it'll rewrite it for you in another way um which is really nice because it just gives you like another option for how to write it down there so you can copy and paste that the next one is trimming so I can say 77 words write it to me in 50 words and you can say trim text and it'll give you a trimmed version of this part which again has more Russian and Loud okay let's see let's say 60 let's say 65. okay so here so it's cut it down to 58 words from 77. so one thing I like about this is that let's say you have too much text and you're just not sure how to reduce it this can really help but it's not a matter of like highlighting everything and saying reduce it but sections that you might want to reduce and then of course you then need to read this and make sure it still makes sense and make sure it still says what you wanted to say of course the next one is chat gvt and whilst I remember my last video I was talking much at gbt and I was saying don't use chat GPT and everyone went crazy about it you can use it but there are certain things that you can use it for so um one thing I would like to use it for is to improve titles so I've said improve this title I'm given a title and I said can you improve it and it has given me like a slight Improvement and I can say can you suggest five more titles oops and then it can give me five other options and what I like to do I actually don't like to copy one of the titles I like to mix and match so what you'll find is that it uses slightly different words in each of the options and I might like one word in one option but not the other option of the whole sentence so I'll take one word out and mix and match and it's just one of those things that like you know you're stuck you know this title that you've got it doesn't sound great and this way you're able to kind of brainstorm without having to think too much um the next one is illicit and elicit is another platform where you can upload your research paper that you're interested in understanding and actually with this one you can upload more than one paper so you can get a comparison and then let's say we can tick all of these so it allows you to see the abstract summary and then you can see how many participants this would be good if you're doing like a systematic review on some sort of um research where you're using participants um intervention outcomes measured and anyway let's go into it so when you go into it what it does is you can see that you've got the abstract there of course and that's and then the rest of the paper is all there but on the side here you have these nice summaries that I think is really useful as someone who's beginning to read research or just wants a quick like skim through so this is an abstract summary then it says what did they test and it gives you what they tested so they entered they did an intervention with tkis and it includes these particular drugs which is true um what outcomes do they measure again you can see what outcomes were measured if I go resource what does it do okay so it highlights the parts where that's mentioned which again is really important so you can see sort of like you know you're learning at the end of the day you're learning so it's nice for you to compare the two um who are the participants this is funny neonatal rats heart cells were there participants essentially those were what were being tested on um then can I trust this paper so yeah so what it says is it gives you like different categories for whether this paper can be trusted and again it just helps you with being analytical and critical towards what you're reading so it's experimental okay there's nothing mentioned about funding nothing mentioned about participant counts there's uh they've adjusted for different comparisons which we're given here okay um no mention for rare treat whatever so these are things that you might want to look at when thinking is this can I trust a paper that's about a topic but it's been funded by a party that has interest in this topic maybe you can't trust it so that's why these are things that you need to think about um critiques other citations that were given and you can then ask some questions about this paper I don't find that this is really that helpful this part here so let's say for example I was to say um what are the main results of this paper um oddly it says no mention found for all the questions I ask so I don't think this is that helpful when it comes to asking questions but I think giving a quick abstract and understanding sort of what are the comparative nature like the comparative things that you want to look at between papers I think is quite helpful and then last but not least is connected papers which is a website that allows you to kind of generate a like research paper map which I think is helpful for not only understanding how papers connect and like finding related papers but you can also take this and take a picture of like these graphs that you can see and include it in your actual literature review if you think it'll be helpful so you can select a paper that's your origin paper and then you can take a look at the lines and the connections to other papers and just to quickly like describe how you use it each node is an academic paper that's related to the origin paper so all of these other ones are related to it they're arranged according to their similarity um the size of the node is the number of citations the node color is the publishing year so the darker it is the more recent is um and then similar papers have strong connections and connecting lines and cluster together so this is a nice map that allows you to pick out other papers and other research that you may have missed and that may be important for you to understand I hope that gave you a quick overview of five of the academic AI platforms I'm actually really enjoying right now there are so many more that I also enjoy for a number of different reasons but these are five that I think give you a quick understanding of some research papers and also help you improve your writing too if there are others that you I have forgotten about or that I haven't mentioned in this video do let me know down below and if you want a part two I can do that as well and I'll see you my next video bye foreign
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 199,331
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Id: tzx3MGlOwVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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