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hey guys it's victoria welcome back to my channel or to my channel if you're new here in today's video i'm going to be talking about five mistakes i made as a dog mom so i've had nova for about four months now and you know that just means more mistakes are to come but i love sharing my tips and tricks with you guys i know a lot of you are new dog moms or not or dog parents like i am or you're getting your dog soon so i wanted to share some mistakes i've made that i don't want you to make i don't want you to make so oh my goodness you wanted to be in the intro [Music] so without further ado let's get started the first mistake i've made with nova is definitely buying the wrong sizes for her so in my mind i don't know what i was thinking but at the beginning when i bought her her collars and everything i got her a size that she would eventually grow into which doesn't even make sense because you know to grow you have to start off being small i will now gladly accept my nobel prize thank you thank you so when i got her her neck was probably like four inches four and a half to five inches and the colors i got her were for eight inches and up so that is not gonna work and like eight inches as in being the smallest size so in my mind i was just thinking oh i want to save money i want to get her a size that she can grow into instead of buying her multiple callers but that just doesn't make sense so don't be stupid like me and get yourself a collar that fits in the video where i bring her home you can see her wearing her new collar and it's massive she's wearing it like a swing so yes don't make that same mistake as i did and a lot of people on that video have been suggesting that i get her a cat collar and a harness because it's safer which i totally agree she has two harnesses now that actually fit her um and i did end up getting her a cat collar at the beginning because even the smallest dog collar that i could find was way too big for her neck so she did wear a cat collar for a little while and then now she fits into this collar that i got for her the smallest size is a six inch neck so that fits her really well right now and at the beginning her extra extra small harness didn't even fit her but now it fits her perfectly fine so yes thank you guys so much for that suggestion but yeah that's mistake number one the second mistake i made with nova is buying some of her treats in bulk specifically buying treats in bulk that she's never had before thinking that she'll probably like it and she doesn't so i highly recommend you buying the smaller bags of treats and trying them out with your dog first to see if they even like them before you buy the bulk size um the whole the only reason why i ever buy in bulk is because in the end it's a little bit less expensive that way and that does work for me when i buy her freeze-dried beef liver treats she really loves those a lot of her training treats she really enjoys um but she's got two treats that she doesn't really like that i have huge bags of um that don't serve any purpose for us anymore hello oh thank you okay nova what the heck hello can i help you oh my goodness this also goes along with those dental treats that i got for nova the greenies i'm sure they're still fine and fresh once she hits six months but i just really wanted to be prepared so i got those way in advance before she even needed them the third mistake i've made with nova is not desensitizing her enough and by desensitizing i mean touching her paws enough each individual fingernail touching her mouth touching her ears things like that so that it's easier to trim her nails get her hair cut things like that now she's totally fine with her ears and her mouth for the most part but it's mainly her fingernails and i know nail trimming is very scary for puppy parents it's really stressful for me as well so i highly suggest that you work on touching your puppy's paws as much as you can getting them used to the sensation holding on to each individual finger because that's what you have to do when you cut the nail what my mistake was was i spent a lot of time holding her entire paw not so much each individual fingernail so if i could go back in time that is definitely something that i would prioritize and work on and something i suggest you do as well i've had to take her to the groomers to get her nails trimmed so she's a lot better now she's more used to the sensation so now she's totally fine when i touch her fingernails and paws but if you can avoid that and help with your puppy's anxiety over getting their paws touched like that that is super ideal the fourth mistake i've made with nova is not teaching her the leave it command early enough we haven't had a whole lot of issues with the leave it command we are in the process of really excelling at this command right now but i wish i taught it to her a lot earlier i'd say it's one of the more important things you should teach your puppy it can really help you and potentially even save their life if they get into something that they really shouldn't luckily for me i've had no problems and experiences where believe a command would have really really helped and avoided some kind of injury or harm to nova but that being said we never know what's going to happen so i highly highly suggest leave it is high on your list of what to teach your puppy right away nova really loves chewing on like basically anything so anytime i take her outside and there's leaves on the ground there's sticks sometimes people don't pick up after their own dogs she will try to eat it and put it in her mouth and this is when the leave it command would come in handy and we are working on it she's gotten so much better but i feel like this would have been avoided and a lot easier if i started teaching it to her from the very beginning and the last mistake i made probably the biggest mistake i made was with noah's potty training now i have talked about this once before so if you remember or if not basically what happened was i started off with nova being potty trained outdoors which is prime i should have stuck with that but instead i got lazy and i got her potty pads so that i wouldn't have to wake up so early in the morning to take her out every hour now that is a huge mistake i made and for some people potty pads are awesome and they work for you but not for miss nova if it works for you that is awesome but personally it doesn't work for me and nova with a little bit more research i learned that sometimes dogs don't get fully potty trained when using potty pads so yes and a couple different factors i just decided the best potty training method for nova and i is to take her outdoors so basically we went from going outdoors which was awesome she refused to go inside to going on potty pads she would get confused and literally pee everywhere and anywhere and now we are back to retraining her to go outdoors so as you can imagine it's been quite the struggle but we are making a lot a lot of progress we have had some accident free days which is amazing um and for the most part she's doing so much better like when we had to re-switch her back to outdoors the struggle at the beginning was getting her to actually go outdoors she kind of refused to go potty outdoors um but now she can and then the next struggle we had was she wouldn't go potty anywhere but our front lawn so if we were on walks if we were at the dog park she refused to go she would hold it in until we got home so she could go on the front lawn but now we are past that and she's able to go anywhere so that's awesome but she also still has accidents which is understandable that is totally my fault as well um most of the time her accidents now are when i just neglect her because i'm busy doing something and i don't take her in time and she has to go so she goes so that is on me as well i so wish that i just stuck with taking her outside at the beginning so the number one if you take anything from this video is to it's to stay consistent with your potty training do not make that mistake because i am suffering the consequences right now so i hope you guys enjoyed this week's video and learned something from it learn from my mistakes you guys it's okay to make mistakes i'm not a professional dog trainer i'm just a fellow puppy parent like you trying to help each other out so yes if you enjoyed this week's video be sure to hit the like button to let me know as well as leave a comment down below letting me know what other videos you want to see from me in the future doggy related or not and be sure to subscribe to my channel as well i try to come out with a new video every single wednesday i know it hasn't been happening lately life happens i'm really sorry about that but you guys have been so supportive and it means a lot to me but yeah that's all i have for you guys this week i'll see you guys next time bye we will see you guys next time bye say bye bye guys you
Channel: Victoria Nguyen
Views: 18,972
Rating: 4.9546027 out of 5
Keywords: dog vlog, victoria nguyen, nova the shorkie, shorkie puppies, puppy vlog, dog training, what i got for my new puppy, i got a puppy, everything i got for my new puppy, puppy essentials, puppy potty training, shih tzu, yorkie, shorkie, crate training, raw food diet, dog treats
Id: 6QiRYI379gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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