5 Cubase AUTOMATION PRO TIPS you MUST Know About

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let me share with you five cubase mixing automation tips you need to know about okay so let me share with you those five cubes mixing automation tips now automation is something very important when mixing i work with automation every time that i mix like i would say 98 of the time i mix a song i'm gonna have some automation in my mix session automation is going to add more excitement to your mixes um it's going to give you way more options to make your your mix sound better and be more dynamic and so on you know so automation is an important part of the mixing process in my opinion and those tools that we have in cubase are amazing automation tools and that's why i wanted to share with you those mixing automation tips that we have in cubase some will be accessible from any versions of cubase and some for the pro version of cubase note that i have also the ultimate guide to cubase a premium course if you want to know more about cubase and all those different features that we have in this amazing dw i'm gonna leave the link below and if you stick around watching this video at some point in the video i'm gonna share with you a coupon code so you can get yourself 15 off if you want to purchase the ultimate guide to cubase the link is down below and the promo code is somewhere in the video all right so let's start with tip number one copy automation from one track to another okay so this is something very practical if you want to just uh take some automation and copy that on the same channel on the same track or on another track so let me show you how that works uh there's a few things you can do here so let's for example uh say that i want to copy that automation right here i'm just going to click on control or command c and you know by using the object selection tool i can just bring the playhead on the same channel let's say i want to copy that automation somewhere else on the same channel i bring the playhead to the location where i want to copy that automation and then just click on control or command v to copy and paste that automation that i just selected here that simple and if i want to just do the same by copying that same automation on another channel so this is a volume automation that i have here uh let's do the same thing copy like clicking on control or command c so if i want to copy that automation on this lane i'm just going to select the automation lane click on command or control v and there you go now i have it on another channel where the playhead is now if i want to do this uh like on the same location okay as my first automation so let's say i want to just copy that whole automation on the channel below what i'm going to do instead of using the object selection tool i'm going to use the range selection tool right here and i'm going to select the automation i want to copy over to the other channel below at the same locations i'm going to click again on the command or control c and i'm going to select the automation lane from the other channel and i'm just going to click on control v it doesn't matter where my playhead is okay i just need to select the other automation lane from another channel and that's it you know so this is a very fast way to copy and paste some automation from one channel to the other especially when you want to do this on the same location in that case the range selection tool is very useful now to tip number two trim automation this is actually very cool okay now if i look at this channel and i want to bring the fader up you know so i want to bring the general volume of this fader up the problem that i have is that it's not going to do it because it is linked to that volume automation that is already on this channel so what i'm going to need to do is to bring all of those automation points up in that case so what i can do is just bring them up and down manually you know you select all of your automation points with the object selection tool and you just bring that up and down now if you want to lock uh those points up you know so you don't go sideways just select your points and click and keep your finger on the command or control so this way it's going to lock itself in and you're going to be able to go up or down so that is one way to do it i actually don't do that a lot so what i'm going to usually do on my side if i only need to bring those like that section up a bit louder i'm just going to select all of my automation points and go up to the value section on the top of my window and i'm just going to bring the value up by a bit and i can do so with the scroll of my mouse which is very practical or i can actually enter a specific value if i want to and very very useful very fast and i can do the same if i want to move those automation points sideways okay i can go to start right here the start value and again just click and drag down or up and that will move left or right that selection that can also be moved manually you know if i select all of those points and i bring my my cursor to the bottom of that selection you will see that the the arrow of the cursor is going to change for a hand icon and from this point on i can just move things around left and right okay so that is very cool pretty practical actually what i'm going to do now is to select all of my automation points and i'm going to bring my cursor anywhere on the top of this selection and i'm going to be able to trim up and down those automation points if i keep my cursor in the center top section of that selection i'll be able to scale up and down those automation points and that will trim those points in percentage instead which is a different approach but when it comes to trim up or down there's also a very cool option if you're using cubase pro that is very nice and can be very practical so let's say i'm happy with that automation but i need to add more automation uh on the on the main level okay the general level of my channel for some reason but i don't want to get back into that automation and play around all those levels something that i can do is to use the trim mode in the cubase pro so for that i'm going to open the automation panel by clicking on f6 and trim is right here on top if i click on trim this is going to activate trim mode okay and what that means is the next time i'm going to click on the right automation now i'm going to have a new automation lane which is actually blank and you see just behind that line and that is a bit grayed out we we actually see my original automation that i have on that automation lane okay now that that automation is taking the back seat for the moment and from that point i can just add new automation all right so let's add some automation some trim automation in this case so what just happened is i added some trim automation which is going to add an extra layer of automation of volume automation in my case because this is what i'm actually working on on top of the existing automation that i had originally and this is what i have so if you look closely we can actually see the trim automation right here on front and we have the the actual new automation lane if i actually accumulate what i did with the trim and i add that to the original automation we have the result in the background right here but we also have the original automation also that is a bit more pale okay so we have those three visuals uh once i'm done with that i have a choice of actually freezing that automation on the track itself and convert everything to one automation i don't know if you follow me but you will in a minute i'm gonna go back on my automation panel and deactivate trim and that will bring back my original automation okay that i have here on my automation lane but i see in the background the what the trim automation did okay so what i can do is i can freeze that up i'm going to go back again one more time to the automation panel click on that arrow right beside the trim and at the bottom i have the two options i have one that is freeze trim automation on selected tracks this is what i want to do or phrase trim ultra automation in project which is not what i'm going to do right now so i'm going to click on this and now look at that i have a new automation now i kind of overdid it right here on top but you basically get the idea so i'm going to go back a few steps and let's do that again and go back to f6 and what i'm going to do this time i'm going to activate trim and i'm going to click on settings on the settings tab and i have a freeze trim option so right now it is set up to manually which is usually what i do but i can also select on pass and or on leaving trim mode on path and what's going to happen is the minute i'm done with my automation it is going to freeze it automatically and apply that to the um like to the uh the whole automation lane so if i select that let's try this out and do automation again so when i deactivate the right automation now i have a new automation going on you know on this automation lane okay so it's a kind of a cumulative of the old automation on top of the new one and we have that new automation okay which is the freeze version i can also let's go back one step again and do this again by selecting this time on leaving trim mode is going to be selected and let's check what that is going to do adding some trim automation now if i go back to my automation panel and the activate trim mode now i have a freeze version of the full automation of the trim automation on top of the existing volume automation that i had before and this is the new volume automation that i have so i hope that makes sense for you that can actually be a very cool tool that can be practical in a mixing situation now for tip number three sync audio events with automation okay let's check this out okay now i have some several audio events and automation so if i take this audio event or these audio events and i move them around the automation is going to stay put so what i can do is this i'm going to click on edit go down to automation follows events i'm going to make sure this one is checked on and now when i'm going to move those events or one or several events altogether the automation beneath it is going to follow okay and that is actually very useful so again if you want to do this you need to go under edit and make sure that automation follows events is selected and this way you'll be able to move your audio events around and if you have some automation underneath that automation is going to follow which is actually very cool okay now to tip number four plug-in automation this is something very useful that i use a lot when mixing so i'm going to open that stereo delay so let's say for some reason that i want to automate the feedback parameter of this delay plugin what i'm going to do is to make sure that the right automation is on and i'm just going to start moving that feedback parameter around and that's it now i have some automation going on that was just written down to the automation panel now i need to go and check and open that automation panel for that parameter right now volume is the the default parameter when i open in an automation lane that you can find right here if you click on the lower left side of the channel you will have the automation lane the show and hide automation lane so if i click on volume now i'm going to have the list of all the parameters of this channel and plugins inserted on the on that channel that i can play with and automate with and the one on top is the last automation i did on this channel and in my case that is the feedback parameter so i'm going to click it and there you go this is the automation that i just did with this plugin so that is one way you can get to your automation lane of a parameter you added automation on from a plugin some other option that you have also if i go back to volume automation i'm going to go and open my plug-in again in my case i'm using a stock plug-in from cubase if i on this parameter or another parameter let's go with the low low pass filter i'm going to right click and then i'm going to click on show filter automation track and that will open up the automation lane of that filter automatically now note that this is going to work only with vst3 plugins and not all manufacturers is going to work with this feature okay so it does work on cubase plugins for sure because they're stuck plugins if i use uad plugin and i right click on a parameter it's not going to do anything for example or a plugin from waves but for a plug-in from plugin alliance it's going to work fine you know and of course cubase plug-ins so this is not something that will work on all plugins but if it does it's a very good way to open the automation lane of a specific parameter that you you want to work on something else that you can also do if you have the pro version of cubase let me just go back here to volume is to open the automation panel and go up to settings and there's an option here that is called reveal parameter on write i'm going to select this one and the next time i'm going to add some automation on the plugin let's go with studio eq this time and activate right automation just pay attention on what that is going to do all right so now i played around with the one of the the bands you know by moving the band up and down left to right you know so i'm touching a bunch of different frequencies and gain level and i have those three panels automation panels that were automatically added to my my channel okay so this is what it does every time you're going to touch a parameter off a plug-in you will see it open right underneath your the volume automation or whatever automation you had on this channel everything is going to be opened up and visually accessible right away without having to seek for it so this is again very very cool very nice and a very fast way to get to an automation lane of a plug-in that you are working automation on and this is for cubase pro only because you need the automation panel to access that feature which is a pro version feature only so this is how you can reach that now for tip number five is smooth the automation curve so let me show you what i'm talking about here so if i start adding some volume automation on this channel this is what i'm going to get all right so this is going to give me and create some automation points that i have here and then it's going to recreate the automation curve now if i want to add some more precision or less precision to this curve i can do so so i'm going to go back again to the automation panel so a pro a cubase pro feature and click on settings and then i'm going to look for reduction level by default it is set up to 50 if i bring that to let's go to 92 okay and i'm going to do the same type of automation one more time with my fader and look what's going to happen i'm going to have way less automation points to recreate that automation curve if for some reason i need more precision i can do so again i'm going to go back to my automation panel settings and add the reduction level to a low number so a low value so let's go to six you know and do the same thing again and that added a bunch of uh automation points that is going to add way more precision uh and make that automation curve more smooth but also more precise and that can be very practical if you need like a more precise type of automation going on like i did right here in this case it is very very cool to work with more automation points uh to to have more precision on my automation however you know it's going to be hard to manually fix that automation because there's so many points that you need to work with if you just want to work that around manually after the fact so in that case bringing that number to 50 is going to probably work better so this is something that on my side i'm going to work with if i need to but for the most part i'm going to keep that to its default value that is 50 so this is where you can look for that feature just bring up or down the reduction level depending if you want to add more or less automation points when you add automation so those are my five cubase mixing automation tips that i wanted to share with you but you know what let me share with you one extra one okay so um and i'm gonna do so because i know that people are going to ask me that question because i received that question more than once in the past years and that has to do with the visual that i have on the automation lane we can actually see the waveform straight on the automation lane of of channel which is actually very cool and how i do this is very simple again it's a cubase pro feature you click on fs6 you click on settings and you click on show data on tracks if i remove that you will see i'm not going to have any data and if you want to see a visual of the waveform there you go click on show data on tracks and there you go so that's going to be it for today so if you want to know more about cubase you want to know more about cubase features like these and even more advanced features you can look my course up the ultimate guide to cubase and you also have by watching this video you have a coupon code that is going to give you 15 off so check it out the link is down below share and like if you enjoyed this video and if you have any questions you can leave your questions down below until next time take care and see
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 14,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Automation, Cubase automation, Cubase automation tips, cubase automation Pro tips, Cubase, Cubase Tips, Cubase automation features, cubase tutorial, automation in cubase, cubase artist 11 tutorial, cubase automation resolution, cubase automation trim, cubase automation curves, cubase tutorial 11, Chris Selim, Mixdown Online
Id: N5pi3_vw0uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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