PUPPY DAILY HABITS!! ๐Ÿถ & Common Mistakes to Avoid ๐Ÿ‘‰ Part 2 of 2

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you see oh my gosh i'm so excited i wasn't expecting now when you guys come home the first day or even if you're in the first week or first month of having your puppy it is so tempting and i know this because this happens to me it's just an hour or two before bed that you want to sit relax watch some tv catch up on your phone whatever it is read and your puppy wants to come up to you and they want to snuggle and you want to hold them and they want to doze off and it's the cutest thing ever because when wally does that about between eight and nine o'clock he is out it's so hard to keep him up and sometimes i don't go to bed till 10 and it is so tempting to just hold him and let him snuggle my arms and sleep right before bed but guess what that does obviously puppies need lots of sleep puppies can sleep upwards of 18 to 20 hours a day so we want to make sure they get enough sleep but if you allow your puppy to consistently take a nap an hour or two before bed you are likely going to have issues with them needing to wake up more frequently throughout the night so what i like to do with wally is he now knows that around eight or nine o'clock at night because we typically go to bed between i mean i guess lately it's been more close to 10 o'clock he knows that that's played that's work time and i work with him on basic obedience on place command the wallace can you touch yes the touch command just like that it's linked down below if you want to learn how to do that and my reward for him will be praise or toys it won't be treats because i don't want to feed him right before bed and now he's gotten to the point where he's excited the hour two before bed to work his mind and then guests who's super tired and able to sleep many more hours throughout the night without needing to get up because they're restless or bored or need attention this one safety tip that a lot of people don't talk about is it is not ideal in any situation at any age for a dog that you're going to create to leave anything on the dog that includes a collar a dog tag or a harness while they're in the crate or even a bandana all of these things can be choking hazards if they get caught in the crate that is one reason why i love the diggs crate so so so much again links for that in the below because of the diamond wire mesh to me is so much harder seems so much harder for like a dog tag to get stuck in that than it is in those vertical or horizontal line crates like wire crates or even the plastic ones with the little holes that makes me so nervous because if the puppy's trying to get out or it just gets stuck i don't want to think about that one thing that i think is kind of a given but i just want to make sure it's super clear i hope you're not expecting to sleep a ton the first three weeks that puppy comes home and that's why i really encourage pet parents to set a schedule before a puppy comes home with their family or whoever's in their household to maybe take turns getting up at the puppy because i don't care how good of a dog trainer you are or how good you are dogs i mean i've done this so many times and it's been a little bit since i've had a puppy that was that young as young as wally was when he first came home at eight weeks and boy was i tired in fact i'm still tired so he's about four almost 14 weeks old right now and today he's still only sleeping a solid and he's about 12 pounds in weight and he's only sleeping about a solid the worst nights he'll sleep four hours uh that's not off common it's typically five to seven hours he'll sleep which is pretty good i follow my proactive potty training process and that basically means the puppy needs to go outside especially eight nine ten weeks old even this guy at least every two to three hours some of them when they're really little really small breeds every single hour and that's during the day and that's during the night so instead of that first night you putting the crate by your bed doing all the things we just talked about and then waiting for the puppy to start screaming to take them out i recommend to get them night to get them nice and tired put them to bed you sleep when they sleep and you set your alarm for the first night i would set my alarm for one to two hours depending on how small the puppy is and we woke him up to take him potty and all we did was we woke him up we carried him outside to the potty area we waited till he pottied we used a flashlight because it was dark it was cold and when soon as he we didn't play with him we didn't sit there and hold him and snuggle him no we picked him up we put him out in the grass waited till he went potty it took him a while the first few times because he's new he's scared he's like why'd you just wake me up but he did as soon as he went potty we gave our marker command which is y-e-s yes good boy and we didn't even get retreat or anything we just took him right back inside and put him to bed and he cried for a little bit and by a little bit i mean like 20 minutes and we just let him cry because it was just his way of kind of figuring out okay now i'm awake what do i do but guess what he did he went back to sleep and then we set our alarm for another two hours and then we did it again all throughout the night and it wasn't easy and it was very tiring but guess what after the first three nights four nights not even he started catching on like okay when i go out in the middle of the night to go potty it's not play time it's not eat time it's not cuddle time it's i just go to the grass as soon as i go potty i go right back in this crate and when i cry for 10 20 minutes i don't get to come out and then i'm tired i go to sleep and as soon as i'm woken up again i get to come out i guess i don't really need to cry so much and so eventually when we put him back in the crate after going potty he just would go to sleep it might whimper for five ten minutes and still sometimes he'll be like well wait i i wanna stay up and play but we don't we don't yell we don't reprimand we don't uh throw things at the crate i've seen people shake the crate we just kind of let them cry it out and it's tiring you lay there deep breaths put earphones in watch a youtube video watch some more of my vlogs you know but i'm just joking but that that by doing that by not always allowing him to be the one to wake us up we were not waiting for a mad dash that he needed to go right then because here's the thing if you wait for him to wake you up crying and screaming he needs to go guess how strong their ability is to hold their bladder when they urgently need to go it's like zero percent they have basically no ability at that age even when he's 14 weeks old he gives a cue but if i don't get him out soon enough he'll go inside and so what happens if you wait for the for them to wake you up screaming you have this much time to get them outside and guess what you're going to be half asleep and you're more likely going to by the time you get to that crate then they get excited to see you they have an accident or they go potty in your arms or they go potty walking from the patio out to the grass or you set them down by the back door and they go inside it's chaotic but for me what i find is if i'm proactive about my approach of taking him out there's much more control i have more control ov over the situation so mentally i'm there i'm not as stressed and alerted by him screaming and it sets the precedent and sets all us up all of us up for success and don't forget i have in-depth guides on potty training crate training socials anything puppy linked down below but i want to talk about some daily habits that we do every single day with wally to help him become this kind of puppy he is a highly food motivated dog this is a raw this is raw meat this isn't just some stale kibble this is raw meat raw crushed bone raw oregon it is the most nutrient dense bioavailable food option for him and look how good he is doing good job buddy yes good job but some of the daily tips that i do first off is i hand feed him or my mom when she's feeding him we take turns every single meal just like this and we make him work for it one of our favorites lately is working on the place command and i have a video linked down below on how to teach that but i love making him work first food because one it teaches your puppy to be gentle because i hold their food or their trees when i'm giving it to them here let me see if i can get a piece here between my thumb and my hand i know it's crazy my mom doesn't love touching the food she uses a spoon that's fine too and i do not release it until he's only using his tongue and then you can put the command gentle yes and that's how you teach your puppy to be gentle and it's also building a bond with your puppy they learn to look for you for guidance so when your puppy is out in the big world with you after they've had their vaccines and you're going on a walk and something scary approaches them let's say a dog down the street instead of reacting to that and running after or going crazy who are they going to look at they're going to look at you because you've worked with them you've developed that and what tires dogs out including puppies more than anything else is mental stimulation plus we all want a well-behaved dog and this is how you do it you feed puppies three to four times a day breakfast lunch dinner and maybe a snack so spend five ten minutes maybe feed half their meal by hand and the rest in a smart feeder bowl another thing when you are starting with cues uh let's say you're asking them for a down or sit never repeat those cues that's something that i see all the time and avoid overusing the their name that's kind of two in one because a lot of times and i'm guilty of this too we talk too much to our dogs i'm sorry like i know this is something that you should do as i say not as i preach because i can't stop talking to my dogs my mom's dog wally because i'm obsessed but it's really important that we try to let talk less wait more oh that should be a sure guys comment below talk less wait more because what you can do is here watch i'm going to ask him to go to an sit from a down which we haven't done a lot of wally can you sit yes good job did you see that oh my gosh i'm so excited i wasn't expecting that good job jackpot that yes good job we've asked him that just a couple times and we work on a lot of sits but from a down oh my gosh so did you see that i didn't do anything i didn't say anything i didn't encourage him i did not repeat the command but i waited dogs once you teach them something they can learn it in a day i mean they may not learn it perfectly but they can understand the general idea including a young eight nine ten week old puppy this is stuff we've been doing since eight nine weeks old by the way and i just waited for him your dogs are smart give them the benefit of the doubt because if you give in and you keep repeating s-i-t-s-i-t-s-i-t over and over again they're going to learn that oh i don't have to sit until she asks me the tenth time the next habit that we do every day is make sure everyone in that household abides by the same rules or structure or routine that you do if you call an s-i-t-s-i-t then everybody needs to do it if you're not repeating the command nobody should repeat the command if you don't want the puppy to come on the couch and then your uncle or friend or roommate son whatever mom dad lets them on the couch that's confusing for a dog consistency is key another thing is we don't want to punish especially puppies they're so sensitive dogs it's what makes them magical because they are so sensitive and loyal and it can be so easy when they're nipping at you and you're like no don't do that bad bad bad i know it can be easy to do that but we don't want to do that what really works for puppies at least what's worked best for us is to redirect so let's say he was he's not going to do this right now like oh here we go i have a slipper here he loves slippers so let's say he's i'm setting him up for failure please never do this but i want to help you guys instead of forcing them to do something that's ripping it out of their mouth get their attention not by using their name but by going puppy puppy puppy puppy get on the ground pat the floor get excited and they'll turn around become more exciting than whatever's in their mouth that you don't want them to have and they'll come running towards you then you reward them y-e-s good job and give them something else that they can chew on and some people might say well wait won't that tell them that when they're chewing on the slipper then i get them to chew on a dog toy and then that's a reward no because what you're doing is you're rewarding them you're getting them excited you're giving them the toy they can chew on and you're going to play with them you're going to interact with them that is quickly going to become far more exciting than your lonely slipper that they're always called away from to then go get something more exciting and on that note of working with your puppy if you're working on sits and downs and t-o-u-c-h command and h-e-r-e commands always very short durations always positive reinforcement no punishment like we talked about uh but it's so much more effective to have short durations several times throughout the day versus one long one and here's the key end on a positive note let's say you're working on something really hard and they're just not getting it but then they finally get it two three times in a row that's what i would stop even if it's after two minutes next time you go and work on it the last thing your dog's gonna remember about that cue or that command is gonna be where you left off so end on a positive note now before we talk about my favorite food and treats for puppies i want to give you a one one fun pro tip this is something that i don't talk about often i want to say more but it's going to help so much when you're crate training your puppy and that is throughout the day when your puppy falls asleep because your puppy's going to sleep a lot that's the cutest it's one of the cutest times is when they're just snuggled up they fall in the little dog bed you got for them on the couch on the floor or wherever one thing we did with wally day one was as soon as he fell asleep and he would just conk out would play with him and he'd conk out we would gently pick him up and we'd put him in his crate we didn't shut the door in the beginning the fir i'm talking the first day first three days and we set him in the crate and we got in the habit of every time he fell asleep we would go set him in the crate and the first probably three to five days we leave the crate door open and then on day five or six we shut it an inch but still be open and then the day seven or eight we shut it just another inch or half inch and then over a two three week period we kind of shut it shut it shut it and then what that did is just slowly and gently got him really used to being in that crate because it's something you want to practice all the time now if you want to learn my favorite food for puppies click the video linked right here i'll jump over there with you right now and we'll go into detail or if you want to see the chews and the puppy treats that i highly highly recommend you can click the video right here and wally and i will go over there and we'll go over that together and i hope you have a beautiful day goodbye [Music]
Channel: Rachel Fusaro
Views: 38,023
Rating: 4.9768562 out of 5
Keywords: puppy first night home, puppy first night, training puppy, how to train a puppy, puppy guide, puppy guide for new owners, puppy training basics, bringing home new puppy, first day bringing home new puppy, how do i train my new puppy, potty training new puppy, crate training puppy, goldendoodle, puppy, new puppy, puppy tips, labradoodle, bringing a new puppy home, first night with a new puppy, puppy first day home, how to potty train a puppy, bringing home a new puppy, puppies, dog
Id: liYScbmJ7lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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