5 More Breakfast Gadgets Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

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let's try again with a large egg and that worked oh congratulations we have twins what should we name them shelly is one i'm dan and i've been designing kitchen gadgets for 40 years i'm gonna test some brunch gadgets and see if i can find a way to make them better curving this a little more severely maybe even a little flatter but i would keep this middle section wide open these are the products i am going to test egg scrambler hand cranked batter dispenser bagel slicer egg shell cracker manual fruit juicer [Music] egg scrambler its purpose in life is to separate and scramble an egg while also kind of looking like an egg let's see how effective it is so let's try to separate the egg first and the first thing i need to do is separate the top from the bottom and that is not happening easily there's just nothing to pull or grab onto here there it goes i'm going to put the egg separator in place and let's crack it and it is not separating these openings uh just not wide enough to let the white of the egg fall through and even if i'm able to do this with a knife or a fork there's still a lot of egg white left in the top this is kind of gross okay i'm going to deem that a failure so let's try scrambling the egg i'm going to put the yolk back in with the white put this aside i will put the agitator ball inside put the top back on the same way it didn't want to come off it doesn't really want to go back on but that looks okay and let's shake it up [Music] [Applause] okay so i've got a little bit of egg white on my hands that is not going to allow me to separate this whoa again that wasn't that easy and what i've got is a scrambled egg with a yellow agitator ball inside let's see how the egg scrambler compares to using just a plain old bowl and fork [Music] this seems to work it's been working for years maybe centuries and it seems like the way to go in terms of effectiveness i'm giving the egg scrambler a four out of five and that's only for scrambling the egg it's not about separating the egg which was actually a pretty dismal process i'm focusing on the good side be thankful let's test it's usability by making my non-dominant hand slippery and trying this again is going to highlight any deficiencies in the design so let's oil up i have a feeling this is going to be ridiculous there is nothing to grab unless i really want to risk my fingernails getting in the wedge here boy this is not that wasn't easy let's crack open an egg drop in the agitator ball put the top back on really does not want to line up easily now i can't spin it tight so i'm just going to hold it tight hope it doesn't leak the result is the same if i can get to it which i can't in terms of usability i would give the egg scrambler a zero out of five it is just hopeless it really is unusable at all it's almost as if the people who designed this just want you to dig into that egg and just spread that salmonella all around the kitchen let's see how i would redesign this i'm going to assume that we're going to stick with the egg shape i would give some sort of finger indents to give a way to twist this the other thing that needs to be done is that it needs to have some sort of visual cue as mentioned before and i can't get this off again some grooves in here that lock the two halves together well unless those two grooves line up i know may be hard to see this little key here this little groove here wants to match up with this protrusion here so we need some sort of visual cue i think what that means is even though i drew finger grooves as if they're on the top i think i would extend that down into the bottom half because at least you'll be able to orient the top and the bottom half it's going to compromise the egg shape a little bit but i think that's life get used to it another thing i would do is rethink this part the egg separator the part that separates the white from the yolk the grooves here are just too skinny to let the thick egg white go through so solution there just widen those but i don't think even if you almost double the size of those grooves i don't think the yolk's going to fall through in terms of a buy rating i would give the egg scrambler a no wait that's not a number i would give the egg scrambler a zero no i wouldn't recommend this for anyone you probably use it once and say forget it and go back to the fork and bowl agitate a ball you have agitated me hand crank batter dispenser this is designed to whisk mix and pour pancake batter directly onto a griddle let's see how effective it is i've got my ingredients pre-measured already so i'm going to start by putting in the flour let's see let's put in the butter some salt sugar some baking powder and an egg and lastly milk okay top back on and let's start cranking a little unstable as i'm cranking the top is really wants to be held so there's not a really great way to hold this down but i'll just improvise what i am noticing though is that there's lots and lots and lots of flour on the bottom that is not being mixed like a lot what i would need to do now is get a fork or something else to go down there and stir up that flour which kind of defeats the purpose to the griddle okay let's make some pancakes so let's give it a squeeze uh oh got some flour in the hole oh here we go we'll give it another shot this isn't the roundest pancake i've ever made let's try this again okay that one's doing a little bit better we're a little bit lumpy in the batter oh that pancake's a little too large but i do think the bat is a little soupier than it should be i think some of the flowers still do not get mixed in as it should have as a result we've got pancakes that have blended together pancake one two three okay hand cranked batter dispenser let's see how these pancakes taste they taste fine i don't know if it's my imagination but i'm not sure the batter was mixed as well as it could have been let's see how the hand crank batter dispenser compares to making pancakes the good old-fashioned way [Music] unlike before i'm more convinced that the batter itself is just mixed better in terms of effectiveness i would give the hand crank batter dispenser a one out of five it just didn't make sense to have a device like this and to have to go in with another utensil to really finish the job up okay let's test its usability now given what happened last time i'm going to start now by pouring in the milk first and maybe that's going to help with mixing i am going to crank with my left hand and just hold it with my right hands flour is floating on the top now it's not mixing so we're at the griddle i'm going to not only oil in my hands but i'm going to oil the griddle okay i'm going a little bit slower with squeezing it i feel like it's in more control but again i think it's because the batter was mixed a little better and we're a little bit thicker on the batter this time blueberries we love blueberry pancakes in terms of usability i would give the hand crank batter dispenser a 3 out of 5. it's not the greatest product in the world but i'd have to say if you had to use it i think you'd be able to do it in terms of tasteability i would give these blueberry pancakes five out of five let's talk about a redesign so someone needs to rethink these whisk-like wires because they are not reaching all corners of the container there are a couple ways to do that one is i guess obvious just shape these so that they actually do come down and touch the side i think also what i would do is make the top i would make this a screw top so it's a little bit easy to screw on and unscrew maybe the couple of things i can go on discussing but i think there is definite room for improvement for this device in terms of a buy rating i would give the hand cranked batter dispenser a one out of five you have to go with another utensil then what's the point nobody comes between me and my pancakes bagel slicer its purpose in life is to slice a bagel in one single motion let's see how effective it is so we're in new york city this is a new york city size bagel that's pretty large let's put it in place i'm going to close it up and we're not exactly locking the way it should why this bagel may be just a little too fat to allow the two sides to close so let me just hold the two sides closed and let's see what it does oh it's not working that well although i guess it's slicing i can feel it the two sides are not going to open they are locked shut until i lift the lever back up to vertical position and let's see what we did with the bagel a well sliced bagel let's try a smaller bagel i'm going to place it again this is not clicking in place let me try something here when the bagel is not there it's not really clicking in place anyway maybe it really doesn't want to click in place so let's see how using the bagel slicer compares to using a bread knife [Music] the bagel slicer had a couple of problems but i will say i did feel a whole lot safer using it in terms of effectiveness i'd give the bagel slicer a 5 out of 5. it did what i expected it to do it had just a few problems but i think i would recommend it time for the left-handed oil test i'm going to open the two sides i've got a pump and nickel bagel pump and nickel bagels not at all controversial blueberry bagels no way it's sliced really evenly right down the middle probably more evenly than i would do with a knife in terms of usability i would give the bagel slicer a four out of five i feel like it should have closed and locked itself shut and that's just dropping it down a point it's not a horrible problem so let's talk about a redesign i think the biggest thing i would tackle is the fact that these two sides when a bagel is in place it's just not holding itself closed and the problem is bagels don't have a hole in the middle that's this size because of that we've got this part here that's going to cause that bagel to push the sides open uh i would probably not come in that much with the sides but i would keep this middle section wide open or at least make it wider the other thing i would watch and rethink is the way these latches work when this closes you want to have a really good click what that would mean is that when you close it not only will you hear it click closed with a really definite click but you'll also feel it click close so you'd have that sort of haptic feedback or tactile feedback when you close it so you know that the bagel is locked in place in terms of a buy rating i would give the bagel slice a four out of five it has a couple of faults which would have been easy to eliminate those faults but in either case i think it does its job at least they keep your fingers safe dan oh i appreciate that eggshell cracker its purpose in life is to crack open an egg with one squeeze of the hand let's see how effective it is so i'm going to start first with a medium egg let's put it in place i'm going to give it a squeeze one handed squeeze and it cracked and emptied the egg and i'd say that was pretty successful so what i've got to do now is get rid of the shell and let's try again let's put in another medium egg i'm going to squeeze it and that's okay any shell droppings no i think it's pretty clean let's try a large egg i'm gonna squeeze we don't have any shell in the bowl so this is working [Music] better than expected and i was forced to say that let's see how the eggshell cracker compares to using the rim of a bowl and just my hands [Music] think using the bowl and my hands was a little quicker my technique sometimes is a little more successful than others in terms of getting a shell inside but i expect that would be the same with the eggshell cracker in terms of effectiveness i'd give the eggshell cracker a five out of five even though i feel that the eggshell cracker works okay i'm not sure it's really necessary let's test its usability using a slippery left hand let's try again with a medium sized egg put it in place squeeze it that worked just as well as with my right hands let's try again with a large egg it's taking just a little more force to squeeze it but not much and that worked oh congratulations we have twins in terms of usability i would give the eggshell cracker a four out of five i think it worked pretty well i have a couple of thoughts about redesigning it to make it just a little more user friendly but i think it was okay here's what i would think about a redesign as i'm squeezing this these edges are rather they're not really sharp but they just don't feel like it's that friendly to your hands what i would think about is curving this a little more severely maybe even curving it so it points in a little bit i think the other thing i would do and again this may just be aesthetic on my part but instead of having the spring wrap around i think i would make this spring just move in a straight line so i would come up with something that would hold the spring a little more outside so it's not wrapping around the front of this so that being said i wouldn't go too much further than that in terms of a buy reading i'm going to give the eggshell cracker a 3. for some people they may love it it's really kind of clever and fun to use other people maybe a one just not necessary so i'm going to shoot right down the middle give it a three just like savage garden said ooh i want you i don't know if i need you manual fruit juicer it is designed to squeeze juice out of fruit with one push of the lever i'm going to try this first with half of an orange i'm going to just start squeezing push down push down push down that little plastic piece popped up i think maybe half an orange was a little too much for it see what we got okay well that's something it does look pretty well squeezed out but i'm going to try it again this time i'm going to cut the orange into quarters instead of using the complete half i'm going to place it in squeeze again it's feeling like it's fitting in there better and let's pour out and see what we get not too bad let's see how the manual fruit juice it compares to using just a plain old wooden reamer [Music] given a whole lot of oranges and making a lot of juice i would definitely prefer the manual fruit juicer in terms of effectiveness i would give the manual fruit juice a five out of five it does what it's supposed to do and it does that with probably a five to one mechanical advantage this little egg shape thing that we're pressing i do feel a pressure point here which i wasn't really noticing before this tastes pretty good but i think i have a way to make it taste better we are talking about brunch it's mimosa time okay oh yeah five out of five what do you all think about changing my name to dan mimosa in terms of usability i would give the manual fruit juicer a five out of five it does what it does and it does it effectively and i think it's a keeper also i drank a lot so i'm in a friendly mood one of the things i will look at is redesigning this piece or at least having it sit inside a little more gracefully because it just doesn't want to seat itself easily and what that's going to mean is redesign there's some tiny little feet here and i would just exaggerate that so that this falls in and just drops perfectly into place the other thing i would look at doing is if anything i would take this top piece and i think i would make that a bit bigger maybe even a little flatter because i think it would alleviate some of the pressure on your palm as you're pushing down all that being said it is what it is it's large it's not going to fit in your junk drawer it's a bit heavy but i think it has to be in terms of a buy rating i would give the manual fruit juicer a five out of five i think this is a handy thing to have around i would say one thing you may notice it looks a little insect-like so i just hope if you get this in your kitchen you're gonna have dreams at night that it's going to start to crawl around nobody i know doesn't like brunch so what you really want to do if you're going to have gadgets to support that effort is have them work and you're just going to want to really love them now what you don't want is brunch gadgets designed by people who never make brunch and i have a feeling there's a little bit of that going on here no offense egg scrambler i'm dan mimosa and i'm signing off
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 784,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bagel slicer, best kitchen gadgets, brunch gadget, brunch gadgets, crack an egg, dan formosa, easy brunch, easy scrambled eggs, egg scrambler, epi, epicurious, epicurious well equipped, hand fruit juicer, handheld fruit juicer, homemade brunch, how to crack an egg, how to slice a bagel, kitchen gadget, kitchen gadget review, kitchen gadgets, make brunch at home, manual fruit juicer, new kitchen gadgets, pancake batter dispenser, slice a bagel, well equipped
Id: UKtQctCZ-x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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