5 Haunting Unsolved Mass Disappearances

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On May 9th, 1967 11 year old Joel Hoag and his 13 year old brother, William, came home covered in mud The brothers were 2 of 11 children and they lived in Mark Twains hometown Hannibal, Missouri When their parents asked why they were so muddy the boys explained that they were doing some cave exploring their parents scolded them, and the next day when they wanted to go out and play they were told they weren't allow to leave the backyard. but sadly, boys will be boys, and the 2 Hoag brothers left the backyard. the brothers were last seen by firefighters heading towards a cave on the south side of Hannibal with shovels and a flashlight When the family didn't find the boys in the backyard, they searched the neighborhood for them The weren't found in the neighborhood so they contacted the police and a larger search was launched Around the same time that the police started searching for the Hoag brothers, the parents of another boy in Hannibal realise that he was missing 14 year old Craig Dowell was an acquaintance of the Hoag brothers and a few witnesses thought that they saw him with the Hoags as they walked towards the cave There were 2 problems facing the searchers. The first was that the caves were a series of tunnels and in the tunnels there were several deep pools of water and steep drop-offs The second problem was thanks to nearby construction, there was a cave-in in the area where the boys were last seen The initial conclusion was that the boys got trapped in the tunnel after the cave-in. Expert cave searchers and skin divers from around the country came to Hannibal and helped search for the boys for 38 days but no trace of them has ever been found 39 years after the disappearance, a construction project caused a new entrance to open up on the tunnel and on one of the walls someone had painted an arrow the families were hoping that it was a tunnel that had not been searched the tunnel was searched But again, there was no trace of the 3 boys Since absolutely no trace of the boys' bodies or any other equipment that they had with them on the day that they went missing has ever been found it has led to some speculation that the boys aren't in the tunnels at all and they were kidnapped instead but again, there's no physical evidence to back up that theory either and the whereabouts of the boys, remains a mystery In the early 1977, 29 years old Leslie Guthrie and her husband, Tim Senior, were living apart. Tim Senior was living in Katonah, New York and Leslie was living with her mother, and the couple's 2 children in nearby White Plains although the couple was split up, they still had amicable relationship At 1:30 on the afternoon of February 5th, 1977 Leslie picked up her daughter Julie, who was 6 and her son, Timothy, who was 3 at their father's home and they drove off in Leslie's 1974, green Ford Maverick that had a white roof and that was the last time any of their family ever saw them again in over 40 years, not even their car has been found At first, the police thought the most logical explanation was that the car crashed into one of the lakes that are beside the highway that leads from Katonah to White Plains and the car is still submerged But according to historical weather forecast, 1977 was a cold Winter in that part of New York and the ice of the lakes would have been thick enough for a car to drive on The next theory was that Tim Senior was responsible for their disappearance After all, he was the last person to see them alive The police quickly ruled him out as a suspect and in the ensuing years he spent his life savings hiring private investigators and personally following up on tips and possible leads The police thought that it was possible that since their bodies and car weren't found that they are still alive and either chose, or were forced to disappear Just a year after they disappeared, a tabloid newspaper published a story about a hermit who lived in Utah, near the Arizona border, with several wives There was a picture of the wives, and one of the women looked like Leslie and in the captioned it said that the woman's name was Leslie The woman in the picture looked enough like Leslie, that Tim Senior and a detective flew out to Utah to check out the hermit and his wives by the time that they got there, the hermit and his wives had left the area and no one knew where they went Over the past 40 years there have been several sightings of Leslie but non of them have ever been confirmed and there had been no sightings of the children If they are still alive, at the time of this video Leslie would be 69 Julie would be 46 and Timothy Jr. would be 43 On July 29th, 1965 3 men armed with guns stormed into a bank in Gothenburg, Sweden They were dressed in women's clothes and they had blonde wigs on them One of the robbers watched the door while the other two walked into the bank, firing wildly into the ceiling which sent many of the employees and customers scurrying for cover One of the customers didn't flee, and instead, he tried to wrestle the gun away from one of the robbers and the robber ended up shooting himself in the leg after robbing the bank, they ran to a nearby river and discarded their disguises underneath women's clothes, they were wearing wet-suits the plan was to jump into the water and swim to a getaway boat but they were all arrested before making it to the boat Later the same night in Gothenburg, the family of 16 year old Kjell Åke Johansson became worried when he didn't come home and, over the next several days the families of 22 year old Gay Karlsson, and 21 year old Jan Olof Dahlsjö also noticed that they were missing The 3 young men were acquaintances and worked together Months later, the authorities realised that they were all together when they went missing They were all seen in a midnight blue, 1956 Volvo PV444 on the day of the robbery The young men in the car, have never been found But the story only gets weirder from there In July 1965, Hübner Lundqvist was hitchhiking from Skåne to Lysekil and when his parents didn't hear from him after a few weeks, they contacted the police The last time the Lundqvist family heard from him was a postcard that was mailed form Gothenburg on July 29th which is the same day that the 3 young men disappeared and it was the same day as the robbery this has led people to speculate that the 4 disappearances and the robbery are all connected One theory is that the young men saw the robbers prepping for the heist and the robbers killed them to keep them quiet Another possibility is that the 3 young men were actually involved in the robbery and chose to disappear when it went wrong Lundqvist may have either been killed by the 6 of them or he wasn't involved and his disappearance is a total coincidence Or it is wholly possible that the disappearances of the 3 young men and Lundqvist and the robbery aren't connected at all Perhaps the 3 young men got into a car accident in a remote area or crashed into the water, and their car just hasn't been found Lundqvist was hitchhiking, so it's either possible that he was in the car with them It's also possible that Lundqvist is still alive There are 2 people who said that they saw Lundqvist after he disappeared but their claims have never been verified and he has never returned home or contacted any friends or family Sadly, the families of the 4 young men have been waiting over 50 years to find out what happend to them but they are no closer to any answers The Jack family of Prince George, British Columbia were young aboriginal family that were struggling to make ends meet On the night of August 1st, 1989 the family's patriarch, 24 year old Ronald Jack was seen talking to a Caucasian man at a local pub after talking for a little bit, Ronald left the pub with the man Ronald then went home and told his wife, 26 year old Doreen that he had got them jobs at a logging camp out of town They were apparently great jobs that included day care but in order to get the jobs, they had to leave that night So they gathered up some of their belongings, and got their two sons, 9 year old Russel, and 4 year old Ryan into the car, and then they drove off At about 1:30 AM, Ronald called his mother and told her about the jobs Ronald told his mother some details about the jobs but he didn't say where the camp was located He also said that the family would be gone for 10 days to 2 weeks Tragically, that was the last time anyone heard from the family After the call, they disappeared and not even their car has been found After the family was reported missing, the police went to their home in Prince George and it looked like the family planned to return after a short time Next they traced the call that Ronald made to his mother and they learned that the call was placed 30 miles away from Prince George, near Bednesti Lake But in terms of clues, that was it, and the case quickly froze over Nearly 7 years later, on January 28th, 1996 the Prince George police department received a call from an anonymous man the voice was muffled and it was hard to hear but the man said that the family was buried at the end of a ranch after cleaning up the audio, they couldn't say for sure, but they thought that the caller said Gordie's ranch Based on the call the police did end up searching a ranch, but there was no trace of the family They also traced this call and it came from a home about an hour away from Prince George On the night that the call was made there was a party happening at the house The party guests were interviewed but they all claimed that they didn't know who made the call Where the Jack family went missing suggests that they may have been victims of foul play They were heading West on British Columbia, Highway 16 on a stretch of highway infamously known as the Highway of Tears The Highway of Tears is a stretch of 450 miles of Highway 16 that runs between the cities of Prince George and Prince Rupert Since 1969, 9 confirmed women have gone missing or were murdered while hitchhiking on Highway 16 But Highway 16 isn't the only deadly highway in that area of British Columbia On Highways 5 and 97, there are another 9 confirmed missing or murdered women However, many people think that the number of victims is actually much higher than that quite possibly in the 40s and that includes the Jacks Many of the victims are aboriginal women and for years neither of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police nor the Canadian government put a lot of effort into solving these cases For example, Stephen Harper who was Canada's prime minister from February 2006 to November 2015 continuously rejected pleas for an inquest into the missing and murdered women When Harper was asked to doing an inquest into the missing and murdered aboriginal women, in the run up to the 2015 election, he said, "Um it, it isn’t really high on our radar, to be honest. You know, our ministers will continue to dialogue, ah, with, ah, those who are concerned about this." Despite indifference from the government, in 2012, the RCMP announced that they have a suspect for some of the Highway of Tears murders and he was quite possibly the person who is responsible for the disappearance of the Jacks His name was Bobby Jack Fowler and he was a transient who traveled extensively through the United States and Canada for over 40 years In 2002, the RCMP announced that Fowler's DNA had been linked to one of the cold cases from 1974 16 year old Colleen MacMillen was last seen hitchhiking on Highway 97 in August 1974 and her body was found a month later Unfortunately, by the time the police learned that Fowler was MacMillen's killer, he had been dead for 6 years He died in prison in 2006 while serving the 10th year of a 16 year sentence for raping a woman he met at a bar The question is, was Fowler the man who was seen talking to Ronald Jack on the night that he disappeared? That question may never be answered with certainty because it's unclear where Fowler was in 1989 and the police are still trying to piece together his past Fowler would move from town to town, sometimes staying no more than a day He lived in rundown motels and made money by doing odd jobs The police in Canada and The United States think it's possible that Fowler is responsible for over 20 murders That being said, it's not possible that Fowler is responsible for all the Highway of Tears murders, because at least 3 happened after 1996 which is when he was incarcerated for rape Meaning there is at least one other killer who used the interior of British Columbia as their hunting grounds and they are still possibly free today On the morning of July 2nd, 1966 21 year old Ann Miller picked up her two friends, 19 year old Patricia Blough and 19 year old Renee Bruhl at their Chicago area homes Bruhl and Blough were friends from high school and they met Miller because the women all boarded their horses at the same stable They were heading to the beach at the Indiana dunes which is about an hour's drive from Chicago and is on the shores of lake Michigan The women arrived at the beach at about 10 AM and since it was a hot day, and it was the Saturday of a long weekend, the beach was very busy Many hours later, as the sun started to set the young couple on the beach flagged down a park ranger The couple told the ranger that they saw three young women go into the water at about noon and while in the water, they talked to a man on a boat Another set of witnesses described the man as well tanned in his early 20s with dark wavy hair The boat had three hulls, an airborne motor, and it was about 16 - 18 feet long and it was white with a blue interior The three women boarded the boat but they didn't return and their belongings were still lying on the beach On the blanket were the women's purses, shoes, and clothes The ranger gathered up the belongings and took it to the rangers office where they were forgotten about because it was a busy long weekend 2 days later, the rangers office got a call from Renee Bruhl's father and he sounded panicked The ranger checked the belongings and found the set of car keys that belonged to a car that was in the parking lot that had not moved since Saturday The ranger called the Chicago police and found out that the car belonged to Ann Miller He also learned that Miller and her two friends had been reported missing 2 days earlier Searches were conducted on both land and the waters of lake Michigan but at this point, the young women had been missing for 48 hours During those 48 hours, thousands of people visited the beach so finding any possible clue at the scene of their disappearance was impossible At first, the police and the rangers thought that the boat that the women were on sank Not far from where they were last seen, searchers found pieces of what they believed to be seats of a boat some oil in gas cans, and also a piece of wood but it was hard to tell how long the debris from the boat had been in the water the coast guard had no records of a boat going missing that day also, two of the women were very strong swimmers so the police don't think that they drowned The next theory is that the women wanted to disappear Out of the three women only Renee Bruhl was married In her purse that was found on the beach was a letter addressed to her husband of 15 months Bruhl wrote that she was leaving him because he spent too much time working on his cars and hung out with his friends too much the letter was dated two weeks before she disappeared and it is unclear why she never gave it to her husband the husband was interviewed and he said that he had no idea that she was unhappy Bruhl's family thinks that she may have written the letter in a fit of anger then decided not to give it to her husband She may have even forgotten that it was in her purse The police concluded that all three women had personal problems but nothing serious enough to fake their death over If the three women didn't drown, and didn't chose to disappear, they may have met with foul play If they did meet with foul play, then there are two very different sets of suspects The first set of suspects are a pair of abortionists Just before the three women disappeared, Miller told friends that she was three months pregnant Patricia Blough may have also been pregnant at the time, abortion was illegal in Illinois so it's possible the women went to Indiana to meet a husband and wife team named Helen and Frank Largo to perform black market abortions On the day that the women went missing, the nephew of the Largos was at the same beach, and he matched the description of the man seen on the boat The theory is that the nephew picked up the girls at the beach and then took them to a house boat where the Largos performed the abortions They think that something went wrong and all three women were killed to ensure that they would stay quiet and that their bodies were dumped in the river This is only speculation and there is no evidence implicating the Largos in the murder of the three women The second theory of who may have killed the three women is based on the stable where the women kept their horses 4 months before she disappeared, friends and family of Patricia Blough noticed injury on her face which could have been caused by a fist When she was asked about the injury, she said she was having some problems with some syndicate people How this is linked to the stable is that the stable was owned by a man named George Jayne His maternal half brother was a rival horse breeder and a stable owner named Silas Jayne who went by Si Si thought of himself as a businessman, but he was actually more of a psychotic gangster than a businessman Specifically he was the head of a criminal network called the Horse Syndicate The criminal network consisted of riders, trainers, owners, and veterinarians who developed plans to kill horses to collect insurance money Si hated George because in 1961, one of George's horses beat one of his in a competition After the lost, Si swore that he would kill his half brother In June 1965, George asked a riding instructor named Cherie Rude to run an errand for him and to take his car When Rude started the car, a car bomb exploded and she was killed instantly The police knew that Si planted the bomb but they couldn't prove it Since the bomb was planted at the stables where Miller, Bruhl, and Blough boarded their horses, the theory is that one or all three women saw something that they shouldn't have and they were killed to silence them Besides trying to kill his brother, Si did have a reputation for violence, and he has been linked to some of Chicago's most notorious crimes Si's criminal history dates back to when he was just 17 years old He was convicted of rape and sent to a state reformatory for a year The first major crime that he was connected to as an adult was the murder of 14 year old Robert Peterson, and two brothers, 13 year old John, and 11 year old Anton Schuessler On October 16th, 1955 the boys went to downtown Chicago to see a movie and they didn't return home Their nude bodies were found 2 days later They had been severely beaten and strangled While the case wouldn't be solved until 1994, what happened was that the boys were hitchhiking and they were picked up by a horse trainer named Kenneth Hansen Hansen took the three boys to Si's stable where he was an employee Once at the farm, he killed all three boys and then Si apparently waked in on the murders Si was worried that the scandal would ruin his reputation so he helped Hansen dump the bodies Then, 8 months later, the stable where the murders took place just happen to catch fire It's believed that Si ordered the fire to be started to destroy any evidence of the murders and for the insurance money Then, over the next 10 years, Si continued to threaten and harass his half brother He also hired several people to kill him In 1966 One of the men who Si asked to kill his half brother went to the police but when it came time to testify against him in court, the man said that he had amnesia the man was sent to jail for 30 days for contempt and Si was acquitted Obviously, George was nervous and feared for his own life so he had a tracker placed on Si's car On January 19th, 1969 George had 28 year old Frank Michelle who was the son of one of his employees go to Si's house and change the battery on the tracker Hours later, Michelle would be dead According to Si, he was watching TV when someone rang the doorbell He grabbed a gun and asked who was at the door Si said the man fired three shots into the door so he fired back. Si then went upstairs, grabbed two more guns including an M1 rifle and continued to fire at Michelle from the second floor as he was trying to flee Si then walked outside and found Michelle bleeding to death From 8 feet away, he fired his rifle twice killing the already dying man The shooting was ruled self defense and Silas was never charged On October 28, 1970 Si finally managed to kill his half brother George As George was playing cards in his home with his family on his son's 16th birthday, a bullet fired by a hitman hired by Si came through a window and he was fatally wounded Si was arrested, and in 1973 he was only convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and not the murder itself He was given a sentence of 6 - 20 years in prison and he served under 7 years Si was released from prison in 1979 and he died from leukemia on July 13th 1987 After Si was dead and there were no longer the fear of appraisals, witnesses started to come forward about crimes that Si and the syndicate were responsible for One crime that tied all the syndicate crimes together is one that they might not have committed That's the case of 65 year old candy heiress Helen Brach who was last seen alive on February 17th, 1977 leaving the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota Jack Matlick who worked as her chauffeur and houseman claims that she was home for a few days and then he drove her to the airport so she could go to Florida He didn't report her missing for two weeks and during that time he had two rooms repainted in Brach's home and the carpet in one of the rooms was replaced He took two polygraph tests about her whereabouts and he failed both of them He also admitted he got into a fight with her before she disappeared and that he stole money from her What's interesting is that the investigation led to a second suspect, a gigolo and a horse seller named Richard Bailey Bailey's business partner in the horse business was Si's nephew Frank Jayne Bailey had been dating Brach at the time of her disappearance and he was selling her horses at inflated prices The police thought that Brach found out that Bailey was swindling her and she was going to tell the police The police said that Bailey arranged to have her killed quite possibly on the orders of Si who was in prison at the time In 1995, Bailey pleaded guilty to 16 counts of racketeering and fraud but he denied swindling Brach and he swore that he didn't have her killed Amazingly even though Bailey wasn't charged with Brach's murder, the judge thought that it was more probable that he committed the murder than not so he sentenced Bailey to 30 years in prison Bailey has been in prison ever since and in 2017 he asked for a clemency hearing. Matlick was never charged in conduction with the disappearance of Brach and he died in a nursing home in 2011 Investigation to Brach's disappearance have covered more of the syndicate's crimes which includes killing horses in horrific ways for insurance money It also led to Kenneth Hansen being charged in 1994 with the 1955 murders of Robert Peterson, and John and Anton Schuessler During the 39 years that he spent free it's suspected that he has abused hundreds of other boys and teenagers He was convicted of all three murders in 1995 and he appealed the convictions He went to trial again in 2000 and he was found guilty yet again Hansen died in prison in 2007 Today it is unclear if Silas Jayne or anyone else involved with the horse syndicate is responsible for the disappearances of Ann Miller, Patricia Blough, and Renee Bruhl and the case is currently cold
Channel: Criminally Listed
Views: 2,770,371
Rating: 4.7728848 out of 5
Keywords: True crime, dateline, 48 hours, forensic files, new detectives, famous cases, real story, top 5, top 10, documentary, list, missing persons, steven avery, jane doe, john doe, disappearance, unsolved, mysterious, unsolved mystery, mystery, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, silas jayne, joel hoag, william hoag, craig dowel, indiana dunes women, highway of tears, bobby jack fowler
Id: 7VpMjb6w2yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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