5 Money Saving Tips: Switzerland on a Travel Budget

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I have been in Switzerland for a little over a week now and a lot of people have the idea that Switzerland is very expensive well let me break it to you it is very expensive but before you guys convince yourselves that that's a reason not to go to Switzerland don't fool yourselves it is so incredibly beautiful here you have to go but I am going to give you five good reasons how to do Switzerland on the cheap number one take the trains but not just any train because they have fast trains and they cost a fortune try if you can to take the regional trains they have an r e sometimes an S in front of it you can ask when you buy your ticket but they will often go a little bit slower but take you through the most beautiful scenery and they cost less money remove those drink the water out of the water fountains I don't mean the guys who are peeing or the Lions who are spitting and all that kind of stuff but they have regular like water features like it's just a spigot that goes out and they have water draining into this huge concrete tub and you can just fill up your water bottle it's completely free and it's completely safe I've been doing it for this whole trip and I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever number three food in Switzerland is fine it's just not great like in France or Italy so don't spend your money there most of the time I felt a little ripped off except from their heavenly cheese fondue that was delicious so what I've been doing is two things I have either been going into the supermarkets to buy a premade salad and with additional like cheese meats and small packages or even hard-boiled eggs this you can get for around five six maybe seven a Swiss franc normally if you sit down in a restaurant in Switzerland it will cost you even for normal work cheaper dishes it will be around 1517 Swiss francs and with the drinks then you have another four or five so it adds up pretty quickly if you can set your money here you save a lot in a week the other thing you can do is you can order this soup apparently soups are big thing in Switzerland and almost every restaurant has a taka soup which is soup of the day and they're usually made from scratch with vegetables and stuff it's not watery and thin at all and it will actually fill you up and soups you can get for maybe seven or eight but eight or nine Swiss francs ready for number four if you open your Google Maps for the area you want to stay in and zoom in it might show you a hotel or small Bend breakfast that hasn't joined either hotels calm bookings calm or any of those big companies this is what I did when I found my accommodation here in sheis on Google map you'll find their phone number and most of the time I link to the website where you can contact them through email since these places are more local places you have a good chance of saving a few bucks and additionally you get to stay in a more local environment which is always a plus number five the peaks in Switzerland and the views from there are spectacular so please make an effort to get up there at least to one viewpoint on the very top somewhere that being said the lifts are very pricey we paid twelve Swiss francs for one single ride ticket at some point so that would have been 24 25 Swiss francs for a return ticket but the great thing is you don't have to buy a return ticket so to spare your legs a little bit take the lift up and then walk the way down most places maybe except for the really really high peaks and they have these hiking trails that go down and this also gives you more time to fully enjoy the view as you walk down this way you can enjoy the view longer and only pay half the price these are my five tips on how to do Switzerland on the cheap please leave a comment below if you have additional info for other travelers on how to save money in Switzerland so everyone can go and enjoy these gorgeous Alps and if you want to watch my travel videos from Switzerland there will be a link probably up here somewhere so subscribe down here and watch my swiss videos up here bye we always have new adventures coming up so don't forget to subscribe to join us and see where we're heading next
Channel: One Girl One Suitcase (Maria Storgaard)
Views: 871,270
Rating: 4.8617182 out of 5
Keywords: Money Saving Tips, Switzerland on a Travel Budget, Switzerland on a budget, travel budget, how to travel cheep, Switzerland, Sweitz, free water, supermarket, soup, train, public transport, alp lift, lifts in switzerland, prices, traveling, how to save money, alps, Budget Reise, wie man Geld Reise zu sparen, Schweizer Alpen, Schweiz, Zwitserland, Svizzera, Швейцария, Maria Storgaard, danish girl, digital nomad, travel blog, travel vlog, travel europe
Id: dfuSw86-jw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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