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[Music] so hello my lovelies and welcome back to my channel i hope you are all staying super safe and happy and healthy at home today i want to share with you guys something that has been so magical in my life recently i have puppies in the house because my dog baby my other dog beau had puppies together so today the puppies are three weeks old and they've all opened their eyes now and they've come so far from the little teeny peanuts that they were when they were first born but i'll be showing you their whole process growing up into little puppies all the way until we are giving them to their new loving homes and i have to kiss them goodbye i'll probably cry um but i'm going to show you guys where they are and their adorableness okay so here are the boys and this is bo the dad you are such a good boy aren't you and here is bear bear as well this is baby the mom and here are the little puppies and they're so so adorable they're all very sleepy right now but i will just kind of introduce you to them this one here is peach and she was the last one that was born and peach isn't her actual official name it's just the color of her little bow and then this one here is pink and she is the smallest of them and then this is lavender and she is definitely the chunkiest [Music] this is the first one to open her eyes [Laughter] beyond so much so now that i woke them all up they are nursing and baby is such a good girl about it and baby's getting much better with having bo around because she used to chase him off all the time if he got half as close as this so they're doing much better hello i'll come out so you can say hi hello hello she doesn't like him right now very much so this is the second day after week three and they are still as cute as ever and this one she is walking around quite a bit she's going oh my gosh that's like a full walk she's on the move look at that sweet little face look at your little stand you're standing wobbly stand she is walking wow [Music] laughs so this is day 23 they are still small and adorable so i brought her up to take a photo while baby's in the backyard and she's falling asleep in my hands and it's so cute [Music] they're so cute what are you doing i'm gonna go over the cliff all right well we didn't really make it too far oh [Music] it is day 24 and they are all so playful today and they're moving around so much still yawning but all the extra sleep i think is starting to pay off and they're getting way more active in a week [Music] they're starting to bite a little bit harder than they have been luckily still no teeth though [Music] this is their first big play session [Music] so today my sister is coming over and she's going to come visit the puppies and i'm so excited for her to see them because they're walking around and stuff a lot today and they're really starting to play a lot and i am so so excited to show her you're smaller than i imagined i just want to go in there yeah oh my gosh [Music] [Music] little sneezes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh go play [Music] hi popo he's been keeping his distance because baby does not like him being close and just bow as well it's kind of funny i feel bad for the little guy because he's so sweet [Music] and she's upset maybe [Music] stay in there little love [Music] still not that close though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughing [Music] anyone coming to my channel [Music] okay so at four weeks they are now moving around quite a bit and definitely playing they also all keep trying to escape they're getting very adventurous right now okay come on [Music] and then go as well bloop guys they're already fighting so hard [Music] okay [Music] i'm just in heaven right now so it is day 30 now and they are officially starting to really run and play a lot and of course they're very sleepy right now so i don't have much of a good example of that but i'll definitely show you later today whenever they wake up but for now they're just snoozing [Music] that is the cutest thing [Music] bo is also watching from a safe distance [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] he's such a little angel yes he works [Music] there's so much new space [Music] um [Music] pink is going really far away [Music] it's okay okay sisters so [Music] oh [Music] so today i'm just sitting on the floor with the puppies hanging out with them [Music] and it is week five a big update is that they're eating lots more regular food now [Music] oh [Music] a little run it's so cute so they are seven whole weeks old now and they are getting so much bigger and they're still just these teeny little dogs and it's so incredible and peach is the first one to be getting little teeth and they are getting bigger and they're also sleeping so much less now and really getting good at running and sprinting which is so funny and they're not falling quite as much as they usually do [Music] quick i know you're so cute come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm come here [Music] today we are going to be going in the backyard with the puppies for the first time and it's going to be so much fun [Music] oh [Music] do do [Music] so i am back officially filming for a seven week update and here's little cuties oh my goodness they're already coming to greet me so today i'm just gonna show you guys what a typical day with three seven week old puppies is like um [Music] so this one is lily now at seven weeks and this one is daisy may and this one here is posie and she has her name now and they're all little flowers yes you're just a little daisy aren't you and whenever i want to get up it's very hard to because every time i take one off i can't get up okay little goof balls [Music] it's a full-on puppy war all the time oh and something hilarious that happened just the other night whenever i was cleaning up one of their little messes is i found out that they love to be mischievous and steal paper towels i pretend to clean something up then she always attacks it oh we got some tug of war going on okay i don't want you guys eating this no more i honestly don't understand how much food can fit into these little teeny tummies they literally can mow through food sometimes and they really get into it too okay so this isn't something i would usually show but someone took a poop on my slides and i don't know what compels them to do their potties over in the shoe section but it's happened more than twice i need to move my shoes i think because what the heck oh you like the camera huh yes you're so cute you're my little sweetness yes are you so cute oh my goodness someone is very interested in my tripod stop chewing on my tripod you little stinker [Music] did you bring in a toy just the cutest [Music] so [Music] good girl [Music] oh what did you find oh my goodness you little mischievous so these two sisters are the closest and they always sleep together and fight together a lot but lily also likes to get in on the action but she always sleeps alone and she's kind of more of like a independent little girl she's the most really bully of all of them and stands her own really well against beau and she's always chasing bo around it is the funniest thing peachy has actually started to lighten up a little bit in the face so she isn't quite as dark as before and she sleeps a lot still compared to all of them but whenever she is awake she is super feisty [Music] and daisy likes to hang out in this little corner sometimes she is so adorable and still the smallest one she has these cute little eyelashes on her she's so pretty and very curious she's pretty much always up to something looks like she has a little bit of [Music] [Music] company [Music] oh [Music] laughs [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] little crazy crazy [Music] [Music] oh my goodness okay i think that's about enough do you see this oh my god [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what are you doing under there [Music] you guys [Music] [Music] oh there's little [Music] hey don't do that come here [Music] hi [Music] what are you doing [Music] no don't go back in there you stinker out of the pantry come here no what is that no [Music] you are so cute [Music] you better get my clothes again [Music] [Music] oh my goodness you guys are so pretty [Music] what are you doing [Music] do good girl you deserve a little cheese treat your body on the party pad good girl [Music] oh my goodness also my mom taught daisy to sit so let me get her to stand up real quick so i can show you guys sit sit good girl sit good girl oh my gosh they learn so fast at this age cozy sit sit yeah are you so excited [Music] how are you gonna get it [Music] you can go around there you go [Music] good girl [Music] good girl sit [Music] good [Music] [Music] okay [Music] stop chewing on that [Music] sit sit girl posies [Music] great girl daisy [Music] no no no don't get any smart ideas [Music] so today is the big day when the puppies are going to their new owners and i'm so sad and happy all at the same time because i'm going to miss them so very much and they're adorable little angel faces but i'm so happy that they're going to their new owners daisy and lily are going to california which is luckily not too far away and posey will be going to a local town nearby and so we'll get to visit her some more but i'm going to go downstairs and play with them because i'm going to miss them so much and i just want to play with them for one last time before they go to their new homes [Music] with this [Music] that they will oh it happened okay that scared me well that was fun we popped them lily did tasty's very cautiously inspected [Music] i think [Music] [Music] bye bye [Music] oh my goodness oh good i'm not gonna film that little stinker [Music] this is puppy life i know oh my goodness there's so many dogs [Music] good girl [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tia McIntosh
Views: 508,598
Rating: 4.9065676 out of 5
Keywords: raising yorkie puppies, cute puppy video, puppies growing up, tiny yorkie puppies, puppy life, raising puppies, having yorkie puppies, teacup yorkies, tiniest dogs, cute dog videos, long puppy video, how to raise puppies, yorkshire terrier puppies, adorable videos, 4 week old puppies, 3 week old puppies, 5 week old puppies, 12 week old puppies, tiny puppies, yorkie puppies growing up
Id: V-Q_p21E0fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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