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today I am answering the following question Chris could you please do a video using the control room in Cubase Pro I have some questions regarding whether or not you keep it in use all the time and run your monitors through it when mixing at this time I'm only using it for tracking but not sure how is the best way to use it thank you alright then so I'm gonna show you how I use the control room in Cubase Pro hey what's going on my friend the Chris here from mixdown online I hope you're doing well now we're going to talk about the control room in Cubase it's a very cool tool if you have a Cubase Pro now this is not available on other versions of Cubase like Cubase artist or elements but only on the pro version of Cubase now before we go into the video if you're new here on the channel feel free to subscribe to the channel and to click notification bells so you don't miss anything and for all of you share and like this video if you think that the video is helpful alright so let's jump in Cubase and talk about the control room now the control room is not something that is that can be useful for everyone you know if you're a home musician and you just record yourself and you never work with anyone else than yourself maybe the control room is not a tool that can help you out you know but for someone else the control room can be a very nice tool to work with and this is actually my case I actually work with the control room in Cubase Pro all the time so it's always on so first let's go in click on f4 to get into the audio connections window and click at the far right on control room and this is what we get now this is how mine is set up I use only one output for my main monitor even if I have three different pairs of monitors I'm gonna explain to you why later then I have one cue mix setup I'm gonna explain to you what a cue mix is and I also use it for talkback I love to use the talkback microphone within Cubase and I'm gonna explain to you why and how I use the talkback in Cubase and also I'm gonna share with you a very cool tip on how you can use a MIDI controller to control the talkback in the control room so stay tuned now first of all we need to activate the control room if you want to use it so you have to make sure that control room is enabled and then you'll see that the output the main outputs of your audio connections is going to be the scan connected the minute you're gonna you're gonna assign your outputs directly into the control room so I'm gonna go back to the control room and I have monitor one which is my main output that will feed my monitors and those are routed to output one and two so that's why if I click on outputs on the audio connections window I have nothing I have one master out it's there it exists but it's routed nowhere and this is normal because the control room will take care of that main outputs to feed my speakers now you can add up to four outputs in the control room so let's create a second one and this one is going to be called monitor two I'm gonna click on okay I'm gonna leave this one on routed I'm not gonna assign it to any outputs it's just for an example for this video and I'm gonna close that audio connections window and I'm gonna go on the control room on the right zone of my project window in Cubase okay so now if I look at the right side I have my main section here this is the most important section of the control room this is where you'll be able to let you control the main volume of the control room and also the the volume of the click track and so on okay now one of the biggest reason why I love to use the control room it's simply because it's gonna bypass my main master as far as the answer goes and the reason is very simple if you look at the second tab at the bottom right here it's called inserts if you click there you can actually insert some plugins in that section that will affect the entire output of your main monitor out so in my case I have sonar works reference for I have two versions of that the same plug-in because I I run that plug-in on two different set of speakers I have my vocals and I'm using this the first version of sonar works for my for Calvin when I switch on my Kelly Audio speakers I'm gonna use the second one just because the EQ reading is not quite the same now if you don't know about what sonar works reference for is I made a video a while back I'm gonna leave the link on top basically what the reference for will do is to analyze your room and give you a better EQ curve and flatter response out of your speakers so that's why I have two different versions of reference for on this as an insert for my main output now you could use that type of plug-in directly on your stereo out but the disadvantage of doing so is if you bounce your mix and you forget to bypass that plug-in the effect of that plug-in that EQ curve that reference for applies is gonna be bounced with your mix and this is something that you don't want to do it's gonna be chaos it's gonna it's not gonna sound very good so that's why by inserting that plug-in within the control room it's only going to affect what comes out of my speakers and not what is coming out of my master outs when I bounce a mix so this is one of the biggest reasons why I love to use the control room now you're gonna ask me why do you use why don't you use the control room to feed all of your different sets of monitors I love to use a physical reference monitoring system that I have here the aerated audio ram 2000 I've made a review video last week you can check the link on top if you want to check it out now this this unit is going to take care of of jumping from one set of speakers to the other right here on my desk so that's why I'm only using one output out of the control room to get into this monitoring system that is a hardware right here on my desk so I have a very easy reach to jump from one set of speakers to the other and also because I want to be able to do the same outside of Cubase and the control room will only work when you're in Cubase which is normal now as an example if we click here on monitors this is where we are going to have the inserts for those specific monitors now my plugins are inserted into main outputs that will affect all monitors but if I have several monitors hooked up to the Cubase control room what I can do is I can set one up for my vocals okay and bring that plug-in right here and then if I click on B right here okay this is going to bring me to the second monitor and there you go now it's empty I'm just going to bring this one up right here and that will affect my second pair of monitor when I switch and to switch just click on a or B if you have more monitors set up you'll have a C and D okay which is quite nice but I don't need that because this is not the way I use it but it's possible to do to do use it this way okay now another reason why I love to use the control room is the cue mixes is the ability to send a mix to the person I'm recording this is very practical when you do recording and especially when you're not recording yourself this way I can send a custom mix to the person I'm recording by routing that into a cue mix now if you want to access the cue mix on your mix console make sure you go right here on top on racks and make sure the cue sands are activated okay and this way you'll have a tab called cues and this is actually the amount of level that you can send to that cue mix now I only have one set up I'm gonna go back to my connections audio connections window back to control room and I have a cue mix one q1 basically I can add up to four cue mixes stereo cue mixes total now those are routed into output five and six note that you'll need to have more than one output one stereo output to use a cue mix okay this is going to it's going to use another output other than your main output so if you're using output one and two as your main monitor one output you can use output three and four if you have four outputs out of your interface okay so this way you'll be able to use the the qmix and send a custom mix to the person you work with you are recording so mine is set up to 5 & 6 and right here this is basically what I am sending to that cue mix I'm only at the moment sending the master outs and the reason is very simple I am using that cue mix for you guys okay so this is the actual signal that I am recording into OBS which is my screen recording software this is what's recording the the capture of Cubase when I'm doing a video tutorial and it's gonna capture my vocal also I'm gonna talk to you about that later and also the music that comes out of Cubase this is what I'm sending to Q 1 to Q mix 1 and this is that that signal has been recorded directly into OBS so if I click on play you will hear the music out of Cubase [Music] all right so that's simple so basically if you're working with a musician that you are recording you can send that musician its own custom mix so for example you could you could do in groups or on directly on individual tracks so let's say my desactivate my main stereo out and instead I activate the only the keys guitars bass and no drums in K this is how it's gonna sound like okay so I have a lot of control I can actually just even bring down some you know some channels if I want to divide by just bringing down the amount of signal sent to the cue mix now something to note is that you can send that signal pre or post fader meaning that for example just activate those go back to my main master out mine is actually set to pre fader and this is usually what I do on all channels so this way I can customize a mix and if I move any of my faders for my own mix this will not affect the amount of signal send to that cue mix okay so this is why I'm gonna use pre fader so this is something I make sure it's it's setup so if I right click I can move that to post fader or pre fader okay so this is what its gonna sound like if I bring my fader down you notice that you will still hear the music [Music] so this is very practical if you want to customize a mix this is another reason why I love to use the control room then the talkback is also very useful in the control room if you want to talk to the person you are recording or in my case if I want to record my voice directly into my my screen capturing software I'm gonna use the talkback to do so now the reason why I love to use the talkback with in Cubase instead of using the talkback of my monitoring controller system that I have here on my desk it has one it's you know it's a very cheap microphone that doesn't sound very good and I just love to use a microphone that sounds good that I can send to the person I am recording it's way more comfortable for that person to start with and I have like full control here in Cubase within the control room I can this activate the talkback if I want to so this way the person is not gonna hear me talk while he is recording now you're hearing my voice out of my camera for now and not from the cue mix I'm gonna bring that back and now the cool thing that you can do you can actually set yourself a shortcut directly on your computer keyboard to a bypass or to turn on and off the talkback and this is very practical because you know using the mouse in this case is gonna be like you know time wasting it's it's not very intuitive to do so now to set up a shortcut you can actually go up to edit and down to key commands and then look for control room or you can just type in talkback and it's gonna it's going to come down but under control room you will have talkback on and off mine is set up to F 19 on my keyboard and by clicking on it now it's bypassed and now it's on very very cool very practical now also something pretty nice that you can do if you have like a small controller like this one which is a MIDI controller you can set up one key on this one to activate and this activate your talkback or any other features in cubase which is quite nice so mine is set up to this a little button right here so very very nice so if you want to set that up okay I'm just gonna show you briefly you click on a studio on top you go down to Studio setup and click on the plus sign and make sure you create a generic remote which I already have right here so if you create one this is probably what you are gonna get something like this I'm gonna remove this one and I have already one created for my nano control 2 which is my small MIDI controller so what I have here the D I think it's D D solo 1 this is the one that I use on my end to control the talkback so what I did to set that up was to first of all to just click on learn and you know assign that that controller name to the correct button ok and this is what I did and then at the bottom here I have solo and this is where I'm gonna get that command so I'm gonna I clicked on on device which is gonna bring me those options and I clicked on command and this is gonna give me access to all the commands that I have available on Cubase so that's why I'm saying you can you set a controller button to any commands you have on Cubase even macros it's pretty powerful so then I went into the control room channel like we like we just seen and I just selected the talkback on and off and that's it and something that you need to pay attention to is right here on the flags you have to make sure that receive is selected okay so this way you'll be able to to click on that command it's gonna be received by the controller itself so this is how I was able to set up that small button of my controller to control the talkback now another reason why I love to use the control room is to work with the listen option that we find right here on every channel that is the little L here that a lot of people ask me about so this is gonna allow me to monitor the signal from that channel only without anything else so it's very useful for to monitor like an effects channel track and this is mainly how I use it so basically if I want to salute this reverb have that reverb on the lead vocal if I solo it I'm gonna hear the reverb and also the direct signal that is feeding that reverb okay so um instead I want to hear only the effect of that channel which is the reverb so I'm gonna click on listen so to set that up what I did in the control room is I activated the de listen for output to start with and then I set the listen mode to after fader listen mode and then the the level the listen level is at Unity point and I brought down the listen dim way down okay cuz you could actually just dim the signal if you want to without removing the entire thing you know so if I bring that mid to mid point this is how it is gonna sound like [Music] but I brought it way down so I can only monitor the effect of this effect channel track very useful in mixing so this is another tool that I love to use that is part of the control room all right my friend that this is going to be it for today now I didn't cover everything related to the control room in this video but now you know how I use it on my side leave me your questions and comments down below and I would love to know if you're using the control room how do you use it on your side leave your comments down below ours my friends until next time take care stay safe and see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 50,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, audio engineering, audio mixing, chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, cubase pro, home recording, home studio, home studio mixing, home studios, mixdown, mixdown online, mixing, mixing audio, mixing tip, mixing tutorials, music, recording audio, steinberg, the recording revolution, tips, tutorial
Id: u9uS1btVSgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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