5 Gadgets From "Shark Tank" Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

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be afraid be very afraid hello sharks i'm dan and i've been designing kitchen gadgets for 40 years i'm going to test some gadgets that you may have seen on the show shark tank and see if i can find a way to make them better if it was angled more then make this a convex shape size it for the inner shape of the bridge these are the gadgets i'm going to test turkey chainsaw guzzle buddy baker's edge brownie pan scrub daddy fun bites food cutter [Music] mighty carver turkey chainsaw its purpose in life is to scare the crap out of your family at thanksgiving let's see how effective it is i'm going to try to get a couple of slices off of the breast be afraid be very afraid all right that was strangely satisfying the cut itself was relatively easy the holding it was rather awkward but i thought the blades worked fine let's see what it's like to dismember the lake well it's not doing what a chainsaw would do and actually this plastic piece is preventing me from getting deep into the lake to really do the cutting so at this point what i would have to do is get a good old manual knife not great let's say you don't have a turkey chainsaw at home let's see how it compares to a regular carving knife in terms of effectiveness i would give the turkey chainsaw a three out of five if they still have an appetite after that horrific looking mutilation of the turkey i think they'd be fine eating it let's try the left-handed oil test by making my non-dominant hands slippery and using my non-dominant hand it's a quick way to point out any deficiencies in usability whoa it started a little too soon but i'm still okay i think so it sliced through it no problem in general the whole operation just seems a little more unwieldy than it should be in terms of usability i would give the mighty carver turkey chainsaw a two out of five only because it seems unnecessarily heavy and it does demand a two-hand operation and not to mention the fact that it's just kind of overall silly let's talk about a redesign the plastic piece on top is purely superficial it is there to make this look like a chainsaw but in doing that it is really making the chainsaw less usable i think i would actually extend these blades so if you're using an actual chainsaw you really wouldn't want to use the tip like this but if you're using a knife or a carving knife that front edge becomes very important the other thing that's problematic is that it's not easily designed to hold with one hand i mean the balance is a bit off it's a little bit back heavy here aside from that clean ability is going to be hellish as a designer i'm actually a little insulted by this this is i can see what they're going for like some sort of fun aspect to carving a turkey but there's so much plastic in so much waste you certainly don't want the kids getting hold of this because they want to play with the chainsaw that's in the kitchen so in that regard it could be very dangerous in terms of a buy rating for the mighty carver turkey chainsaw i would give this a zero out of five i wouldn't really recommend this to anyone it's a whole lot of plastic it doesn't function well i just want nothing to do with it and for that reason i am out guzzle buddy its purpose in life is to make you feel better about drinking wine straight from the bottle let's see how effective it is i have a bottle of white wine guzzle body is inserted let's see how it goes i'm trying the chug thing okay so there's basically a hole here so it doesn't keep the wine in the glass itself and you literally are just drinking from the bottle it maybe is just a little bit more presentable although i think once you start drinking from this you're pretty much committed to finishing the whole bottle which may not be a problem for a lot of you unless your friends don't mind drinking backwash let's see how the guzzle buddy compares to drinking wine from a boring old wine glass in terms of effectiveness i would give the guzzle buddy a three out of five it may look just a little bit better than drinking directly out of the bottle but really that's up to you and your friends let's test its usability both hands are oiled up i will insert guzzle buddy and now i'm finding that because it's a full body and the weight is a little heavy at the far end i'm going to try to choke up on it but of course that's not going to work too well with the slippery hands this is so hard to hold what you may want to do is just drink it really fast in terms of usability i would give the guzzle buddy a one out of five it just wasn't that pleasant to use it kind of gushes to be honest i would just drink it straight out of the bottle as usual so let's talk about a redesign what's interesting about the guzzle buddy is i never really considered a bottle of wine a single serve portion so one of the things that i may suggest a valve of some sort and maybe just a simple like flapper valve so that when you pour it it will go upright and you still have your wine contained in the glass so one solution another thought is what if this was designed with a stem on it without a hole that would allow it to stand and you could pour the wine into it in terms of a buy rating i would give the guzzle body a one it just doesn't do anything magical enough you can't even pass the bottle around because you have so much backwash nice try guzzle buddy baker's edge brownie pan it is designed to maximize the amount of edges in your batch of brownies let's test its effectiveness even though this is nonstick i have better luck by oiling it we want browned brownies not stuck brownies i think i will start by trying not to get it on the ridges i would probably go with that as it is it looks relatively even off to the oven okay we're back from the kitchen and we've got some brownies baked and cooled and it's time to remove some brownies so the baker's edge brownie pan comes with a spatula sized for the brownies that it makes and boy i do hear it like it's crusty on the edge let's work our way around that's pretty easy it actually released pretty quickly and easily okay let's try one of the brownies and guess what i'm going to try one with a triple edge it says fine again the example is i don't just get one edge i get three i've got to say honestly until i saw this product i never spent that much time thinking about brownie edges now after trying this that's all i can think about brownie edges solved a problem that i never knew i had let's see how the baker's edge brownie pan compares with a more standard brownie pan in terms of effectiveness i would give the baker's edge brownie pan a five out of five it certainly did what it was purported to do if you like brownie edges this would be the way to go i have instantly become a fan of brownie edges i'm going to test it's usability let's start to extract some brownies again i'm using the spatula that came with the bacon-sized pan first brownies out took a bit of force to do that because you can see what i'm doing is i'm pressing down a lot i'm pushing down along the edge quite a bit but there's nothing for me to push against i've got a slippery handle a straight sided handle and as i push down that way my hand just wants to slip so that wasn't as easy as it could have been in terms of usability i would give this a 4.5 and there's nothing wrong with the pan the pan itself would get a five if it wasn't for the spatula which could use some improvement so let's talk about a redesign my suggestion here is going to be pretty straightforward i would make sure that this is firm enough to cut into the brownies but mainly what i would do is anticipate the fact that you will be pushing down that way and you want to push against something so either make this a convex shape or a concave shape this applies a lot of products that we talk about simple shape could really help your hands maneuver and apply some force and pressure so for a buy rating i would give it a five out of five i think it does what it promises to do and it does it really effectively i would encourage mr wonderful to invest in it spatula not so much scrub daddy scouring pad this purpose in life is to clean your pots and pans with a smile let's see how effective it is one of the interesting properties of scrub daddy is that in cold water at room temperature it's rather stiff and scrubby but in hot water or warm water it will soften up let's see what that means for scrubbing a pan this has been soaking in cold water which means it's stiffened up a bit it does feel like it has some abrasion to it it is working but it would take some going back and forth let's do this next let's put it in the warm water okay let it sit for a second and let's try warm water and i think what's interesting and maybe a contradiction is that if i really wanted to scrub a pan i would use hot water and a more abrasive scrub pad but what's happening with scrub daddy is the cold water is making it stiffer and more abrasive and the hot water is softening it so it seems like a bit of oppositeness is going on if that's a word let's see how we did i don't see any significant difference between the cold and the hot part but i think in either case the scrub daddy did okay scrub daddy claims it can do a number of things one claim that scrub daddy makes is that you can use a smile to clean a spoon or utensils another claim is that you can put your fingers into the eye holes and be able to twist around when it's inside a glass finally they say that you can even scrub the skin off of a potato so technically we were somewhat successful it can do some of those things let's say you don't have a scrub daddy in your kitchen let's see how it compares to a more traditional scouring sponge in terms of effectiveness i would give the scrub daddy a three out of five i think the thing that's holding me back is the contradiction that with hot water it gets softer and it's less abrasive when that's really where you want the abrasion we're not going to do the left-hander oil test with scrub daddy it doesn't really make sense soap and water is the enemy of oil but in terms of usability i would give the scrub daddy a three out of five finger holes work well it's okay to put utensils into the mouth to clean those off the real problem is and the contradiction is that it softens up in hot water when you want the hot water the most let's talk about a redesign this may be a anti-scrub daddy idea but what it would be like if there was a more traditional scrub pad on one side of it so what you would have is the best of both worlds you'd have something that would stiffen up in cold water be soft but still be abrasive you could use either side of it because it has two sides so it would be a combination of scrub daddy and a more traditional scouring pad so i have been informed that this is not an original idea this does exist it is from the makers of scrub daddy and it is called scrub mommy great minds think alike in terms of a buy rating i would give a scrub daddy a three out of five and you know why because i think i would give scrub mommy a higher rating so scrub daddy since i learned about scrub mommy you are dead to me fun bites food cutter their purpose in life is to cut food into fun little shapes for kids let's see how effective they are i have in front of me a stack of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so let's just go right for the middle i'm gonna press down and i can see that there's peanut butter and jelly squishing out the bottom of this is curved which gives me a chance to rock it i am now going to extract it looks pretty clean on this side looks a little messy on this side and let's see what we get a little more gooey than i would hope the top of the bread didn't stay intact the peanut butter and jelly just oozed around it so not as beautifully clean as you would expect or at least you would want let's see how the fun bites food cutters compare to using a bread knife in terms of effectiveness i would give the fun bite food cutters a two out of five i was a little disappointed in their performance especially with peanut butter and jelly but i was also rather disappointed that they're not sized really for a standard sized piece of bread let's test its usability this is designed for kids and there's no real easy way for me to simulate that even though i'm making my hands slippery i gave up on the peanut butter and jelly because i think that's going to be an oozing mess so i'm going to start with just a plain piece of bread and see how they work i'll start with the plain squares press down and rock i do have some cubes this has given me hope that if it was a cheese sandwich or something a little more solid that this would be usable and you would end up with bite-sized pieces and let's try watermelon i'm going to do the heart-shaped pieces on the watermelon position somewhere near the center press down pop it up press it out this time i'm going to press it a little more carefully so that it falls into place and that actually looks pretty good that would be fun to present again you have a lot of leftover watermelon that someone's got to eat let's try a self-portrait out of watermelon and bread heart shaped eyes a lovely little the nose let's see how effective it is this guy's okay in terms of usability i would give this a three out of five it works better on some food than others but it's a little too wasteful for me to love it let's talk about a redesign one of the things i was concerned about was the amount of waste what i would suggest or at least try is making this large enough so that it either more fully covers a piece of bread and leaves out the crust they even go large enough so that we include the crust worst case scenario if you overshoot the size you may trick the kids into eating some of the crust the first round of messiness had to do with peanut butter and jelly i would experiment with some larger sizes very specifically for peanut butter and jelly in terms of a buy rating i would give the fun bites food cutters a two out of five i know what they're going for and the amount of waste is just i think a bit unforgivable personally i am not ready to invest in fun bites food cutters not that i have any money to invest bonus gadget you may not have noticed but i've been wearing another shark's tank gadget this entire time the bev buckle its purpose in life is to hold my beer five out of five so all of these have already passed the shark tank test and that says something some of these have some sort of spark or some sort of fun aspect to them still i think some of them are performing better than others scrub daddy for instance is a big hit people love it not too sure about the turkey chainsaw but all that said all of these gadgets are kind of fun so keep up with the good work sharks especially you mr wonderful
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 3,117,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abc shark tank, baker's edge brownie, baker's edge pan, dan formosa, epi, epicurious, epicurious gadget, funbites food cutter, gadget design, gadget review, gadget test, guzzle buddy wine glass, scrub daddy sponge, scrub daddy test, shark tank, shark tank fail, shark tank fun bites, shark tank gadgets, shark tank guzzle buddy, shark tank products, shark tank success, shark tank turkey chainsaw, shark tank wine bottle glass, turkey chainsaw, well equipped
Id: 6lkw30vg-rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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